Steve A. Stone column
Steve A. Stone is and always will be a Texan, though he's lived outside that great state for all but 3 years since 1970, remembering it as it was, not as it is. He currently resides in Lower Alabama with a large herd of furry dependents, who all appear to be registered Democrats. Steve retired from the U.S. Coast Guard reserves in 2011, after serving over 22 years in uniform over the span of four decades. His service included duty on two U.S. Navy attack submarines, and one Navy and two U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Units. He is now retired after working as a senior civil servant for the U.S. Navy for over 31 years. Steve is a member of the Alabama Minority GOP and Common Sense Campaign. He is also a life member of SUBVETS, Inc., the Submarine League, and the NRA. In 2018, Steve has written and published 10 books.

The Slow Coup, Part 9
Steve A. Stone
March 19, 2025

Originally written March 10, 2016 Are you watching the goings on in Washington? Do you realize what the Republican Congress is doing about health care?  . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 8
Steve A. Stone
March 13, 2025

Originally written March 6, 2017 I assume most of you heard about the Washington Post article claiming Jeff Sessions lied to Congress in his confirmation . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 7
Steve A. Stone
March 4, 2025

Originally written March 4, 2017 When I think of the political scene in our nation today there’s one parallel that sticks in my brain, begging to get out.  . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 6
Steve A. Stone
February 24, 2025

Originally written February 27, 2017 The Democratic Party has chosen its new National Committee leadership. Tom Perez is now installed as the party . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 5
Steve A. Stone
February 18, 2025

Originally written February 20, 2017 Today is President’s Day, an official national holiday. Today we’re taught that on this day we’re supposed to . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 4
Steve A. Stone
February 4, 2025

7 Feb. 2017 I know what you’re thinking. You read the title above and the first thing that came to your mind was “No, he’s not really going to go . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 3
Steve A. Stone
January 31, 2025

30 Jan. 2016 I thought I was done with this topic, but I’m not. Muslims merit other commentary that the rules of PC don’t allow. I won’t be . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 2
Steve A. Stone
January 27, 2025

Dear Friends and Patriots, I've decided I like writing about uncomfortable ideas. Discomfort is good for us. It makes us reflect. Maybe it changes the way . . .

The Slow Coup, Part 1
Steve A. Stone
January 24, 2025

The following article was originally published on the Common Sense Campaign web page and was incorporated in the book THE SLOW COUP, published in 2017. You're . . .

Truth will out...maybe...someday
Steve A. Stone
December 4, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, For several years, I saw articles that had European population statistics indicating there has been an enormous population growth . . .

The rage
Steve A. Stone
July 24, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’m having problems lately. I know it. I admit it. I struggle against it, but it overwhelms me at times. I’m in a quiet . . .

Karl and the Utopians
Steve A. Stone
July 6, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, Karl Marx was a utopian. He was hundreds of years away from being the first of his kind. All utopians believe a perfect society . . .

Can you tell reality from psy-op?
Steve A. Stone
May 3, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’ll be fairly brief today. I know, what a relief, huh? I’ve been watching all the “madness” on the campuses of the . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
March 14, 2024

President Donald J. Trump c/o Mar-a-Lago Club 1100 Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 Dear President Trump, I’ve watched with some fascination as the . . .

The world as I view it today
Steve A. Stone
February 18, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, There are a couple of references that everyone should consult whenever the world gets squirrelly. One is The Bible, which . . .

Note to Congressman Jerry Carl (R-AL)
Steve A. Stone
January 20, 2024

Congressman Carl, I remember when President Reagan was sold out by Congress on a border deal. Today is no different. The people are told, year after year, . . .

An early Mardi Gras in Mobile?
Steve A. Stone
January 9, 2024

Dear Friends and Patriots, Happy New Year! Or, words to that effect. 2024. Gee, if I’d known I was going to live this long I’d have taken better . . .

No retreat – No surrender – No quarter
Steve A. Stone
December 2, 2023

Written by Jud Blakely, a friend of Steve A. Stone To me, Western democracies keep proving that PROSPERITY is as deadly to Faith, Freedom, and Family as . . .

Steve A. Stone
November 7, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, I'm one of those people who rarely watches any re-runs from old TV shows and hardly ever watches any movie twice. The video at . . .

'House Republicans continue delivering results'
Steve A. Stone
November 1, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, The title is the one sent to me from my congressman. My own thought about that is that it might be more true if it said: "House . . .

