Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
For several years, I saw articles that had European population statistics indicating there has been an enormous population growth of Middle Eastern Muslims in every European country. The articles always postulated the year in which each country would become majority Muslim, based on unsustainable native birth rates when compared to the "standard" birth rate given for all those same Muslim populations, which was routinely reported as 8.0. I reviewed a video by Glenn Beck, item #2 in today's Blaze feed, that cites far different statistics, yet Beck makes even more startling points. Today I admit I have no idea what the Muslim population is in any European country. They may be nearing Muslim majorities, or they could be well below 10% of their national totals. I'm not sure of any data at this point, nor how to reliably verify it.
Glenn Beck seems to be more interested in drawing parallels. Pay close attention to what he's showing, reading, and commenting on. It seems to indicate that, once again, if we want to see our future, we only have to look to Europe. They are blazing the trail our government seems to intentionally follow. The citations from French media seem most pertinent.
I have to say I question some numbers Beck cites. He claims a new mosque opens every two weeks, but is he talking about France alone, or all of Europe? If you listen closely, it's not clear what the basis for that claim actually is. For all I can tell, it could be worldwide. The numbers regarding churches appear valid. The number of churches closed and/or destroyed may be accurate, but is only understandable if juxtaposed with information that might lead us to understand how many of those churches were essentially closed and abandoned. The truth of Europe is that all the nations there are secularized to the point that church attendance is an anomaly. Empty churches ... that's become the norm. Not so in formerly Eastern Bloc countries, where the populations are regular attendees in their houses of worship. It's all very concerning, but what is real and what is not?
What is not is when any nation forgets what made it the country it is. Nations have cultures and cultural identities. When governments concentrate only on laws and address national policies through the lenses of political ideologies, they will always run the risk of diminishing the cultural identity of their nations. Politicians may want us to believe it's just cultural Darwinism at work when it's truly a result of governmental Darwinism – the evolutionary policies governments pursue, and not reflective of the true will of the people. I know of no nation and no culture that wants to die.
Beck ends up making the right points. He's telling us we have a choice, but our own choices have to be reflected in the actions of our politicians. If we allow regimes like Macron's, Merkel's, and Biden's to be repeated, ad infinitum, we will watch as all western nations slowly dissolve.
I have two points made that I want to emphasize. One regards numbers. They're often cited, and more often repeated, but they have to be questioned each and every time. Just because something you read appears to be data-rich doesn't mean ANY of the data presented is valid. Unless you have independent ways to validate and verify, it's best to always reserve some doubt and not place all your bets on what's in front of you. In the case I presented above, the situation in Europe is either truly dire or something that can be corrected if different governmental philosophies were adopted. There's a vast difference between a minority population that's verging on becoming a majority and one that compromises <10%. The first claim may have been to incite fear, or to serve only as a warning. Then, again, it may have been a government-created claim meant to justify policies that were controversial or unpopular. The claim of <10% may be wrong as well. It could be cited now in order to create a false analogy with the current 6% Muslim figure that's cited for the U.S. In either case ... HOW DOES ONE KNOW?
Meanwhile, the overall concern and warning about the prospect of cultural death is valid.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.