Matt C. Abbott
Pavone defends use of aborted baby on altar
By Matt C. Abbott
From Catholic News Agency (Nov. 7):
In an email to me, Father Pavone wrote:
November 8, 2016
From Catholic News Agency (Nov. 7):
Father Frank Pavone, head of the controversial pro-life group Priest for Life, came under fire Monday for a video of him [posted at PFL's Facebook page] standing behind an altar with an aborted baby in an effort to support Donald Trump.
Ed Mechmann, director of public policy for the Archdiocese of New York, said the use of an aborted baby 'as a prop' is 'absolutely appalling, and deserves to be repudiated by all of us who consider ourselves to be pro-life in the fullest meaning of that word.'
In an email to me, Father Pavone wrote:
The issue is not how I'm treating a baby. (I've been providing funerals and burials for these children for decades, with full legal and canonical counsel, and those concerned about these things would do well to talk to me rather than the media.)
The issue is how the abortionists, supported by the Democrats, are treating these babies. What's sacrilegious is abortion, and voting for those who support it. It's time we get our heads screwed on straight about who the bad guys are.
We are living in the midst of a holocaust, and our nation faces a choice on November 8 between electing people, like Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, who will continue that holocaust and have us pay for it, and Donald Trump and the Republican Party, who are committed to working to bring it to an end. This choice is neither confusing nor difficult.
Countless people, clergy and laity alike, in all denominations, are raising their voices as never before, to warn our nation of the consequences of continuing to allow the Democrats to control this country, hide the atrocity of abortion even while getting the rest of us to pay for it, make excuses for the illegal and corrupt activities of Planned Parenthood, and trying to squelch the very freedom of the church to talk about these things.
Donald Trump is ready to defend the unborn and to defend the church. That's why I'm with him – and all believers should be also. And as he is attacked, so are those who stand with him. So be it.
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