My dream: a portent?
Steve A. Stone
October 20, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, I had a dream last night. There were many strange aspects to it. The most strange is that I remember it vividly. That, in . . .

What does the 'common sense' man want?
Steve A. Stone
October 3, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, I consider myself a patriot and a "Common Sense" Man. The patriot part seems intuitive, doesn’t it? The second part may as . . .

Sen. Mike Lee gives us a lesson in sausage making
Steve A. Stone
September 18, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Do you want a little bit of insider info on how our Congress is not working for us? The text below was originally sent out as an  . . .

Nobel winner refutes Climate Change narrative, but his assertions contain fatal flaw in logic
Steve A. Stone
September 12, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, You who read my efforts understand I don’t like being repetitive or derivative. The reasons you hear from me less as time goes . . .

Katie Britt comes out as a neo-con princess
Steve A. Stone
August 26, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, I want you to peruse a letter authored by one of my Senators, Katie Britt. It's appended below. I was not a supporter . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
August 25, 2023

Dear President Trump, I watched your discussion with Tucker Carlson the night of 23 August. You had a great look. It was a truly good presentation. I . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
July 28, 2023

Dear President Trump, It’s been a while since I last wrote, but you’re always on my mind. Like most Americans I’m following all the legal issues you . . .

The children are the answer, but who’s questions are being answered?
Steve A. Stone
July 11, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, For a long time now I’ve been contemplating the odd preoccupation we see in our society on other peoples’ children. It’s . . .

It’s my party, and I admit I cry
Steve A. Stone
April 21, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Our very first President was our wisest. I’ve thought that for most of my life, and in my sunset years I think it more than . . .

The truth is seldom what it seems
Steve A. Stone
April 16, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, One of those ancient Greek dramatists, a guy named Aeschylus, once wrote, “In war, truth is the first casualty.” Aeschylus . . .

The responsibility is ours
Steve A. Stone
April 14, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, I send you the link to a compelling video. It was in my In-Box this morning from Mary Soukup. It centers around a recent . . .

What hath they wrought? Or, is this the harvest they had in mind?
Steve A. Stone
April 8, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Lately, I get almost nothing done around the house and yard. Every time I touch my computer, I see something else that people . . .

The true purpose of stochastic crime theory
Steve A. Stone
March 29, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you figured out what the stochastic crime theory was created for? Like all legal theories, both good and bad, this one was . . .

Do you understand stochastic terrorism?
Steve A. Stone
March 18, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, We didn’t notice when our Department of Justice began to apply a wholly new legal theory. It escaped our attention, though not . . .

VIB/BLM activists in hot federal waters in Boston – really?
Steve A. Stone
March 15, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, This is another article that should provoke lots of thought, but probably doesn't. It's the saga of a federal indictment of two . . .

A letter of apology from Naomi Wolf
Steve A. Stone
March 13, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Read the text found at this link: In it, Naomi Wolf (who should need . . .

The passage of humanity
Steve A. Stone
March 4, 2023

Dear Friends and Patriots, Death rates reported by insurance actuaries are rising, month by month. Who pays heed? Who listens to those whose careers are . . .

I have one thing left to give
Steve A. Stone
December 30, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’ve been on a journey for a while now. It started when one of my life’s mentors died in the early days of 2013. He and I . . .

A look ahead at the agenda for the World Economic Forum’s January 2023 gathering
Steve A. Stone
December 15, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, This morning I woke up with a thought, “Go on the WEF website and see what’s there that people need to understand.” I got . . .

The man from The Perfect Place
Steve A. Stone
December 4, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’ve been told almost everyone has dreams, and those who don’t dream will become psychotic. I’ve read that dreams are our . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
November 18, 2022

President Donald J. Trump c/o Mar-a-Lago Club 1100 Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 Dear President Trump, I watched your speech on the evening of the  . . .

Steve is not happy!
Steve A. Stone
November 12, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, That “third person” Steve is not at all happy with things. A lot of that has to do with the election results, but it goes far . . .

Awareness – it’s only the first step
Steve A. Stone
October 31, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Happy Halloween! That’s all I’m willing to say on the subject of today’s date. Being retired affords me liberties . . .

Do you love old cars?
Steve A. Stone
October 26, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Some of you are like me—you love old cars. Let’s talk about that for a bit. We all need to contemplate the future and using . . .

