Steve A. Stone
Truth, lies, and our duty
By Steve A. Stone
August 18, 2021

Dear Friends and Patriots,

What should we want from our government? I mean, beyond the usual stuff, like “protection from our enemies.” I don’t know about you, but I’d like a little truth once in a while. I say “once in a while” because I’m aware that truth from our government is getting to be a rare and precious commodity. But, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t want and insist on it – we should. It’s not too much to ask, is it? Yet, our government heaps lies on us by the scoop-shovel full.

Remember every single day of the Trump administration, when the media and the Democrats in Congress made up lies by the minute? Gee, that was mind-numbing, wasn’t it? The Democratic Party became little but a factory that manufactured untruths as fast as Nike made shoes. They just never ended. The party would roll out its daily script of “Today’s Lies” and the parrots in media and Congress would pick them up and harp on them all day. The people who wanted truth in their lives just kept thinking “This has to end!” And, then, one day – it did.

I’m not implying the lying stopped, nor am I trying to say there are different liars. No, that wouldn’t be true. What’s true is the same liars are still hard at work, only what they lie about has changed. Before, the lies were about Trump, what a crook and monster he was, and all the things he was involved in with Vlad Putin, and strippers, and all kinds of shenanigans. All lies! And, now that Trump is gone we hear just as many lies, but because Trump isn’t their problem, now the lies are about themselves. Now those same notorious liars are lying every day, trying to convince us all that they aren’t what they are. They try to convince us they don’t lie. They try to convince us they care about the nation and its people. They try to convince us Joe Biden isn’t a doddering, weak old fool. They try to convince us their monetary policies won’t bury us. They try to convince us there are such things as high-paying, new, green jobs. They try to convince us our government isn’t in the hands of committed Marxists. And, today they’re trying to convince us that the situation in Afghanistan came as a shocking surprise – out of the blue. LIES! All LIES!

I like the truth. I can handle it, assuming I can find someone willing to tell it to me. That’s becoming difficult in itself. Politicians in my state capital and in Washington seem to think the truth is too dangerous for the citizens to understand, so they continually soft-peddle it in the best times, and totally ignore it the rest. The people are so inured to it all they hardly notice. Instead of the truth we’re all subjected to one protracted tobacco smoke enema. The danger in it all is if the people are so used to untruths they don’t notice it anymore, there’s no room for truth in our future. We won’t know how to handle it. Worse yet, people will start to prefer the smooth-talking snake oil salesman who runs for Congress instead of that rare bird who dares to speak the truth.

The people of our nation, and the world, need to wake up. We have only a few weeks to do it, too. We all need to understand that all of western civilization is on the cusp of our undoing. We’re on a precipice; on the edge of a cliff, staring into a bottomless abyss. If we topple over into that abyss there won’t be any recovery. No Superman or any other superhero is going to swoop in to save us. Once we go over, we go down, and there’s a possibility none of us who are alive today will live to see where the bottom of the abyss is and what it’s like. We could spiral downward in a seeming endless way, always thinking “things can’t get any worse,” only to realize we’re always wrong, and things always get worse.

The political class today tells us everything will be okay. Okay for them, maybe, but not for us. What are they doing that should make us trust them? What actions are they taking to make anything better? I see nothing. I hear nothing. It’s just the same old shuck and jive. That’s all I’ve witnessed since this entire COVID scam began, and it’s what I see today. They’re ruling us by instilling fear of everything related to COVID, when it’s them we should truly fear. Is COVID the last of the great diversions we’ll endure before our societal collapse? It could well be.

I have a proposal for you to think about. I propose that the constant lying we’ve endured from our government officials, both elected and unelected, constitutes tyranny. We, the people of the nation, deserve truth from our government. We didn’t elect anyone to lie to us. We like to believe our tax money goes to good ends, but when it doesn’t we certainly shouldn’t tolerate any lies about it. If that kind of lying doesn’t constitute tyranny, I don’t know what does. The people not only deserve the truth, we can’t exist as free citizens without it. If we continue to allow our government to lie to us with impunity, how can we consider ourselves anything but subjects? Freedom cannot exist without truth, and truth cannot exist without freedom. They are completely dependent on each other. That’s the context of my assertion regarding tyranny. Because we are subjected to a non-stop litany of lies we cannot claim to be free and sovereign as individuals. We are becoming little but a nation of self-deluded fools.

All this year I have urged anyone who will listen to quit harping on the many violations of our Constitution we see almost daily from our elected officials. The Constitution is no longer in force. Even our judiciary seems to have a hard time understanding and supporting it. Everyone in power seems to be “winging it” now. In such a situation we do have guidance. We have our Holy Bible, and we also have our Declaration of Independence. Both tell us what our duties are. If any have doubt, you need to consult those who don’t.

Our Bible tells us to place our trust in God. We should do that anyway. Trust in people is too much of a gamble. People will let you down, but God has His own ways and those ways seem to work out in the end. For our part, we need patience and understanding. The ways of God are not our ways, so we often pray for things and are disappointed that we get something else instead. It’s only later that we realize what we received answered our need far better than the thing we prayed for. For my part, I find myself hoping and praying that God doesn’t view America as he did Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. It’s a bit too early to tell, but if that’s the case, we’re in for some mighty hard times. It may be God views the entire world as reminiscent of ancient Jerusalem and intends to punish us all for turning our collective backs on him to worship at the alters of greed, sloth, materialism, immorality and all the other sins we’ve all been warned of. Again, it’s too early to tell, but if we topple over that cliff, there is that possibility that the hand of God gave us the final nudge.

The Declaration of Independence tells us what our responsibilities are when faced with a tyrant’s rule. It lays out the case for judging tyranny and tells us what we are to do in response. If we truly want to be free we have to declare that desire and demand it. Even further, we have to be prepared to suffer for it, even to the point of death. Once you acknowledge tyranny, there’s really no turning back. Once your eyes are open to that truth they can’t be shut again. At that point, the choices are all based in morality. You can either conduct yourself as a person fully invested in your Natural Rights, and mount a vigorous defense of those rights – or you can submit to the will of tyrants. What you cannot do is ignore the truth that you have to make a choice.

I started this year saying, “Now is the time of your choosing.” It still is. For those who’ve made their choice it’s just a waiting game. We already know what our responses will be. Those who have yet to choose need to understand the fence you’re on. You’re in danger of being tossed off by seismic events and if you end up on the wrong side things might not go well. Your duty is clear – choose your side now. Then, you can pray you chose the right one. I know I did.

Sempre Paratus.

In Liberty,


© Steve A. Stone


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Steve A. Stone

Steve A. Stone is and always will be a Texan, though he's lived outside that great state for all but 3 years since 1970, remembering it as it was, not as it is. He currently resides in Lower Alabama with a large herd of furry dependents, who all appear to be registered Democrats. Steve retired from the U.S. Coast Guard reserves in 2011, after serving over 22 years in uniform over the span of four decades. His service included duty on two U.S. Navy attack submarines, and one Navy and two U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Units. He is now retired after working as a senior civil servant for the U.S. Navy for over 31 years. Steve is a member of the Alabama Minority GOP and Common Sense Campaign. He is also a life member of SUBVETS, Inc., the Submarine League, and the NRA. In 2018, Steve has written and published 10 books.


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