Matt C. Abbott
Responding to a Ted Kennedy fan
By Matt C. Abbott
I'd like to respond to an e-mail I received regarding my Aug. 27 column — not to dwell on Ted Kennedy's life per se, but to show the cultural and spiritual warfare of which we are in the midst (and have been for quite some time).
B.M.S., of Kansas City, Mo., are the initials of the lady whose unedited e-mail I'm responding to below, paragraph by paragraph. Her words are in italics; mine follow.
1- Ted Kennedy wrote SHIP-later know as CHIP with Republican Orrin Hatch It won by a narrow margin of 1 vote. in 1997. The controversy over the unborn child became noteworthy in 2007 because Bush did not want to give additional funding to the uninsured children of the world, and if you Sir know anything about Politics, that was only a ploy for constituents like yourself. And the veto was strongly opposed by (R) Sen. Grassley of IA and (R) Orrin Hatch. This bill help insured so many children that without this could have died from a simple flu, or undiagnosed disease. Why abortion has to be brought into everything is beyond me. Your concern is one of my which I will address later. But do you not have concerns on the Children that are living?????
Me: Of course I care about children who are "living" (I assume she means "born"). Pro-aborts like to accuse pro-lifers of caring only about the unborn, which is preposterous. Why does abortion have "to be brought into everything"? The answer is quite simple: Abortion is the issue of our times — still well over one million unborn babies killed each year (and that doesn't include the millions killed through abortifacient birth control)! Even one baby killed through abortion is one too many.
And just to address your other concerns I must say you need to understand Politics. Republican have had the house and senate 160 years out of 200 and since 1973 they had the house congress and senate they could have overturned Roe V Wade but never approached it.
Me: I've never indicated that I'm part of the "Republicans can do no wrong" crowd. I support only pro-life politicians — Republican, Democrat, Independent. But I must confess that my cynical side doesn't trust the vast majority of politicians to, when push comes to shove, do the right thing, particularly when it comes to life issues. (There are exceptions, of course; one such example is Peter Breen, a staunch pro-lifer.)
And for you to take one platform that stands on Abortion only when Ted Kennedy in 47 years wrote into legislation hundreds of bills for the underprivileged humans and the needy. He was a crusader by far. And for you to demonize him on this one platform and ignore all the good he did in 47 years is shameful on your part. Again religious right wings cannot think beyond one platform. Abortion will happen with or without government involvement. It was happening in the 30s, 40's 50's and on and on just done on kitchen tables where many lives were lost. You all think that if you win on Abortion laws which is all that you addressed in the above that you will stop it from happening. I must say Sir you are delusional.
Me: Ah, the "one platform" argument. In other words, to B.M.S., abortion really isn't a big deal. Hey, it's gonna happen anyway (even on kitchen tables?), so why not support its legalization? Then she trots out the proverbial "Criminalizing abortion will not stop it from occurring (even on kitchen tables?)" argument. In other words, baby-killing should remain "safe, legal, and rare." Look, as long as abortion remains legal, it sure ain't gonna be rare! And, as I mentioned above, even one abortion is one too many. It's true that only an act of God will end abortion once and for all, but in the interim, it's time to assent to the natural moral law and cease state-sanctioned baby-killing.
But I do encourage you as a professed Christian to look at the many good things that this man did for the American People. And he also Sir was not the only one that voted NO there were Republicans that did as well. Yes you can goggle and see. I am so sick that people do not understand how Republicans play to you as a constituent and they do not care and have not done anything to change Roe V Wade.
Me: Again, I've never indicated that I believe all Republicans to be pro-life. Please!
We are in the 21st Century, and if the Lord meant us not to prosper in technology and science then he would have left us in the middle ages. And you could still own a slave. Go back to founding Fathers and look at their beliefs. Thomas Jefferson one of the writers did not believe in Women's Suffrage. He believed in slavery but he believed he should treat them fairly. Yes sir we have come a very long way.
Me: Since when does abortion constitute prospering in technology and science? As for slavery, it's interesting to note that the U.S. Supreme Court once decided that African-Americans were not "persons" (Dred Scott) and thus could be bought and sold. Much like the court's decision that the unborn are not "persons" (Roe v. Wade) and can be killed up to the moment of birth for "health" reasons (Doe v. Bolton). I think B.M.S. should get a copy of Maafa 21.
Do you believe civil rights? If you do then you would see how much the Kennedy's did for the black community. They weren't able to vote until the 60's and had to pay taxes if they weren't strung to a poplar tree in their walk to vote. This was 40 some years ago. You may not have lived through that mistreatment of humans but I was and it was awful.
Me: See my previous response.
