Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic commentator with a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication, media, and theatre from Northeastern Illinois University. He also has an Associate in Applied Science degree in business management from Triton College. Abbott has been interviewed on HLN, MSNBC, Bill Martinez Live, WOSU Radio in Ohio, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's 2019 ‘Unsolved’ podcast about the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz, Alex Shuman's 'Smoke Screen: Fake Priest' podcast, WLS-TV (ABC) in Chicago, WMTV (NBC) and WISC-TV (CBS) in Madison, Wisconsin. He’s been quoted in The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other media outlets. He’s mentioned in the 2020 Report on the Holy See's Institutional Knowledge and Decision-Making Related to Former Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick (1930 to 2017), which can be found on the Vatican's website. He can be reached at
(Note: I welcome and appreciate thoughtful feedback. Insults will be ignored. Only in very select cases will I honor a request to have a telephone conversation about a topic in my column. Email is much preferred. God bless you and please keep me in your prayers!)
Below is a reprint of my 2024 column on the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz, whose body was discovered the morning of March 4, 1998 at his parish in Dane, . . .
Readers might remember Catholic writer, researcher and commentator Kevin J. Symonds from a previous interview I did with him for his book Refractions of Light . . .
Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Jeffrey S. Grob has been named the 12th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Pope Francis, the Vatican announced Monday, Nov . . .
In 1995, just a year out of high school, I went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was an edifying trip overall. At the time, I was swept . . .
According to CBS News Chicago:
Cardinal Blase Cupich sent a letter to St. Josaphat Parish and School at Southport and Belden avenues, informing the parish . . .
Father William C. Graham, a priest whose case I covered for several years in this column, has announced his retirement.
The Diocese of Duluth released the . . .
A pro-life advocate recently wrote in an email to me and others (excerpted and lightly edited by me):
Around the nation on June 24, we will celebrate the . . .
The last several years I’ve been covering the case of the Rev. William C. Graham, who in 2016 was removed from active ministry for what the Diocese of Duluth, . . .
“This is the hardest type of ‘who-dun-it’ case for law enforcement: a solitary man, with no (or very limited) witnesses to his life. No calendar, no . . .
Once again, it seems Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio for those who believe he’s a gaslighting antipope) wants to change Catholic teaching without changing . . .
Catholic author and journalist Michael H. Brown, editor of, has a new book out: Future Events: A Prophecy of Coming Times. Click here to order a . . .
Below is an interview with Catholic author Susan Tassone, who discusses her newly-published first book for children on purgatory, New Friends Now and Forever: A . . .
I posed the following question (via email) to Father Chris Alar of the Marian Fathers:
Regarding the Church-approved apparition at La Salette: the Blessed . . .
I’ve written about the Darnowski family in past columns (see here, here and here). One of the Darnowski children is my godchild. There’s been an unfortunate . . .
A bitter feud that began weeks ago between the bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth and a Carmelite monastery has reached a fever pitch. Lawyers, a lawsuit, and . . .
It’s extremely disappointing to the see the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring a group that celebrates the mocking of Christianity in general and Catholicism in . . .
I recently received the following email (lightly edited by me) from Father Christopher Senk of Fort Myers, Florida:
I have not been allowed to function as . . .
An eerie coincidence – or perhaps Godincidence – I came to realize in recent months: My father, Geoffrey J. Abbott, passed away last year. April 15, 2022, . . .
According to an April 16 statement from the Wisconsin Department of Justice:
Attorney General Josh Kaul and Walworth County District Attorney Zeke . . .
Two Catholic priests who Church officials found not guilty of abuse are still being kept out of public ministry by their bishops.
According to a recent story . . .
(The following is an updated version of an article published on the websites of The Remnant and Catholic Family News in 2021. Also, I appeared on a recent and . . .
Two organizations known for their political conservatism and activism are apparently experiencing a degree of turmoil: Project Veritas and Priests for Life.
. . .
From a Jan. 18 e-letter written by Dr. Robert Moynihan, founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine, in which he quotes an anonymous in-the-know . . .
In 2016, Father William C. Graham was removed from public ministry for what the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, deemed a credible allegation of abuse.
In 2018, . . .
I’m saddened and angered – though not exactly surprised given the current state of the Church – that Frank Pavone has been dismissed from the priesthood. . . .
HLN, an American cable news channel owned by CNN Global, will include in its new season of Real Life Nightmare with Paul Holes an episode featuring the 1998 . . .
I don’t recall ever meeting Dr. Anthony Caruso or Richard Freeman, but both men were well known and respected in the Chicago area pro-life community for years . . .
Although I’m very glad Roe v. Wade was overturned earlier this year in the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision, I think it . . .
Just as a still-unknown killer slashed the throat of Latin Mass priest Father Alfred Kunz of Dane, Wisconsin in 1998, Cardinal Blase Cupich has reportedly . . .
When does protesting cross the line? Should there be self-imposed ethical limits to protesting, even though we who live in the United States enjoy the First . . .
I have a short letter to the editor on The New York Times’ website. It’s the sixth letter from the top and the only one on the page that supports the . . .
Catholic writer and pro-life activist Stephanie Lynn Klatt, 48, passed away unexpectedly on May 21. Stephanie was an acquaintance of mine when I lived in . . .
Over the last several years I haven’t written as many columns as I once did. A key reason for this is that my father, Geoffrey J. Abbott, was diagnosed with a . . .
March 4, 2022 marks the 24th anniversary of the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz, a priest and canon law expert known for celebrating the Traditional Latin . . .
Father Eduard Perrone has lost an appeal to reinstate a dismissed defamation lawsuit against Monsignor G. Michael Bugarin, a fellow Archdiocese of Detroit . . .
I guess this could be considered a footnote in my life.
Several years ago I briefly shared the stage with now-convicted felon Jussie Smollett during the . . .
An Illinois-based Catholic activist who in the late 1990s was largely responsible for the “resignation” of a corrupt and wicked bishop – and whose past . . .
Two well-known activist priests have very different views on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Rittenhouse, 18, was found not guilty of all charges on Nov. 19 in . . .
In addition to what recently occurred in Texas, there are pro-life victories to report in Florida and in Michigan. They won’t get the massive media attention . . .
On the whole, Pope Francis’ pontificate has been deeply disappointing to me for various reasons (see here), including his treatment of the Traditional Latin . . .
The following are excerpts from the recently-released book ‘Diary of an American Exorcist,’ by Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, D.Min., Ph.D. Thanks to Sophia . . .
Catholic philanthropists and parents Anthony and Barbara Scarpo filed a lawsuit June 26 against the Academy of the Holy Names, a Catholic school in Tampa, Fla., . . .
In January 2021, Father Michael Pfleger, known for his community activism and a frequent media presence, was temporarily removed from public ministry while the . . .
In a development in the case of Father George Rutler, the prominent priest-author-commentator released the following statement a few days ago to LifeSiteNews . . .
Sexual abuse is, obviously, a terrible evil. So while allegations of sexual abuse must always be taken very seriously, they shouldn’t be deemed credible . . .
Previously in this column, I’ve featured the work of Catholic author, radio host and evangelist Jesse Romero (see here and here). Romero, who has an excellent . . .
Below is an excerpt from the book Sportsmanship, by Patrick McCaskey. Thanks to Larry Norris of Sporting Chance Press for allowing me to publish this excerpt in . . .
One of my favorite books in recent years is An Army in Heaven, by Kelley Jankowski, a nurse who spent over 25 years in critical care before going into hospice . . .
Aid for Women, founded in 1978, “helps thousands of women each year in the Chicago metropolitan area who find themselves facing unexpected pregnancies. Each . . .
The following short story was written by Deacon Peter Robinson of Christ the King Catholic Parish in Lombard, Ill., published in this column with his permission . . .
The Jesuits – specifically, the Jesuits West – will be hosting a series of training sessions titled “Wrestling with Whiteness.” See their Facebook post . . .
The following Lenten reflection (lightly edited) was written by Father Ray Guthrie, pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lake Geneva, Wis. Thanks to Father . . .
March 4, 2021 will be the 23rd anniversary of the still-unsolved homicide of Father Alfred Kunz, a priest and canon law expert of the Diocese of Madison, . . .
A sensitive but important topic in Catholic circles.
From Vatican News (Jan. 29):
Pope Francis…addressed the officials of the Tribunal of the Roman . . .
The following e-letter was written by Suzanne and Pietrina Probst. God bless everyone involved in this pro-life endeavor!
. . .
Below is the foreword to Susan Tassone’s latest book, Praying with Jesus and Faustina during Lent and in Times of Suffering. Thanks to Sophia Institute Press . . .
Two pro-life stalwarts died recently: notable veteran activist Joseph M. Scheidler (Jan. 18), the founder and national director of the Chicago-based Pro-Life . . .
In 2016, I was pleasantly surprised when Donald Trump won the presidential election. I feared he’d lose to pro-abortion Hillary Clinton.
Fast forward to 20 . . .
Wishing all my readers a blessed Christmas! Thank you for your continued prayers.
The following are two Christmas-themed poems composed by Susan E. Gorski . . .
To my pleasant surprise, my name and column are mentioned in the Vatican’s recently-released 449-page report on disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. . . .
In a recent email sent to friends and supporters, Father Charlie Becker, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, wrote (slightly edited and published with his . . .
A “Captain Obvious” statement: Satanism has infiltrated the Catholic Church. How prevalent is it? Hard to say, but I fear it’s more widespread than many . . .
Hospice Patients Alliance, which for 22 years has advocated on behalf of the elderly, infirm and vulnerable by exposing corruption in the hospice and palliative . . .
A pro-life attorney for whom I have a great deal of respect, Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the laudable Thomas More Society, released the . . .
When it comes to politics, I’m certain about one thing: I will never vote for a candidate who supports the unrestricted killing of preborn children through . . .
Dedicated Catholic and pro-life activist Brian Kindzia died July 26. He was only 45.
Kindzia was a reader of my column and occasionally sent me emails. In 20 . . .
Catholic priests – especially those who (rightly) reject modernism and its numerous tentacles – have to be extremely careful about what they publicly . . .
Father Joseph Klee of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, has been “sidelined” for an indefinite period of time by his bishop, Robert J. Brennan.
I’ve . . .
I emailed my April 29, 2020 Catholic Exchange article “The Haunting Unsolved Murder of Fr. Kunz” (which contains a wonderful reflection by Father Richard . . .
In 2018, I featured the case of Father William C. Graham of the Diocese of Duluth, Minn. Graham was “designated as 'credibly accused' of sexual misconduct by . . .
In the wake of several recently-published investigative reports by, the Society of Saint Pius X is establishing a review board to investigate . . .
The following is an April 29 news release (edited) from Tom Ciesielka, spokesman for the excellent pro-life, pro-family law firm Thomas More Society:
A . . .
The following is a brief interview with Catholic author, radio host and evangelist Jesse Romero. Below the interview is an excerpt from Romero’s latest book, . . .
Below are two short stories from the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Everyday Catholicism, Real Stories of God in Our Lives, by LeAnn Thieman. “These true . . .
Catholic author Leila Miller writes the following about her recently-released book “Impossible” Marriages Redeemed: They Didn't End the Story in the Middle: . . .
I asked two Catholic priests whose work I greatly respect to comment on President Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Father Shenan J. Boquet, . . .
Below is the foreword to Catholic author Susan Tassone's latest book, Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You, published by Sophia Institute Press. The book has been . . .
The following is a March 23 news release (edited) from Tom Ciesielka, spokesman for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund and the Thomas More Society:
. . .
In response to my March 13 column, "Coronavirus and divine chastisement," Father John P. Trigilio Jr., Ph.D., Th.D., director of pastoral formation at Mount St. . . .
Is the coronavirus (COVID-19) a divine chastisement?
I posed that question to Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, and Father Frank Pavone of Priests . . .
The following are excerpts from The Fruits of Fatima: A Century of Signs and Wonders, by Joseph Pronechen. Thanks to Sophia Institute Press (publisher of Dr. . . .
March 4, 2020 is the 22nd anniversary of the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz, a priest and canon law expert of the Diocese of Madison, Wis.
Kunz was . . .
As we approach the 22nd anniversary of the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz (March 4), I'm republishing, courtesy of, part two of a six . . .
The Darnowskis, a large Catholic family I featured in a 2017 column, hope to welcome at least two more additions to their family through international adoption. . . .
Pro-life Catholic Roger R. Klass has written a story titled Virtue and Strife: A Christian Adventure, recently published by Resource Publications, an imprint of . . .
A doctor who has voiced his support for Planned Parenthood (click here for the proof) is scheduled to speak at a Feb. 7, 2020 "Caring for the Whole Person" . . .
The following are excerpts from the book Anneliese Michel: A True Story of a Case of Demonic Possession, by Father Jose Antonio Fortea and Lawrence E.U. LeBlanc . . .
A recent statement (slightly edited) from attorney Paul Jonna, who represents Catholic activist Stephen Brady (who has a good track record of exposing . . .
Below is an excerpt from The Devil in the City of Angels, by Jesse Romero. Thanks to TAN Books for allowing me to publish this excerpt in my column. Click here . . .
An unfortunate yet unsurprising verdict was handed down in a California court Nov. 15.
From Tom Ciesielka, spokesman for the Thomas More Society (edited):
. . .
From the current meeting of the U.S. Catholic bishops, Bishop Joseph Strickland tweeted Nov. 12: "Thank God the USCCB voted to uphold the preeminence of the . . .
Below is an excerpt (not including footnotes) from the 2019 book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within, by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Thanks to . . .
Father Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Florence, South Carolina, should be commended for denying Holy Communion to pro-abortion . . .
