Matt C. Abbott
Kinsey and 'Sexual Sabotage'
By Matt C. Abbott
One need only look around to see the disastrous effects of the so-called sexual revolution: pornography at every turn, widespread sexual abuse, rampant promiscuity, abortion, adultery, grossly immodest fashions, people living in and celebrating fornicatory and homosexual relationships, and people who have died as a result of engaging in a deviant (and dangerous) sexual practice known as autoerotic asphyxiation.
Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., is a noted researcher and author who has battled the vast sex industry and has exposed the true and terrible legacy of one of the sexual revolution's chief architects, Alfred Kinsey. Below is a substantial excerpt (minus endnotes) from chapter one of Dr. Reisman's book Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America. Thanks to Dr. Reisman and WorldNetDaily.com for allowing me to reprint her material. (This should be obvious, but I'll write it anyway: Due to the nature of the book's content, it is appropriate only for adults.)
Sexual Sabotage
By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
"Mother's Flags" hung in the windows of most homes in my neighborhood in 1942. Walking past them, I knew that when a blue star was replaced with a gold one, another son or daughter had died to protect me and my country. My gratitude and sense of obligation began then, as 416,800 soldiers died, sixteen million fought under arms, and millions of stateside Americans shouldered the burdens of war. Little did we know that, having survived the enemy forces in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Ocean, our heroes would come home only to be sabotaged, betrayed by a cult of American draft dodgers lounging on the grassy slopes of Indiana University.
There, strolling along the tree covered green campus and the undisturbed wilderness of Dunn's Woods, Alfred C. Kinsey, a zoologist, studied gall wasps, taught classes, conducted "sexual research," and, in 1948 and 1953, published reports that defamed our heroes, their families, and everything they fought and died for. With a cadre of devoted followers, this "scientist" lied about our forebears and slandered the World War II generation as promiscuous, adulterous, homosexual, and even bestial. Abundant evidence proves that these sexual perversions reflected the activities and character of the Indiana University professors — not of our accused World War II fighting men and women. Nonetheless, this false "statistical survey" of the morals of World War II Americans would be believed and relied upon for generations to come. Indeed, it continues to seduce our nation, even today.
In 1948, when Kinsey's first book was published, I was thirteen years old and wholly unaware that my freedom and safety were a legacy granted me largely by unknown women bred as independent ladies and unknown men bred with "religion and the spirit of a gentleman." Little did we know, in 1948, that the nation's character would be transformed from Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher to that of the tortured youth of the 1948 pornographic novel, Amboy Dukes. We were still being lifted aloft to higher things by the virtues of the founders' generation reflected in our own World War II parents.
In 1948, my parents, like most people on our street, never locked the car or our front door. The paint spray can was not invented until 1949, and graffiti did not mar shops and signs, even on the tough side of town. Stores did not have wrought-iron bars protecting their windows. Burglar alarms were rare indeed.
In 1948, I walked the mile from my house to Bancroft Junior High School in Los Angeles. My fellow students discussed weekend plans — parties, dances, and church and synagogue events — and we commiserated with several movie stars' children, whose parents were divorced.
On Saturdays, I often took the trolley from Hollywood to the beach, where I spread my towel on the sand, searched my lunch bag for an apple, and lolled about reading my book, swimming, and finding seashells. Catching the last streetcar back to L.A., I sauntered home after dark. Some Saturdays I might have tarried on Hollywood Boulevard, peeking in the shops, enjoying an ice cream cone before I moseyed home in the evening.
In 1948, as my friends and I meandered through beaches, parks, and streets, we had no idea of the "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" that would soon assault us. Like me, Elvis was thirteen, and John Lennon was only eight years old. Few kids smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol. Drugs? A very sophisticated friend once asked me if I'd like to smoke marijuana. "What is it?" I asked. When she told me, I was stunned. "Why would I ever want to do that?" I chalked up this strangeness to the fact that her father was a film director. Again, we all knew about "movie people."
Though very few kids had cars in the late 1940s and early 1950s, one nice sixteen-year-old boy rode a motorcycle and occasionally picked me up after classes at Fairfax High School. Of course, he never tried to kiss me. The phrase "sweet sixteen and never been kissed" still applied to most girls I knew. We never heard of "date rape."
