Matt C. Abbott
Priest-activist: Support Trump!
By Matt C. Abbott
In light of the vociferous opposition to President Trump and his agenda by the mainstream media, liberal Democrats, Hollywood, and even some in the GOP, I asked Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, to comment on how Catholics and non-Catholics should support the president.
Father Pavone's response is as follows:
August 8, 2017
In light of the vociferous opposition to President Trump and his agenda by the mainstream media, liberal Democrats, Hollywood, and even some in the GOP, I asked Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, to comment on how Catholics and non-Catholics should support the president.
Father Pavone's response is as follows:
First of all, Catholics and non-Catholics alike need to support our president and his team. While we talk about holding our elected officials' feet to the fire, an even more important analogy is holding their hands in the air, as Aaron and Hur held the hands of Moses. We don't sit back and watch to see if our elected officials fulfill 'their' promises; rather, we work with them to fulfill our promises, the commitments we all share together for life, family, and freedom.
Now a key way to support the president is to recognize – and proclaim – that the attacks against him from the mainstream media and liberal Dems are indeed a badge of honor. Anyone receiving those attacks is leading in the right direction.
Then, it's important to point out that Church authority is commissioned by God to teach faith and morals, not politics. When I, for instance, advocate support for Donald Trump, I do so not because I am a priest but because I am a human being with reason, and I want people to follow what I say not because of any priestly authority, but because they too can think and reason and see that what I'm saying makes sense. It cuts both ways. If liberal clergy of any rank criticize the president, their words don't have any more weight because of the robes they wear. The words only have the weight of reason and if they are unreasonable, those words should be dismissed.
To support the president, we need to be informed. Counteract the ignorance and lies – and the silence about the good things he's accomplishing – by going to websites like WhiteHouse.gov and GOP.com to be informed daily of what the administration and the party are doing. And while there on those sites, give the president and the party your positive feedback and encouragement. Share this also on social media, on blogs, in letters to the editor, in comments on online news stories, and so on.
Finally, we need to support the president's nominees, who are being obstructed by the Democrats and vilified by the mainstream media. Some good people even pull back from accepting these positions because of the harsh treatment they and their families receive from the media and from Democrats. When you know of people the president is nominating to serve on the courts or in the executive branch, support them with your praise and prayers. And join us at Priests for Life through our action website, www.StopAbortionNow.org, where we will alert you to ways that you can encourage the president, his team, and Congress, and tell them that you support the good actions they take.
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