Below is the text of a homily given Oct. 13 by a priest in the United States who wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks to "Father X" for permitting me to publish . . .
I asked Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, for his take on a recent Fox News Poll showing that 51 percent of voters want President . . .
Below is an email interview I conducted with Father Gary Caster, author of The Way of Simple Love: Inspiring Words from St. Thérèse of Lisieux, published this . . .
It was yet another horrid story that made national, even international, headlines.
More than 2,200 aborted babies were discovered at the Illinois home of . . .
From an Aug. 19 article at the website of Crisis Magazine, written by Kevin Wells (excerpted; click here to read the article in its entirety):
It's coming up . . .
Veteran Catholic activist Stephen Brady, founder and president of the Illinois-based Catholic watchdog group Roman Catholic Faithful, is being sued by an . . .
Christopher Adam of Canada recently wrote in an email to me (lightly edited):
I had an opportunity to read your column from May 2013 on Father Andrew Greeley. . . .
The leftist Daniel P. Horan, OFM, is at it again.
Earlier this year, the Franciscan priest-professor-author (who isn't quite as high-profile as the equally . . .
From (July 11):
In spite of backlash from Catholics, Franciscan University of Steubenville (FUS) is doubling down on plans to host Cdl. . . .
Father Paul Kalchik is presently "in hiding" after being ousted from his Chicago parish by Cardinal Blase Cupich, but he's still able to make his voice heard . . .
A new book by Dr. Taylor R. Marshall has elicited strong, divergent reactions from concerned Catholic writers, including Dr. Jeff Mirus, co-founder of . . .
Wikipedia is a mixed bag, for sure. Entries must always be scrutinized for accuracy. Disputes arise over use of certain news sources. Edits can be made, re . . .
I can barely make a sandwich, but Catholics who enjoy cooking and baking may be interested in the newly-released book Cooking with the Saints, by Alexandra . . .
From Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life:
When I was asked to be a member of the Pro-life Advisory Coalition for Donald Trump's campaign . . .
From an April 6 letter, written by Cardinal Blase Cupich, posted at the Archdiocese of Chicago's website:
Dear Parishioners of San José Luis Sánchez del Río . . .
A news release (slightly edited) from Texas-based Life Dynamics:
How do we personalize the unborn child? That's the question Mark Crutcher, president of Life . . .
Below is the foreword, written by Bishop Thomas Olmsted, to Day by Day with St. Faustina: 365 Reflections, by Susan Tassone – affectionately known as "the . . .
In a March 5 story, reported:
Saint Cajetan, a Catholic school in the archdiocese of Chicago, is backing a teacher who openly admits to . . .
This is the 21st anniversary of the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz, a priest and canon law expert of the Diocese of Madison, Wis. He was known for . . .
The following e-letter (slightly edited) was recently sent to supporters of the pro-life organization LifeTree by its executive director, Elizabeth D. Wickham, . . .
On Feb. 6, Bishop Robert D. Gruss of Rapid City, S.D., ordered a letter "[t]o be read from the pulpit at all Masses in the Diocese of Rapid City during the . . .
Below are excerpts from the recently-released book Father Amorth: My Battle Against Satan. From Sophia Institute Press:
When Father Amorth died in 2016, he . . .
Stefanie Fell of Virginia felt inspired to pen a letter to a number of her diocesan priests imploring them to preach and inform parishioners about abortion . . .
Father Daniel P. Horan, OFM, just might be given an award by Planned Parenthood sometime soon. Well, maybe not officially. But based on a very recent tweet of . . .
On Jan. 5, I attended a conference organized by Roman Catholic Faithful, headed by veteran Catholic activist Stephen Brady, who was largely responsible for the . . .
Being one of the very few Catholic commentators to expose 14 years ago then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's scandalous abuse of power with seminarians, I found . . .
From (Dec. 10):
The Supreme Court is staying out of legal fight over efforts to block Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood, with the newest . . .
The following is a reprint of a three-part series on the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz that originally appeared at Catholic World Report in August 2018. . . .
This is a follow-up column to my Sept. 25 column on the case of Father William C. Graham, which contains the following news item from Minnesota Lawyer:
. . .
From a Sept. 24 story at Minnesota Lawyer (click here to read the story in its entirety):
In a man-bites-dog case with few if any precise corollaries, a . . .
For the second time this year, Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich has unceremoniously removed a pastor with a reputation for Catholic orthodoxy. First, it was Father . . .
From a Sept. 13, 2018 Boston Catholic Insider blog post (click here to read the post in its entirety):
In view of Cardinal Seán O'Malley's public denials . . .
Many of my readers know I've been following and writing about the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz for a number of years.
Catholic World Report recently . . .
A press release from Roman Catholic Faithful:
(PETERSBURG, IL. September 8, 2018) – In July of 2009, the Board Members of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. . . .
(This column originally appeared at American Thinker.)
In recent weeks , there's been considerable coverage and chatter in the mainstream media, social media . . .
In his explosive 11-page letter (click here to read it) that has made headlines worldwide, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò cites the late Richard Sipe's 2008 . . .
Below is an edited version of an article written close to 20 years ago by Stephen Brady, founder of Roman Catholic Faithful. The article, published in RCF's . . .
Thanks to Father Richard Heilman of the Diocese of Madison for providing me with the following reflection (slightly edited). After reading it, click here to . . .
The following commentary (slightly edited) was written by Ron Panzer, president of Hospice Patients Alliance and co-founder of the Pro-life Healthcare Alliance. . . .
Earlier this month, Eric Sammons wrote at
No matter the reason, by calling every issue a 'pro-life' issue, we dilute and fracture the brand . . .
Below is a July 21 news release (slightly edited) from Tom Ciesielka, spokesman for the Thomas More Society.
A federal judge in New York has delivered a . . .
In 2006, I wrote a column quoting Bart Aslin, a former priest who was one of the only men at the time to publicly speak out about the deviant activities of . . .
From (July 9):
Sarah Pitlyk, a former law clerk to Judge Kavanaugh and special counsel for the Thomas More Society, which is a leading pro-life . . .
(This column originally appeared at OnePeterFive.)
In March of this year, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago removed Father C. Frank Phillips, pastor of St. . . .
I admit to not having a passionate view on the immigration issue. I do think there needs to be reform, but I'm no Ann Coulter when it comes to the problem of . . .
The clergy sexual abuse scandal that starting making headlines in 2002 has not gone away. Far from it. We see current headlines involving Chile, Pennsylvania . . .
The following letter is "from the desk" of Thomas Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the laudable Thomas More Society, "a not-for-profit, national public . . .
Below is an excerpt from The Art of Forming Young Disciples: Why Youth Ministries Aren't Working and What to Do About It (2018), by Everett Fritz. Thanks to . . .
From The Washington Post (May 1):
Pictures of Rebecca Zeni during her younger years showed her with flawless skin, well-defined eyebrows and long, thick . . .
By keeping certain cold cases in the public eye, the chance of those cases being solved appears to increase. The most recent example is the April 24 arrest of . . .
Below is an excerpt from the newly-released book An Exorcist Explains How to Heal the Possessed (And Help Souls Suffering Spiritual Crises), by Father Paolo . . .
Below is a short and edifying story sent to me by reader Tonchi Weaver. God bless you, Tonchi!
In early 2001, I kept constant vigil with my mother-in-law, . . .
From a March 24, 2018 story at
Detectives are investigating a 'large number' of leads they received about the 1998 murder of a village of Dane . . .
I began attending St. John Cantius Church in Chicago in the mid-1990s. A beautiful church known for its Latin Masses and wonderful sacred music program, Cantius . . .
Below is a brief email interview with Father Donald H. Calloway, MIC, whose latest book is titled St. Joseph Gems. Thanks to Father Calloway for taking the time . . .
March 4, 2018 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Father Alfred Kunz, a traditionally-minded priest-canonist of the Diocese of Madison, Wis. Father Kunz . . .
The following is an update "from the desk of Tom Brejcha," president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, one of my favorite pro-life organizations.
. . .
A recent article written by pro-life leaders Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics and Troy Newman of Operation Rescue has sparked some controversy among pro-life . . .
Below is an excerpt from the newly-released book By Dawn's Early Light: Prayers and Meditations for Catholic Military Wives, by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. . . .
Early last month, I felt inspired to email Cardinal Raymond Burke a short note along with a relatively recent column of mine regarding the unsolved 1998 murder . . .
Below is a portion of the introduction to Father William J. Slattery's new book Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build – and Can Help . . .
On Nov. 6, Shawn Carney, president of 40 Days for Life, wrote:
Reports are still coming in, but local 40 Days for Life leaders tell us that as of now, they . . .
Below is the text of a talk recently given by a priest-friend of mine, Father Charles P. Becker of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Father Becker is also the . . .
Below is a lengthy excerpt from Holy Confidence: The Forgotten Path for Growing Closer to God, by Father Benedict Rogacci (1646-1719). Thanks to Sophia . . .
Below is a recent e-letter update from my friend Dawn Eden Goldstein, S.T.D., which she has edited for publication. I have written about Dawn and quoted her in . . .
In light of the vociferous opposition to President Trump and his agenda by the mainstream media, liberal Democrats, Hollywood, and even some in the GOP, I asked . . .
The following is a powerful commentary from Father Brian W. Harrison, O.S., M.A., S.T.D., which speaks for itself:
"The question raised in the title line . . .
On May 13, ten people were arrested for blocking the entrance to a Louisville abortion mill. Click here for the story.
I asked Father Shenan J. Boquet . . .
There's an interesting story we're not hearing much about from the mainstream media, save for Fox News. It involves the murdered Democratic National Committee . . .
With all the bad news we have to endure these days, it's nice to report on something edifying and positive from time to time.
Adele Darnowski, whose family . . .
I asked Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, to comment on the recent development that Congress' budget will fund Planned Parenthood . . .
Some things He said with such determination that those who listened could hardly believe their ears. 'Do not give dogs what is holy,' He said, 'and do not throw . . .
Father Shenan J. Boquet, president of Human Life International, wrote (April 1):
"Many of you have heard that David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center . . .
Below is the foreword to best-selling Catholic author Susan Tassone's latest work, St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Conversion of Sinners. Ms. Tassone is . . .
Nineteen years ago on March 4, 1998, Father Alfred Kunz, a traditional Catholic priest of the Diocese of Madison, Wis., was found brutally murdered at his . . .
(Please pray for veteran Catholic journalist John Vennari and his family. At the time of this writing, Mr. Vennari is in the very late stages of cancer.)
. . .
On Feb. 14, The Huffington Post published a piece titled "I Can't Believe I Once Prayed Outside An Abortion Clinic" by Dan Murtah, an erstwhile Catholic priest. . . .
(A portion of this column originally appeared at American Thinker.)
I've been critical of Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago in recent times, but I was . . .
It's difficult keeping up with all the Catholic news these days. Sad to say, a lot of it isn't good.
Catholic author and journalist Phil Lawler recently . . .
The following are excerpts from a recent article at
Fewer Millennials go to church than any generation before them. And fewer are marrying. . . .
According to the Chicago Tribune (not fake news), more than 700 people have been killed in gang and drug-related violence this year in Chicago.
So who's . . .
Below are exclusive excerpts (including the table of contents) from Racketeer for Life: Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court, a . . .
Below is an email interview I conducted with Father Donald H. Calloway, MIC, regarding his latest book, Champions of the Rosary. Thanks to Father Calloway for . . .
From Page Six (Nov. 14):
The battle over Sofía Vergara's frozen embryos with ex-fiancé Nick Loeb has taken a shocking turn. The actress is demanding Loeb . . .
From Catholic News Agency (Nov. 7):
"Father Frank Pavone, head of the controversial pro-life group Priest for Life, came under fire Monday for a video of him . . .
At least one Catholic priest in the Chicago area apparently believes that people who vote for Donald Trump will go to hell.
An acquaintance of mine, Ted (not . . .
I very recently asked Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, bishop emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas, the following question:
Would you say that this pontificate [of . . .
In wake of the recently-released recorded lewd remarks made by Donald Trump in 2005 and in interviews with radio personality Howard Stern, I asked Father Frank . . .
Last month, a despicable ad campaign financed by Catholics for Choice featured "women who profess to be Catholic stating that public funding of abortion is a . . .
A devoted Catholic journalist has completed his earthly pilgrimage. Paul Likoudis, news editor for The Wanderer Catholic newspaper from 1990 to 2014, died . . .
The following are excerpts from the final book written by the late Father Gabriele Amorth, who died September 16 at the age of 91. Father Amorth had served as . . .
It appears that officials of Brophy College Preparatory, a Jesuit high school in Phoenix, Arizona and part of the California Province of the Society of Jesus, . . .
The following is an email interview I conducted with Father Edward Lee Looney, a priest-author from the Diocese of Green Bay. Father Looney has written five . . .
From The Associated Press (Sept. 7):
"Disability rights organizations have asked child protection officials to prevent a Wisconsin teenager from going . . .
Father Shenan J. Boquet, president of Human Life International, writes:
HLI's Founder, Father Paul Marx, met Mother Teresa on more than one occasion, and . . .
"But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the . . .
Below are excerpts from the still-timely book Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics, written by Daniel Ali and Robert Spencer (who recently participated in a . . .
From Crux (July 31):
"Pope Francis on Sunday defended his avoidance of the term 'Islamic violence' by suggesting the potential for violence lies in every . . .
'The most evident mark of God's anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the . . .
The following are brief excerpts from the last two chapters of the late Mother Angelica's book Answers, Not Promises, recently republished by EWTN. Thanks to . . .
From (July 8):
"Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, responded to a racially charged shooting with a tweet that implies that . . .
