Pete Riehm column
Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
As a Surface Warfare Officer, Pete served in varied positions at sea and ashore. Deploying multiple times to the Mediterranean and Middle East, he participated in the Cold War, DESERT STORM in Saudi Arabia, the aborted invasion and the occupation of Haiti, and conflicts in Bosnia and Kosovo. As Commanding Officer, U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Reserve Center Mobile, Alabama, he prepared and trained troops for the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
After 21 years of Naval service, Pete retired in 2005 to private business where he continues as a Commercial Real Estate broker with CRE Mobile. Specializing mostly in industrial properties, Pete is also well versed and accomplished with office, land, multi-family, and hospitality properties.
In 2009, Pete co-founded the Common Sense Campaign, the south Alabama Tea Party. Always active in politics, Pete started broadcasting Common Sense Radio weekly in 2011 on FM Talk 106.5 and syndicating his Common Sense column weekly since 2015. His columns are Christian based, constitutionally focused, and always unabashedly conservative.
Blessed more than he deserves, Pete is married to Debra, his loving wife, with three grown children (Jessica married to Nathan Hyder, Justin, & Jennie), an adopted son (Trent), and six grandchildren (Alexis, Odin, Dahlia, Torrin, Davian, & Freya).
As a Surface Warfare Officer, Pete served in varied positions at sea and ashore. Deploying multiple times to the Mediterranean and Middle East, he participated in the Cold War, DESERT STORM in Saudi Arabia, the aborted invasion and the occupation of Haiti, and conflicts in Bosnia and Kosovo. As Commanding Officer, U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Reserve Center Mobile, Alabama, he prepared and trained troops for the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
After 21 years of Naval service, Pete retired in 2005 to private business where he continues as a Commercial Real Estate broker with CRE Mobile. Specializing mostly in industrial properties, Pete is also well versed and accomplished with office, land, multi-family, and hospitality properties.
In 2009, Pete co-founded the Common Sense Campaign, the south Alabama Tea Party. Always active in politics, Pete started broadcasting Common Sense Radio weekly in 2011 on FM Talk 106.5 and syndicating his Common Sense column weekly since 2015. His columns are Christian based, constitutionally focused, and always unabashedly conservative.
Blessed more than he deserves, Pete is married to Debra, his loving wife, with three grown children (Jessica married to Nathan Hyder, Justin, & Jennie), an adopted son (Trent), and six grandchildren (Alexis, Odin, Dahlia, Torrin, Davian, & Freya).
Pete Riehm
February 11, 2025
Known for brazen corruption, Louisiana and Rhode Island may have nothing on Alabama. Is Alabama perhaps the most corrupt state in the union? Or is it just . . .
Pete Riehm
February 6, 2025
Only three weeks into Trump’s second Administration, Americans are in awe of what a dynamic president can accomplish, but leftist mainstream media is in shock . . .
Pete Riehm
January 29, 2025
A tradition dating back to 1933, the National Prayer Service, is held the morning after each presidential inauguration to pray for the nation, the people, and . . .
Pete Riehm
January 23, 2025
In the most exciting, improbable, and unbelievable political comeback in American history, President Donald J. Trump has been returned to the White House by the . . .
Pete Riehm
January 16, 2025
The wildfires ravaging Los Angeles for over a week now are an unbelievable tragedy and an unparalleled travesty. The lives lost are heart wrenching and the . . .
Pete Riehm
January 7, 2025
Protected by two oceans, America was practically invulnerable for over two centuries, but since the Jihadist terrorist attack on 9/11 in 2001, our homeland . . .
Pete Riehm
December 19, 2024
For years now, leftists and woke pop culture have been lambasting and lamenting masculinity of any kind. Maligning anything and everything masculine, they . . .
Pete Riehm
December 11, 2024
As the dust settles from the momentous 2024 presidential election, Americans seem to be breathing a collective sigh of relief. Hope and optimism are permeating . . .
Pete Riehm
November 26, 2024
This Thanksgiving a grateful, hopeful, and joyful nation will gather around tables across the country to give thanks for another opportunity for freedom. The . . .
Pete Riehm
November 20, 2024
Particularly disturbed and highly insecure at the realization of their irrelevance, the Democrat Media Complex is increasingly apoplectic with each new cabinet . . .
Pete Riehm
November 13, 2024
In the week since Donald Trump won a commanding electoral mandate and resounding popular vote victory, his supporters have been elated with relief that our . . .