What do you expect from the Republican Party?
Steve A. Stone
October 23, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, What you see below is an expanded version of a response I gave to an email from a friend. Yesterday, I sent out a list of well . . .

More things to consider about ballot integrity
Steve A. Stone
October 9, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, On Sept. 29, I saw a post on the Port City Republican Women Facebook page that announced their Oct. 4 gathering in downtown . . .

Contemplations of Tucker Carson and the Nordstream attack
Steve A. Stone
September 30, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, A couple of days ago, I was asked to respond to Tucker Carlson’s coverage of the sabotage of the Nordstream I (NS1) & II (NSII) . . .

Women’s rights demonstrations in Iran? I’m not buying it
Steve A. Stone
September 26, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you taken a look at the demonstrations in Iran? Yeah, they’re at it again. Every few years some people there appear to . . .

Want to understand more about voting machine vulnerabilities?
Steve A. Stone
September 22, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today I'm forwarding a link I found out about today on It's to a documentary called '[S]election Code.' Not . . .

My thoughts about human composting
Steve A. Stone
September 21, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, The Blaze ran an article on September 20 by Joseph Mackinnon that concerns the composting of human remains. The link is below for . . .

I could have, but didn't
Steve A. Stone
September 12, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I could have sent this to you on the 21st anniversary of 9-11, but I didn't. I didn't send it the week before, either. Perhaps I . . .

Bloody Hill: Watch this documentary for a different approach to the events of 6 Jan
Steve A. Stone
September 2, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Watch this documentary for a different approach to the events of 6 Jan. There are two narratives. The documentary BLOODY HILL . . .

NIH web pages contain some very interesting information
Steve A. Stone
August 31, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’ve been digging a bit this a.m. Once in a while things just set me off and I find myself searching for smoking guns. As far . . .

Stop World Control
Steve A. Stone
August 28, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, I'm forwarding a link of great interest. It's to a website run by a man named David Sorensen. Sorensen is a Belgian who . . .

A thought or two on the Trump raid
Steve A. Stone
August 22, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, The Mar-a-Lago raid. What was it about? Why was it done? Where will it all lead? There’s the obvious: the answers given by . . .

'The Fall of the Cabal'
Steve A. Stone
August 16, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, I refer you to a very long series of videos that are part of a body work that goes under the general title: THE FALL OF . . .

GB News' Neil Oliver censored
Steve A. Stone
August 14, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, You all should be familiar with British journalist Neil Oliver's editorials. They're becoming legendary. Oliver is the William . . .

Another voice who knows what's going on
Steve A. Stone
August 12, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, I'm forwarding the link to an infomercial. Yes, an infomercial. But, not just any infomercial. This one is focused . . .

The debt bomb: Enemy of all freedom?
Steve A. Stone
July 19, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I've written many times on the subject of debt and deficits. Even so, my efforts were not nearly as fact-rich as the video . . .

A short ride on the Remdesivir trail of tears
Steve A. Stone
July 18, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I've heard a lot about Remdesivir for the past two years. The NIH treatment protocol for COVID seems to require it if a patient . . .

The Department of Interior continues the war on energy
Steve A. Stone
July 16, 2022

Dear Friend and Patriots, The Department of Interior (DoI) has submitted its new offshore drilling lease plans for the next 5 years. If you look at the . . .

Who works for whom?
Steve A. Stone
July 10, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I often refer to the “Deep State” and the “Swamp” in my more recent writings. I’ve described who peoples those two . . .

It’s time!
Steve A. Stone
July 9, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, We contemplate time. There's a sense that "now is the time" or "time is running out." There is a growing unease associated with . . .

A video of Dr. Zev Zelenko
Steve A. Stone
July 5, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, You all should know of Dr. Zelenko by now. He became world-famous for several reasons, mostly because he developed the COVID . . .

Peering into the darkness
Steve A. Stone
June 18, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’ve stated before, I’m no seer and no prophet, but I still see what I see. Today, I see a huge tragedy looming. Actions by . . .

What you don’t hear is often the most important
Steve A. Stone
June 15, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Once in a while, I’m asked why I started writing. It’s not an important question. If I was an “important” writer, it . . .

The miracle of the Pentecost
Steve A. Stone
June 7, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, The miracle of the Pentecost actually begins near the beginning of history. If you understand the story of the Tower of Babel in . . .

A libertarian's reaction to one statistic
Steve A. Stone
June 6, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, The link below is to something I heard discussed live on Glen Beck's program last week. It involves the short-term effects of . . .