In 1948, my parents did not worry much about my safety. They knew I didn't take rides from strangers and I was a "good girl." Even our liberal crowd was not a sexually liberal crowd. Child molesters were considered rare indeed, and though some of those queer fellows lurked about in movie theaters, parents still usually felt their children's independence and freedom outweighed the rare possibility of harm.
This was the common reality in 1948. Americans of all races and religions and from most socioeconomic backgrounds tended to share similar morals. In fact, most single men were quite likely to be virgins as adults, including Playboy's Hugh Hefner and liberal CBS newscaster Andy Rooney. Drafted in 1941, Rooney recalled his Colgate college football team, saying that none of his friends there had smoked and "we didn't say 's--t' or 'f--k,' and we didn't sleep with our girlfriends. Sex was only a rumor to us."
Former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw wrote what is perhaps the most celebrated study of World War II Americans in his 1998 book, The Greatest Generation. Through stories, private letters, poems, pictures, and diaries, he documented and summarized their values and ethical character. Brokaw wrote that their morals were as important for victory as were "tanks and planes and ships and guns." He thought it would be wonderful to have a "statistical survey of America's strengths." Indeed, such research would have been valuable.
For tragically, the world would soon view a false "statistical survey" of World War II Americans defining this generation's moral and ethical character. While our fathers and grandfathers fought World War II, and while our mothers and grandmothers both overseas and on the home front bore the burdens of war, Alfred C. Kinsey did not. Instead, when America entered the war December 7, 1941, the forty-one-year-old zoologist was an Indiana University teacher "researching" human sexuality. Wrapping himself in the mantle of "science," Kinsey, a secret sexual psychopath, would project his own sexual demons onto the men and women appreciably called the Greatest Generation, the Americans who saved the world from Hitler's national socialism.
Riding on the financial support and seemingly impeccable credentials of the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Research Council, and Indiana University, Kinsey published his distorted data in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953 and, as his fans say, the world was never the same. With a Madison Avenue advertising blitz, these two reports were aggressively marketed and gained credibility as Kinsey focused the western world on the imagined mote in the eye of his fellow citizens, rather than on the beam in his own.
The men who came home after World War II surely would have agreed with 1960s pop singers Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel: "Gee, but it's great to be back home. Home is where I want to be." But while these heroes were trying to resume their lives, they were being sabotaged by a subversive barrage, a twisted campaign that informed the world that American men were sexually deviant. Under this assault, they surely would also have agreed with other Simon and Garfunkel lyrics: "Everywhere I go, I get slandered, libeled. I hear words I never heard in the Bible. . . ."
"Kinsey not only studied sexuality," wrote one of his admirers, "he helped create it . . . in such a way that it is difficult for us to recognize what pre-1950s sexuality looked like." True. But while Kinsey's narrative described "a period of sexual repression," his statistics claimed that the generation was sexually immoral, promiscuous, and deviant. Why the contradiction? As one who was there, I witnessed firsthand his sexual slander of heroic Americans. And, as one of the elders now, I have researched Alfred Kinsey for thirty-five years, finding that he and his cult libeled our World War II warrior generation in order to validate his own cowardly perversions by creating a "sexual revolution."
Sadly, he succeeded. Morris Ernst, Kinsey's American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyer, explained that Kinsey could collapse Victorian morality by libeling World War II fathers. Since "the whole of our laws and customs in sexual matters is to protect the family [and] the base of the family is the father [Kinsey would prove] 'is quite different from anything the general public had supposed.'" Thus, slandering "father" could gut the laws and customs that protected mothers, children, and the family. And it did.
No match for Kinsey's media blitzkrieg, the war generation's humble reticence to "talk about what happened" gave Kinsey & Company carte blanche. Domestic propagandists launched a stealth attack on their own homeland by defaming our heroes as hypocritical perverts, while our fighting men, still in shock from combat, tried to rebuild their lives. War-weary, America was bombarded with the highly publicized tale that Kinsey sold as reality. In believing the lies about the World War II generation's sexual character, our culture would see the hijacking of the hard-earned sexual laws and customs that protected the family, children, and civility. Alfred Kinsey decisively influenced and grievously damaged my society — and tarnished the legacy of the generation that saved the world. And as our society takes this slander for granted and allows the damage to spiral, Kinsey's co-conspirators continue to terrorize our nation. This is why I track the Kinsey lobby. Our children deserve better. Our Greatest Generation deserves better.