Pete Riehm
November 7, 2024
Americans have suffered tremendously the past five years. Starting with the Chinese COVID virus, our economy was ravaged and our rights trampled with . . .
Pete Riehm
October 30, 2024
Alabama is a beautiful state with abundant natural resources, a dynamic robust economy, and an excellent work force, so Alabamians are constantly confused why . . .
Pete Riehm
October 22, 2024
Losing to reality and Donald Trump, Kamala Harris has no policies or record to run on, so she must deceive voters about Trump, and she must also deceive voters . . .
Pete Riehm
October 16, 2024
According to polling and rumors, Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is in trouble. She is underperforming in every demographic, including minorities who . . .
Pete Riehm
October 8, 2024
Developing suddenly in the Gulf, Hurricane Helene literally took the southeastern United States by storm and is now one of the worst hurricanes in modern . . .
Pete Riehm
September 24, 2024
The 2024 presidential election is only about 6 weeks away, and it’s hard to imagine anyone is still undecided or that the election is even close, but the . . .
Pete Riehm
September 17, 2024
Perhaps the only presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was not as impactful and momentous as Trump’s knock-out . . .
Pete Riehm
September 10, 2024
Mental illness has reached epidemic proportions across America and certainly here in Alabama. The need for substance abuse treatment far outpaces available . . .
Pete Riehm
September 4, 2024
As the sad first anniversary of the barbaric, horrific attack on Israel approaches next month, the persistent equivocating and absurd sick attempts at drawing . . .
Pete Riehm
August 27, 2024
In our typically hyper-partisan body politic, seldom do Democrats or Republicans give the other any measure of deference, much less respect. The mainstream . . .
Pete Riehm
August 20, 2024
What a crazy wild summer?! The Republican presidential candidate shot by an assassin narrowly dodges the bullet, and then the Democrat presidential candidate . . .
Pete Riehm
August 13, 2024
The silly season for campaigning, elections, and politics is upon us. Some Americans are captivated by it, while others will remain blissfully unaware, but . . .
Pete Riehm
August 6, 2024
Barely noticed in the mainstream media on this side of the Atlantic is now almost a week of widespread protests and even riots across Great Britain. Quickly . . .
Pete Riehm
August 1, 2024
The Olympics are a celebration of athletic excellence as nations around the globe send their best athletes to compete for gold and national prestige. It is, or . . .
Pete Riehm
July 16, 2024
Stunned by the brazen attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, Americans are reeling with mixed emotions and myriad questions. Angered, confused, and . . .
Pete Riehm
July 10, 2024
In the blistering chaotic aftermath of Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the internecine turmoil roiling the Democrat Party has been quite the . . .
Pete Riehm
July 1, 2024
The conventional wisdom holds that debates seldom shift opinions; they only solidify opinions, but last week’s historic debate between Donald Trump and Joe . . .
Pete Riehm
June 25, 2024
Pride month is mercifully coming to a close and it seems this year’s spectacle was milder and perhaps even more muted than some. In recent years, the LGBTQ+ . . .
Pete Riehm
June 18, 2024
The entire Biden Campaign strategy is to scare voters that the orange bogeyman is worse than Biden since Joe Biden cannot hope to win running on his abilities, . . .
Pete Riehm
June 13, 2024
Americans are generally dejected. By every metric, nothing in America is going well. At least two-thirds of Americans, according to polling, believe the . . .
Pete Riehm
June 4, 2024
The relentless persecution and ridiculous prosecution of President Trump has been beyond surreal. The zany Soviet style show trials surely surpassed all . . .
Pete Riehm
May 29, 2024
More than a few folks complain that politics has become too polarized, and indeed it seems so as differences in conservative and liberal philosophies are . . .
Pete Riehm
May 21, 2024
Another Memorial Day is upon us. Americans will dutifully and rightly gather or pause next Monday to honor and remember those who gave that “last full . . .
Pete Riehm
May 15, 2024
Democrats and leftists have been losing their minds over President Trump for over nine years now. After initially dismissing him as an unserious nonthreatening . . .
Pete Riehm
April 30, 2024
For weeks, Americans have been disgusted and stunned by rampant Pro-Hamas protests on college campuses across the country. Despite the disturbing vandalism, . . .
