Pete Riehm
Britain burning
By Pete Riehm
August 6, 2024

Barely noticed in the mainstream media on this side of the Atlantic is now almost a week of widespread protests and even riots across Great Britain. Quickly passing through the news cycle last week was the horrific murder of three little girls (ages 6, 7, & 9) and serious injury to about ten more innocent victims in a maniacal knifing massacre at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport, England. Incensed Britons took to the streets to protest these heinous murders, but things quickly turned ugly amid racially charged confrontations and the truth immediately twisted to make facts difficult to discern.

Like America, England suffers from unbridled illegal immigration, so with the suspect initially unidentified, many people assumed this was another case of migrant violence or radical Islamic Jihad. A couple hundred protesters demonstrated at a nearby Mosque and by some reports committed some vandalism. Anger and unrest spread across England as working-class Britons took to the streets to protest the shocking stabbing spree under the theme “enough is enough” regarding illegal immigration.

In an effort to quell the national turmoil, the magistrate released the identity of the mass murderer. The suspect is a 17-year-old male (he turns 18 this week) born in Wales to Rwandan parents, but like Trump’s would-be assassin, little else is known. There is an unconfirmed report his parents were involved with a local church, but the suspect’s motive or religion are yet still undetermined.

Regardless of motive, the angst and anger of average people to such a senseless slaughter of innocent children is understandable, so one would hope cooler heads would prevail while the facts are established. Sadly, the new socialist British government has badly mishandled this crisis. With the media fanning the flames, the government immediately declared a crackdown on “far-right” violence rather than a commitment to stop the carnage and make citizens safe.

With the masses visibly upset, the government could have taken a measured approach to find the facts and seek justice, but instead chose to polarize the people by accusing them of disgruntled xenophobia. Not unlike the ridiculous demagoguery of the January 6th protests, the socialist government swiftly politicized the unrest ,blaming their political opponents They blamed the English Defence League, which has been defunct for a decade. Predictably, the anti-immigration protests were met by counter protests.

In this sadly routine age of misinformation and disinformation, we don’t know if the protests are organic or organized. The media bemoans far-right violence, but there is no mention of the machete wielding Muslim counter protests which are well-documented on social media. Tragically, the violent disorder in England has devolved into racially-charged chaos with no one really knowing the truth.

Decades of illegal immigration is certainly a factor in this untenable situation. Mass migration of Muslims into Islamic ghettoes divorced from the British culture is also problematic especially with a perceived double standard that the British government does not enforce English law on migrant minorities, but there is a more foundational cause.

Like the rest of western Europe, Christianity has all but collapsed. While 46.2% of Brits identified as Christian in 2021, practicing Christians are evaporating in England. In 2013, only 10% of Brits were members of a church and by 2015 only 5% attended church regularly; and those numbers have only plummeted since. More telling is a 2016 survey where only 28% of Brits believe there is a God, which presumably includes all religions, but 38% do not believe God even exists.

The unconscionable crime of stabbing children to death may be the work of lone mad man, but the resulting strife is the product of a barbaric society. England has clearly become a secular nation, so Christian morality has little constraint on an unbelieving populace. With church membership under four million while Muslim populations are exploding beyond four million, there are arguably more people weekly at Mosque than in church.

Regardless, England is doomed. Without widespread revival, they will remain a godless, immoral nation, or be overtaken by a devout growing Islamic populace. Brits have forsaken their Christian heritage for an indulgent, immoral, secular society and are now reaping the bitter fruit of apathy, complacency, and unbelief.

Pray for Great Britain—but this is cautionary tale for America. Illegal immigration is a big problem, but the greater problem is cultural decay. Legal immigrants are part of the fabric of America. They contributed greatly to the American experience, but that is because most of them came to be Americans. Like those born here, all are attracted to our unique freedom, but our concept of freedom springs from the axiom that our rights come from God. If America wants to avoid the dismal fate of England, we must embrace our heritage and burnish our Christian principles. That will make America great again!

“But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you” (Deuteronomy 28:15).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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