Matt C. Abbott
I have a short letter to the editor on The New York Times’ website. It’s the sixth letter from the top and the only one on the page that supports the Supreme Court’s June 24 decision striking down Roe v. Wade.
Here’s the text of my letter:
To the Editor:
I’m greatly relieved that the Supreme Court has overturned the unjust Roe v. Wade decision. It’s a victory for the pro-life movement and for faithful Catholics.
I’m hopeful that the court’s latest ruling may save the lives of many unborn children, even though abortion will remain legal and perhaps unrestricted in certain states.
Matt C. Abbott
Lake Geneva, Wis.
The writer is a Catholic commentator for RenewAmerica.com.
I haven’t received any hate email as of yet. We’ll see.
In response to the court’s decision, there have been quite a few excellent public statements released by pro-life leaders and organizations, which is heartening to see.
God bless all who work and volunteer in the pro-life movement.
I especially appreciate the statement released by Catholic scholar and veteran activist Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D., director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society (lightly edited by me):
Yes, it’s time to celebrate, and celebrate hard, that Roe is dead. Great glory be given to God. But we also must remember the millions of innocent unborn children killed under this hideous law. A law that was wrongly decided caused the murder of 62 million human beings.
Our nation cannot just say, ‘Oops, sorry.’ Indeed, America is responsible for shedding innocent blood. We cannot just celebrate the end of Roe; our nation must beg God’s forgiveness.
Moreover, there is so, so, so much more work to do. Yes, many states will outlaw abortion or seriously restrict this particular kind of murder, but many other states have already codified abortion: New York, California, New Jersey and Colorado, to name a few.
And there will be much work to do to keep other states from codifying abortion. Ultimately we must have the unborn protected as persons, protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments—because they are human beings and have a right to such protection. The pro-life movement must also redouble its efforts to help mothers in difficult pregnancy situations.
Finally, the other side is mad as heck. I mean really, terribly, nasty mad. They hate pro-lifers, they hate the Church and they are ready to go to war—even with violence. Their violence already started with the leaked Alito opinion.
We must not retreat. We must not allow the angry mob to intimidate us.
Hopefully the court’s decision will re-energize the pro-life movement for the months and years ahead.
On a related note, the (very liberal) National Catholic Reporter published an editorial titled “In wake of Dobbs decision, it's time for anti-abortion Catholics to become truly pro-life.”
Um, OK.
Better yet, it’s time for the National Catholic Reporter to become truly Catholic.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
© Matt C. AbbottThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.