Pete Riehm
April 25, 2024
The mess in the Middle East is bigger and worse than at any other time in half a century. The hatred of Israel by radical Arab and Muslim groups and nations is . . .
Pete Riehm
April 16, 2024
After acutely contentious debate and tumultuous legislative wrangling, the House reauthorized the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for another two . . .
Pete Riehm
April 10, 2024
Where did all the pro-Palestinian protesters come from? How did America become overrun with terrorist sympathizers, particularly on college campuses? Open . . .
Pete Riehm
April 3, 2024
Most Americans were surprised to learn there is such a thing as the “International Transgender Day of Visibility” mostly because it fell on Easter Sunday . . .
Pete Riehm
March 26, 2024
Most of his life, Donald Trump was the darling of Hollywood and friends with Democrats and Republicans alike, until he announced his candidacy for president in . . .
Pete Riehm
March 19, 2024
Watching Joe Biden sputter and stumble through his presidency is embarrassing and frightening. Unable to express cogent thoughts, the supposed leader of the . . .
Pete Riehm
March 12, 2024
For the past few years, Democrats, leftists, and liberals have really struggled with biology. They are utterly befuddled about gender, believing there are . . .
Pete Riehm
March 7, 2024
This month marks the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama. It was the height of the civil rights movement. The 1964 Civil Rights Act was . . .
Pete Riehm
February 27, 2024
Stupid and insane statements have become so prevalent in entertainment, news, and politics that Americans have grown somewhat indifferent and numb to the . . .
Pete Riehm
February 20, 2024
Beyond an abject travesty of justice, the ridiculous $355 million New York court ruling against President Donald Trump is an indisputable lesson and warning . . .
Pete Riehm
February 14, 2024
Joe Biden’s cognitive and mental decline has been a source of comedy and concern for years, but his increasing inescapable mental lapses have become . . .
Pete Riehm
February 6, 2024
The fruits of a just God-fearing government are stability and trust. When the people share common values and virtues, they are indivisible because they pursue . . .
Pete Riehm
February 1, 2024
Illegal immigration has been an intractable problem for decades, for which there seems to be no solution. President Donald Trump finally made the only real . . .
Pete Riehm
January 23, 2024
As Donald Trump inevitably clenches the Republican nomination for president again, some still long for a more genteel, kinder, and magnanimous champion to save . . .
Pete Riehm
January 17, 2024
President Donald Trump recently excoriated Joe Biden for his abysmal “America Last” policy. Focusing on Biden’s utterly failed handling of illegal . . .
Pete Riehm
January 9, 2024
With all the missteps in foreign policy and national security from the debacle in Afghanistan to miscalculating everything about Ukraine to totally missing the . . .
Pete Riehm
December 29, 2023
More so than at any other time, truth is traded for lies, justice is elusive and unexpected, and accountability is abandoned. Government agencies and their . . .
Pete Riehm
December 19, 2023
For most of our nation’s history, Christmas was a universally unifying celebration for all Americans. Embracing “peace on earth and good will toward all . . .
Pete Riehm
December 13, 2023
The news, opinion, and entertainment site Dailywire has produced a full-length comedy film spoofing the absolute absurdity of transgenderism and exposing the . . .
Pete Riehm
December 5, 2023
After the gruesome, sadistic, unspeakable atrocities committed by drug-addled Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli civilians just a couple months ago, Israel . . .
Pete Riehm
November 20, 2023
Our wearied nation has endured some dark times the past few years, and the darkness does not seem to be dissipating. So it may seem difficult to give thanks. . . .
Pete Riehm
November 14, 2023
Chaos and turmoil seem to be the disorder of the day, every day. From gender to terror, confusion envelopes every issue. Press and pundits cannot discern . . .
Pete Riehm
November 7, 2023
Dysfunctional countries in Central and South America have long been characterized as banana republics, but increasingly the past few years, more Americans are . . .
Pete Riehm
October 31, 2023
The world has always been dangerous and messy, but suddenly chaos and war are exploding around the globe. Skirmishes in Africa, Asia, or South America are . . .
Pete Riehm
October 24, 2023
Much of the planet is holding its breath waiting for the next move in the war in Israel and wondering if it will spiral out of control into a wider regional war . . .
Pete Riehm
October 17, 2023
As the gruesome details of the vicious vile attack on Israeli civilians by the Palestinian terror group Hamas continue to develop, decent people around the . . .
