Matt C. Abbott
Using handbooks, not handguns, to fight abortion; 'The Pill Kills'
By Matt C. Abbott
I first want to highlight two e-mails I've received in the last 24 hours.
From Steven Conroy, media relations manager for Southern California Edison (see my previous column):
From reader J. M.:
From American Life League:
June 4, 2009
I first want to highlight two e-mails I've received in the last 24 hours.
From Steven Conroy, media relations manager for Southern California Edison (see my previous column):
'The views expressed by Mr. Brian Sturtevant are his own. He is not authorized to speak on behalf of Southern California Edison. We have counseled Mr. Sturtevant about the proper use of the company e-mail system. Thank you for bringing this unfortunate incident to our attention.'
From reader J. M.:
'I cannot understand all the apologetics on the part of the pro-life community over the death of Dr. Tiller. While any act of homicide is terrible, this man brought this on himself. He exposed himself, through the killing of over 40,000 children, to the anger and disdain of many people opposed to abortion. While most people opposed to abortion are rational human beings, Dr. Tiller knew that he was also angering a lunatic fringe by his actions. It's not my point that he 'asked for it,' or 'deserved it,' but that, in the words of Jesse Jackson, 'The chickens have come home to roost.' How can we compare the pro-abortion movement to slavery or the horrors of Nazi Germany and then mourn one of its casualties? Certainly we will pray for his immortal soul, but we are better off now that he is dead. Better to opine nothing than say anything that regrets his passing. Or are we just apologizing to the lunatic left in advance of their expected onslaught?'
'The League has published a free, pocket-sized, 96-page handbook, Sharing the Pro-Life Message, that arms pro-lifers with the facts, figures and reasoned arguments they need to share the truth about abortion with compassion and conviction.
''It has always been my philosophy that we convert abortionists,' says Joe Scheidler, the League's national director. 'As activists committed to saving lives, we vigorously oppose violence. The handbook is designed to change the hearts and minds of those who support abortion, one by one, through respectful dialog on this controversial issue.'
''If you've ever had to explain or defend the pro-life message to a friend, family member, co-worker or even a complete stranger, you need this handbook,' League communications director Eric Scheidler says. 'We're giving it away for free because we're convinced it will help save lives. The only weapon the pro-life movement needs is truth — and that's what Sharing the Pro-Life Message offers.'
'Any pro-lifer in the U.S. or Canada can order a copy of Sharing the Pro-Life Message at www.FreeProLifeHandbook.com. Bulk orders for church, school or pro-life groups also are available.'
From American Life League:
'On Saturday, June 6, 2009, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill — The Pill — and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how The Pill kills babies. This year, we will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. We will emphasize the truth about how The Pill kills women.
'Join American Life League and protest The Pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors' offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is — help get the word out!
'The Pill and other birth control products can and have killed women not only in the United States, but all over the world. Often times The Pill leads to cardiovascular problems which can result in death. Studies show that most women who have died from the use of The Pill or other birth control products have died from blood clots, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolisms. The Pill also causes many other serious problems such as cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, depression and much more.
'This is the group dedicated to spreading the truth behind the The Pill. What many people don't realize is that The Pill can actually kill preborn babies and the mother would not even know it.
'The Pill works in three ways:
'1. It can prevent the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). However, while using The Pill, women can and do experience breakthrough ovulation, meaning that an egg is released from the ovary and is available to be fertilized by the sperm.
'2. It also causes the cervical mucus to thicken, making it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg. It is possible, though, for the sperm to break through the mucus and to fertilize the egg.
'3. It also changes the lining of the uterus. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the five- to seven-day-old baby to attach to the lining, where he or she would receive the nourishment needed to grow. If the baby does not successfully attach to the lining, he or she dies and is expelled from the body during menstruation. This process is known as a chemical abortion. The fact that it can occur as a result of taking birth control pills is the reason The Pill is referred to as an abortifacient.
'Due to manipulations of the definition of 'pregnancy' — evolved over the years from beginning 'at fertilization' to beginning 'at implantation' — your doctor, depending on his or her fundamental beliefs, training and/or motivations, may try to convince you otherwise. (In 1965, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) stepped in and issued a medical bulletin that 'officially' changed the definition of conception from the union of sperm and egg to implantation.)
'Some will say The Pill never aborts a baby (pregnancy), but science (and common sense) tells us that life begins at fertilization. So, if the pill prevents a developing baby from implanting in the lining of the uterus, a life has been killed and an abortion has taken place. He or she is still a developing baby — no different from one day after fertilization to one day before birth or one day after birth.
'Visit www.ThePillKills.com for more information.'
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