An interesting angle of the U.S. Supreme Court's latest abortion ruling is described by D Healthcare Daily (June 27):
"Last year, Planned Parenthood of . . .
Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, retired bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, is highly respected among orthodox Catholics. His résumé is impressive, including serving . . .
Below is an email interview I conducted with registered nurse Kelley Jankowski, a married mother of six children and author of An Army in Heaven, an intriguing, . . .
In a recent Facebook post, Father Michael Pfleger, who was supporting Bernie Sanders, decided to endorse Hillary Clinton, albeit unenthusiastically.
Father . . .
Many people are familiar with the recent incident involving Harambe, a gorilla that was shot and killed by a zoo employee when a young boy got through a barrier . . .
Tom Ciesielka, spokesman for the excellent pro-life law firm Thomas More Society, wrote in a news release (edited):
"On June 1, a St. Louis appellate court . . .
Kudos to Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, one of the relatively few American bishops willing to speak out on cultural hot . . .
Below is an email interview I conducted with Michael O'Neill, also known as The Miracle Hunter. Click here to order a copy of his book Exploring the . . .
I must admit: It's rather depressing to have to endure eight years of an Obama presidency, the distinct possibility of a Hillary presidency, and however many . . .
If you happen to look at the Drudge Report fairly often, perhaps you've noticed a number of links to news stories about "exorcisms" in recent times.
Most of . . .
A series of recent pro-LGBT tweets have led to the ouster of Tony Spence, the now former director and editor-and-chief of Catholic News Service, the official . . .
The following excerpt is from my friend Dawn Eden's latest book, Remembering God's Mercy: Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful Memories. Thanks to . . .
The following commentary (slightly edited) was written by the staunchly pro-life Father Joseph Klee, a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus . . .
Eighteen years ago on March 4, 1998, Father Alfred Kunz, a traditional Catholic priest of the Diocese of Madison, Wis., was found brutally murdered. The case . . .
God bless Mother Angelica.
From the website of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Our Lady of Angels Monastery:
"We want to extend a very special . . .
It's looking more and more like the next presidential election will be Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump, though it's not a given at this point. I asked one . . .
The young investigative journalist and pro-life activist David Daleiden – whom GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio recently defended – will present . . .
The following is an article from the January 2016 edition of PHA Monthly, the e-newsletter of Pro-life Healthcare Alliance. Thanks to PHA and Dr. Ralph Capone . . .
The following is an email interview I conducted with Chicago Bears co-owner Patrick McCaskey, a devout Catholic and public supporter of the pro-life movement. . . .
Below is an excerpt from the newly-released book God's Healing Mercy, by Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S. The excerpt features Blessed Teresa of Kolkata, who will be . . .
First, I'd like to wish all my readers a very blessed Christmas and New Year! To those who've sent me words of encouragement and thoughtful feedback over the . . .
It goes without saying that sexual corruption among the clergy and laity is a significant problem plaguing the church. So is theft of parish funds. Climate . . .
GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump's call "for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can . . .
Below are excerpts from the 2015 book Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St. Michael, by Kevin Symonds, published by Preserving Christian Publications. Thanks to . . .
It's unfortunate that we pro-life, pro-family conservatives often find ourselves in a circular firing squad, but, alas, it is what it is.
The latest example . . .
On August 31, I wrote a brief update on the status of Father John Corapi. Since then, I've learned of an interesting development.
The other day, I received . . .
On Nov. 13, The Washington Post reported:
"Leading Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson believes that federal and state officials overreacted in . . .
I commend Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffalo for having a parish in his diocese remove a large sign that read "Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine." . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
The clergy sex abuse scandal has, since 1950, reportedly cost the . . .
From Catholic World News:
"Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica wrote that the pontiff told him, in a telephone interview, that during the October meeting of . . .
The Pro-Life Action League reports that a notorious abortion facility in Chicago has closed after more than 25 years of killing preborn children. Click here for . . .
For many years, Catholic researcher Stephanie Block has been exposing the link between the American Catholic church bureaucracy – which has effectively . . .
On Oct. 12, I paid a visit to St. John Cantius Church here in Chicago to see the major relics of St. Maria Goretti. When I arrived at the church around 10 p.m., . . .
Please pray for the priests of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, who suffered a devastating fire Oct. 7 at their Chicago church. Click here for . . .
I asked Father Brian Harrison, a priest of the Society of the Oblates of Wisdom and an emeritus professor of theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of . . .
God bless those participating in the 40 Days for Life campaign!
The following is text of a speech delivered Oct. 3 by Father William J. Kuchinsky at the 40 . . .
Catholic journalist Edward Pentin reports:
"The Vatican has dismissed an official working in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith after he . . .
(An abbreviated version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
Rowan County clerk Kim Davis, who's been the primary object of the . . .
A recent column of mine featured an excerpt from Catholic journalist Edward Pentin's new e-book on the upcoming Synod on the Family in Rome.
It looks like . . .
David Daleiden, the pro-life investigative journalist under fire by the abortion industry and its sympathizers for exposing the murderous work of Planned . . .
I had a short and pithy – as is usually the case – letter to the editor in the Sept. 11 edition of The New York Times on the subject of the pope's . . .
The following is an excerpt from Catholic journalist Edward Pentin's new e-book The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? An Investigation of Alleged Manipulation at the . . .
A fairly recent survey conducted by the Barna Group contains the following finding:
"There is a substantial minority ... among Americans under 40 (26%) who . . .
Catholic journalist Anita Crane has written about a new Planned Parenthood abortion mill that's being built by Catholic-owned Pizzano Contractors in Washington . . .
A bit of good news to share: A reliable source has informed me that Father John Corapi, a popular priest among orthodox Catholics who departed public life after . . .
Many Catholics who use the Internet are familiar with Michael Voris of and Michael Hichborn, formerly of American Life League and now . . .
The topic of exorcism has been getting somewhat of a bum rap in recent years. There've been several news stories of people physically harmed and even murdered . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
Informed Catholics (and, in all likelihood, at least some politically . . .
The following is my interview with Kevin J. Symonds, M.A., author of Refractions of Light: 201 Answers on Apparitions, Visions and the Catholic Church (June 201 . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
The Donald isn't getting much love from three prominent New York . . .
The topic of the Second Vatican Council always opens up a can of worms, but so be it. It frequently is the source of (sometimes heated) debate among non-liberal . . .
(The following column originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
Jonathan Merritt, senior columnist for Religion News Service and a contributing editor for The . . .
Earlier this month, the religious education director at Waldron Mercy Academy, a Catholic school in the Philadelphia area, was fired for being in a so-called . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
There appears to be much outrage within the pro-life movement about the latest . . .
There's been no shortage of depressing cultural developments in recent weeks. In addition to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex "marriage," we have the . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
There have been numerous statements and articles written about the very disappointing (but . . .
After the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex "marriage" nationwide was handed down, a survey was conducted by the Barna Group that has buried in . . .
Erstwhile priest and prolific writer Eugene Cullen Kennedy, a darling of the Catholic left who, in a scathing commentary for Religion News Service in 2006, . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
The current main pop-culture headline involves former Olympian Bruce . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
Those who are at all familiar with the reported Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, Bosnia . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
Josh Duggar, son of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar – of TLC's 19 . . .
Below is an interview with Kevin Vost, Psy.D., who, in his own words, is "by training, vocation and avocation a psychologist, disability adjudication . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker Blog.)
Although not a subject you'll often hear discussed even in pro-life circles, in . . .
Karen Malec, who was president and co-founder of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, died May 5 after a battle with ovarian cancer. She was 60.
Mrs. . . .
The following are excerpts from two recently-released books published by Sophia Institute Press: Rocket Ships and God, by Rocco Martino, Ph.D., and For God and . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Sadly, there's yet another indication that pro-life, pro-family . . .
First, please pray for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Francis George. I always appreciated his politeness – he would address me by name at various . . .
It's official: Hillary Clinton is running for president.
Try not to get too excited.
Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, says it . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Rolling Stone magazine's now-discredited UVA rape story was a failure on a . . .
Ten years ago on March 31, Terri Schiavo died after 13 days of dehydration and starvation at a Florida hospice. Her murder remains a national tragedy.
. . .
(An abbreviated version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Not surprisingly, the left is throwing an absolute hissy fit over . . .
(I'd first like to commend the pro-life leaders who staged a peaceful protest at House Speaker John Boehner's office the morning of March 25. Click here to read . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Regarding the use of social media, I think it's safe to say that, in our current . . .
Below is an excerpt from Father George William Rutler's latest book Hints of Heaven: The Parables of Christ and What They Mean for You, which makes for good . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Gotta' love those tolerant city officials in San Francisco. Now they're . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
Many conservatives have been supportive of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin . . .
(This interview originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
The following is an interview with Dawn Eden, author of the highly-acclaimed My Peace I Give You and . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at the American Thinker blog.)
An interesting project has been undertaken by the Chicago-based Pro . . .
Below is the foreword to Abortion Free, a recently-released book by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger. The foreword is written by Dr. Alveda C. King, director of . . .
Former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo is getting a Catholic funeral despite his support of legalized abortion during his political career.
Ted Kennedy got one as . . .
Wishing my readers a very blessed Christmas and New Year! Many thanks for all your moral and spiritual support.
The following is a lovely Christmas poem by . . .
Published at the website of National Geographic (Dec. 18) is an interview with Jonathan Eig, author of The Birth of the Pill, a new book seemingly being fawned . . .
Not that Catholic author and blogger Mark Shea was referring to me per se, but to respond to Shea's recent assertion to one of his readers (in his comment box): . . .
Below is the foreword to The Language of Dissent, by Kevin Lents. (The foreword was written by noted Catholic author Donna Steichen.) Thanks to Mr. Lents for . . .
'It is certain that few are saved.' – Saint Augustine, Father and Doctor of the Church
'Out of one hundred thousand sinners who continue in sin until . . .
From (Dec. 1):
"In a radical departure from the position of Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Blase Cupich – said to have been handpicked . . .
Bravo to Father John J. McCartney, pastor of St. Mary's Church in Roslyn Harbor, New York, for including the following note in his parish bulletin about the . . .
The following are excerpts from the chapter "Heroines of Spiritual Maternity" in Praying for Priests: A Mission for the New Evangelization, by Kathleen Beckman. . . .
Below is the introduction to Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching (2014), by esteemed Catholic writer and professor Anthony Esolen. Thanks to Sophia Institute . . .
Phase one of the Synod on the Family is complete.
A "pastoral earthquake"? Well, yes – and a catastrophic one at that. Heck, who would have thought the . . .
'We're now working from a position that's virtually irredeemable,' said South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, referring to the media coverage. 'The message . . .
Thanks to Catholic writer Carlos Caso-Rosendi for translating and providing me with the following bit of seemingly prophetic theological speculation, written by . . .
Certain troubling developments have come out of the Archdiocese of New York in recent weeks, as covered in this column and a number of other Catholic (and . . .
More good stuff from Priests for Life (slightly edited):
"In a hard-hitting series of essays currently being released in preparation for the midterm . . .
Like many people, I reacted to the suicide of noted actor and comedian Robin Williams with sadness. He was a talented and entertaining man. A comedic genius.
. . .
In 2012, conservative commentator-author Ann Coulter derided "purist" pro-lifers – in other words, pro-lifers who don't believe it's OK to kill babies . . .
The Washington Post ran a Religion News Service story on Aug. 6:
"But more than a year into Francis' reign, the Tridentine Mass, as it is sometimes called, . . .
I received the following letter, written by Bishop Edward Slattery for the priests of the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, Okla., from a priest-exorcist in said . . .
From The New York Times (July 30):
"Last month, the United States Supreme Court unanimously struck down a Massachusetts law that barred protesters within 35 . . .
I don't care much for what comes out of Hollywood these days, but I do appreciate the seemingly few Hollywood celebrities who don't embrace secular humanism, . . .
The following is the prologue to Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity, by Anthony Esolen. Thanks to Saint Benedict Press for giving me permission to . . .
From The Times-Picayune (July 7):
"The Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge has issued a statement decrying a decision by the Louisiana Supreme Court that could . . .
There have been quite a few statements by pro-life organizations reacting to the Supreme Court's ruling in the Hobby Lobby case. (Incidentally, radical pro . . .
From a June 19 story at Live Science:
"It's a question that has plagued philosophers and scientists for thousands of years: Is free will an illusion? Now, a . . .
Believe it or not, a liberal writer's recent anti-Catholic, Pope Francis-bashing commentary was music to my ears. A sense of relief, actually.
Anna March, . . .
Sixteen years after the still-unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz of the Diocese of Madison, Wis., another priest who celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass, . . .
Below is the foreword to the book To Know Christ Jesus, by Frank Sheed (1897–1981). Thanks to John Riess of Angelico Press for allowing me to publish this . . .
In my June 3 column, I wrote:
In New York City, there's been talk (by the "powers that be" at the Archdiocese of New York) of closing certain parishes, . . .
From Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute (June 5):
"Some of you may remember the scandal that sent former Illinois governor George Ryan to prison . . .
The controversy surrounding Bowe Bergdahl continues.
From the website of TIME :
"Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was freed by the Taliban over the weekend . . .
O MY GOD, relying on Thy almighty power and infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and Life Everlasting, . . .
The controversial Father Michael Pfleger as Chicago's next archbishop? Not likely, but, according to Chicago Sun-Times political and societal gossip columnist . . .
On May 14, reported:
"An Italian bishop has angered pro-life advocates at home and abroad after he told an interviewer May 12 that he has . . .
Not much in the way of good news for this particular column...
First, from the Chicago Tribune (May 21):
"A defrocked priest who had been convicted of . . .