Pete Riehm
October 11, 2023
The barbaric, vicious, cowardly sneak attack on Israel has shocked the world. The fact radical Jihadists attacked Israel is not really a surprise, but the . . .
Pete Riehm
October 3, 2023
Throughout his otherwise lackluster half century political career, Joe Biden has always been a dishonest, incompetent, obnoxious buffoon, but the Democrat Media . . .
Pete Riehm
September 27, 2023
Somewhat pessimistic and demoralized by routine Republican timidity, conservatives are sadly accustomed to Democrats skunking Republicans even when Republicans . . .
Pete Riehm
September 18, 2023
America is plagued with an epidemic of lawlessness. Illegal immigrants pour over our borders with near impunity and drug cartels brazenly challenge law . . .
Pete Riehm
September 13, 2023
The world has always been a dangerous place, but safe wholesome places are increasingly fewer. It’s accepted that the internet is a vile cesspool of . . .
Pete Riehm
August 29, 2023
American presidential politics have devolved into the theater of the absurd. Suffering obvious and undeniable cognitive impairments not to mention . . .
Pete Riehm
August 22, 2023
Contrary to what angry liberals and leftists spew and wish, the United States of America was founded by devout Christians on timeless Judeo-Christian principles . . .
Pete Riehm
August 15, 2023
The abject absurdities masquerading as rational and reasoned reporting has left any orbit of reality. The Democrat Media Complex fabricates fantastical . . .
Pete Riehm
August 9, 2023
For the past few years, violent crime has been spiraling out of control across the country, but our ruling elite abetted by the Democrat Media Complex are . . .
Pete Riehm
August 1, 2023
President Donald Trump has been impeached and indicted so many times, Americans have lost count and lost interest. It seems Trump can’t order lunch without . . .
Pete Riehm
July 26, 2023
In our crazy frenetic world of 24-hour non-stop propaganda posing as news, it’s difficult to discern the truth amid the demagoguery and hyperbole. Every . . .
Pete Riehm
July 19, 2023
The old adage goes “you get what you pay for,” or in other words, if it’s cheap or free, it’s probably not useful or of any quality. So, Americans have . . .
Pete Riehm
July 4, 2023
Each Fourth of July, America celebrates the birth of our great nation and our independence with backyard barbeques and fireworks everywhere, but if you watch . . .
Pete Riehm
June 28, 2023
Thankfully, the annual exhibition of depravity euphemistically known as Pride Month is coming to a close. Every June the madness peaks, but Americans are . . .
Pete Riehm
June 22, 2023
America has faced and survived many challenges in the last two and a half centuries, but we are now mired in perhaps our most perilous and pernicious threat. . . .
Pete Riehm
June 13, 2023
In modern society, it seems that men are persona non grata unless they are dressing in drag. Men doing manly things like hard work, sports, outdoor activities, . . .
Pete Riehm
June 6, 2023
Freedom of speech is the most critical and vital right of a free people. That’s why it’s enshrined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. A free . . .
Pete Riehm
May 30, 2023
Once again Pride Month is upon us—that repulsive, pretentious, provocative celebration of perversion. The malicious and misguided will howl that that . . .
Pete Riehm
May 23, 2023
On this Memorial Day, it’s time we mourn the passing of our Constitutional Republic and ponder how we failed generations of brave Americans who sacrificed . . .
Pete Riehm
May 16, 2023
Women and girls in sports have been under assault as mischievous or misguided men and boys invade female sports to deprive women of fair competition and steal . . .
Pete Riehm
May 9, 2023
Since their founding, the healthy interservice rivalry between the Armed Forces of the United States has always been fierce and often acerbic. Marines like to . . .
Pete Riehm
May 4, 2023
A cable news powerhouse for a quarter century, Fox News portrayed itself as the only reliable news source for conservative Americans. Until the last few years, . . .
Pete Riehm
April 25, 2023
The salacious sensational saga of Hunter Biden continues to drag on, teasing with corruption at the highest levels and titillating with outright sleazy homemade . . .
Pete Riehm
April 18, 2023
There always has been and will be some form of culture war. We are only aware of the current incarnation of the culture war in the sense of the last few . . .
Pete Riehm
April 12, 2023
For the vast majority of human history, people have been ruled by dictators, kings, and tyrants, so the American experiment with a democratic republic is unique . . .