Compare and contrast the opposing voices
Steve A. Stone
June 1, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I want you to watch a couple of video interviews done since the school shooting in Uvalde TX. The first is Sandra Smith on Fox . . .

A house of pain
Steve A. Stone
May 29, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I live in a house of pain. You do too, though you might not be aware of it. Everyone’s house is a bit different. Over two . . .

Who should you want for your representative in Congress?
Steve A. Stone
May 13, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, This missive has a very specific purpose, though a non-specific audience. I hope to provoke some level of dedicated thought on . . .

My body…my what?
Steve A. Stone
May 7, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, For the past three-plus decades we’ve all been assailed by the slogan "My Body, My Choice” (MBMC). Have you ever wondered . . .

Letter to Donald Trump – 2 May 2022
Steve A. Stone
May 1, 2022

President Donald J. Trump c/o Mar-a-Lago Club 1100 Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 Dear President Trump, It’s been a while since I last wrote to . . .

The Vigano tapes
Steve A. Stone
April 26, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I know, I'm imposing on you again. My apologies. Tonight I want to share an incredible conversation with you. It's in the . . .

Some truths about Disney and taxes
Steve A. Stone
April 24, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’m certain you’ve all seen, heard, and read things about the Disney-DeSantis flap. It’s evident who’s winning that tug . . .

The secret that rules the world
Steve A. Stone
April 15, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I'm forwarding something that's bound to rile more than one of you, for more than one reason. It's a very looooong video. I . . .

Think what you will
Steve A. Stone
April 14, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, You all know about rules of evidence, I assume. It's those rules that keep the court systems more or less working. Evidence has . . .

The Whitmer fiasco
Steve A. Stone
April 9, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Perhaps you didn't bother to follow the truly bizarre case of the Whitmer Kidnappers. If you didn't, then you also didn't make a . . .

Why don’t my government work?
Steve A. Stone
April 6, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, For decades now we’ve use the term “do nothing Congress.” Do you know where that label came from? It may surprise you. It . . .

Our ‘Will Smith’ moment is upon us
Steve A. Stone
March 29, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Can you tear yourself away from following the Will Smith – Chris Rock slappy-face tiff long enough to focus on something that . . .

This stuff really tires me
Steve A. Stone
March 15, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, There are times when I just want to quit and walk away. I get so tired of the same old “stuff” that I want to puke. The . . .

A most reluctant Republican
Steve A. Stone
March 10, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, This missive is long in coming. I’ve contemplated it for almost a year. I commit it to you now with some sense of regret and . . .

The government gets serious about cryptocurrency
Steve A. Stone
March 5, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you heard of the National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team (NCET)? If you’re not a cryptogeek you probably haven’t, but . . .

The connectedness of all
Steve A. Stone
February 26, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I may do something different and keep this dialog brief. Those of you who’ve been with me for any length of time won’t need . . .

Some casualties of mandatory vaccination requirements aren't medical
Steve A. Stone
February 22, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Want to understand just a bit more about how the COVID vaxx and booster campaign has affected people? Read the letter found at . . .

A primer on the coming dystopian personal ID and financial system
Steve A. Stone
February 13, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Are you wondering what your future might look like? Are you wondering if the remnant freedoms you still cherish will exist ten . . .

Steve’s survival plan
Steve A. Stone
February 8, 2022

Introduction We live in uncertain times. Every aspect of our lives is filled with uncertainty. It’s terribly unsettling to some, while others seemingly . . .

There’s an awakening in process
Steve A. Stone
January 27, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’m frustrated. I’ve been frustrated for a very long time. In fact, I think that word – frustrated – describes all my . . .

Have we been too productive?
Steve A. Stone
January 17, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you noticed a new sub-narrative that’s been trotted out? It goes something like this: We Americans need to get over . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
December 30, 2021

President Donald J. Trump c/o Mar-a-Lago Club 1100 Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 31 December 2021 Dear President Trump, The last thing I wrote . . .

The Republicans are the problem
Steve A. Stone
December 28, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’m a dues-paying member of the Republican Party. I’ve been a Republican by inclination all my life, but it was only in . . .

Let’s decide who we are, once and for all
Steve A. Stone
December 24, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, We used to lead. Now, we are the led. And, we should be ecstatic about it! At least someone, somewhere, is doing what needs to . . .

To jab, or not to jab?
Steve A. Stone
December 10, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, To begin, I need to divulge a personal conflict of interest. I’ve worked for the US government in one capacity or another all . . .