From The Jerusalem Post:
"In an unprecedented event, the Knesset on Tuesday [May 13] commemorated Pope John XXIII, who helped save thousands of Jews from the . . .
(The following article first appeared at Catholic Online.)
A nationwide survey of adult Latinos conducted by the Pew Research Center has found that while the . . .
From the May 2 edition of The New York Times:
"He is a movie star who shot to fame on a motorcycle in 'The Lost Boys.' She is a California massage therapist . . .
Father William J. Kuchinsky, a priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W. Va., and advisory board member of American Life League, recently . . .
The following is the introduction to the recently-released book Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything, by Robert R. . . .
Michael Voris' April 30 edition of "The Vortex" is eye-opening, albeit depressing. He talks about a new book titled Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, . . .
I asked Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, and Catholic authors Steve Kellmeyer and Jimmy Akin to respond to the . . .
In light of the upcoming canonizations of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, I offer the following excerpt from the book Nothing Short of a Miracle: God's . . .
Here we go again.
Or so it seems.
"Another controversy has erupted at a Roman Catholic school after students and parents reacted . . .
The following is an email interview I recently conducted with Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo, whose notorious murder by starvation and . . .
Pope Francis has made some praiseworthy remarks on three different topics on April 11.
Regarding the clergy abuse scandal, the pope said:
"I feel . . .
God bless pro-life teen Thrin Short, who was recently assaulted at the University of California at Santa Barbara by a radical feminist professor who reportedly . . .
(This article originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
The following is a brief interview with David Scott, author of The Love That Made Mother Teresa: How . . .
A pro-life activist recently emailed Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., regarding pro-abortion "Catholic" U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, D-Ill . . .
Two respected Catholic film critics have sharply differing reviews of Noah (which I haven't seen).
Barbara Nicolosi writes:
Noah is a terrible, terrible . . .
The following report (slightly edited) was written by Father Joseph Klee, a priest of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio:
"Well, the first attempt at a new . . .
First, the following is an edited statement from Wyoming Catholic College:
The Wyoming Catholic College community is devastated by the tragic deaths of two . . .
With regard to same-sex "marriage," I'd say iacta alea est as far as the courts are concerned. Still, the following letter (slightly edited), written by Monica . . .
As National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8–14) comes to a close, I offer the following short memoir, written by Kenneth M. Weinig for the current issue of . . .
The following is an edited reflection from Jim Dorchak, a traditional Catholic father and businessman whose family used to live in South Carolina but now lives . . .
The following is a good letter to the editor, written by Father Brian W. Harrison, O.S., of St. Louis, Mo., that appears (in slightly abbreviated form) in the . . .
From the Pro-Life Action League:
For the season of Lent, a period of prayer and reflection for many Christians in preparation for Easter, the Pro-Life Action . . .
On March 4, 1998, the body of Father Alfred Kunz, a parish priest and canon lawyer – and discreet whistleblower of corrupt clergy – from the Diocese . . .
We often hear modernist Christians – and some non-Christians, for that matter – describe what amounts to a "sugar-coated" version of Our Lord Jesus . . .
From Catholic World News:
"Pope Francis has issued a message on the occasion of a symposium devoted to the 50th anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the . . .
Sister Rose Pacatte, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul and the director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles, has a column at the website . . .
The following are excerpts from the book Miraculous Images of Our Lady, by Joan Carroll Cruz. Thanks to TAN Books/Saint Benedict Press, LLC for granting me . . .
In recent days, there's been quite a lot of media attention given to an exorcism that reportedly took place in Indiana in 2012. A mother and her children had . . .
Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the late John Paul II's closest aide, has caused considerable controversy in Poland for his decision to publish some of the pope's . . .
The following is an email interview I conducted with Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of The One-Minute Aquinas, among other books. Thanks to Dr. Vost for taking the . . .
In typical pot-calling-the-kettle-black fashion, the morally corrupt, Antichrist-stage-setting United Nations – specifically, the United Nations Committee . . .
The following open letter, written by Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg, is addressed to Dominican Sister John Mary Fleming, executive director of the Secretariat of . . .
I too have considered the indispensable contribution of women in society ... I have rejoiced in seeing many women sharing some pastoral responsibility with . . .
From time to time, I wonder what heaven is like. I certainly hope and pray to make it there after I die. Just to make clear: Not everyone goes to heaven; that . . .
The following is an interview with Emily Zender, the new executive director of Illinois Right to Life Committee. (In the interest of full disclosure, I was the . . .
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago recently had a detailed letter placed in all archdiocesan parish bulletins regarding "accountability and transparency. . . .
On Jan. 1, 2014, Father Eric Freed, a priest of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, was found murdered in his parish rectory. Thankfully, it appears that his killer has . . .
There's been a significant development in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
From Catholic News Service:
"A panel of judges for a Pennsylvania Superior . . .
(On Dec. 20, I was flown to New York City to appear on the Dec. 21 Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC – a network known for being politically liberal. The . . .
Pardon the comparison, but Common Core is a bit like abortion: It seems OK if you don't question what you are told by those who are invested in it, but once you . . .
Wonders never cease: The pro-abortion American Civil Liberties Union is suing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops "alleging that the USCCB's directives . . .
Pope Francis recently issued the apostolic exhortation "The Joy of the Gospel." Click here to read it.
Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh isn't . . .
I applaud Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., for issuing a call for "prayers of supplication and exorcism in reparation for the sin . . .
First, please keep the people of the Philippines, many of whom have been suffering immensely since Typhoon Haiyan devastated the region in recent days, in your . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared at Catholic Online.)
The following is an interview with prolific Catholic writer Father James V. Schall, S.J., . . .
Last month, there was a bit of a stir in the media over Pope Francis' interview with an atheist commentator. (Click here if you'd like a refresher.)
Also on . . .
"There are some priests who, when they read this Gospel passage, this and others, say: 'But, Jesus healed a person with a mental illness.' They do not read . . .
"Jesus doesn't need an army to cast out the demons, He has no need of pride, no need of force, of arrogance. 'What is there about His word? For with authority . . .
Yes, I'm a "right-wing" Catholic.
But you already knew that.
Once again the secular media and Catholic blogosphere have been buzzing big-time . . .
The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' 'The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, . . .
Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting (Sept. 7) for peace in Syria:
"Today, dear brothers and sisters, I wish to make add my voice to the . . .
The following is a brief interview with Ann Carey, author of Sisters in Crisis: Revisited (2013), published by Ignatius Press. Thanks to Mrs. Carey for taking . . .
There could be a new sheriff in town – in an Illinois county, to be specific.
Former Catholic activist and current child advocate Stephen Brady has . . .
...If my wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, then Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, bringing new . . .
From Catholic World News (Aug. 16):
"Citing the Alien Tort Statute, which became law in 1789, a U.S. district judge has ruled that a Ugandan umbrella LGBTI . . .
By now, it's likely that you've read about the mysterious "angel" priest who assisted in saving a 19-year-old woman's life (click here for the story if you . . .
On August 6, Japan commemorated the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which, between the blast itself and the effects of radiation, killed . . .
A good friend of mine, Susan E. Gorski, recently sent out the following reflection to those on her email list:
"I was asked how I could still be Catholic . . .
Pope Francis' style of speaking in edifying and sometimes humorous sound bites is definitely music to journalists' ears.
Given our media age of tweets, texts . . .
In the second reading, Saint Paul speaks of Abraham, who, "hoping against hope, believed" (Rom 4:18). Hoping against hope! Today too, amid so much darkness, we . . .
Below is a brief interview with broadcast journalist and filmmaker-turned-Catholic priest John Clote, OFM, Conv.
Friar John – affectionately referred . . .
From a July 15 news release:
"Two hundred and fifty-five child predators were arrested and 61 victims of child sexual exploitation identified during a five . . .
When reading a June 14 story by The Associated Press regarding the George Zimmerman verdict (which was, all things considered, a just verdict), the following . . .
Yet another diocesan head-scratcher. This time, it's the Diocese of Sacramento.
From the Napa Valley Register, via California Catholic Daily (click here for . . .
On July 9, Catholic author, speaker and blogger Dawn Eden will be giving her testimony to the women-graduates of the Project Dawn treatment court in . . .
A sickening story.
From the Sydney Morning Herald (excerpted; click here to read the article in its entirety):
"Standing before an American court . . .
It gets tiresome to see the mainstream media constantly fawning over the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and now the staunchly pro-abortion Texas state . . .
From Reuters (excerpted; click here for the article in its entirety):
Fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden was seeking asylum in . . .
In light of the recently-released film Man of Steel – which, despite its Christian references, was a disappointment for me (click here for a spot-on . . .
The following is a brief interview with respected priest-theologian Father Brian Harrison, O.S., whose curriculum vitae can be seen below the interview. Thanks . . .
I commend Father Derek Lappe, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Bremerton, Wash., for ceasing his parish's support of the Boy Scouts of . . .
Father Andrew Greeley has died at the age of 85.
I've mentioned him a number of times in this column over the last several years. I was no fan of his, to say . . .
Regarding the Boy Scouts of America's very disappointing decision to allow "openly gay" Scouts, Father Richard Perozich of the Diocese of San Diego . . .
(Note: At the very end of this column are two photos of a late-term abortion committed by abortionist Douglas Karpen – another Kermit Gosnell – of . . .
There's been some interesting news in the last several days involving the Internal Revenue Service (under fire for targeting conservative groups), abortion . . .
Pope Francis has spoken about the tragic reality of "covert euthanasia."
From a May 6, 2013 Catholic News Service story:
"While the fight to preserve life . . .
In 2011, I had the opportunity to hear a talk given by Hollywood actress-turned- Benedictine nun Dolores Hart at St. John Cantius Parish in Chicago. It was, . . .
The latest GOP culture war casualty is none other than Rep. Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's pro-life running mate in 2012.
Ryan now says he supports gay adoption . . .
(A version of the following column originally appeared at American Thinker.)
Two sports stories made headlines the other day: The New York Jets released . . .
Before getting into some very serious stuff, I offer the following bit of good Christian humor courtesy of the bulletin of St. John Cantius Parish in Chicago:
. . .
The following article, written by Father Brian W. Harrison, appears in the current issue of The Remnant Catholic newspaper. Click here for the publication's . . .
Kermit Gosnell is a moral monster.
The terrorist-abortionist, currently on trial, "faces 43 criminal counts, including eight counts of murder in the death of . . .
In light of the recent story (click here) about a Christian florist who faces significant fines for refusing to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding, I asked . . .
As we approach Divine Mercy Sunday (April 7), I think it's fitting to feature two recently-released books by Marian Press.
The first is Loved, Lost, Found: 1 . . .
Canon lawyer Edward Peters is no stranger to Catholic media. (Click here to see his blog; click here to see his homepage and resource center.)
A brief bio of . . .
First, to all my readers: Happy Easter!
Please keep me in your prayers.
In his March 14 homily, Pope Francis said: "He who does not pray to the Lord prays . . .
'They [the regime] have total power and we cannot overturn them. Electorally we are now a minority. In terms of armed force, they have overwhelming superiority. . . .
The purpose of a man is to love a woman,
And the purpose of a woman is to love a man....
– Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders, "The Game Of Love" (1965)
. . .
Sadly, but not surprisingly, Vice President Joe Biden and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, two prominent pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage "Catholics," . . .
'My Jesus, by the compassion which You felt for Your Mother, have compassion on me, and permit me to share in her intercession with You. O Mary, afflicted . . .
Believe it or not, The New York Times recently published a letter of mine – short and pithy, of course – on Cardinals Keith O'Brien and Roger Mahony . . .
Are church employees (Catholic and Protestant) hindering pro-life activism?
Well, yes, at least in one respect, writes Father Frank Pavone, national director . . .
Catholic researcher and writer Stephanie Block has put together a dossier on the followers and sympathizers of Lucifer-loving leftist community organizer Saul . . .
'I decided to resign from the ministry that the Lord had entrusted me on April 19, 2005. I did this in full freedom for the good of the Church after having . . .
The following article is from the Feb. 7 issue of The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. It was written by the paper's news editor, Paul Likoudis. To subscribe to the . . .
Regarding the brouhaha over the Boy Scouts possibly accepting leaders who identify as gay or lesbian, I've asked Father Richard Perozich, a priest of the . . .
In light of the recent news that retired Navy SEAL sniper, best-selling author and reality TV personality Chris Kyle was shot and killed by a troubled former . . .
If it isn't the crazy realm of politics, violence and bloodshed throughout the world (outside and inside the womb), celebrities being celebrities, and the . . .
Below are excerpts from the first chapter of the book Meet Mary: Getting to Know the Mother of God, by Dr. Mark Miravalle, professor of theology at Franciscan . . .
We Christian pro-lifers are rightly in "battle mode" with the Obama administration; however, it's clear that we still need to clean up our own house, so to . . .
So here we are ... 40 years after Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Well over 50 million lives lost to abortion; virtually no prospect of overturning Roe in the . . .
Given that the issue of gun ownership and "gun control" is permeating the news, I'm devoting this particular column to Catholic moral teaching and gun ownership . . .
As we approach the 40th anniversary of the abominable Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions that have led to the slaughter of more than 53 million tiny . . .
(The following commentary originally appeared on the blog of American Thinker.)
Talk about going overboard!
No, I'm not referring to Brent Musburger's on . . .
In my Dec. 16, 2012 column on the Newtown tragedy, Father Phillip De Vous is quoted as follows:
"...Many studies indicate, and my own pastoral experience . . .
The following is a recent news release (slightly edited) by Monica Migliorino Miller, director of the Michigan-based Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and author . . .
Happy New Year, everyone!
Last month, a letter was circulated online asking for prayers and cards of support for Father Luke Suarez, parochial vicar at St. . . .