Pete Riehm
April 4, 2023
Americans were stunned by the appallingly callous slaughter of children and teachers at a Christian school, Covenant Academy in Nashville. All too common mass . . .
Pete Riehm
March 28, 2023
The world has always been dangerous, but it genuinely seems to be steadily becoming more dangerous – and particularly more crazy. All the same bad actors . . .
Pete Riehm
March 21, 2023
Here we are again in another mess created by inept Democrat policies. But Biden and his cronies are able to shrug it off and somehow manage to turn it into . . .
Pete Riehm
March 13, 2023
Lack of thoroughness or transparency from government is nothing new. Governments often must make difficult decisions and sometimes do things where the overall . . .
Pete Riehm
March 6, 2023
Americans cherish freedom. Freedom requires responsibility to be enjoyed, and effective responsibility requires strict accountability for anyone who fails to . . .
Pete Riehm
February 26, 2023
(Updated March 1, 2:20 am)
The world can be an ugly place, and it seems to be getting uglier every day for many of us. In many parts of the U.S., crime is . . .
Pete Riehm
February 20, 2023
Americans are finding our homeland to be increasingly dangerous. The border is wide open for drugs, human trafficking, and illegal migrants. Crime is out of . . .
Pete Riehm
February 14, 2023
The United States has been blessed with some truly impressive men that ascended to the American presidency, arguably the most powerful position in the world. . . .
Pete Riehm
February 8, 2023
American credibility and prestige on the international stage has not been this tattered since the Carter Administration in the late 1970s. Russia is defiant as . . .
Pete Riehm
January 31, 2023
For the past half year or so, the public has been treated to a three-ring circus of mishandled classified documents. In Ring One, the Democrat Media Complex . . .
Pete Riehm
January 23, 2023
After a half century of slaughtering millions of unborn babies, the U.S. Supreme Court last year finally reversed the abominable Roe v. Wade decision. The . . .
Pete Riehm
January 17, 2023
The Biden administration has been a pathetic comedy of errors since its inauguration, but as its repeated failures have made life harder on most Americans, the . . .
Pete Riehm
January 16, 2023
In our hurried world of over-saturated information, the concept of truth has been so abused and battered that truth is not just elusive, it’s utterly . . .
Pete Riehm
January 4, 2023
We have a New Year with new promise and a new Congress with a lot of new promises, but like most New Year’s resolutions will either come to any effect or . . .
Pete Riehm
December 28, 2022
With each approaching new year, we typically pause to reflect on the year closing and ponder the year coming. Most people make New Year’s resolutions, goals . . .
Pete Riehm
December 13, 2022
Democratic forms of government are inherently fragile because they seek to give voice to the masses amid intense competition for influence and power by monied . . .
Pete Riehm
December 6, 2022
Marijuana or cannabis is not new nor is the current fascination with it as some kind of wonder drug, but what is new is the concerted effort to conflate . . .
Pete Riehm
November 28, 2022
Passing generations are always and typically concerned and critical of the younger generations, but for the current generation, it’s different. It’s not . . .
Pete Riehm
November 22, 2022
Our cherished national holiday, Thanksgiving, is upon us, but with the nation in disarray and discord abounding, Americans may be wondering for what should we . . .
Pete Riehm
November 14, 2022
Everyone, including both Democrats and Republicans, was expecting the Republicans to do well in the midterm elections. Even the press and pundits after months . . .
Pete Riehm
November 1, 2022
We are very blessed to live in south Alabama. We enjoy abundant natural resources, a vibrant culture, a diversified economy centered on a growing port, and . . .
Pete Riehm
October 25, 2022
For most of this election year, there has been much talk about a “red wave” in the midterm elections when Republicans are expected to sweep Democrats from . . .
Pete Riehm
October 17, 2022
Over a year ago, the Biden Administration blithely dismissed inflation as transitory in the summer of 2021. Rapidly spiking, after Joe Biden said it was . . .
Pete Riehm
October 10, 2022
Silly Joe Biden, nuclear weapons are for adults, or at least competent, prudent adults. In the 1970s Trix cereal ads, a reckless rabbit was always trying to . . .
Pete Riehm
October 3, 2022
Average Americans are sick and tired of politics, but politics has unnecessarily invaded every aspect of our lives. So, it’s essentially impossible to avoid . . .