Fighting fire with…more fire?
Steve A. Stone
December 4, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, We’ve all heard the old saw about fighting fire with fire, right? That saying has been around since Noah was a rookie seaman.  . . .

In memoriam – Michael C. Ruppert
Steve A. Stone
December 1, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I have a friend who makes his living at the Mobile Flea Market. He’s a really different sort of guy who seemed to like me the . . .

The Rittenhouse trial shows us truth
Steve A. Stone
November 19, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, Waiting is something I'm good at. I was a submariner once upon a time. I spent weeks upon weeks waiting for things to happen.  . . .

Taking today’s pulse
Steve A. Stone
October 20, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, What good is Donald Trump doing? That’s a question everyone should be asking, both pro- and anti-Trump people. We should all . . .

The anticipation
Steve A. Stone
October 8, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I don’t know about you, but anticipation for the future is having a truly dramatic effect on my being. To say it’s disturbing . . .

I have this friend
Steve A. Stone
September 29, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I have this friend named Jud Blakely. You can look him up. He’s known. Jud and I correspond regularly and collaborate when we . . .

Are you ruled by fear?
Steve A. Stone
September 14, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, Ever since the never-ending COVID pandemic got underway, I’ve warned it was some kind of scam. I’ve warned it was being used . . .

Why do they run?
Steve A. Stone
September 3, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, “I’m running because my friends keep telling me I ought to.” Have you ever heard a candidate for a political office make . . .

Truth, lies, and our duty
Steve A. Stone
August 18, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, What should we want from our government? I mean, beyond the usual stuff, like “protection from our enemies.” I don’t know . . .

Total warfare? Almost!
Steve A. Stone
August 5, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, Are you familiar with the term “total warfare?” It’s a real thing, you know. It’s no-holds-barred, all-fronts conflict . . .

The war is over
Steve A. Stone
July 12, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, Some things in life are good, regardless of who accomplishes it. It is a bit odd, though. You should recall President Trump's . . .

Letter to Donald Trump - 9 June 2021
Steve A. Stone
June 9, 2021

Dear President Trump, It's been a while since I last wrote to you. I've wanted to for weeks, but finally had to admit events in my life had come to the . . .

Thoughts of Jews and today's conflict in Israel
Steve A. Stone
May 19, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, Below is an excerpt from an excellent and thoughtful article by Alan Bergstein, published yesterday at RenewAmerica. The article . . .

A few words about a few topics
Steve A. Stone
May 5, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, There’s a lot of “stuff” in the air, isn’t there? I hear a lot that needs explaining and commenting on. You hear it too, . . .

Letter to Congressman Carl
Steve A. Stone
April 15, 2021

Congressman Jerry Carl 1330 Longworth House Office Building 15 Independence Ave SE Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman Carl, You and I have known . . .

The Fourth Horseman
Steve A. Stone
April 10, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, When I survey the powers of the world today and consider our mutual future, I can easily draw parallels with certain references . . .

A brief rumination on the dilemma posed by Muslims in America
Steve A. Stone
April 1, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, The following was written in response to a friend who sent a link to me. The link was to an article in The Federalist that . . .

A report on the state of the world
Steve A. Stone
March 17, 2021

8 Mar. 2021 Dear Friends and Patriots, Once in a while I find it instructive to think about things a bit holistically. We Americans are notorious for our . . .

A true story of miracles and redemption
Steve A. Stone
March 7, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I have a cousin who almost shares my name. I'm not talking about my good cousin Stephen Stone, the one married to the lovely . . .

Have you read H.R. 5?
Steve A. Stone
March 3, 2021

Written 12 May 2019 Dear Friends and Patriots, H.R. 5? What is that? It’s a bill registered in the U.S. House of Representatives on 13 March 2019.  . . .

Have you read H.R. 5?
Steve A. Stone
March 2, 2021

12 May 2019 Dear Friends and Patriots, H.R. 5? What is that? It’s a bill registered in the U.S. House of Representatives on 13 March 2019. Its short . . .

Sammy Slimjim and Freddy Fastfinger
Steve A. Stone
February 9, 2021

Sammy "Slimjim" Brooks was a Machinist Mate. Not a particularly dedicated one, but he generally knew his job and most people liked him. There wasn't much to . . .

