Matt C. Abbott
New York priest wouldn't say pedophilia is a sin
By Matt C. Abbott
Father Robert Kennedy of the Diocese of Rochester, who's presently in public ministry and presumably a priest "in good standing" [click here], wouldn't say that pedophilia is a sin and said the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, according to a book by Paul Likoudis, news editor of The Wanderer, a Catholic newspaper.
Likoudis' book, AmChurch Comes Out: The U.S. Bishops, Pedophile Scandals and the Homosexual Agenda, released in 2002, is still timely and contains a wealth of information.
The following excerpt comes from the chapter titled "Bishop Matthew Clark and Gay Activism":
Again, Father Kennedy reportedly made those remarks in 1996, several years prior to when the clergy abuse scandal first "exploded" in the news. I've seen or heard nothing that he's since publicly retracted them. However, I'll bet anyone a dollar that, if asked the same question on pedophilia today, he'd have a different response.
Of course, should Father Kennedy e-mail me a clarification saying that he fully supports and promotes the Church's magisterial teachings on sexual morality, I'll gladly print it.
Also of note: In 2004, Father Kennedy was one of 35 priests of the Diocese of Rochester who joined 23 priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago in signing a letter protesting "the use of violent and abusive language directed at" homosexual persons by "the Vatican, bishops' conferences and individual bishops." (Source) Given that the Diocese of Rochester has been a cesspool of heterodoxy and moral corruption for years, this isn't at all surprising.
A few bad apples? More like someone poisoned the orchard.
(For those interested in purchasing a copy of AmChurch Comes Out, please e-mail me for the ordering information.)
Related links:
"My Take: The Bible really does condemn homosexuality"
"The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement"
The Courage Apostolate
The Wanderer
© Matt C. Abbott
March 16, 2011
Father Robert Kennedy of the Diocese of Rochester, who's presently in public ministry and presumably a priest "in good standing" [click here], wouldn't say that pedophilia is a sin and said the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, according to a book by Paul Likoudis, news editor of The Wanderer, a Catholic newspaper.
Likoudis' book, AmChurch Comes Out: The U.S. Bishops, Pedophile Scandals and the Homosexual Agenda, released in 2002, is still timely and contains a wealth of information.
The following excerpt comes from the chapter titled "Bishop Matthew Clark and Gay Activism":
'Among the facilitators at the October 26, 1996 'Day of Reflection' was Father Robert Kennedy, assistant professor of Liturgical Studies and Coordinator of Student Formation at St. Bernard's Institute, who, at the time, 'has been in ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics for 15 years.'

'Scriptural passages which 'fundamentalists' interpret as condemning homosexual acts, he said, must be re-interpreted in terms of the cultural beliefs of the time, and are no more binding than ritual prescriptions which bar the eating of shellfish or the wearing of clothing made of two or more different fabrics.
'At the end of his talk, during the question and answer period, one of the audience asked Kennedy if pedophilia were a sin, and Kennedy responded that he didn't know of any Church teaching on the subject.'
Again, Father Kennedy reportedly made those remarks in 1996, several years prior to when the clergy abuse scandal first "exploded" in the news. I've seen or heard nothing that he's since publicly retracted them. However, I'll bet anyone a dollar that, if asked the same question on pedophilia today, he'd have a different response.
Of course, should Father Kennedy e-mail me a clarification saying that he fully supports and promotes the Church's magisterial teachings on sexual morality, I'll gladly print it.
Also of note: In 2004, Father Kennedy was one of 35 priests of the Diocese of Rochester who joined 23 priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago in signing a letter protesting "the use of violent and abusive language directed at" homosexual persons by "the Vatican, bishops' conferences and individual bishops." (Source) Given that the Diocese of Rochester has been a cesspool of heterodoxy and moral corruption for years, this isn't at all surprising.
A few bad apples? More like someone poisoned the orchard.
(For those interested in purchasing a copy of AmChurch Comes Out, please e-mail me for the ordering information.)
Related links:
"My Take: The Bible really does condemn homosexuality"
"The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement"
The Courage Apostolate
The Wanderer
© Matt C. Abbott
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