Pete Riehm
September 30, 2022
The foundation for our “domestic tranquility” is based in the public trust of our law enforcement and judicial system. The United States is a nation of . . .
Pete Riehm
September 19, 2022
For years now, leftist Democrats and media have been crowing about their sanctuary cities and scolding anyone that points out the cruel exploitation of illegal . . .
Pete Riehm
September 12, 2022
People naturally seek stability where they can confidently make a living and safely raise a family. So, in its absence, the ensuing instability undermines . . .
Pete Riehm
September 6, 2022
After promising to unite the nation in his inaugural address, Joe Biden summoned the country for a primetime speech last week so he could double down on his . . .
Pete Riehm
August 28, 2022
If you think college is expensive now, wait until it’s free. Well, we are finding out that higher education has already become too expensive and at the same . . .
Pete Riehm
August 22, 2022
Average Americans are frustrated and puzzled. Regardless of good or bad, Americans just want the truth, but when they ask for the truth, they are castigated . . .
Pete Riehm
August 15, 2022
There are two guarantees in the Constitution and commemorated in the Pledge of Allegiance, “liberty and justice for all.” The admonishments of our founders . . .
Pete Riehm
August 8, 2022
Inflation continues soaring to generational records and the nation is assuredly sinking into recession. Small businesses, and particularly the middle class, . . .
Pete Riehm
August 1, 2022
The Biden Administration has badly bungled America’s China policy, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi has completely confused US-Sino relations. Well, Americans are . . .
Pete Riehm
July 25, 2022
Election integrity is vital to the survival of our Constitutional Republic. The lynchpin to the peaceful transition of power in the United States is confidence . . .
Pete Riehm
July 19, 2022
Nothing is going Joe Biden?s way, and no wonder since his disastrous wrong-headed policies have everything going against Americans. His administration insisted . . .
Pete Riehm
July 11, 2022
Confidence and faith in our government leaders, officials, and institutions has waxed and waned since our founding, but for most of our history most Americans . . .
Pete Riehm
July 5, 2022
Everyday, there’s plenty of bad news, and really, when was there a time without bad news? Adversity is just a fact of life, but it’s how we deal with . . .
Pete Riehm
June 28, 2022
As foreshadowed by a historic shocking leak of a draft Supreme Court ruling about two months ago, the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe versus Wade. . . .
Pete Riehm
June 20, 2022
Most Americans barely realize Juneteenth is now a federal holiday and too many both black and white don’t fully understand the history or appreciate the . . .
Pete Riehm
June 13, 2022
The Democrat Media Complex moans incessantly about the “war on women;” never mind that women outnumber men in college, law school, and medical school. . . .
Pete Riehm
June 8, 2022
Watching the United States of America slip into a third world stupor has Americans stunned and befuddled how the greatest nation on the earth can be failing so . . .
Pete Riehm
May 31, 2022
The absolutely senseless school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has stunned the country. Every mass murder is shocking, but the slaughter of innocent children is . . .
Pete Riehm
May 24, 2022
Americans across the country are preparing to observe Memorial Day, the annual holiday set aside to honor and remember all who served in the American armed . . .
Pete Riehm
May 16, 2022
Crime is raging across the country. Crime is not only soaring; it is becoming commonplace. Crime is occurring with such regularity it actually and sadly seems . . .
Pete Riehm
May 10, 2022
The recent malicious leak of the "draft" Supreme Court ruling that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade is again exposing two inescapable facts about the . . .
Pete Riehm
May 2, 2022
Freedom of speech is the cornerstone and touchstone of liberty in our Constitutional Republic. The most precious and important right of a free people is the . . .
Pete Riehm
April 24, 2022
As former Secretary of Defense, Roberts Gates, has stated, even Democrats know Joe Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy issue for half a century, but . . .
Pete Riehm
April 19, 2022
The American southern border has been increasingly problematic for decades. It has become a criminal problem, an economic problem, and a national security . . .
Pete Riehm
April 11, 2022
Election season is in full swing. Candidates are scurrying about, the air waves are flooded, and your mailbox is stuffed. Candidates are desperate to get . . .
Pete Riehm
April 4, 2022
Most Americans are wondering why can’t we just let kids be kids? Children are intrinsically curious, innocent, and loving; they view the world with wide-eyed . . .
Pete Riehm
March 28, 2022
The country is reeling from skyrocketing crime and there seems to be no hope in sight. Every urban area is setting crime records, and rural areas are being . . .
