Pete Riehm
Nothing in America is going well. Literally every metric of American life is going in the wrong direction. In a new NBC poll, 71% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, but Beijing Biden and the Democrat Media Complex are incessantly preaching to the public that we need to continue over the “Build Back Better” cliff. Americans are not fooled and pleading for relief, but bureaucrats, celebrities, the media, and too many elected officials ignore us. They claim we voted for this nonsense and our ruling elite are convinced they know better than average God fearing hard working Americans. The growing backlash across the nation shows no one voted for this madness!
And we are indeed seeing madness spreading throughout every level of government and permeating every aspect of daily life. The supply chain disruptions are annoying, but record inflation is eating away at real purchasing power. President Trump made America energy independent thereby guaranteeing all Americans freedom of movement with cheap energy. In just a few months, Biden and New Green Deal wackos have frittered away our energy independence and made us dependent on our enemies for expensive energy again. This hurts working Americans most. American families are suffering from these grossly misguided Democrat policies, but Biden promises more profligate spending and stupid policies that will further hobble the economy and exacerbate inflation. No one voted for a stumbling economy.
Our borders are wide open. America is being invaded by armies of illegal immigrants in record numbers and crime is sky rocketing, but Biden and his border czar dither. Their only answer is to offer $450,000 to illegal aliens for their trouble in breaking our laws. That’s more than military or 9/11 families get for their fallen – what a slap in the face! Democrats in blue cities are defunding the police and not even charging criminals; those cities have become more dangerous than many third world nations. No one voted for this border chaos and rampant crime.
Biden and his woke generals are obsessing over non-existent extremism in the military and neglecting our military readiness. Combined with feckless foreign policy, they are making us weak. Our enemies have taken note. North Korea is again firing missiles indiscriminately. Russia is threatening their neighbors. Iran is exporting terrorism and meddling in the Middle East. And China has taken Hong Kong and is moving on Taiwan. No one voted for this international instability and increasing dangers.
Biden and the militant LGBTQ+ movement are insisting Americans accept and even endorse their degeneracy and mental illness. They swear gender is fluid, so any fetish is tolerable. Homosexual marriage is not nearly enough. They demand we poison our children with their perversion; they are striving to indoctrinate our children with immorality to destroy the traditional family. No one voted for this depravity.
Biden and leftist educators are forcing “Critical Race Theory” into our schools. Parents are aghast at this Marxist curriculum dividing our children with racial hatred, but when they speak up, Biden’s Department of Justice declares concerned parents are domestic terrorists. Democrats even say parents should have no role in their children’s education. They believe your children belong to the state, so they are determined to teach them to hate America and love socialism. No one voted for our children to be brainwashed with totalitarian trash.
Messing with the economy, education, and security are not enough; Biden and his leftist henchmen want to control every aspect of your life. Biden has decreed vaccine mandates that intrude on the privacy and individual rights of every American. The federal government is usurping states’ rights and daring states to resist. Pitting employers against their employees, Biden is also cynically coercing big business to enforce their oppressive edicts. No one voted for this tyranny.
Everything in America is clearly headed in the wrong direction, but Democrats are doubling down and everyone knows it’s going to get worse. Incredibly, just a short year ago everything in America was going in the right direction. Under Trump, the economy was booming, families were prospering, businesses were returning, and citizens were largely safe. When Americans were demonstrably better off in 2020 than 2016, why in the world would they vote to return to the failed policies of the Obama years?
Biden is even worse and quicker! Barely campaigning, Biden could not and still cannot fill an elevator, but Trump has and is filling stadiums to capacity. The largest increase in popular vote for an incumbent president was when Ronald Reagan earned 10 million more votes to be reelected in a 49 state landslide in 1984 until 2020 when Trump earned over 11 million more votes than 2016. The left’s darling, Obama got about 66 million votes (3 million less than 2008) to be reelected in 2012 and Hillary Clinton got slightly less than that in 2016. Trump was elected with about 63 million votes in 2016, but garnered over 74 million votes in 2020 – and lost?! Less popular than Obama and Clinton, Biden was credited with a stunning 81 million votes! 15 million more votes than Obama, the most popular Democrat since John F. Kennedy.
It’s very difficult to imagine bumbling Biden could outperform the polished Obama. It’s also quite odd to consider the US population grew by about 7.5 million from 2016 to 2020, but over 26 million more Americans voted in 2020 than 2016! That’s an astounding never before achieved 20% increase in voter participation. Perhaps these unbelievable numbers were recorded because no one voted for this madness or this pretender.
“Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so that you may have zeal for them” (Galatians 4:17).
Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at fmtalk1065.com. Email him at peteriehm@bellsouth.net or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at http://www.renewamerica.com/.kraien
© Pete RiehmThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.