Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
Death rates reported by insurance actuaries are rising, month by month. Who pays heed? Who listens to those whose careers are spent determining the odds of one’s death? Our governments see nothing in the numbers. They tell us, “We are here for you.” They tell us of wonders to come and the great strides made in recent science. They tell us not to fear, but to submit and receive our salvation. Some have remarked on the precision of the messaging; the sophistication of the new playground of the mind. It’s sometimes likened to a military Psychological Operation and sometimes to Information Warfare.
PsyOps? InfoWar? We would be fortunate if that was all there was to it, but we are engaged as unarmed combatants against an actual enemy with deadly intent. That is what we're talking about, isn't it. The numbers don't lie. People are dying at a seemingly ever-increasing rate. It's a kinetic war with syringes substituting for guns. One way, we die quickly, obviously, and with spilled blood. The current way we die slowly in "unknown" ways, and are dispensed with efficiently, with only a few brief remarks. If the rates of death continue their trends, there will come a day when efficiency demands more industrial solutions to our disposal. Those brief remarks will give way to far simpler adieus.
We stand passively as our government sets us up for a future slaughter by policy. We watch idly as international agreements are brokered to shift responsibility to a bureaucracy that's been in the business of death for many years.
When the policies of the future compel us toward actions we now can avoid, what will we say? What will we do? At that point we will be told to comply or be labeled a criminal? That's when the roundups will commence. All those who can't conclusively prove their unholy vaxxed status will be arrested, aggregated, taken to holding facilities and be forced to yield. No one will ask permission. We will be tagged, marked, and marched toward our slow doom. History repeats once again. It always does.
There will be pitifully few who will be able to escape. The means of escape are slowly being blocked now. Soon they will almost all be gone. Those who manage to slip by will live incredibly difficult and meager existences and may often wish they'd just given in and joined the bleating herds of newly minted sheep.
Armageddon? Where will be our Armageddon? The forces of evil will even steal our final battle. Eliot understood our end, just not the means to it. How loud will our whimpers be? Who will care to hear them and remark on our passage?
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.