Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I’ve been digging a bit this a.m. Once in a while things just set me off and I find myself searching for smoking guns. As far as I can tell, there are quite a number of such things on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) web pages. I decided to glean a few of them and make it easier for you to understand why I consider the entire COVID pandemic to be a scam. It’s not for no reason at all. I was never guided in my thoughts by disinformation or conspiracy theories. I’ve always listened to the story lines and, from the very first week of the US involvement in this episode of world history, have always detected a lot of nonsense in the narratives offered. I won’t go into them here. You should know that every single story we’ve been offered up, including how and when the virus originated, to the treatment protocols, to the so-called vaccine efficacy – all have had elements to them that were suspect. All have turned out to be lies. Even today those lies persist in the current NIH discussions, which are updated regularly, and in the approved treatment protocols, which are also updated regularly.
What I offer you today are three things. 1. The truth about Ivermectin v. COVID. 2. Truth about testing methodologies. 3. Truth about virus cultures, which leads to truth about the virus itself. Let us begin.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/ Note the date of the report. June 2021. Note this statement:
Conclusions: Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Why is this important? Because the “official” dialog has consistently recommended against the use of “horse paste” even though the NIH has known all along that Ivermectin’s anti-inflammatory effects had very positive results against early COV-2 infections. They have also consistently ignored the experiences of third world tropical countries where Ivermectin is taken regularly and acute COVID infections have always been few. It’s important because the guidelines skew heavily in the favor of very expensive drugs instead of the very cheap ones.
Current NIH guidelines that recommend against using Ivermectin except in trials, per this sentence:
The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials (Alla).
Why is this important? It’s proof of a bias against cheap, provably effective treatments.
Testing. The report contains this sentence:
A number of diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection (e.g., NAATs, antigen tests) have received Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but no diagnostic test has been approved by the FDA.
Why is this important? Because the NIH knows perfectly well none of the test methods they discuss is specific to COVID. They may all be able to indicate the presence of a virus, many viruses, or more likely, virus fragments. We all have viruses in us. All the time. The fact that there’s no specific for COVID infection is important because it means the tests are useless to make a specific diagnosis. Any positive result should be suspect. Treating anyone as positive for COVID based on any swab or blood test may change the statistics the way the government wants, but do not give true indications of precisely what virus anyone may have. That can only be done by culturing samples. Therein lies the true issue.
Cultures. The link is to a typical study done of cultures of the COV-2 virus. This study methodology was very much like others. It contains this sentence:
Nasopharyngeal samples were collected in 2?mL viral transport media, while sputum, urine, and stool samples were collected in containers. Samples were subjected to total nucleic acid extraction using a viral RNA mini kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany).
Why is this important? Because it reveals the truth that the COV-2 virus has never been cultured. All testing is based on swab sampling and subsequent RNA sequence replications, which means the PCR test methodology is used to increase the sample size to a useable amount. The implications are born out in this sentence:
Our study is generally consistent with previous studies; RT-PCR detected SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs, lower respiratory tract specimens, and rectal swabs, but not in urine samples, and the virus could not be isolated from serum, urine, and stool samples although SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected. We investigated with different specimens and found that urine and stool were less likely routes for transmission.
The underline was added by the author. The one clause is what you need to understand. It’s a clear statement that the testing found viral material, but no actual complete virus. If you know how vaccines are normally made you understand a whole, live virus is cultured in a media that allows for it to replicate. Normally vaccines are made of either dead or severely weakened whole viruses, which stimulate the body’s immune response. Could it be that the shots now offered as vaccines are the result of the scientists’ inability to find any actual COV-2 virus to culture? All that’s been detected and “cultured” to date are virus fragments. It would appear likely with the inability of any test to discriminate and pinpoint actual COVID infections and the fact that there are no live and whole COV-2 virus cultures in existence. That has been reported by researchers before; researchers who have a better ability to understand than any of us. The essential message is – there may not be any actual COV-2 virus that exists.
We know from Congressional testimony that the NIH gave research grants to the lab in Wuhan, China, to do gain of function research on coronaviruses. We know all the history of the outbreak and subsequent spread. What we don’t actually know today is exactly what the COV-2 virus that causes COVID looks like. We don’t, because it’s never been cultured. We don’t, because it could well be that what we’ve always been told was COVID wasn’t COVID at all, but a new, lab-created strain of influenza. Yes, that’s what I’m suggesting. It occurs to me to suggest to you all that this entire scam was cooked up over many years and pushed on the people only as a means to see how controllable we are if we fear death by a mysterious disease. The entire COV-2 saga has been the subject of multiple war games – the last one was the infamous Event 201, held in New York City in October, 2019. There are many bits of anecdotal evidence that strongly suggest the entire COVID saga was pushed upon us solely as a means to get people to line up to take shots. It’s been a huge money-maker for those who own patents on viruses, virus testing methodologies, and on various very expensive drugs that had no real use until COVID came along. Was the inoculation of billions of people around the world with so-called “vaccines” and boosters the ultimate objective of the “plandemic.” We don’t yet know.
One thing is for certain, though. Eventually, WE WILL KNOW.
Use the links. Do your homework. Learn. Understand. It’s all about critical thinking. Don’t take anything at face value. It’s just like the tag-line for the old TV series The X-Files: The truth is out there. Go and find the truth.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.