It's not just the U.S. that needs many prayers; so does the Philippines.
"After a 14-year and often-heated battle, the Philippines . . .
The following are commentaries by two Catholic priests on the horrific mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.
Father Phillip De Vous wrote (slightly edited)
. . .
From John F. Kippley, co-founder of Natural Family Planning International, Inc. (edited):
"Maybe God is telling us something. Millions of prayers and . . .
A reader wrote (edited):
"Recently I saw a newspaper item that troubled me deeply. I'm asking you [directed to the reader's friends] to write to the governor . . .
Two stories very much in the news right now are the so-called fiscal cliff and same-sex "marriage" controversies.
I've asked Catholic attorney-professor . . .
The book The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life, authored by Father Charles Arminjon, was completed in 1881 — yet it's still a . . .
The following are the introductions to two books authored by the Rev. Joseph M. Esper, a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, and published by Queenship . . .
Yes, there are far more pressing matters in the world than the escapades of the fictional 007, but, hey, if the Vatican's official newspaper can devote five . . .
The following is the introduction (sans footnotes) to the book Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, by William Kilpatrick. . . .
A friend alerted me to Father Michael Pfleger's public Facebook page. A sad and scary sight, I must say (click here to see it, but make sure you have a strong . . .
I asked priest-author-theologian Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and a contributor to this column, to comment on the . . .
The "culture of death" advocates are out in full force in Ireland. They have been for quite some time, it seems. They want baby-killing-on-demand in Ireland and . . .
Ten years ago, on Nov. 13, 2002, Mary Stachowicz was martyred.
In 2006, Bishop Thomas Paprocki, now bishop of Springfield, Ill., gave a presentation titled . . .
I recently paid a visit to the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center here in the Chicago area. An interesting, albeit somber, museum, I must say. Its . . .
In my August 14, 2012 column, I wrote:
"I've already resigned myself to another four years of President Obama. But then, I'm a pessimist. I'll gladly eat . . .
...Roe v. Wade was based on the premise — indeed, on the philosophy — that the woman stands alone. Abortion isolates the woman from all other human . . .
Yes, there are at least 241 reasons not to vote for President Obama next month. I'm sure there are many more, but I'll leave the task of coming up with the . . .
The following is the preface (written by Cardinal Ivan Dias) to the book Prayers, Promises, and Devotions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, by Susan Tassone. . . .
The Catholic bishops, who rightly oppose the Obama administration's grossly unjust HHS mandate, are united in promoting freedom of religion. And on Oct. 20, pro . . .
A reader wrote (edited):
"Friday, I spent eight hours with a former priest who was booted for doing something nasty with an adolescent years ago. (Why? . . .
Below is the introduction to the book Breaking Through: Catholic Women Speak for Themselves, edited by Helen M. Alvaré, an associate professor of law at George . . .
An Oct. 4 blog post on titled "Free contraception may prevent abortions" is excerpted below (click here to read the post in its entirety):
. . .
Randall Terry, veteran pro-life activist and current presidential candidate, has a new 30-second television ad that's likely to irk, if not enrage, supporters . . .
I've written about the Truth Alliance Foundation previously, but it's worth revisiting.
Thomas R. Hampson, an Illinois licensed private investigator and . . .
Excerpts from a very good piece by Dr. Jeff Mirus of
"In the United States, throughout my entire lifetime, there have been only the most . . .
Get this: Monica Lewinsky is back in the news. Well, sort of.
"The new tell-all book that Monica Lewinsky is currently writing will . . .
I posed the following question to Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, author, and my column's resident theologian:
. . .
The devil never sleeps — even if you don't believe in him. Or, more accurately, recognize his existence and (evil) works.
Below is the introduction to . . .
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., the retired archbishop of Milan known for his liberal views on matters Catholic, died Aug. 31 from complications of . . .
First, please pray for the repose of the souls of two dedicated pro-lifers who died recently: Richard Herner, of Aurora, Ill., and James Vincent Connelly, . . .
Father Gerald O'Reilly, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago and devoted defender of the unborn, recently prayed the rosary among several homosexual activists . . .
By the time you read this, U.S. Senate hopeful Todd Akin (R-Missouri) may have dropped out of the race. Or perhaps not. We'll see.
In expressing the logical, . . .
A priest I met with recently for spiritual direction recommended I read The Emotions God Gave You: A Guide for Catholics to Healthy and Holy Living, a book by . . .
I've already resigned myself to another four years of President Obama. But then, I'm a pessimist. I'll gladly eat crow if I'm wrong.
If. We'll see.
I . . .
In response to the 2012 Al Smith Dinner controversy, an Archdiocese of New York official, Ed Mechmann, has posted a blog entry titled "Controversies and Dinners . . .
First, I ask you, dear readers, to please keep me in your prayers. Many thanks!
Perhaps I'm missing the boat, so to speak, but I must say that I'm . . .
Every time a senseless tragedy of violence and death occurs, such as what recently took place at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater, many people ask the . . .
Dr. Anthony J. Caruso is a Chicago-area Catholic physician who has an ambitious and praiseworthy plan: to establish the St. Anne Center for Reproductive Health, . . .
I asked two respected, politically astute Catholic priests — Fathers John Trigilio and Phillip De Vous — to comment on the recent U.S. Supreme Court . . .
With all the depressing news and events of recent days (and years, for that matter), I thought it might be nice to reprint the following light-hearted . . .
From the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute:
"A groundbreaking study reveals that adult children of homosexual and lesbian parents experience far . . .
Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has authored a book titled 100 Biblical Arguments Against Sola Scriptura, the introduction to which is reprinted below (sans . . .
Attorney-author Christopher A. Ferrara, president and chief counsel of the American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc., and contributor to traditionalist . . .
First, kudos to all those who organized and participated in the June 8 Stand Up for Religious Freedom nationwide rallies! Click here for news and updates . . .
In a June 5 New York Times story titled "Abortion Qualms on Morning-After Pill May Be Unfounded," reporter Pam Belluck wrote:
"...Based on the belief that a . . .
There's a been a loud hum in the Catholic blogosphere in recent days surrounding the release of the feature film For Greater Glory, in large part due to its . . .
Christina Skelley, known to her friends as Chrissie, is a sweet, dedicated pro-lifer and devout Catholic who recently announced that she has decided to enter . . .
Father Charles Zmudzinski, C.P.M., J.C.L., writes (slightly edited):
It has come to my attention from my religious superior that my comments [included in . . .
The following commentary (slightly edited) was written by Michael Smith:
"I write this on the even of my beloved bride Linda's funeral, in a feeble attempt . . .
There is controversy surrounding a very recent TIME magazine cover featuring a woman breastfeeding her 3-year-old (or 4-year-old, depending on the report) son. . . .
From a May 8 Catholic News Service story:
"Keaton Fuller, a senior at Prince of Peace, is one of eight recipients of a Matthew Shepard Scholarship from the . . .
As one who has battled depression for a number of years, it bothers me when I hear of a death by suicide. Very sad. A priest-friend of mine once said, when it . . .
God bless all the outstanding pro-life, pro-family Christian women among us. You know who you are!
Don't worry — I'm not forgetting about all the . . .
Catholic author, speaker and journalist Dawn Eden has a new book out titled My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints, published by . . .
I first want to wish all my readers — yes, even those who might hate my guts — a blessed Easter! I will keep you in my prayers; please keep me in . . .
"Overruling one of his parish priests, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has permitted a homosexual in a registered domestic . . .
Kudos to Father Thomas Milota, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Naperville, Ill., for recently sending a letter to his parishioners encouraging them to . . .
I asked Father Angel Sotelo, a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Fresno, for his perspective on the Trayvon Martin tragedy.
Father Sotelo's comments are as . . .
I first want to ask for prayers for Father John Trigilio, the priest-author and EWTN personality who's also been a contributor to this column. According to a . . .
The following article, written by Father Scott A. Haynes, S.J.C., appears in the March 2012 issue of Challenge Magazine, a Catholic publication based in Canada. . . .
Dedicated pro-lifers across the country are in the midst of the 40 Days for Life campaign, which has already saved quite a few lives! Of course, you wouldn't . . .
(A version of this column first appeared at American Thinker.)
St. Patrick must be rolling over in his grave — and I can say that because I'm part . . .
From Mission: America and the Illinois Family Institute:
On April 20, 2012, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is once again exploiting . . .
At the entrance to the [Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles] is a suspended 8-foot bronze Madonna with computerized enhanced facial . . .
Leave it to the politically-incorrect Rush Limbaugh to use a not-so-nice word (which, by the way, is not in the same category as a racial slur) to describe an . . .
From a Feb. 29 story at
"A parish priest in Maryland, who denied communion to a woman who identified herself as a lesbian, has been . . .
Chris Kahlenborn, M.D., respected internist and founder/president of The Polycarp Research Institute, writes (slightly edited):
"I like Rick Santorum a lot. . . .
Let's talk about divorce, shall we?
More specifically, Catholicism and divorce.
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
"Divorce is a grave offense . . .
Catholic author Steve Kellmeyer writes:
"'On August 1, 2011, Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed that all employers . . .
(As I was putting this column together, news broke that pop-singer Whitney Houston has died at the young age of 48. In her prime, Houston had a fabulous voice . . .
(A version of this column originally appeared on American Thinker.)
Supporters of Planned Parenthood were furious about the recent decision by Susan G. Komen . . .
The mysterious and tragic deaths of two priests — Father Waclaw Jamroz of the Archdiocese of Chicago and Father Alfred Kunz of the Diocese of Madison . . .
(A shorter version of the following column originally appeared on American Thinker.)
On Jan. 20, the Obama administration, specifically Health and Human . . .
...For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they have comforted me. You . . .
I know, I know — no politician is perfect. Heck, none of us is perfect, obviously. Far from it.
That said, the main thing that bothers me about GOP . . .
Veteran pro-life activist and current presidential candidate Randall Terry plans to run Super Bowl ads that will feature the gruesome reality of abortion. Click . . .
One need only look around to see the disastrous effects of the so-called sexual revolution: pornography at every turn, widespread sexual abuse, rampant . . .
Let's say a bishop or priest gives an interview to a newspaper or television/radio station and says something that can be construed as inflammatory. He then has . . .
Homosexual activists and their sympathizers are having an absolute hissy-fit over remarks made by Cardinal Francis George in a recently-televised interview . . .
Susan Stafford had a turbulent childhood. And the transition to adulthood wasn't any bed of roses, either. Far from it.
The product of a broken home, . . .
I asked several practicing, orthodox Catholics — whom I know to be knowledgeable of Church teaching and the political process — to comment on their . . .
Below is the Introduction to the recently-published book Who's Got You? Observations of a Homeschooling Father, authored by John Clark, a businessman and father . . .
The following article is reprinted from the Christmas 2011 issue of Catholic Men's Quarterly magazine. Thanks to John Moorehouse, publisher of CMQ, for allowing . . .
Tim Tebow has sure made the sports headlines as of late. The popular quarterback of the Denver Broncos, known for being unapologetic about his Christian faith . . .
"The great deceiver, divider, and the devil."
Those are the words of a priest-monsignor here in Chicago who was referring to someone whose name is . . .
I asked (via email) Brian M. McCall, associate professor of law at the University of Oklahoma College of Law, to comment on the apparent drop in the U.S. . . .
'Women are trained to be priests. Many women have their masters in theology so there's no reason why they couldn't be priests. We should have women deacons. We . . .
The following is an edited version of an article from a recent issue of The Remnant Catholic newspaper. Many thanks to Remnant editor Michael J. Matt for . . .
Thomas R. Hampson, an Illinois licensed private investigator and founder of the Truth Alliance Foundation, is determined to expose corruption — in the . . .
Below is the Preface to the book Praying with the Saints for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, authored by Susan Tassone, whose writings I highly recommend. The . . .
My goodness: a sex abuse scandal in the headlines that doesn't involve a Catholic diocese or religious order. Wonders never cease.
According to a Nov. 5 . . .
From an Oct. 31 opinion piece in The New York Times, written by I. Glenn Cohen and Jonathan F. Will (click here to read the full commentary):
"'On Nov. 8, . . .
In an Oct. 28 opinion piece in the Chicago Tribune, Robert J. Walker, executive vice president of the Population Institute, wrote (excerpted; click here to read . . .
The following article is from the fall 2011 newsletter of Aid for Women, a Chicago-area pregnancy counseling center.
"'Aid for Women counsels thousands of . . .
Michael Tripoli, a Catholic, sent those on his email list (including yours truly) the following insightful comments (slightly edited) regarding the violent . . .
I was a bit surprised to receive the following email from a Muslim, Salah H. (slightly edited):
"'As a Muslim, let me add another perspective to your . . .
A couple of pro-life items in this column...
Catholic author and veteran pro-life activist Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D., director of the Michigan-based . . .
A pro-life stalwart needs our prayers: Jim Littleton.
For a number of years, the husband and father of 14 spent his Saturday mornings sidewalk counseling in . . .
In an article in the fall 2010 issue of American Life League's Celebrate Life magazine, Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo and co-executive . . .
In light of the recent end to the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, I sought comment from Mission Capodanno, an organization dedicated to assisting . . .
I recently received the following email (slightly edited) from Dave Pierre, creator of
"'I've been following the Survivors Network of . . .
On this 10th anniversary of 9/11, I asked noted Catholic author and theologian Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, to . . .
This particular column features reflections from two Catholic women (their real names are used) who experienced divorce and were subsequently granted annulments . . .
The following are selected (edited) emails I've received in recent days in response to my Aug. 20 column "When attending Mass becomes an occasion of sin . . .