In 2005, sixty years after the end of World War II, I watched the documentary, The League of Grateful Sons. In one scene, several elderly former marines stand at attention beside an Iwo Jima graveyard epitaph: "When You Go Home, Tell Them For Us . . . For Your Tomorrows, We Gave Our Today. Semper Fi." The narrator explains that, for "half a century they were silent." Finally, sighs an aged veteran, our "real history is being transferred to the younger generation."
That is my passion, to transfer the real history about the "Greatest Generation" to their heirs and to expose the libel of our finest Americans. It is vital that we clear the reputations of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. The younger generation must know that their ancestors have been betrayed and defamed — and understand why and by whom. It is up to us to set the historical record straight.
Who Were We, Before Kinsey?
Although black slavery ended with the Civil War in 1865, women continued to live largely under patriarchal control for another fifty-five years. Indeed, in the 1860s and early 1870s, a new national scandal thrived: Traffic in white female sex slaves flourished in scores of big cities. New York was the "center of commercialized sex in the United States." Child and adult brothels were everywhere. Catering to "heterosexual and homosexual pleasures," commercial sex pictures and prices were posted "in hotels, shops, and saloons throughout the city," using alcohol and sex devices to "tempt the crowds."
Catapulted by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), on March 3, 1873, New Yorkers passed an anti-obscenity statute to try and control the spread of venereal disease and crime. When he moved from Connecticut to New York, social reformer and crusader, Anthony Comstock, was horror-struck by the visible public traffic in sex. In 1868, he organized a public "suppression of vice" that resulted in massive arrests and a successful cleanup of New York City that spread nationwide over the next four decades.
Markedly casual toward victims of the white slave traffic, sexually liberated psychiatrists, and psychologist-educators actively marketed the sexual freedom advocated by Clark University president G. Stanley Hall, his Viennese visitor, Dr. Sigmund Freud, and their colleagues. Thus — just as it does today — the battle raged between "repressed," pious, Americans and the "liberated" licentious academic elites. By 1910, men increasingly joined the organized women's movement to end the white slave traffic. In 1917, America entered World War I, a conflict joyfully ended in 1918. By the 1920s, even New Yorkers increasingly lived in a relatively sexually restrained and, thus, safe and sane environment. This was the culture in which our future World War II heroes were born and raised. But the battle for America's character still raged.
Stepping boldly into the fray, in the late 1920s, the Catholic Church began a campaign against Hollywood's brazen nudity and sadistic pornographic film indecency. As a result, with theaters half-empty, Hollywood studios were forced to hire writers and produce films that "fit" the moral values of average Americans. This meant hiring brilliant, often very moral writers to produce fluffy, witty, or charming dialogue and good drama that did not run afoul of the new Motion Picture Production Code, popularly known as the "Hays Code" for its creator, Will Hays. Under these highly moral guidelines, Hollywood entered its "golden era" from 1934 until the 1960s....
Ladies and Gentlemen
On public transport, most males automatically gave up their seats to the elderly, women, and children, and men and older boys commonly held open the door for women, old folks, and children. They would commonly offer to carry a girl's parcels or books, should she wish. Before seating themselves, men commonly held the chair for ladies to be seated, and waited to eat until the ladies had begun. Men asked permission to smoke and were especially careful to use "decent" language in the company of women and girls, who were called "ladies" and "young ladies." And a gentleman always defended ladies in any encounter. Patriarchy had many drawbacks if one's male intimate was alcoholic, violent or a slough, but the flip side was the male view of men as obligated, respectful, and of service to the female "weaker" sex.
In The Compleat Gentleman, Brad Miner, the former literary editor of National Review discussed American chivalry and gallantry: "I'll say plainly that the American republic . . . was founded by gentlemen and depends upon their gentlemanly ideals for both its prosperity and its posterity. Our republic, in fact, is the gentleman writ large . . . it's all about balance and restraint." Minor supports this concept in his discussion of the Titanic survival rates; when even the wealthiest gentlemen gave their lives to secure the safety of women and children of all classes. Despite the claims of the feature film, Titanic, "Upper and-middle-class men," Miner wrote, "had the lowest rate of survival on the Titanic."