This is something special! Pay attention!
Steve A. Stone
February 6, 2021

I want you all to watch the video at the link below. It's fast-paced, which may at first make you a bit leery of it, but watch it over and over and focus where . . .

Tommy Hayward and me
Steve A. Stone
February 3, 2021

I never met Admiral Tom Hayward. Not once. But he was a giant influence in my life. There's no question of that. I'll tell you one of my short tales. I . . .

Letter to Donald Trump – 23 Jan 2021
Steve A. Stone
January 24, 2021

Last year, I wrote ten letters to you. My flawless records indicate the dates of those letters: 10 Feb., 9 Apr., 1 May, 21 July, 14 Aug., 23 Sep., 26 Oct., 16 . . .

A letter to Joe
Steve A. Stone
January 17, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, What you'll see below is a letter I wrote that I haven't been able to deliver. I'm being blocked in many ways and am nearly . . .

How I learned to love God
Steve A. Stone
January 14, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, I don't know how many of you are actual believers in God. Of those who claim to be, I have no idea how many are "casual" . . .

A report from the field – 8 Jan.
Steve A. Stone
January 13, 2021

8 Jan. 2021 Dear Friends and Patriots, and especially all those who write for publication on, I no longer have access to a computer with . . .

A report from the field – 6 Jan.
Steve A. Stone
January 12, 2021

6 Jan. 2021 Dear Friends and Patriots, and writers for, This is not an article. It's a request and a report. I hope you will consider . . .

A devious mind
Steve A. Stone
January 11, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots, All is not lost. Take heart! Try to steel yourselves for hardships to come. We have no real idea of what that might be, but we . . .

Some thoughts on what the anarchists may be planning
Steve A. Stone
January 3, 2021

I may be going with a group to Washington, D.C., for the 6th. I expect a crowd of over 1M people there. Busses are being leased all over the country, all . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
December 31, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 31 Dec. 2020 Dear President Trump, This may be the last . . .

Letter to President Trump, 3 December 2020
Steve A. Stone
December 3, 2020

Dear President Trump, I hope this letter finds you and your family doing well, despite all the pressures that are certain to bear upon you all. We are in . . .

“Drop and Roll:” How The 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump
Steve A. Stone
November 22, 2020

I can't swear to the percentages of votes described in the video below. I do understand the point, and it's the same point being made by Rudy Giuliani and . . .

Letter to President Trump, 16 November 2020
Steve A. Stone
November 16, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Trump, My last letter to you was sent on 26 . . .

Elections: There are so many ways to steal
Steve A. Stone
November 12, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, If you are confused with all that's going on, allow me to offer explanations of the various kinds of voter fraud. Once you’ve . . .

Death watch 2020 – Has Fox News cut its throat?
Steve A. Stone
November 11, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, This morning, I listened to Glenn Beck on the way to work. I think an appropriate title for his first program segment might be  . . .

Something old, something new; something borrowed, and something purple
Steve A. Stone
November 2, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I rarely send out any of my old articles for any reason. It’s easier to create something new, especially with all that’s in . . .

Letter to President Trump. 26 Oct 2020
Steve A. Stone
October 26, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 26 October 2020 Dear President Trump, I hope it doesn’t . . .

Some dark truth about green
Steve A. Stone
October 20, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, No good deed ever goes unpunished! That's an axiom of life we should all learn to accept. I accepted it very early in my own . . .

Haters hating haters
Steve A. Stone
October 11, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Let me begin this missive with a quote: “No one hates better than a hater hating haters!” Who said that? I DID! I’ve . . .

Letter to President Trump – 23 Sep 2020
Steve A. Stone
September 24, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 23 September 2020 Dear President Trump, I hope this letter . . .

How are killers created?
Steve A. Stone
September 9, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I keep communicating my concerns for our immediate future. You who read my words know I’ve long been concerned over escalations . . .

The choice becomes clearer
Steve A. Stone
September 4, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, If you’ve been following the national conversations, especially the conversations held in the mainstream media and among the . . .

The Hegelian convention report
Steve A. Stone
August 22, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Before this week, I intended to watch the Democratic Party National Convention and critique some of the more noteworthy speeches . . .

Letter to President Trump – 14 August 2020
Steve A. Stone
August 14, 2020

Dear President Trump, My last letter to you was sent on 20 July. If you haven’t read it, I highly encourage you to do so. Based on what I don’t see and . . .

The World Economic Forum – Davos Summit
Steve A. Stone
August 10, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I have come to loathe authoring these dire warnings of impending doom. Last week, I promised myself I would lighten things up.  . . .