Pete Riehm
March 22, 2022
We are obviously well on our way to the dystopian society in George Orwell’s novel, “1984.” Addressing and allowing obvious men to pretend they are women . . .
Pete Riehm
March 15, 2022
Inflation was not an issue until Joe Biden swept away all Trump policies by Executive Order and then it started accelerating almost immediately. All last year, . . .
Pete Riehm
March 7, 2022
As the world watches the slow-moving brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine in abject horror, people around the world are repulsed and stunned. But as the arbitrary . . .
Pete Riehm
March 2, 2022
After weeks of posturing and prevaricating by all parties, the world was stunned that Russia actually finally launched a full scale military invasion of Ukraine . . .
Pete Riehm
February 20, 2022
The world has always been crazy, but western democratic governments established the rule of law to moderate human passions and mitigate human insanity. . . .
Pete Riehm
February 14, 2022
Dating back to medieval times, society was divided into three estates or classes: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners; these groups were considered the . . .
Pete Riehm
February 7, 2022
Most western governments are grounded in the principle that the ultimate power resides with the people; they have the power of the ballot and wield their votes . . .
Pete Riehm
January 31, 2022
Cancel culture is simply censorship in its snarkiest form. Freedom of speech is a threat to dictators or those just trying to dominate or oppress others. . . .
Pete Riehm
January 24, 2022
Dark clouds of war have been gathering for months and really for years, but the world has been distracted with a hyped pandemic loosed by a Chinese biological . . .
Pete Riehm
January 18, 2022
On this year’s Martin Luther King Day commemoration, Dr. King’s dream is still alive but under attack; and his message seems lost. In today’s . . .
Pete Riehm
January 10, 2022
The planet is coming up on two years of pandemic pandemonium and paranoia. In March 2020, Americans were told we needed to shut down the country for just two . . .
Pete Riehm
January 5, 2022
After a year of incessantly lying and whining about an insurrection that never happened, the Democrat media complex is still intensely insisting that the 6 . . .
Pete Riehm
January 4, 2022
After 2020, it was hard to imagine a worse year, but 2021 showed us when things are bad, they can get worse and a lot worse. With the current crazy political . . .
Pete Riehm
December 27, 2021
After 2020, it was hard to imagine a worse year, but 2021 showed us when things are bad, they can get worse and a lot worse. With the current crazy political . . .
Pete Riehm
December 21, 2021
For years, Christians, whose numbers seem to be dwindling, have complained about the commercialization of Christmas. The emphasis on gifts over the Christ . . .
Pete Riehm
December 15, 2021
More than a century ago, World War I was known as the “Great War.” Fought by nations large and small, it was touted as the “War to end all wars.” The . . .
Pete Riehm
December 6, 2021
According to the Democrat Media Complex, “white supremacy” is far and away the biggest and worst threat to American society the past couple years and to . . .
Pete Riehm
November 28, 2021
Most Americans don’t trust the media and politicians, but why does anyone believe them about anything anymore? The Democrat Media Complex pushed the Russia . . .
Pete Riehm
November 21, 2021
An out-of-control federal government is sowing chaos across the nation in every aspect of our lives with inane policies and utter incompetence. Americans are . . .
Pete Riehm
November 14, 2021
During the Trump years, the American Middle Class enjoyed a prosperous renaissance as manufacturing jobs returned and energy independence became real spurring a . . .
Pete Riehm
November 6, 2021
Americans have had enough of all the Democrat extreme leftist madness creating chaos and acrimony across the country. Americans went to the polls with a . . .
Pete Riehm
October 31, 2021
Nothing in America is going well. Literally every metric of American life is going in the wrong direction. In a new NBC poll, 71% of Americans believe the . . .
Pete Riehm
October 24, 2021
The official Alabama state motto is “Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere” which is Latin for “We dare defend our rights.” Marie Bankhead Owen, the director . . .
Pete Riehm
October 18, 2021
The Constitution of the United States opens with the bold and unique assertion, “We The People.” In that simple yet incredible declaration is the . . .
Pete Riehm
October 10, 2021
The pernicious, persistent Chinese virus pandemic is coming up on two years of plaguing the world, and it appears there is no end in sight. The truly amazing . . .
Pete Riehm
October 4, 2021
For loving parents, children are an infinite joy and immeasurable treasure; their births are truly miraculous – each one a genuine gift from God. We love our . . .