On the other hand, men who are not reared to be courteous, to be gentlemen in service of ladies and children, often sink to the level of scoundrels. To paraphrase Voltaire, a belief in and fear of God are especially important for those in authority. They must fear a Higher Authority, who sees all that they do and who will mete out eternal punishment. Otherwise, they may do whatever evil pleases them. Voltaire also warned, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." In 1948, Kinsey, the antithesis of a gentleman, caused millions to believe absurdities about the sexual morality of the Greatest Generation. Predictably, restraint slackened and sexual atrocities followed — and have skyrocketed.
But as "our boys" recovered from the ravages of World War II, the ethos of family and community supported faith, fidelity, personal responsibility, honor, and children's innocence. In a sign of Comstockian success, New York City's Central Park welcomed couples and families who were unafraid and unaware of the misery and crime that had blighted the city a few decades earlier. In 1948, the safer, saner, softer, and superior society was visible to the naked eye. Cities that had once been vice-ridden saw women and children enjoying the freedom to casually roam streets, paths, and beaches. These venues were created because America's character supported public areas where men, women, and children — alone or otherwise — could safely wander, day or night. Today, however, these once-congenial places of public recreation are again vandalized centers of crime and cruelty, unsafe after dusk. The comparison is stark.
The sex industry had been thwarted — and vice squads contained its re-emergence — but elitist revolutionists often attacked our founders' beliefs in favor of lifestyles they fancied as licentious European cosmopolitanism. Building on the legacy of America's rugged provincialism and religious belief, World Wars I and II revived our national honor and stoked our confidence. Our refreshed patriotism made America great and kept us so for decades.
This really was who we were before, during, and after World War II. This is the generation that I knew as a child. This was America — an extraordinary nation that came of age during the Great Depression and two World Wars and went on to build the greatest modern society the world has ever known. And these are the men and women, our fathers and mothers and grandsires, our heroes and heroines, whom Kinsey claimed to truthfully reveal in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), the generation that was sabotaged by a deviant pseudo scientist who libeled our legacy and screwed our society.
Related link:
"Exposing Kinsey sex atrocities goes global"
© Matt C. Abbott
January 16, 2012
One need only look around to see the disastrous effects of the so-called sexual revolution: pornography at every turn, widespread sexual abuse, rampant promiscuity, abortion, adultery, grossly immodest fashions, people living in and celebrating fornicatory and homosexual relationships, and people who have died as a result of engaging in a deviant (and dangerous) sexual practice known as autoerotic asphyxiation.
Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., is a noted researcher and author who has battled the vast sex industry and has exposed the true and terrible legacy of one of the sexual revolution's chief architects, Alfred Kinsey. Below is a substantial excerpt (minus endnotes) from chapter one of Dr. Reisman's book Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America. Thanks to Dr. Reisman and WorldNetDaily.com for allowing me to reprint her material. (This should be obvious, but I'll write it anyway: Due to the nature of the book's content, it is appropriate only for adults.)
By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

There, strolling along the tree covered green campus and the undisturbed wilderness of Dunn's Woods, Alfred C. Kinsey, a zoologist, studied gall wasps, taught classes, conducted "sexual research," and, in 1948 and 1953, published reports that defamed our heroes, their families, and everything they fought and died for. With a cadre of devoted followers, this "scientist" lied about our forebears and slandered the World War II generation as promiscuous, adulterous, homosexual, and even bestial. Abundant evidence proves that these sexual perversions reflected the activities and character of the Indiana University professors — not of our accused World War II fighting men and women. Nonetheless, this false "statistical survey" of the morals of World War II Americans would be believed and relied upon for generations to come. Indeed, it continues to seduce our nation, even today.
In 1948, when Kinsey's first book was published, I was thirteen years old and wholly unaware that my freedom and safety were a legacy granted me largely by unknown women bred as independent ladies and unknown men bred with "religion and the spirit of a gentleman." Little did we know, in 1948, that the nation's character would be transformed from Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher to that of the tortured youth of the 1948 pornographic novel, Amboy Dukes. We were still being lifted aloft to higher things by the virtues of the founders' generation reflected in our own World War II parents.