You preach for right to life but read your history book and see how many black humans were killed shamelessly by Christian Conservatives. I have lived for 53 years and have seen many many in human travesty's by the government. And one being a war that we are currently in that has killed thousands and thousand of young men and women that will never get the chance to even HAVE CHILDREN or a family of their own. Which I must add Senator Kennedy Voted against the war.
Me: What does that have to do with his ardent support of legalized baby-killing?
Widen your thoughts on American Government and you might see that one platform which is all of the above speaking points can only pale in comparison of what has happened over Americas History.
Me: Here we go again — "one platform." Just like legalized slavery was merely "one platform"?
Ted Kennedy is resting in Heaven without a shed of doubt. But you should also go back to your Bible and re-read the part about Judgment. It is for only one to Judge and that is the Lord.
Me: Wow. B.M.S. can actually see who's in Heaven!
I do not believe in abortion but I do believe that we are living in a different world and you and all your words will not bring us back to the 50's hiding the Taboo. But I do believe the great importance of Sexual education for our Children. In 1970 I went to a private Catholic school and it was taught then. But it just didn't give us enough information. The education needed now is to teach our Children the importance abstinence or preventative means so we can save them from the disease's that are running rampant, and the feeling of turning to the last resort of abortion. Attach from a differnt approach might be wise. Scare them straight. Let us not judge, lets us herd to the Children and teach them for Children of 14 years old are having sex and babies now. It is a cruel world we live in and criticizing and judging one man on his view on one platform will not change tomorrow.
Me: I love it when someone says, "I don't believe in abortion, but..." or, "I'm pro-life, but..." They may as well admit their less-than-pro-life tendencies. And it's obvious that B.M.S. bought into Planned Parenthood's nonsense — as did Ted Kennedy.
Use your skills and grab on to the realities of today and let go of he yesteryear's. They are gone.
Me: Huh?
Lastly what is PREBORN. That is not even a word. But again I know what you are talking about. Again thinking the world runs on one platform. Right now people are dying because they do not have health care and you took the time to desecrate this man?
Me: "Preborn" or "unborn" refers to a baby in utero, B.M.S. Also, I don't think I'm desecrating Ted Kennedy by what I put in my column. The fact remains that he was an influential and powerful public figure who "lived" as a Catholic yet supported and even facilitated legalized baby-killing. Sad.
Very sad.
© Matt C. Abbott
August 29, 2009
I'd like to respond to an e-mail I received regarding my Aug. 27 column — not to dwell on Ted Kennedy's life per se, but to show the cultural and spiritual warfare of which we are in the midst (and have been for quite some time).
B.M.S., of Kansas City, Mo., are the initials of the lady whose unedited e-mail I'm responding to below, paragraph by paragraph. Her words are in italics; mine follow.
1- Ted Kennedy wrote SHIP-later know as CHIP with Republican Orrin Hatch It won by a narrow margin of 1 vote. in 1997. The controversy over the unborn child became noteworthy in 2007 because Bush did not want to give additional funding to the uninsured children of the world, and if you Sir know anything about Politics, that was only a ploy for constituents like yourself. And the veto was strongly opposed by (R) Sen. Grassley of IA and (R) Orrin Hatch. This bill help insured so many children that without this could have died from a simple flu, or undiagnosed disease. Why abortion has to be brought into everything is beyond me. Your concern is one of my which I will address later. But do you not have concerns on the Children that are living?????
Me: Of course I care about children who are "living" (I assume she means "born"). Pro-aborts like to accuse pro-lifers of caring only about the unborn, which is preposterous. Why does abortion have "to be brought into everything"? The answer is quite simple: Abortion is the issue of our times — still well over one million unborn babies killed each year (and that doesn't include the millions killed through abortifacient birth control)! Even one baby killed through abortion is one too many.
And just to address your other concerns I must say you need to understand Politics. Republican have had the house and senate 160 years out of 200 and since 1973 they had the house congress and senate they could have overturned Roe V Wade but never approached it.
Me: I've never indicated that I'm part of the "Republicans can do no wrong" crowd. I support only pro-life politicians — Republican, Democrat, Independent. But I must confess that my cynical side doesn't trust the vast majority of politicians to, when push comes to shove, do the right thing, particularly when it comes to life issues. (There are exceptions, of course; one such example is Peter Breen, a staunch pro-lifer.)
And for you to take one platform that stands on Abortion only when Ted Kennedy in 47 years wrote into legislation hundreds of bills for the underprivileged humans and the needy. He was a crusader by far. And for you to demonize him on this one platform and ignore all the good he did in 47 years is shameful on your part. Again religious right wings cannot think beyond one platform. Abortion will happen with or without government involvement. It was happening in the 30s, 40's 50's and on and on just done on kitchen tables where many lives were lost. You all think that if you win on Abortion laws which is all that you addressed in the above that you will stop it from happening. I must say Sir you are delusional.