On August 17, Catholic News Agency ran a controversial story about Michael Voris and Click here to read the story.
Below is the text of . . .
From Jim Baltrinic (slightly edited):
"'This post consists of excerpts from a letter I wrote to the pastor of a Catholic parish about a certain incident that . . .
How's this for disgusting?
From an August 15 article in The Daily Caller:
"'If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have . . .
In a recent parish bulletin, Father Bill Conway, pastor of Divine Savior Parish in the Diocese of Joliet, Ill., wrote (excerpted and slightly edited; click here . . .
Earlier this year, I attended a talk given by Sister Jean Okroi, IBVM, on the evil of human trafficking. Quite an eye-opener, I must say. Sister has graciously . . .
In his latest e-column, Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula, interim president of Human Life International, writes (excerpted):
"'As August 2nd nears; that . . .
Many Catholics have heard by now that certain changes will be instituted later this year in the ordinary form of the Mass. Pastors across the country may want . . .
Two unrelated current events had rather unfortunate developments on July 5: the Casey "Tot Mom" Anthony murder trial (she was acquitted by a jury) and "The . . .
(A version of the following article, written by Brian W. Clowes, Ph.D., appeared in a recent issue of The Wanderer.)
Human Life International Launches New . . .
A Chicago priest has spoken out on a controversial, politically-incorrect topic.
And, no, it isn't Father Michael Pfleger.
It's Father Anthony Brankin, . . .
In my April 10, 2010 column, I reprinted a reflection about a relatively obscure and faithful Catholic priest in Broadus, Montana by the name of Chester Poppa. . . .
The man formerly known as Father John Corapi, celebrity Catholic priest, is "not going to be involved in public ministry as a priest any longer" and now wants . . .
Most pro-lifers know about the very important work that pregnancy resource centers do on a regular basis: They save babies from abortion and help mothers in . . .
I got a kick out of a June 2 article titled "Michele Bachmann thinks the world is ending and the pope is the antichrist," written by Alex Pareene, posted on the . . .
The following is the Introduction to Michael L. Brown's latest book A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been. Thanks to Dr. . . .
Although I wasn't home-schooled, I fully support parents who are in a position to do so. Thus, I'm perplexed and disappointed in remarks made by Catholic author . . .
I received the following email on May 24 (slightly edited):
"'My name is Damian Goddard. I am a cradle-Catholic and TV sports broadcaster up here in Canada . . .
The following article is reprinted from the May 19 issue of The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. To support the publication through subscriptions and/or advertising . . .
Well, golly gee, there have been a few interesting stories making headlines recently: Osama bin Laden was killed by Navy SEALs; Arnold Schwarzenegger has . . .
For good spiritual reading, my favorite (still living) priest-author is Father Benedict Groeschel, whose gentle orthodoxy and sound psychology are both edifying . . .
Father Peter West, associate director of Priests for Life, has provided me with the following affidavit of Jane Doe, who underwent a complete hysterectomy in . . .
Father James Farfaglia is no stranger to this column. He's been featured and quoted several times over the last few years, and I'm happy to report that I agree . . .
A reader recently sent me a link to a commentary titled "Are Gay Priests the Problem?" by author and ABC News religion contributor Father Edward L. Beck, C.P.
. . .
Ken Hutcherson — affectionately known as "Hutch" — is senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Wash. He's a former middle linebacker for . . .
An interesting angle on soon-to-be Blessed John Paul II, courtesy of Australian Catholic journalist Andrew Rabel (edited):
"'With the beatification of John . . .
Dr. Brian Kopp wrote (slightly edited):
"'I first met Father Smith Jones (not his real name) in 1998 while doing a house call for his mother, Jane (not her . . .
What can I do but shake my head in disgust? And pray, of course.
I'm referring to Father Manel Pousa of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, who, according to an . . .
Former Catholic priest-turned-Protestant (or so it seems) Ellis Harsham, who was accused of sexual abuse in the 1990s and subsequently left the priesthood, is . . .
I received the following email (slightly edited) from Roger Grant:
"'I enjoy reading your columns on (and some of the other writers as well) . . .
Michael Voris of is becoming persona non grata among the Church establishment. A talk he was scheduled to give on the property of the Diocese . . .
From a news release:
Heroic Media has announced the establishment of 'Heroic News,' a pro-life news website featuring key moral and cultural issues, namely, . . .
I used to have a Facebook account. Not anymore, though. I closed it a while back. Yeah, I admit that I sorta' miss it at times — but not a whole lot. (I . . .
Below is an edited e-mail in response to my April 1 column on hospice care. It's followed by a response from Ron Panzer, president of the strongly pro-life . . .
Some will recall that March 31 was the sixth anniversary of the court-ordered murder of Terri Schiavo. (Click here to read about the tragedy.)
Terri's . . .
Pope Benedict's latest book, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week, is causing a bit of a stir because of his comments about the Church and the Jews' conversion. (Source . . .
From a press release (edited):
"It's a breath of fresh air. I love it!" That's been the reaction of reader after reader to Catholic Lane, a website debuting . . .
In my observation, the most discussed and debated theological work of the late John Paul II has been Theology of the Body. In fact, certain interpretations of . . .
Father Robert Kennedy of the Diocese of Rochester, who's presently in public ministry and presumably a priest "in good standing" [click here], wouldn't say that . . .
My Catholic readers might appreciate the "Litany for Japan"; click here to read (and pray) it.
From Australian Catholic journalist Andrew Rabel (edited . . .
Brigham Young University, affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, has suspended its star basketball player, Brandon Davies, for . . .
There's been a lot of discussion in certain circles on the topic of President Obama's "eligibility." (Incidentally, Dr. William Oddie cogently argues in a . . .
A reader wrote (edited):
"'Gov. Cuomo and his girlfriend receiving Holy Communion while in the state of [objective] mortal sin and the bishop approving it . . .
From a Feb. 23 Associated Press story (excerpted; click here for the full article):
"'A consultant for the Vatican's high court says he believes New York Gov . . .
I never had the pleasure of meeting Claudia Avignone, but I know she was a woman of deep faith. That faith, however, was tested when she was diagnosed with . . .
I have nothing but contempt for Planned Parenthood and all that it stands for. Not that I believe every person associated with the abortion giant is evil &mdash . . .
Here it is 2011, and the clergy abuse scandal, which "broke" in 2002, is still making headlines. What a shame. In addition to the victims, with whom I have a . . .
On Sunday, Feb. 13, in front of Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral, a group of homosexual activists protested Cardinal Francis George's opposition to "civil unions" . . .
The following is a brief interview with a priest who's the official exorcist of a Midwestern diocese. He wishes to remain anonymous.
1) When were you . . .
The following commentary (slightly edited) was written by Father Phillip De Vous, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Crescent Springs, Kentucky.
The Splendor . . .
First, I just want to express my deep gratitude to all those who sent me messages of support in response to my Jan. 29 column. I'm amazed by the numerous . . .
It made Catholic news headlines in recent days when Bishop Athanasius Schneider, an auxiliary of the Diocese of Karaganda, "suggested the preparation of an . . .
Very soon tens of thousands — perhaps hundreds of thousands — of pro-lifers will gather in Washington, D.C. to proclaim respect for the sanctity of . . .
In wake of the news that the late Pope John Paul II will be beatified on May 1, Father James Farfaglia, parish priest and author of two books (one of which, Get . . .
Do you know what happens when you don't pay your exorcist? You get repossessed!
A little Catholic humor. Sorry. Couldn't resist. I can't take credit . . .
First, I'd like to ask my readers to pray for the repose of the souls of (as well as the families of) pro-life activists Daniel T. Zanoza and Mary Jo Heiland. . . .
In a recent bulletin, Monsignor Dan Mayall, pastor of Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral, wrote the following (excerpted; emphasis mine):
"'December 29, Wednesday . . .
This particular column is going to be a mishmash of sorts, with several links to pertinent articles.
First, in light of the inroads made by the homosexual . . .
As expected, I've received both angry and complimentary responses to my Dec. 30 column. One person even wrote, "Nuke the Vatican ASAP." Nice, huh?
Please . . .
My Australian Catholic journalist-friend Andrew Rabel, who contributes to Inside the Vatican magazine, wrote (edited):
"'It is with a touch of sadness that I . . .
One thing that's irked me in recent times is seeing self-identified Catholics bashing, and leaving, the Church using the clergy abuse scandal as an excuse to do . . .
From a Dec. 27 blog post by Philip Klein of the American Spectator:
"'The New York Times reports that the administration has brought back the end-of-life . . .
The following is a Christmas poem that originally appeared in my Dec. 22, 2006 column. It was composed by Illinoisan Susan E. Gorski, a friend of . . .
Gee, is there any way we can make Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmsted bishop of, say, 90 percent of the U.S. dioceses? He definitely "walks the walk," which is more . . .
Sad to say, I'm afraid Congress has just infected our military with "spiritual AIDS," if you will, by repealing DADT — much to the delight of the . . .
The following is a brief interview with Christian public relations expert Tom Ciesielka on how we Christians should defend the true message of Christmas in our . . .
So we're in the midst of, to quote the old Christmas song, "the most wonderful time of the year"? Well, religiously speaking, Christmas is indeed a wonderful . . .
No. In fact, even though Palin is Protestant, she's actually more Catholic, morally speaking, than Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Pat Quinn and Father Michael Pfleger . . .
I asked priest-author Father John Trigilio Jr., president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy — and one of my favorite priests to quote in this column . . .
The following is a brief e-mail interview I recently conducted with Kimberly Guidry Speirs, director of communication for Heroic Media.
Matt C. Abbott: Would . . .
A female student who attended St. Mary's College committed suicide after she was allegedly sexually attacked by one of Notre Dame's football players — and . . .
The news about Pope Benedict's latest remarks on condom use has indeed caused a stir, but it's really not what I'd consider a major story. Notice he did not say . . .
Get this: A 33-year-old murderer, Justin Boulay, walks out of prison after serving only 12 years and plans to move to Hawaii with his wife, Rachel Rivers Boulay . . .
The following is a guest commentary by Leticia Velasquez, co-founder of Keep Infants with Down Syndrome (KIDS).
"The mentally disabled: words and meaning"
. . .
A group of homosexual activists claiming to be Catholic wants Bishop Gerald Kicanas elected as the new president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. And . . .
I don't think much of the bureaucracy known as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In fact, some days I think it should simply be disbanded. True . . .
It seems at least a few liberals were infuriated by Father Richard Perozich's pre-Election 2010 call for Catholics to stop voting stupidly (see my Oct. 9 column . . .
One of the e-mails I received in response to my Nov. 6 column, "No, the pope doesn't have a 'sex problem,'" was from Father Eric Albert Zimmer, S.J., Ph.D., . . .
As an advocate of clergy and religious abuse survivors (and all abuse survivors, for that matter), I highly respect the work of journalists Joe Rigert and . . .
Morally speaking, there can be no compromise when it comes to protecting the unborn from death through abortion. Period.
That said, I'm no expert in the . . .
In light of a new British study asserting that alcohol is more dangerous than "hard" drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine, I asked Father John Trigilio Jr., . . .
Below is the text of Dr. Charles E. Rice's keynote address to the national meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, held Oct. 22 at Holy Cross . . .
Getting favorable, or even fair, coverage in the mainstream media is something the pro-life movement has struggled mightily with for many years.
Is it . . .
Two related news items that will shock absolutely no one...
First, TIME Magazine strikes again.
In an Oct. 8 article titled "Is the Catholic Church's . . .
Reader Carlos Caso-Rosendi wrote (slightly edited):
"You may look at the time-stamp on this message and wonder, what am I doing sending e-mails at this . . .
The following is a message from Father Richard Perozich, a priest of the Diocese of San Diego:
Elections are coming up November 2, 2010. Catholics must . . .
The following is a selection of (edited) e-mails I've received in recent days. (Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Father L. Dudley Day, a fine, . . .
When was the last time you received from a non-profit organization an e-mail or 'snail mail' letter begging for money in an alarmist fashion?
For many of you . . .
If you're a social conservative who lives in Illinois — like, say, yours truly — for whom do you vote when you have a pro-abortion, special-rights . . .
Catholic blogger and mother Carol McKinley is being threatened by certain male students who attend Sacred Heart School in Kingston, Mass. And they're doing so . . .
The Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team is 1–3 so far this season. Not exactly what Notre Dame fans were hoping for, particularly with new head coach . . .
The following is a selection of (edited) e-mails I've received in recent days.
Michael Hecker:
"I read your Sept. 22 column and am saddened to say that I . . .
I must say, the Vatican Bank has a rather shady history — and it's making headlines yet again.
Catholic author and journalist Michael Brown of SpiritDaily . . .
Michael Patrick recently wrote (edited):
"I read your excellent article 'Joseph Farah is right about the homosexualist agenda...' Thank you for publicizing . . .
Below is a report of a meeting that took place on Sept. 18 between Father David J. Mullen and Cardinal Seán O'Malley. Father Mullen had expressed concern over . . .
As Pope Benedict XVI travels to hostile territory for the next few days, I recall an allocution by Pope St. Pius X (delivered in 1912) on love for the pope — . . .
Noted Catholic scholar and Notre Dame Law School professor emeritus Charles Rice is not happy about a Labor Day e-mail statement issued by his niece, Kathleen . . .
The following is a selection of (edited) e-mails I've received in recent days. Thanks to all who send me thoughtful and insightful responses to my . . .
Although I've been critical of WorldNetDaily in the past (for running an anti-Catholic commentary), I have to commend WND's Joseph Farah for recognizing the sad . . .
For those not already familiar with, Catholic journalist Michael Voris regularly delivers insightful commentaries on matters pertaining to . . .