In 1948, my parents, like most people on our street, never locked the car or our front door. The paint spray can was not invented until 1949, and graffiti did not mar shops and signs, even on the tough side of town. Stores did not have wrought-iron bars protecting their windows. Burglar alarms were rare indeed.
In 1948, I walked the mile from my house to Bancroft Junior High School in Los Angeles. My fellow students discussed weekend plans — parties, dances, and church and synagogue events — and we commiserated with several movie stars' children, whose parents were divorced.
On Saturdays, I often took the trolley from Hollywood to the beach, where I spread my towel on the sand, searched my lunch bag for an apple, and lolled about reading my book, swimming, and finding seashells. Catching the last streetcar back to L.A., I sauntered home after dark. Some Saturdays I might have tarried on Hollywood Boulevard, peeking in the shops, enjoying an ice cream cone before I moseyed home in the evening.
In 1948, as my friends and I meandered through beaches, parks, and streets, we had no idea of the "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" that would soon assault us. Like me, Elvis was thirteen, and John Lennon was only eight years old. Few kids smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol. Drugs? A very sophisticated friend once asked me if I'd like to smoke marijuana. "What is it?" I asked. When she told me, I was stunned. "Why would I ever want to do that?" I chalked up this strangeness to the fact that her father was a film director. Again, we all knew about "movie people."
Though very few kids had cars in the late 1940s and early 1950s, one nice sixteen-year-old boy rode a motorcycle and occasionally picked me up after classes at Fairfax High School. Of course, he never tried to kiss me. The phrase "sweet sixteen and never been kissed" still applied to most girls I knew. We never heard of "date rape."
In 1948, my parents did not worry much about my safety. They knew I didn't take rides from strangers and I was a "good girl." Even our liberal crowd was not a sexually liberal crowd. Child molesters were considered rare indeed, and though some of those queer fellows lurked about in movie theaters, parents still usually felt their children's independence and freedom outweighed the rare possibility of harm.
This was the common reality in 1948. Americans of all races and religions and from most socioeconomic backgrounds tended to share similar morals. In fact, most single men were quite likely to be virgins as adults, including Playboy's Hugh Hefner and liberal CBS newscaster Andy Rooney. Drafted in 1941, Rooney recalled his Colgate college football team, saying that none of his friends there had smoked and "we didn't say 's--t' or 'f--k,' and we didn't sleep with our girlfriends. Sex was only a rumor to us."
Former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw wrote what is perhaps the most celebrated study of World War II Americans in his 1998 book, The Greatest Generation. Through stories, private letters, poems, pictures, and diaries, he documented and summarized their values and ethical character. Brokaw wrote that their morals were as important for victory as were "tanks and planes and ships and guns." He thought it would be wonderful to have a "statistical survey of America's strengths." Indeed, such research would have been valuable.
For tragically, the world would soon view a false "statistical survey" of World War II Americans defining this generation's moral and ethical character. While our fathers and grandfathers fought World War II, and while our mothers and grandmothers both overseas and on the home front bore the burdens of war, Alfred C. Kinsey did not. Instead, when America entered the war December 7, 1941, the forty-one-year-old zoologist was an Indiana University teacher "researching" human sexuality. Wrapping himself in the mantle of "science," Kinsey, a secret sexual psychopath, would project his own sexual demons onto the men and women appreciably called the Greatest Generation, the Americans who saved the world from Hitler's national socialism.
Riding on the financial support and seemingly impeccable credentials of the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Research Council, and Indiana University, Kinsey published his distorted data in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953 and, as his fans say, the world was never the same. With a Madison Avenue advertising blitz, these two reports were aggressively marketed and gained credibility as Kinsey focused the western world on the imagined mote in the eye of his fellow citizens, rather than on the beam in his own.
