Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
Today, I'm forwarding a link of great interest. It's to a website run by a man named David Sorensen. Sorensen is a Belgian who now lives in Colorado. He's an evangelical minister, and an interesting one at that. He was very controversial in Europe and was often described in the media there as something of a lunatic. There's a consideration of truth that needs to be made—in Europe today, almost anyone who professes ardent beliefs in God and/or Jesus is considered something of a lunatic. Europe considers its glorious cathedrals and churches to be historic structures and reminders of bygone greatness—little more. On any given day of worship, those great churches may see less than 10 people in their pews. Less than 30% of the people of Europe profess themselves to be religious to any degree. That's on a continent where the percentage of Muslims in almost all countries is over 40%. When you consider those truths, you should understand that Sorensen was quite an oddity, just by virtue of his religious beliefs.
Once he came to the U.S., Sorensen involved himself in quite a number of things. He seemed to be trying to find his niche—his purpose. He may have finally succeeded. He now runs Stop World Control and disseminates anti-globalist videos and writings via his website: https://stopworldcontrol.com/
If you take a deep dive into that pool, you'll find the site is something of a clearinghouse. It has links to many, many other videos and sites of interest. Some, like the link to The Fall of the Cabal site, you should already know about, via my own posts to you.
I recommend you structure some time to dedicate to systematic examination of Stop World Control. Start looking at the videos so you'll understand the field of play Sorensen has constructed. It has the complete picture, from media, to politics, to finance, to historical considerations. The videos delve into human trafficking, the roles played by criminal organizations, and even how the military is to be used against us. Some of the videos are a bit better than others. The best ones use verified documents and videos within videos that show world figures speaking about the very things we are concerned about. You'll find video clips that describe exactly how the media controls the messages and works in concert with intelligence services to spread fear and disinformation. You'll find others where principal actors discuss how they managed the messages that implanted lies and deceptions into the minds of their country's citizens.
There are some videos that you may not want to agree with. That's natural, and is actually a good sign that you still have the ability of independent thought. I don't send these notes to you because I want to control your thoughts, though I do admit I want very much to provoke them. If everyone would spend quality time engaging their brains with the vast amount of information thrown our way, we might do a lot better than we've done so far. In the military, that process is called "Bullshit filtering." One has to develop a good bullshit filter. (I apologize if that term offends, but it's a real expression I used to hear regularly, and it has real meaning.) The press is in the business of creating and spreading cow manure. (Is that a bit better?) As a thinking adult, you have to take that manure and decide whether it can be used for fertilizer, or if it's just going to stink up the landscape. That depends on your ability to take the manure offered you and discern truth from it. If you manage to discern the truth, it will grow and your abilities to understand more truth will be the harvest you reap. If, instead, you decide to accept what you're given and put no time into trying to understand the deceptions, then your mind will be rotted and nothing positive will result.
There is one video I viewed on the site that showed a number of still pictures that have run in mainstream media, purporting to be of events in Ukraine. Whoever did the research uncovered the very same pictures, only they were of very different events in very different places. The bottom line? Most everything we're told about the war in the Ukraine is either lies or distortions. What's the truth? The truth is—there is no THE truth. Everything is suspect. The entire Ukrainian conflict should be looked at as a manipulation. It's another giant scam. The question you need to ask is—Who is scamming whom? My truth is—I don't know. I know everything over there is not as it appears, but I'm too far removed to understand any of it other than that one truth—I'm being manipulated. YOU are being manipulated. I can't say why. I don't know why. But, I am firmly convinced we can't depend on our government, our politicians, and certainly not the media to tell us who the bad guys are. This is just the latest of thousands of years worth of manipulation of the truth.
Wars are always started by politicians and despots. The average person gets manipulated into participating to some degree for one side or another. In the end, it's the average person who always loses, while the ones who perpetrated the war often reap vast rewards. That's the real back story of the Ukraine. To come close to understanding it all, we have to try and figure out what is won and what is lost, then try and determine the net effect. I contend that story isn't mature enough to discern the ultimate truth of it. Is Putin an evil mad man? I personally don't think so. I think there's something there that he wants, but am not sure it's a revival of the old Soviet Union. Meanwhile, I see what's going on in Europe, where the nations there are still courting and striking business deals with Russia. At the very same time, our own Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Grandholm, is communicating to energy companies that the administration wants them to curtail energy sales to our European "friends." Does it seem to you the Biden administration is trying to squeeze Europe in order to push them closer to Russia's orbit? Isn't it all rather curious?
Alex Jones always says, "This is a war for your mind." He's always been correct in that. The question to you is—are you going to let them win, or are you going to pay attention to the details and learn how to spot the cow manure? If you are already skilled at that, then you're way ahead of most of the people around you. If you're trying, but still have trouble, then I suggest you just keep trying. Spotting that manure and identifying those who are the spreaders is something that grows with practice. It's a skill that embeds itself in your mind's memory. If you can master it one day, you'll realize you can effortlessly categorize any information into three distinct "buckets." You'll know what's true. You'll know what's not true. Lastly, you'll know when you don't know enough to discern truth from fiction. Then you'll notice further growth in your capacity for discernment—you'll comprehend that the things beyond your ability to discern are becoming fewer in number. Eventually you may reach the point where there are only two buckets of consideration—truth and lies. I admit it... I'm still not there yet. There are still things, like the war in the Ukraine, that I can't fully understand. But, that doesn't keep me from trying, because I know if I keep at it there's always a chance that I'll succeed and will understand all those things that escape me today.
I'll point directly to one subject I can't decide. It's "Q." "Q" is a mystery to me. I recognize it as a psyop, but even after four years of looking I can't tell you whether it's a positive-oriented psyop or a shiny toy distraction. I just don't know. I don't even know how to go about making a final determination. So, I keep watching and reading, hoping someday to understand exactly what "Q" is. You can make up your mind, or not. As I said, it's a mystery to me. I hope it turns out to be a positive.
One thing is for certain; the world seems filled with shiny toys. Everywhere I look, I see distractions—purposeful efforts to keep my attention from something that's real and evil. Those shiny toys…they're part of the buckets of lies. The media likes to present us with things they declare as major events of concern to us all. Be very wary. Most of those are nothing but more shiny toys. They have to be ignored. Find what's true.
That's the point of all the emails I send. I consider each of you to be a patriot of influence. Each of you has the potential to make a difference in the outcome of this "war for your mind." My hope is you're working to expand your ability to understand what's going on in the world, and your ability to know cow manure from truth.
The future of the world is up to people like us. Keep the numbers in mind. There are somewhere just under 5,000 of "them." (My estimate) They are the principals of the Cabal. Their minions may number in the tens of millions. That still leaves over 7 billion who are not part of The Great Reset. Those, which includes us, are the targets of the Cabal. Do you believe less that 100 million can control over 7 billion if those 7 billion just say "NO!"?
Develop your mind.
Do not comply.
Learn how to say "NO!"
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.