Pete Riehm
The world shares Israel’s problems
By Pete Riehm
December 5, 2023

After the gruesome, sadistic, unspeakable atrocities committed by drug-addled Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli civilians just a couple months ago, Israel has been locked in a pitched war to eradicate the barbaric, blood-thirsty Palestinian terror organization. Despite the abominable horrors perpetrated by the Hamas monsters, most of the world has already lost the gumption to hold them accountable for their vile deeds against humanity. Hopefully, Israel will find the courage to stay the course while the world abandons them, decency, and justice—but the world shares Israel’s problems much more than many realize.

Israel tries to exist with a sworn enemy within its borders. While there are Arabs and Muslims living peacefully and even participating in Israeli governance, the Palestinians harbor radical Islamic terrorists sworn to the destruction of Israel. Europe also has fast-growing Muslim minorities unsettled in their new homes with no allegiance to or even affinity for the nations that welcomed them. While extremists Islamists are a threat everywhere, the real enemies of freedom living in Europe and the United States are globalist socialists. These determined leftists among us are the sworn enemies of capitalism, democratic institutions, and traditional values.

In any cosmopolitan country, there will be coexistence between adversaries and opponents, but true enemies are uniquely different and specific. True enemies are not satisfied with just defeating their foes, they want to erase them. Rejecting every accommodation tendered, Hamas is sworn to the absolute annihilation of Israel. The Palestinians are not guiltless as they overwhelmingly support Hamas; and so, too, every ignorant American college student that chants “From the river to the sea” also endorses the genocide of Jews. The circumstances of the Holocaust now become sadly understandable as grossly misguided American youth cheer the second Holocaust this past October.

The radical socialists who have hijacked the Democrat Party are also determined to dismantle our Constitutional Republic. They feign fealty to democracy, but they covet totalitarian rule. They've cunningly swapped equality with equity, a subtle difference. Equality simply affords all people the same opportunity, but equity seeks to provide everyone the same outcome. The only way to provide everyone the same result is to commandeer all resources and redistribute them as the ruling elite sees fit, so individual rights and self-determination must be set aside. Free enterprise must be replaced with central planning—so modern Democrats embrace fascist partnerships with big business and big tech to replace liberty with whatever security the state can bestow. That’s why leftists insist the Constitution is a living document, so they can replace it.

Despite the tragic travails Israel has endured. Israel has a blind progressive portion of their population that doesn’t recognize their mortal enemies and still believes coexistence is possible with a sworn enemy devoted to their indiscriminate extermination. Europeans and Americans also have progressive leftists committed to erasing all borders until any sense of national identity in Israel is eliminated. Though not as barbaric as Hamas’s quest to destroy Israel, the globalists are equally determined to destroy every Western nation as a sovereign entity in favor of subjugated objects of global governance. Too many Americans fail to recognize these sworn enemies of freedom are overtly pursuing their goals through the modern Democrat Party and are aided by pretenders hiding in the Republican Party.

The worst problem Israel shares with the world is a people no longer devoted to their founding principles, who have lost their moral compass and virtue. Nominally a Jewish state, their society has been overtaken by progressive decadence. So, too, has Europe abandoned its Christian roots, and America is closely following its descent into depravity and secular relativism. Hamas is wholly dedicated to its founding principles, which include never coexisting with any "infidels." Western leftists are wholly committed to totalitarian socialism, which cannot coexist with capitalism and liberty.

The problem for Israel, Europe, and America is we cannot resist a determined enemy that believes in their purpose if we do not believe in our purpose. While many Americans still cherish our Constitutional Republic, we have ceded our education system to leftists who teach our children to hate our founding. We tolerate an entertainment industry that promotes immorality and seeks to indoctrinate our children in all manner of perversion. And worst of all, we elect officials who undermine our Constitution and usurp the powers of the people for their own personal gain. Corruption and societal decay are ubiquitous. Any morally weak nation without virtue will fall.

Israel faces a violent existential struggle, but Western civilization also faces a latent existential struggle. That struggle may not seem violent compared to Israel’s war, but crime, riots, and social upheaval are rising in America. Perhaps not obvious, but we share Israel’s problems with a no less committed enemy. America can only survive if we reclaim our institutions, renew our founding principles, and return to God. Pray for Israel, but pray for America, too.

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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