The men who came home after World War II surely would have agreed with 1960s pop singers Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel: "Gee, but it's great to be back home. Home is where I want to be." But while these heroes were trying to resume their lives, they were being sabotaged by a subversive barrage, a twisted campaign that informed the world that American men were sexually deviant. Under this assault, they surely would also have agreed with other Simon and Garfunkel lyrics: "Everywhere I go, I get slandered, libeled. I hear words I never heard in the Bible. . . ."
"Kinsey not only studied sexuality," wrote one of his admirers, "he helped create it . . . in such a way that it is difficult for us to recognize what pre-1950s sexuality looked like." True. But while Kinsey's narrative described "a period of sexual repression," his statistics claimed that the generation was sexually immoral, promiscuous, and deviant. Why the contradiction? As one who was there, I witnessed firsthand his sexual slander of heroic Americans. And, as one of the elders now, I have researched Alfred Kinsey for thirty-five years, finding that he and his cult libeled our World War II warrior generation in order to validate his own cowardly perversions by creating a "sexual revolution."
Sadly, he succeeded. Morris Ernst, Kinsey's American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyer, explained that Kinsey could collapse Victorian morality by libeling World War II fathers. Since "the whole of our laws and customs in sexual matters is to protect the family [and] the base of the family is the father [Kinsey would prove] 'is quite different from anything the general public had supposed.'" Thus, slandering "father" could gut the laws and customs that protected mothers, children, and the family. And it did.
No match for Kinsey's media blitzkrieg, the war generation's humble reticence to "talk about what happened" gave Kinsey & Company carte blanche. Domestic propagandists launched a stealth attack on their own homeland by defaming our heroes as hypocritical perverts, while our fighting men, still in shock from combat, tried to rebuild their lives. War-weary, America was bombarded with the highly publicized tale that Kinsey sold as reality. In believing the lies about the World War II generation's sexual character, our culture would see the hijacking of the hard-earned sexual laws and customs that protected the family, children, and civility. Alfred Kinsey decisively influenced and grievously damaged my society — and tarnished the legacy of the generation that saved the world. And as our society takes this slander for granted and allows the damage to spiral, Kinsey's co-conspirators continue to terrorize our nation. This is why I track the Kinsey lobby. Our children deserve better. Our Greatest Generation deserves better.
In 2005, sixty years after the end of World War II, I watched the documentary, The League of Grateful Sons. In one scene, several elderly former marines stand at attention beside an Iwo Jima graveyard epitaph: "When You Go Home, Tell Them For Us . . . For Your Tomorrows, We Gave Our Today. Semper Fi." The narrator explains that, for "half a century they were silent." Finally, sighs an aged veteran, our "real history is being transferred to the younger generation."
That is my passion, to transfer the real history about the "Greatest Generation" to their heirs and to expose the libel of our finest Americans. It is vital that we clear the reputations of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. The younger generation must know that their ancestors have been betrayed and defamed — and understand why and by whom. It is up to us to set the historical record straight.
Who Were We, Before Kinsey?
Although black slavery ended with the Civil War in 1865, women continued to live largely under patriarchal control for another fifty-five years. Indeed, in the 1860s and early 1870s, a new national scandal thrived: Traffic in white female sex slaves flourished in scores of big cities. New York was the "center of commercialized sex in the United States." Child and adult brothels were everywhere. Catering to "heterosexual and homosexual pleasures," commercial sex pictures and prices were posted "in hotels, shops, and saloons throughout the city," using alcohol and sex devices to "tempt the crowds."
Catapulted by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), on March 3, 1873, New Yorkers passed an anti-obscenity statute to try and control the spread of venereal disease and crime. When he moved from Connecticut to New York, social reformer and crusader, Anthony Comstock, was horror-struck by the visible public traffic in sex. In 1868, he organized a public "suppression of vice" that resulted in massive arrests and a successful cleanup of New York City that spread nationwide over the next four decades.
Markedly casual toward victims of the white slave traffic, sexually liberated psychiatrists, and psychologist-educators actively marketed the sexual freedom advocated by Clark University president G. Stanley Hall, his Viennese visitor, Dr. Sigmund Freud, and their colleagues. Thus — just as it does today — the battle raged between "repressed," pious, Americans and the "liberated" licentious academic elites. By 1910, men increasingly joined the organized women's movement to end the white slave traffic. In 1917, America entered World War I, a conflict joyfully ended in 1918. By the 1920s, even New Yorkers increasingly lived in a relatively sexually restrained and, thus, safe and sane environment. This was the culture in which our future World War II heroes were born and raised. But the battle for America's character still raged.
