Matt C. Abbott
Notre Dame Law School professor emeritus unhappy with niece Kathleen Rice's campaign statement
By Matt C. Abbott
Noted Catholic scholar and Notre Dame Law School professor emeritus Charles Rice is not happy about a Labor Day e-mail statement issued by his niece, Kathleen Rice, the Nassau County district attorney and a candidate for New York attorney general.
Sadly, Kathleen Rice is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual "marriage."
When asked by Paul Likoudis, news editor of The Wanderer, for comment on the candidate's campaign-promoting statement, Charles Rice responded as follows:
Related link:
"'What (the hell) Happened to Notre Dame?' (and no, it ain't Charlie Weis)"
© Matt C. Abbott
September 13, 2010
Noted Catholic scholar and Notre Dame Law School professor emeritus Charles Rice is not happy about a Labor Day e-mail statement issued by his niece, Kathleen Rice, the Nassau County district attorney and a candidate for New York attorney general.
Sadly, Kathleen Rice is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual "marriage."
When asked by Paul Likoudis, news editor of The Wanderer, for comment on the candidate's campaign-promoting statement, Charles Rice responded as follows:
Dear Mr. Likoudis:
You asked my opinion about Kathleen Rice's e-mail statement for Labor Day. Kathleen, as you know, is my niece. She is the district attorney of Nassau County and is running for New York attorney general in the Democratic primary. Her Labor Day statement said in relevant part:
'I'm the granddaughter of an Irish immigrant who came to our country alone as a teenager with $20 in his pocket. He built a business as a bricklayer and through hard work and advancing labor protections, it became possible for him to prosper and for our family to grow. Generations later, I work hard to honor his sacrifice....I am running for attorney general to honor my grandfather....'
I no longer live in New York and I have said nothing in public about Kathleen's campaign. I must, however, reject publicly Kathleen's Labor Day statement that she is 'running for attorney general to honor my grandfather.' Her grandfather, who died in 1946, is my father, Laurence J. Rice. Perhaps that statement was written by an ignorant staffer rather than by the candidate herself. I hope so, because it dishonors my father.
It implies that my father, who championed the cause of the oppressed in Ireland and elsewhere and who was an exemplary Catholic family man of total loyalty to the laws of nature and of God as taught by the Catholic Church, would be honored by a political campaign invoking his name in support of the legalization of the execution of the innocent and helpless unborn child and the elevation of same-sex relations to the legal status of marriage. Both of these initiatives, I am absolutely certain, he would regard as intrinsically evil. He would object strenuously to the misappropriation of his name in support of them. My father was a man of uncompromising integrity, charity and faith. He reserved an especially withering and vocal scorn for Irish Catholic politicians who abandon the truth for political advantage.
Maybe campaign rhetoric doesn't mean anything. But I must object publicly to such a hijacking of the name and reputation of my father.
Charles E. Rice
Related link:
"'What (the hell) Happened to Notre Dame?' (and no, it ain't Charlie Weis)"
© Matt C. Abbott
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