The following is a guest commentary written by David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP).
Several weeks . . .
The evening of September 2, I was walking in downtown Chicago — on my way to an ICE-PAC event — crossing one of the bridges over the Chicago River, when I . . .
The following is an excerpt from chapter 12 of black commentator and author Ron Miller's new book SELLOUT: Musings from Uncle Tom's Porch. You can read about Mr . . .
The Christian Broadcasting Network, commonly known as CBN, recently had a segment featuring Chicagoan Andrew Marin's outreach to homosexuals. To watch and/or . . .
In my August 12 column, I printed an e-mail by homosexual activist David Thorstad, a founding member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). . . .
With regard to capital punishment, does an executioner sin when he or she "flips the switch," so to speak?
That's the question I posed to Father John . . .
Disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been convicted on one of 24 counts levied against him by the feds. Not great, but at least they got the foul . . .
Although I'm a staunch, orthodox Catholic, I still consider myself an advocate for clergy/religious abuse survivors, for which I make no apologies. I was able . . .
I've received some rather bizarre e-mails over the years, but the one that takes the cake was recently sent to me by David Thorstad, a founding member of the . . .
The following is a selection of (edited) e-mails I've received in recent days. Please note that I do not necessarily agree with every single point of every . . .
The (im)morality of contraception is something the majority of Christians are either uncomfortable discussing or, in some cases, simply not interested in . . .
Author Anne Rice e-mailed me in response to my July 30 column. She wrote: "Forgive me but Michael Rowe says it all better than I can. Thank you for addressing . . .
Although I haven't seen it — and I really have no desire to see it — I think it's safe to say that the play Late Nite Catechism has been at least somewhat . . .
The following are e-mails I've received in response to recent columns of mine (certain e-mails are edited and do not necessarily reflect my opinions . . .
Veteran pro-life activist Jim Finnegan, president of Illinois Choose Life, would never think of waving the white flag when it comes to fighting the pervasive . . .
Mel Gibson's demons are my demons and my demons are Mel's demons. Well, sort of. Allow me to explain.
I don't wish to per se defend Mel's behavior in recent . . .
A reader recently wrote (edited):
"In my personal humble opinion, there are bigger fish to fry than to pay attention to what is going on at the Rockford . . .
Here's the latest from Ann Scheidler and the Thomas More Society:
On May 29, 2010, the abortionists stooped to a new low, even for them. Here's what happened . . .
The stench of the late Father Marcial Maciel's rotting corpse still permeates the air and continues to make headlines, so to speak.
What struck (and . . .
I recently had the pleasure of having a lengthy telephone conversation with Dawn Stefanowicz, author of the book Out from Under: The Impact of Homosexual . . .
This column may open up a can of worms, but here it goes...
I guess we conservatives (and, for the record, I don't consider "socially moderate" Republicans . . .
Former priest Eugene Cullen Kennedy, the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin's close friend and biographer, likes to mock anyone and anything orthodox. Even yours . . .
The following is the text of a speech to be delivered by Clark Sowers of Belle Fourche, S. D., during a Memorial Day service at Pineslope Cemetery in Belle . . .
Attorney Jeff Anderson is no friend of the Catholic Church, for sure (although if there hadn't been so many morally corrupt and grossly negligent clergy, . . .
(First, I'd like to ask my readers to pray for U.S. seminarian Philip Gerard Johnson, who's battling brain cancer; and for pro-life activist Randall Terry's . . .
From a Rainbow Sash Movement news release:
"The Rainbow Sash Movement gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender Catholics and supporters entered Catholic cathedrals . . .
I'm genuinely torn on the issue of illegal immigration in general and Arizona's new law in particular. Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I am.
In 2004 I wrote a . . .
The other day I received a brief e-mail from Laurel, who was responding to a past column of mine regarding PETA and so-called animal rights.
"You're pretty . . .
The debate over Obamacare continues — at least among some Catholics.
To wit: Michael Sean Winters has posted on America magazine's website a commentary in . . .
The following (edited) reflection was provided to me by Jim Boushay.
Nuns and knuckles
By Jim Boushay
Sister Joseph Marita — who now goes by the name . . .
Judging by the laudatory articles on the birth control pill popping up all over the Web in recent days, one might conclude that the pill was in fact the . . .
The following is a selection of (edited) readers' responses to recent columns of mine.
Philip C. Onochié:
"I have been following the illegal immigration . . .
Father James Farfaglia, a priest of the Diocese of Corpus Christi for nine years, was formerly with the Legion of Christ for 21 years.
His response to the . . .
The immigration law recently enacted in Arizona has, not surprisingly, caused quite a firestorm of controversy. Also not surprising: The United States . . .
"Hundreds of thousands of patients are killed in the world each year in this manner, and no police or district attorney will act to investigate or prosecute."
. . .
Perhaps the term "bigot" is overused these days, particularly by the libertine left when referring to those of us who oppose the homosexual lobby, which in turn . . .
The following is the text of Tulsa Bishop Edward James Slattery's homily delivered on April 24 during the Traditional Latin Solemn High Pontifical Mass at the . . .
With current news stories involving priests and the seal of confession (see here and here), I'm reprinting the following excerpts from the book Go in Peace: . . .
The following is a selection of (slightly edited) e-mails recently received by yours truly.
Nancy Donaldson of Kansas:
"'Matt, speaking personally, . . .
Leave it to most in the leftist secular media to make themselves the Catholic Church's public enemy number one. Not the enemy of all Catholics, mind you — . . .
Author Thomas M. Santa, C.Ss.R., writes good material for spiritual reading. While you won't find him publicly commenting on the issues of the day, his . . .
A rather fatuous commentary titled "Take a pass on the Latin Mass" on the Web site of the leftist U.S. Catholic magazine led me to ask Father John Trigilio Jr., . . .
With all the bad clergy-related news as of late, the following reflection, recently provided to me by Clark Sowers of Belle Fourche, S.D., is a dose of the . . .
The following is the text of the homily given on Easter Sunday 2010 by Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Joseph N. Perry at St. John Cantius Parish. Many thanks to . . .
As a practicing Catholic, it's getting very, very difficult not to be cynical about what's going on in the Church today. And I'm not just talking about the . . .
Father James Farfaglia, a priest of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas — and author of Man to Man: A Real Priest Speaks to Real Men about Marriage, . . .
The following is a reprint of an essay titled "Is Usury Still a Sin?" by Thomas Storck. The essay originally appeared in the fall 2009 issue of Communio: . . .
The following are excerpts from the book The Fourth Secret of Fatima, authored by Italian journalist Antonio Socci. Many thanks to RCS Libri (publisher of the . . .
As some in the secular media continue their attempt to take down Pope Benedict (Phil Lawler has a good commentary on these developments here, by the way), I'd . . .
Below is the introduction to the book Spiritual Dangers of the 21st Century, by Father Joseph Esper, a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Thanks to Father . . .
On Aug. 29, 2006 — well before the Tiger Woods sex scandals came to light, of course — the Chicago Tribune printed the following letter to the editor by . . .
The following is an excerpt from the book Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat, written by Father Michael Gaitley, M.I.C. (used with . . .
The clergy abuse scandal continues to make headlines worldwide (some of the coverage has been fair and accurate, but some of it has not, in my view). Years . . .
Lamenting the news early this year that "the number of abortions performed in Illinois reached a 10-year high in 2008," Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry . . .
The following is the text of a talk — unedited and without commentary — given on March 8, 2010 by Father Emery de Gaál, Ph.D., chairman and associate . . .
From the Thomas More Society:
"'Let me tell you about another shocking development in Aurora. On December 16, 2009, one of our sidewalk counselors — a . . .
Controversy is nothing new for Ave Maria University — otherwise known as the Tom Monaghan Empire.
Recently, Deal Hudson of wrote (the . . .
The following is a reprint of an article from The Latin Mass journal. The article, "The Price of Economic Injustice: Rediscovering Catholic Just Price Doctrine, . . .
Father Alfred Kunz's life came to a tragic end either late March 3 or very early March 4, 1998. His body was discovered the morning of March 4, the victim of a . . .
I doubt Father Kevin McGrade of the Archdiocese of Boston will be singing the "Oh what a feeling — Toyota!" jingle any time soon.
A few weeks ago, the . . .
John F. Kippley, Catholic author and co-founder of Natural Family Planning International, Inc., offered the following commentary on the current health care . . .
Julia Duin, assistant national editor and religion writer for the Washington Times, is one of the few secular journalists who had the guts to write about the . . .
I asked noted Catholic priest-author-theologian Father John Trigilio to weigh in on the morality of "undercover"/investigative journalism, a topic featured in . . .
Below is the Introduction to Father Donald Calloway's 2010 book No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy — a book Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., calls "an amazing, . . .
I know Sarah Palin is popular among many conservatives, and, all things considered, I can understand why. She's attractive, smart (despite how the liberals and . . .
Catholic authors Thomas Woods and Christopher Ferrara used to be of like mind. They even co-authored a book several years ago.
But they have since parted . . .
Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On, was featured and quoted in my Feb. 10 column.
She wanted to . . .
From Joe Scheidler, national director of the Pro-Life Action League:
"'It's been three months since the City of Chicago began enforcing the hideous new . . .
Catholic writers Dawn Eden and William Doino Jr. have penned an interesting commentary that appears on (excerpted below; click here for the full . . .
The following statement, provided to me by Stephen Phelan, communications director of Human Life International and spokesman for the Reform CCHD Now coalition, . . .
Would it be best for the Catholic Church in the U.S. (and Rome, for that matter) if the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops were to be dismantled? I . . .
He's baaaaack. Actually, he's been back for a while now. Randall Terry, I mean.
Two things are certain regarding Terry: 1) He makes the news and 2) he doesn . . .
Sometimes the pro-life candidate does win, even in the blue State of Illinois.
On Feb. 2, in the Chicago suburb of Palatine, staunch pro-lifer Tom Morrison . . .
Food for thought for pro-lifers...
In the January-February 2010 issue of the New Oxford Review, in an article titled "Is It Time to Dump the Term 'Pro-life'? . . .
The following is the Preface and an additional excerpt (minus footnotes) from the book Ignatius of Antioch & Polycarp of Smyrna, authored by Kenneth J. Howell. . . .
A potpourri of pro-life items today...
Feminist attorney Gloria Allred is crying foul over the much-hyped upcoming Tim Tebow Super Bowl commercial. Writes . . .
The following is a true — and quite moving — story (minus footnotes) from the book Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer, authored by Jeff Cavins and Matthew . . .
The following is a lengthy excerpt from the book Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church, authored by Leon J. Podles, Ph.D. Many thanks to Mr. Podles and . . .
The following is a reprint of a chapter (minus endnotes) from Catholic attorney/scholar Peter B. Kelly's book Cleansing Fire (which I've featured in previous . . .
The following is a lengthy excerpt (minus footnotes) from the In Conversation with God book series, authored by Father Francis Fernandez-Carvajal. Thanks to . . .
The following is the Introduction (minus endnotes) to the book Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory, by Gerard J.M. van den . . .
The other day while looking through some Facebook posts, I came across what I think is a very thoughtful and inspiring reflection by Mary Cate Bratcher of South . . .
The following are the Preface and the Introduction (minus the endnotes) to Catholic journalist Teresa Tomeo's book Noise, published in 2007. Thanks to Matthew . . .
The Thomas More Society had quite a productive decade. Founded in 1997, the Chicago-based pro-life law firm has been working quietly but diligently to defend . . .
The following are substantial excerpts from the 2009 book The Bible Compass, authored by Dr. Edward Sri. Thanks to Matthew Pinto and Mike Flickinger of . . .
This column is a "sequel" to my Dec. 10 column "Seven priest share Christmas memories." Thanks again to those priests who contributed their reflections. I also . . .
In response to "Pro-life (dis)unity," Terry Carroll wrote:
"'I'm with you (I think) on pro-life purity. On principle, I reject 'no abortions except in cases . . .
The following is a reprint of an article from the December 2009 issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review titled "The effects of divorce on children," by Barbara . . .
Miracles do happen.
I suppose in this case it would be two "minor miracles," but, hey, what the heck? It's a positive.
To wit: an Oct. 9 story in The New . . .
Newsflash! Hold on to your seats, folks...ready? (Breathe easy, now.)
There's division in the right-to-life movement.
There. I said it.
Actually, there . . .
I wanted to do a column — perhaps more than one — featuring favorite Christmas memories of Catholic priests. I invited a number of priests to participate, . . .
The following are substantial excerpts from the book Homosexuality and the Catholic Church, authored by Father John Harvey. The book's Foreword, written by . . .
Here's a little potpourri of icky religion news stories to cleanse your palate...
From a Nov. 26 story in The Jerusalem Post (excerpted; click here for the . . .
The following are substantial excerpts from the book Interview with an Exorcist: An Insider's Look at the Devil, Demonic Possession, and the Path to Deliverance . . .
First, a background of the story, courtesy of (excerpt; click here for the full article):
"'U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) said . . .
From a Nov. 2 story on (excerpted; for the full article, click here):
"'Some cancer patients, heart attack sufferers and burn victims would be . . .
This past weekend, I attended a short seminar on the ministry of sidewalk counseling. The seminar was organized by the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League (a . . .
The latest in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development controversy...
"'Letter from the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office of Peace and Justice and the . . .
The following are excerpts from Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics, authored by Daniel Ali and Robert Spencer. The first excerpt is the book's foreword, . . .
The simplistic answer to the above question: The pro-aborts are more violent — by far. See this Web site.
(Of course, it must be said that many gay . . .
In response to my Oct. 22 column about the suspicious suicide of Father Waclaw Jamroz, whose body was found bearing more than 20 stab wounds, two readers . . .