Pete Riehm
September 28, 2021
In the wake of the diplomatic debacle and military embarrassment in Afghanistan, we might expect Joe Biden’s first speech to the United Nations as president . . .
Pete Riehm
September 20, 2021
Consistent with his half century record, Joe Biden is wrong about everything. Biden Administration policies have been so damaging and detrimental that in just . . .
Pete Riehm
September 14, 2021
On the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, President George W. Bush delivered a poignant, seemingly patriotic speech at the Flight 93 crash site in Shanksville, . . .
Pete Riehm
September 6, 2021
It has been twenty years since the cowardly sneak attacks on 9/11, 2001. Americans were shocked when Islamist terrorists crashed airliners full of innocent . . .
Pete Riehm
August 30, 2021
The diplomatic and military failures in Afghanistan have been acutely aggravating, but the horrific images of hundreds of mangled bodies after a suicide bomber . . .
Pete Riehm
August 23, 2021
The unbelievable human tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan is also a travesty of epic proportions. When Afghanistan collapsed last week with alarming speed, it . . .
Pete Riehm
August 16, 2021
Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is vindicated again on one of his most controversial statements about Joe Biden from his 2014 memoir when he wrote: “I . . .
Pete Riehm
August 10, 2021
The delayed 2020 Tokyo Olympics have come and gone. Did you miss it? Did you even realize the Olympics were just held and closed out? What happened to the . . .
Pete Riehm
August 2, 2021
Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once infamously quipped, "Never let a crisis go to waste." A corollary to that liberal proverb also . . .
Pete Riehm
July 26, 2021
As the United States slides closer to socialism, the First Amendment has never been in greater jeopardy. Relentlessly and ridiculously accused of White . . .
Pete Riehm
July 19, 2021
On Sunday, 11 July 2021, thousands of Cubans took to the streets in dozens of Cuban cities to demand an end to the Castro regime and its brutal brand of . . .
Pete Riehm
July 11, 2021
With a complicit, fawning media, leftists foist an awful lot of absolutely absurd notions on Americans. They chant climate change mantras for decades, swearing . . .
Pete Riehm
July 5, 2021
Sex is surely not new, but sexualizing our culture is relatively new. About the past half century, education has been saturated and entertainment obsessed with . . .
Pete Riehm
June 28, 2021
Here upon the 245th anniversary of the founding of the United States, many Americans are wondering and worrying if we will even make it to our . . .
Pete Riehm
June 20, 2021
As with all Democrats and leftists, the Biden administration is solely based on style over substance and intentions over actions. They never want an . . .
Pete Riehm
June 14, 2021
Crime and danger are increasing; safety and serenity are decreasing. Decency and manners are waning; depravity and vulgarity are waxing. Morality is ebbing; . . .
Pete Riehm
June 7, 2021
The concept of public education is sound and in its first century was generally successful, but in the last about half century, public education has devolved . . .
Pete Riehm
June 1, 2021
After more than a year of covering for China and lying about the Chinese virus, the Democrat Media Complex and our federal government can no longer contain the . . .
Pete Riehm
May 27, 2021
Generally, Americans have little if any confidence in or trust of our federal government. The CDC has pretty much bungled the pandemic doing more damage than . . .
Pete Riehm
May 18, 2021
It only took a little over 100 days, but that good old 1970s Carter malaise is back. Biden and his leftist puppeteers were in such a rush to undo everything . . .
Pete Riehm
May 14, 2021
Americans seem to be paralyzed with disbelief; they are basically in shock. The electorate seems hopelessly divided, everything is going in the wrong direction . . .
Pete Riehm
May 10, 2021
Just when you think “woke” nonsense can’t get any sillier, over emotional under thoughtful leftists come up with more absurd insanity. In the relentless . . .
Pete Riehm
May 6, 2021
The Chinese virus pandemic has been dragging on for over a year now. First, it was no masks, then it was definitely masks, and now maybe it’s two masks. . . .
Pete Riehm
May 4, 2021
Despite Joe Biden’s consistent evasions and persistent denials during the campaign, he and his radical leftist handlers always planned to pack the Supreme . . .
Pete Riehm
May 3, 2021
For months, the Democrat Media Complex has breathlessly reported about the “deadly” Capitol riots on January 6 and robotically repeated “five dead” . . .
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.