Me: Ah, the "one platform" argument. In other words, to B.M.S., abortion really isn't a big deal. Hey, it's gonna happen anyway (even on kitchen tables?), so why not support its legalization? Then she trots out the proverbial "Criminalizing abortion will not stop it from occurring (even on kitchen tables?)" argument. In other words, baby-killing should remain "safe, legal, and rare." Look, as long as abortion remains legal, it sure ain't gonna be rare! And, as I mentioned above, even one abortion is one too many. It's true that only an act of God will end abortion once and for all, but in the interim, it's time to assent to the natural moral law and cease state-sanctioned baby-killing.
But I do encourage you as a professed Christian to look at the many good things that this man did for the American People. And he also Sir was not the only one that voted NO there were Republicans that did as well. Yes you can goggle and see. I am so sick that people do not understand how Republicans play to you as a constituent and they do not care and have not done anything to change Roe V Wade.
Me: Again, I've never indicated that I believe all Republicans to be pro-life. Please!
We are in the 21st Century, and if the Lord meant us not to prosper in technology and science then he would have left us in the middle ages. And you could still own a slave. Go back to founding Fathers and look at their beliefs. Thomas Jefferson one of the writers did not believe in Women's Suffrage. He believed in slavery but he believed he should treat them fairly. Yes sir we have come a very long way.
Me: Since when does abortion constitute prospering in technology and science? As for slavery, it's interesting to note that the U.S. Supreme Court once decided that African-Americans were not "persons" (Dred Scott) and thus could be bought and sold. Much like the court's decision that the unborn are not "persons" (Roe v. Wade) and can be killed up to the moment of birth for "health" reasons (Doe v. Bolton). I think B.M.S. should get a copy of Maafa 21.
Do you believe civil rights? If you do then you would see how much the Kennedy's did for the black community. They weren't able to vote until the 60's and had to pay taxes if they weren't strung to a poplar tree in their walk to vote. This was 40 some years ago. You may not have lived through that mistreatment of humans but I was and it was awful.
Me: See my previous response.
You preach for right to life but read your history book and see how many black humans were killed shamelessly by Christian Conservatives. I have lived for 53 years and have seen many many in human travesty's by the government. And one being a war that we are currently in that has killed thousands and thousand of young men and women that will never get the chance to even HAVE CHILDREN or a family of their own. Which I must add Senator Kennedy Voted against the war.
Me: What does that have to do with his ardent support of legalized baby-killing?
Widen your thoughts on American Government and you might see that one platform which is all of the above speaking points can only pale in comparison of what has happened over Americas History.
Me: Here we go again — "one platform." Just like legalized slavery was merely "one platform"?
Ted Kennedy is resting in Heaven without a shed of doubt. But you should also go back to your Bible and re-read the part about Judgment. It is for only one to Judge and that is the Lord.
Me: Wow. B.M.S. can actually see who's in Heaven!
I do not believe in abortion but I do believe that we are living in a different world and you and all your words will not bring us back to the 50's hiding the Taboo. But I do believe the great importance of Sexual education for our Children. In 1970 I went to a private Catholic school and it was taught then. But it just didn't give us enough information. The education needed now is to teach our Children the importance abstinence or preventative means so we can save them from the disease's that are running rampant, and the feeling of turning to the last resort of abortion. Attach from a differnt approach might be wise. Scare them straight. Let us not judge, lets us herd to the Children and teach them for Children of 14 years old are having sex and babies now. It is a cruel world we live in and criticizing and judging one man on his view on one platform will not change tomorrow.
Me: I love it when someone says, "I don't believe in abortion, but..." or, "I'm pro-life, but..." They may as well admit their less-than-pro-life tendencies. And it's obvious that B.M.S. bought into Planned Parenthood's nonsense — as did Ted Kennedy.
Use your skills and grab on to the realities of today and let go of he yesteryear's. They are gone.
Me: Huh?
Lastly what is PREBORN. That is not even a word. But again I know what you are talking about. Again thinking the world runs on one platform. Right now people are dying because they do not have health care and you took the time to desecrate this man?
Me: "Preborn" or "unborn" refers to a baby in utero, B.M.S. Also, I don't think I'm desecrating Ted Kennedy by what I put in my column. The fact remains that he was an influential and powerful public figure who "lived" as a Catholic yet supported and even facilitated legalized baby-killing. Sad.
Very sad.
© Matt C. Abbott
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