Stepping boldly into the fray, in the late 1920s, the Catholic Church began a campaign against Hollywood's brazen nudity and sadistic pornographic film indecency. As a result, with theaters half-empty, Hollywood studios were forced to hire writers and produce films that "fit" the moral values of average Americans. This meant hiring brilliant, often very moral writers to produce fluffy, witty, or charming dialogue and good drama that did not run afoul of the new Motion Picture Production Code, popularly known as the "Hays Code" for its creator, Will Hays. Under these highly moral guidelines, Hollywood entered its "golden era" from 1934 until the 1960s....
Ladies and Gentlemen
On public transport, most males automatically gave up their seats to the elderly, women, and children, and men and older boys commonly held open the door for women, old folks, and children. They would commonly offer to carry a girl's parcels or books, should she wish. Before seating themselves, men commonly held the chair for ladies to be seated, and waited to eat until the ladies had begun. Men asked permission to smoke and were especially careful to use "decent" language in the company of women and girls, who were called "ladies" and "young ladies." And a gentleman always defended ladies in any encounter. Patriarchy had many drawbacks if one's male intimate was alcoholic, violent or a slough, but the flip side was the male view of men as obligated, respectful, and of service to the female "weaker" sex.
In The Compleat Gentleman, Brad Miner, the former literary editor of National Review discussed American chivalry and gallantry: "I'll say plainly that the American republic . . . was founded by gentlemen and depends upon their gentlemanly ideals for both its prosperity and its posterity. Our republic, in fact, is the gentleman writ large . . . it's all about balance and restraint." Minor supports this concept in his discussion of the Titanic survival rates; when even the wealthiest gentlemen gave their lives to secure the safety of women and children of all classes. Despite the claims of the feature film, Titanic, "Upper and-middle-class men," Miner wrote, "had the lowest rate of survival on the Titanic."
On the other hand, men who are not reared to be courteous, to be gentlemen in service of ladies and children, often sink to the level of scoundrels. To paraphrase Voltaire, a belief in and fear of God are especially important for those in authority. They must fear a Higher Authority, who sees all that they do and who will mete out eternal punishment. Otherwise, they may do whatever evil pleases them. Voltaire also warned, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." In 1948, Kinsey, the antithesis of a gentleman, caused millions to believe absurdities about the sexual morality of the Greatest Generation. Predictably, restraint slackened and sexual atrocities followed — and have skyrocketed.
But as "our boys" recovered from the ravages of World War II, the ethos of family and community supported faith, fidelity, personal responsibility, honor, and children's innocence. In a sign of Comstockian success, New York City's Central Park welcomed couples and families who were unafraid and unaware of the misery and crime that had blighted the city a few decades earlier. In 1948, the safer, saner, softer, and superior society was visible to the naked eye. Cities that had once been vice-ridden saw women and children enjoying the freedom to casually roam streets, paths, and beaches. These venues were created because America's character supported public areas where men, women, and children — alone or otherwise — could safely wander, day or night. Today, however, these once-congenial places of public recreation are again vandalized centers of crime and cruelty, unsafe after dusk. The comparison is stark.
The sex industry had been thwarted — and vice squads contained its re-emergence — but elitist revolutionists often attacked our founders' beliefs in favor of lifestyles they fancied as licentious European cosmopolitanism. Building on the legacy of America's rugged provincialism and religious belief, World Wars I and II revived our national honor and stoked our confidence. Our refreshed patriotism made America great and kept us so for decades.
This really was who we were before, during, and after World War II. This is the generation that I knew as a child. This was America — an extraordinary nation that came of age during the Great Depression and two World Wars and went on to build the greatest modern society the world has ever known. And these are the men and women, our fathers and mothers and grandsires, our heroes and heroines, whom Kinsey claimed to truthfully reveal in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), the generation that was sabotaged by a deviant pseudo scientist who libeled our legacy and screwed our society.
Related link:
"Exposing Kinsey sex atrocities goes global"
© Matt C. Abbott
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)