About Joe Biden
Steve A. Stone
August 3, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, No one likes to admit they were wrong, but most times it’s the right thing to do. I’ve admitted it before, but today I want . . .

What do we do now?
Steve A. Stone
July 25, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, We’re watching quite a show on our TVs aren’t we? That is, those of us who don’t live in a major U.S. city. Those who do . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
July 21, 2020

Dear President Trump, I last wrote to you on 1 May. In the interim, I’ve been watching the progress of both the pandemic and the social unrest that’s . . .

Taking it from the top
Steve A. Stone
June 21, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I’m going to use an analogy to help you better understand this argument. The subject of this offering regards all that’s . . .

What do they want?
Steve A. Stone
June 9, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, The most oft asked question in recent days is “What do they want?” The answers we’ve heard postulated and elaborated upon . . .

History repeats, whether you know it or not
Steve A. Stone
June 6, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today’s missive is based on a Facebook post I posted today, Saturday, 6 June 2020. Before I get into that, I want to pause and . . .

My letter to Attorney General Barr
Steve A. Stone
June 4, 2020

Hon. William P. Barr Attorney General of the United States of America U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001  . . .

Protests, riots, and the Boogaloo
Steve A. Stone
May 30, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, We woke up this morning to a nation on fire. Not the whole nation, by far, but enough to fill our TV screens for hours on end.  . . .

The new normal
Steve A. Stone
May 27, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you heard the many talking heads on TV telling us we have to get used to a “new normal?” It’s an interesting reference . . .

The Russia hoax, boringly revealed
Steve A. Stone
May 14, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Have you ever read the House Intelligence Committee web page at: ? If you haven’t, I recommend . . .

Letter to President Trump, May 1, 2020
Steve A. Stone
May 2, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 1 May 2020 Dear President Trump, I apologize in advance for . . .

Vernon Jones walked away
Steve A. Stone
April 26, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, You’ve heard the story of Vernon Jones, haven’t you? I hope you understand what his story is really about. He does. I’m . . .

It’s a libertarian’s kind of time
Steve A. Stone
April 19, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I assume all of you saw videos of the protests in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and several other states against the continuance of . . .

Letter to President Trump
Steve A. Stone
April 9, 2020

President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 8 Apr. 2020 Dear Mr. President, I'm writing to discuss . . .

The U.S. Marines are on my mind today
Steve A. Stone
April 1, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Today, as I was driving to work, I heard a story on National Public Radio that really got my attention. I had a very hard time . . .

Club for Growth targets Mr. Carl
Steve A. Stone
March 24, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, The late Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tip O'Neal (D-MA), used to say "All politics is local." It's an axiom he . . .

Is the oil war only an oil war?
Steve A. Stone
March 23, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Are you loving those cheaper gas prices? It's like getting a small pay raise, isn't it? But, let's look a bit deeper and . . .

Letter to Attorney General William P. Barr
Steve A. Stone
March 19, 2020

Hon. William P. Barr Attorney General of the United States of America U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001  . . .

Coronavirus – a convenient disease?
Steve A. Stone
March 15, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, Does the coronavirus, a.k.a. COVID-19, have you altering your behavior? Does it make you just a bit nervous? Do you worry that . . .

The Biden gambit
Steve A. Stone
March 14, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, It's only right for me to make a couple of confessions and admissions up front. I made predictions and observations last year . . .

A discussion of freedom and liberty
Steve A. Stone
March 13, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I watched Mark Levin interview Charlie Kirk on Life, Liberty, and Levin. It was an amazing experience, and to me, one of the most . . .

Letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Steve A. Stone
March 10, 2020

From the desk of STEVE A. STONE 25 Feb. 2020 Mrs. Betsy DeVos Secretary of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-7100 Dear Mrs. . . .

Why we need to communicate with our leaders
Steve A. Stone
March 9, 2020

Dear Friends and Patriots, I've decided the best thing I can do this year is write to those in power and give them one or more pieces of my mind. It's . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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What’s happening at the NCGA: The good, the bad, and the dangerous!

Tom DeWeese
Supreme Court rules Utah doesn’t have a right to its own land

Steve A. Stone
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Killing Christians in Syria

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'Greatest quotations' by the greatest liberals (of all time?)

Pete Riehm
When you have no ideas, just curse and pout

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AI reveals which reading method is best
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