I received the following e-mail in response to my Nov. 1 column:
"'Not to worry. Some priests have no difficulty in charging what they think the sacrament is . . .
I got some good laughs from the following column (slightly edited) that appeared in the Oct. 4 bulletin of St. Lambert Parish in Skokie, Ill., whose pastor is . . .
Here we go again...
The Lakeview Action Coalition, reportedly a grant recipient of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, on Oct. 22 gave an award to . . .
Fellow columnist Matt Barber has a new book out — The Right Hook: From the Ring to the Culture War.
Matt made headlines a few years ago . . .
In light of the recent story about notorious pro-abortion nun Donna Quinn's "moonlighting" as an abortion mill escort — deathscort would be a more appropriate . . .
If you're in the mood for edifying and enlightening reading, check out Go to Joseph, a newly-published little book (literally: 4 1/8" x 6 1/4" paperback, 160 . . .
Yet another bizarre case in the Windy City.
From an Oct. 21 I-Team report by ABC7 investigative reporter Chuck Goudie:
"'A Chicago pastor was found in his . . .
Gosh darn it.
Just when I thought (not really) I would be commending Catholic Mayor Richard M. Daley for defending the free speech rights of peaceful pro . . .
The following is a reprint of an article titled "The Privilege of Being a Man," written by Catholic author and professor Mitchell Kalpakgian, that appears in . . .
Over the last few decades, the New Age Movement has ensnared a number of nominal and lapsed Catholics. Part of the blame for this falls on those clergy and . . .
From the Sept. 27 bulletin of St. John Cantius Parish:
"'On October 7, 1571, a great victory over the mighty Turkish fleet was won by Catholic naval forces . . .
From a Sept. 21 story on
"'Irene Vilar worries that her self-described 'abortion addiction' will be misunderstood, twisted by the pro-life . . .
Noted Catholic scholar/writer Charles E. Rice, professor emeritus of law at the University of Notre Dame Law School, has authored a new book titled What . . .
Some sad news to report: Michigan pro-life activist Jim Pouillon was shot to death on the morning of Sept. 11.
The perpetrator of the murder, Harlan Drake, 3 . . .
This is my third, and most lengthy, installment of Peter B. Kelly's "factional" novel Cleansing Fire — and this time the featured chapters are about one of . . .
In my Aug. 7 column, I reprinted a chapter from Catholic scholar/attorney Peter B. Kelly's "factional" novel Cleansing Fire. The following is another chapter . . .
Just when I thought the Ted Kennedy story was falling off the radar — and it is, but too slowly — I received the following notice from a source (edited):
. . .
Certain e-mails I receive are simply mind-boggling. Consider the following unedited e-mail from Amy, a seemingly sincere yet terribly misguided mother of three, . . .
I'd like to respond to an e-mail I received regarding my Aug. 27 column — not to dwell on Ted Kennedy's life per se, but to show the cultural and spiritual . . .
It's quite sad to think that the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Catholic, was once pro-life but became an ardent supporter of abortion "rights" and the death . . .
The following is an excerpt from The Virtuous One, a self-published "factional" Catholic novelette that makes for a good, albeit fast, read. An interesting and . . .
Does Pope Benedict view the alleged Marian apparitions of Medjugorje differently than Pope John Paul II did?
Yes, according to a recent interview featuring E . . .
The first "Catholics in the military" item is courtesy of
"'Spiritual armor is as mission essential as body armor. Combat readiness demands . . .
Several years ago, at a benefit dinner for a school affiliated with the Legionaries of Christ, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Patrick Madrid, one of my . . .
The Thomas More Society, whose president and chief counsel is Thomas Brejcha, is one of my favorite pro-life organizations. (Incidentally, Peter Breen, . . .
Catholic scholar and attorney Peter B. Kelly, JD, MTS, MS(nrp), MS(ce), is passionate about the Catholic Faith. A former radio personality, Mr. Kelly resides in . . .
The first article below, written by imprisoned priest Gordon MacRae, was originally published by the Catholic League and is reproduced in its entirety. The . . .
I asked Judie Brown, president of American Life League, to comment on the latest media release from the Obama-loving, vomit-inducing Catholics United calling on . . .
For the past several weeks, I've been deluged with e-mails — most from the same person — about the Obama "birthgate" controversy. To be honest, I've paid . . .
Interestingly, Detective Kevin Hughes of the Dane County Sheriff's Office — the chief investigator of the unsolved 1998 murder of Father Alfred Kunz — is a . . .
From the Catholic League:
"'Catholic League president Bill Donohue says U.S. Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg needs to explain her recent comment on . . .
A reader wrote (edited):
"'I read this article [by Catholic commentator and political analyst Tom Roeser] and became curious about some details — not so . . .
Thanks to Father J. Patrick Serna and John Moorehouse, editor of Catholic Men's Quarterly, for allowing me to reprint the following article from the spring 2009 . . .
A reader from Concord, Calif., sent me the following e-mail:
"'You may wish to discuss in your column this story featured on KPIX-TV, San Francisco, last . . .
Interesting that the Nixon Presidential Library has just released recordings showing that the former U.S. president "believed legal abortion was 'necessary' in . . .
I received the following e-mail from the Elliot Institute in response to my June 16 column:
"'Maybe clergy and others who are reluctant to speak about . . .
As you may have heard by now, Catholic Answers, the California-based apologetics organization headed by Karl Keating and featuring notable apologists Jimmy Akin . . .
"'They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the . . .
I received the following (edited) e-mail from a priest who wishes to remain anonymous:
"'A week after President Obama spoke at Notre Dame, I preached about . . .
A reader alerted me to a June 7 post on the blog of Bishop Robert Lynch of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Here's the portion of the bishop's post that raised my . . .
Brian Kindzia reports (edited):
"'I was among those arrested at Notre Dame a few weeks ago when the university decided to honor President Obama with a law . . .
I love it when a reader decides to send a nasty e-mail from his company e-mail address in response to one of my columns.
In this case, the e-mail came from . . .
Most pro-life leaders have rightly condemned the murder of Kansas abortionist George Tiller. I'd like to highlight the (slightly edited) reactions of two of my . . .
The debate over Christopher West's analysis and teaching of John Paul II's Theology of the Body continues, and it's gotten somewhat heated. I've compiled quotes . . .
Pro-life attorney Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, a national public interest law firm based in Chicago, offered the . . .
Disgraced Archbishop Rembert Weakland is in the news again. Actually, his autobiography is what's making headlines.
In A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs . . .
A while back, an acquaintance of mine repeated something she had heard: There is the "Good Vatican" and the "Bad Vatican." I must admit, at the time, I was a . . .
In his speech at the University of Notre Dame, President Obama praised the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, the patron saint (ahem) of Catholic dissenters and, . . .
On May 17, pro-abortion President Barack Obama will deliver the commencement address — and will receive an honorary law degree — at the University of Notre . . .
(Just a heads-up to readers: Some of the information pertaining to this topic is of a frank nature and is not suitable for children. Then again, most of my . . .
Many thanks to Patrick Madrid for granting me permission to reprint in my column the section of his book Pope Fiction titled "Pope Pius XII and the Jews" (pp. 2 . . .
I very recently received the following (slightly edited) e-mail, from Ryan Anthony MacDonald, in response to a 2007 column of mine:
"'Dear Mr. Abbott:
"'A . . .
Is the swine flu "at" the University of Notre Dame? Apparently so.
There is also a spiritual sickness among many (though not all, of course) at the . . .
I received the following e-mail from "Jane," a student at William Mitchell College of Law in Saint Paul, Minn. (I should note that she is not speaking on behalf . . .
With the news that the FDA will now allow the "morning-after" pill, known as Plan B, to be sold over-the-counter to 17-year-old girls, I'm sure the abortion . . .
I received the following (edited) e-mail from John C. Hathaway:
"'Thank you for taking up the cause of Robert Kumpel as you've previously taken up the cause . . .
First, I'd like to wish all my readers a very blessed Easter season, and I ask for your prayers for my family members and me.
A reader in San Diego sent me . . .
I'd like to start off this column by asking for prayers for the repose of the souls of Los Angeles Angels pitcher Nick Adenhart, 22, and two of his friends . . .
It seems the crux of the controversy involving the University of Notre Dame's decision to invite President Obama to be its commencement speaker — and to . . .
At least some of my readers might recall the relatively recent controversy of a parish in the Archdiocese of Miami, St. Patrick Miami Beach, that hosted a . . .
From an (edited) HLI news release:
Yaoundé, Cameroon — Pope Benedict XVI's plane had not yet touched down in Africa before his trip was defined by the . . .
I'm covering two controversies in today's column.
I'll begin with the major controversy — scandal is probably a better term — involving the University of . . .
I've asked selected priests — those loyal to the Magisterium — about their thoughts regarding the morality of gun ownership and use. Here are the responses . . .
The following essay, written by Catholic author Eamonn Keane, is set to be published soon in LifeLines, a publication of Family Life International . . .
I received the following (slightly edited) e-mail from Jennifer Giroux, executive director of Women Influencing the Nation, in response to my March 7 column on . . .
One controversy that has yet to subside is how Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law applies to pro-abortion Catholic politicians and how the bishops should . . .
Little by little, in an insidious fashion, the pro-abortion agenda is being put into play.
The following has to do specifically with Illinois, but I think it . . .
According to a Feb. 24 story by Boston Globe religion writer Michael Paulson:
"'Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, facing a group of local Jewish leaders upset by . . .
Some good news out of the University of Notre Dame...
From a news release:
"'A new fund has been established at Notre Dame, under the auspices of the . . .
According to a Feb. 17 AP story:
"'A jury determined Tuesday that four San Diego firefighters were sexually harassed for being ordered to participate in a . . .
''The Vatican, in essence, is saying, 'Don't believe Jesus or Genesis. Believe Darwin instead,'' [Ray] Comfort said. 'God made man in his own image, and God is . . .
"Like being coercively in the military, it was a million dollar experience you wouldn't give a nickel for."
That's how William P. Grossklas describes the . . .
Long-time pornography foe Dr. Judith A. Reisman sounds the alarm regarding David W. Ogden, President Obama's nominee for Deputy Attorney General, in the . . .
The following is an excerpt from Philip F. Lawler's book The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston's Catholic Culture. It is reprinted from the Winter 2009 . . .
I asked Father John Trigilio, president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, for his take on the recent developments involving Legionaries of Christ founder . . .
According to a story in the Feb. 6 Chicago Sun-Times:
"'A former Catholic priest who molested at least three children worked at a Bridgeport church where a . . .
From a Feb. 2 Catholic League news release:
"'On January 29, nearly 50 Catholic Democratic congressmen sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI stating their . . .
Some "WomenPriests" aren't too happy that Pope Benedict XVI hasn't lifted their excommunications like he has for the four bishops of the Society of St. Pius X.
. . .
Leave it to "Catholic" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to rationalize the government spending hundreds of millions of dollars on so-called family planning services . . .
My Sept. 23, 2006 column featured a chapter of Lime 5: Exploited by Choice, authored by Mark Crutcher, founder and president of Life Dynamics, which provided me . . .
A reader sent me an e-mail regarding Catholic legislators who are, or were, Freemasons.
One example:
"Nevada state assembly member Jerry D. Claborn is . . .
At least two individuals didn't particularly care for my Jan. 12 column regarding Al Franken.
Matthew Huber wrote (in addition to including "Matt Abbott is a . . .
Thanks to Dr. Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican, for providing me with, and granting me permission to reprint, an article (written by Cathy Pearson) . . .
Catholic author and blogger Dawn Eden graciously provided me with an excerpt from her 2006 book The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your . . .
Eamonn Keane wrote:
"'I have noticed for some time your uncompromising defense of the Catholic Faith and pray that God will strengthen you in your resolve to . . .
How's this for the weekly "Say what?!"
The criticism of the first-ever Nativity Scene display in the Illinois state capitol building comes not from the ACLU, . . .
Tom Hoopes, executive editor of the National Catholic Register, sent me the following e-mail in response to my Dec. 1 and Nov. 30 columns.
"'I've been . . .
Father James Farfaglia, a priest of the Corpus Christi, Tex., Catholic diocese, was appalled by a Nov. 5 editorial in the National Catholic Register, a . . .
As Father Andrew Greeley continues to recover from a serious head injury suffered earlier this month, I thought I'd feature images from two of his (out-of-print . . .
In my Oct. 29 column, I featured a Southern California Catholic priest, Father Art Holquin, who had donated to the Obama campaign. (Keep in mind that if Father . . .
USA Today has published an online editorial — their view — praising "longtime abortion foes" (ahem) Douglas Kmiec and Joel Hunter, and other (unnamed) sell . . .
And now for a brief break from the not-so-nice news of the day....
I always appreciate receiving complimentary e-mails from readers, so I was quite pleased . . .
By now, many Catholics (and non-Catholics) are familiar with the recent controversy surrounding South Carolina priest Father Jay Scott Newman.
The following . . .
The following is the text of a complaint recently filed against Bishop Matthew Clark and the Rochester Catholic diocese. (Warning: contains graphic descriptions . . .
It sure seems that way.
Like a bad sexually-transmitted disease, protests against California Proposition 8 are spreading rapidly to other states, including . . .
In recent years, I've been a vocal critic — perhaps the most vocal critic — of Father Andrew Greeley.
Despite that, I was saddened to learn of his . . .
A reader sent me some recent correspondence between herself and Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark.
A very brief background of the matter: The reader, . . .
The following is a sampling of what some relatively prominent, non-liberal Catholics had to say about the Nov. 4 election results.
Father Frank Pavone:
. . .