Matt C. Abbott
No 2016 Olympics for murder (abortion) capital of the Midwest; Letterman's a jerk
By Matt C. Abbott
So much for the usual suspects in Chicago — my "windy" place of residence — bragging about hosting the 2016 Olympics.
Not happenin.'
Now our illustrious politicians can turn their attention to more important things: teenagers getting shot and beaten to death, rampant crime and corruption, and lots of abortions.
From a Sept. 30 CBS 2 story:
In a related item, Breen is quoted on the TMS Web site as saying, "We don't want to sue our hometown [Chicago], but we will if this measure is passed."
The measure to which Breen refers is "an ordinance restricting First Amendment-protected activity within an 8-foot 'bubble zone' within 50 feet of an abortion clinic."
And, surprise, surprise, "The ACLU, Family Planning Associates, and Planned Parenthood, who evidently were part of the drafting of the ordinance, prepared written comments. The City Council will consider the ordinance on October 7, 2009, 10 a.m."
Pray for Chicago. And please pray for me — I recently became a victim of identity theft and, well, who knows what else could happen!
I've never been a fan of David Letterman; never thought he was all that funny. Plus, he's a jerk. A rich and famous jerk, mind you, but a jerk nonetheless. (Not quite as bad as Bill Maher, but close.)
I like Catholic League president Bill Donohue's take on the Letterman sex scandal:
October 3, 2009
So much for the usual suspects in Chicago — my "windy" place of residence — bragging about hosting the 2016 Olympics.
Not happenin.'
Now our illustrious politicians can turn their attention to more important things: teenagers getting shot and beaten to death, rampant crime and corruption, and lots of abortions.
From a Sept. 30 CBS 2 story:
'The state of Illinois has become a destination for young girls across the country looking for an abortion. Why? Because doctors here are not required to notify guardians. But that could soon change. CBS 2's Mike Puccinelli reports that a parental notification law has been on the books for years in Illinois.
'It says doctors must notify responsible adults 48 hours before performing an abortion on females age 17 and under. Now, come early November, it could be enforced for the first time. Some decry that; others say it's about time....'
'Peter Breen [who, incidentally, is running for state representative], executive director of the anti-abortion Thomas More Society [an excellent organization] says Illinois has long been the go-to destination for out-of-state minors seeking confidential abortions.
''Just from 2007, the government statistics show us that approximately 4,000 people came to Illinois from out of state, and there's no good reason for them to do that unless they're trying to avoid the laws of their own home state,' Breen said.
'Breen says it is very likely that most of those patients were minors. In 2006, government numbers show nearly as many out-of-state women and girls came to Chicago to end their pregnancies as in 2007.
''We like to call Illinois the abortion capital of the Midwest,' Breen said. Breen provided a map to drive home his point. It shows Illinois alone in the region as the only state without a currently enforced notification or consent law.
'But Lorie Chaiten with the ACLU's Reproductive Rights Project sees virtue where Breen sees shame. 'Adult women come to Illinois. Minors come to Illinois. Women who need to access quality health care come to Illinois for that care,' Chaiten said.
'And Chaiten says the minors that come here for confidential abortion services often do so to avoid potentially devastating consequences if their parents are informed....'
In a related item, Breen is quoted on the TMS Web site as saying, "We don't want to sue our hometown [Chicago], but we will if this measure is passed."
The measure to which Breen refers is "an ordinance restricting First Amendment-protected activity within an 8-foot 'bubble zone' within 50 feet of an abortion clinic."
And, surprise, surprise, "The ACLU, Family Planning Associates, and Planned Parenthood, who evidently were part of the drafting of the ordinance, prepared written comments. The City Council will consider the ordinance on October 7, 2009, 10 a.m."
Pray for Chicago. And please pray for me — I recently became a victim of identity theft and, well, who knows what else could happen!
I've never been a fan of David Letterman; never thought he was all that funny. Plus, he's a jerk. A rich and famous jerk, mind you, but a jerk nonetheless. (Not quite as bad as Bill Maher, but close.)
I like Catholic League president Bill Donohue's take on the Letterman sex scandal:
'David Letterman began the week laughing about the authorities going after child rapist Roman Polanski, and he ended the week laughing about his own sexual exploits. His fans, of course, wouldn't care if he sodomized the girls. Ali Hamoudeh of New York spoke for many when he said, 'We love Letterman no matter what he does. He brings us joy.' And that's all that counts — he brings joy. Besides, who cares? CBS quotes a Hollywood publicist today who says 'the star wouldn't be hurt by the revelations and might even be helped by them.'
'It certainly didn't hurt Letterman's career when he laughed at the Catholic Church for what happened in 2002. That summer a man and a woman had sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral around 4:00 p.m. on a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. They did so in plain view of men, women and children and had their performance described on the radio as part of some sick contest. Most people were aghast, the radio hosts who rigged the caper were fired, and apologies were issued by the radio station. Letterman, however, found it so hysterical that he used the story to tell jokes about it for three nights. Wonder how many nights he will use his own sexploits as source material?
'There was a time, not long ago, when feminists would demonstrate in the street demanding Letterman be fired for sexual harassment. As defined by feminists, sexual harassment typically kicks in whenever a boss, usually a man, uses his position of power to initiate sex with his subordinates. But Letterman need not worry: feminists have shown so much interest in matching men at the game of sexual promiscuity that the issue of sexual harassment no longer interests them. Here's the proof. The National Organization for Women lists six issues as 'Key Issues' and twenty more as 'Other Important Issues.' Sexual harassment is not one of the six hot issues, though 'Lesbian Rights' is; sexual harassment is not even one of the twenty 'Other' issues, though 'Fighting the Right' is. In other words, as long as Letterman doesn't tell lesbian jokes, he can take advantage of all the girls he wants.'
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