Steve A. Stone
Congressman Carl,
I remember when President Reagan was sold out by Congress on a border deal. Today is no different. The people are told, year after year, that something will be done, and what do we get?
I'm not an anarchist, but do understand why there are such people. The word of the day on the street is: THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS NOW YOUR GREATEST ENEMY.
Why would anyone think that? Why would we think it when the price of gasoline is going down, which it seems to do every 4 years? Why would we think it when the rhetoric we hear from politicians and political candidates always mirrors the national polling on the concerns of voters? From all appearances things are running okay and the political class is paying some attention to our needs. The inflation we didn't have to suffer is tempering a bit. The stock market is setting records. Bitcoin and gold are at all-time highs. What's not to like? Things aren't so bad, are they?
It's not very hard for anyone to understand what the average American wants. All we have to do is listen to campaign speeches. They're a pretty good reflection of all we think about. Candidates do polling and structure their campaigns around the results of those polls, taking it for granted the polls are reflecting truth. All of you who run for office are only telling us what we've told you, then telling us, "I hear you." But if WE want to know what's going to happen to us in the next few years, we'd be far better off paying attention to the conversations going on this week in Davos instead of anything in the American political theatre. The decisions in Davos tell us what the priorities will be in Washington, London, Ottawa, Paris and many other capitals of the world. The songs are written and sung in Davos, then politicians and the power elite all over the world begin to dance.
No one was elected to do what we see every day in Washington. No one was elected to barter deals to get a little and give a lot. No one was elected to bankrupt the country. No one was elected to help flood the country with illegal aliens. No one was elected to give billions to promote wars in places we'll never even think of visiting. We no longer have an actual government. We have overlords. We no longer have a Constitution. Instead we have our own cabal, who spend endless amounts of time and energy trying to stay in power – to give us what? We get little. We give much.
I noted the ramp-up of efforts to take from the pockets of the people. The IRS reports records in tax collections, yet deficits are still the norm. Congress seems to ignore what's coming in. The argument seems to be over where money is doled out, not how much is there to spend, nor what it will be spent for. It appears to be a "something for everyone" game, where everyone in government puts their interests on the table, then the discussion is over the split, not what is being funded. It's WHO gets WHAT, and that appears to relate to every member of Congress and their relative power. What are people like me supposed to think about it all? You know I'm about to tell you.
Samuel Clemens wrote Puddin'head Wilson in 1894. It was one of his books where he revealed his own thoughts about American politics. In that book you'll find the line, "It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress." Sam Clemens was no fool. He'd been dealing with official corruption since just after the Civil War. Now, here we are, 130 years after that book was published, and things are measurably worse. The Senate is now openly referred to as "The Millionaire's Club." For the past 30 years we've heard of "the do-nothing" Congress. The truth is – the only time we are certain Congress isn't doing something against the interests of the people is when you're in recess or during a government shutdown. It appears with continuing resolutions as the normal modus today you've all managed to "cure" that second break we once had.
I admit to being an extreme cynic. The truth that money is a corrupting influence has always been apparent to me. In one of my previous jobs, in the early '90s. I engaged my seniors in a discussion of an idea that would save the taxpayers $30M for each new submarine the Navy was building. What I was told after making the presentation was truth, though not a truth I admired. I was told, "If you want any proposal to get serious attention these days you need at least one more zero to the per-ship bottom line. We don't talk about millions. Millions are just lost in the noise. If you can't make a case for saving at least $1B for a class of ships, no one listens." I was being told a truth. No one listens unless the conversation involves billions. But I look around me and I see no billionaires. I don't see very many millionaires. That tells me the conversations are almost never about US, the people who do the paying. Congress plays with our money, but doesn't even refer to the net income number. It just spends, and much of the time the spending is not according to our priorities. Congress substitutes its own will and dubious wisdom for that of the American public. When it appears the will of Congress is at odds with the will of the people, the government's vast machine kicks into high gear and we end up paying to be lobbied with propaganda. We have a government that doesn't work for the people. It's more and more apparent it works against us. It is just what Clemens said, a criminal enterprise.
The people in Davos have plans for us. 2024 is one of their most critical years. If you care about that you'll be watching everything going on in Davos. Other people are. On Monday the World Economic Forum put up the priorities to be discussed. Number One on their list was "Disinformation." The WEF sees that as their #1 problem. But "disinformation," according to their definition, is any information that is contrary to their interests. The truth of the COVID plandemic, the killer vaccination programs, and the current attempts to subjugate entire nations to future schemes of the World Health Organization – those are the truths that have to be suppressed. The initial conversation was held on Monday. On Thursday NBC had a news piece about the #1 problem in American politics today. What was it? DISINFORMATION! My, how quickly the word spreads. How quickly freedom dies. Where there is no truth, there is no freedom. The WEF has signalled their #1 priority for 2024 – they have launched a war on truth. And, possibly related, I saw where President Biden has determined the greatest domestic threat of the year to be MAGA Republican extremists and Donald Trump himself. All of a sudden, I and all who think like me, are "threats to democracy." The implications of statements made in Davos and from the current administration are chilling, dangerous, and dire. They indicate nothing but trouble ahead.
In the House, you all continue to pick at scabs. We all know everything we need to know about Hunter Biden. We all know nothing done in the House is going to result in any form or sense of justice there. The fix is in far too deep. We also understand the Jeffrey Epstein saga, and we know nothing will ever come of that, either. We all feel the weaponization of our government. We see it as plain as day. We know what happened on J-6. Only the most obtuse buy into the notion of an actual planned insurrection. We see the lawfare going on, perpetrated and perpetuated by the Justice Department. We see the abuses by the FBI, as they show up in battle dress to arrest people on misdemeanour warrants. We see it all, and we have to wonder how much time our nation has left. The administration and their media partners are now in a campaign to convince people that Donald Trump can't be elected because he would set himself up as a dictator. It's a strategy meant to take advantage of the ignorance of the voters. You and I know such a thing is not possible, yet because our education system has been fatally dumbed down, possibly half the electorate may buy into the yarn being spun. That campaign was unleashed just this week. Again, it adds to the wonder – how much time does our nation have left?
You're running for re-election now. If you're to win it occurs to me you will have to step up your game. You need to abandon your "aw-shucks" pose and stop with the "guy with two first name" stuff and show the people you understand their fears that the country is nearing its end. You need to show us you will fight for us – and not with more money pouring into our local economy. You need to show us you're willing to fight for our freedom and liberty and all that's good about America. The people who are in Davos – their own plans are clear. They have their bows drawn and most of their arrows are pointed in our direction. If you don't perceive that, then you truly don't understand what that organization was set up to do 50 years ago. It had one mission then, and it has one mission today. The WEF has known for decades they cannot succeed in their mission as long as this nation stands in its way. We are now hanging by a thread. Our nation's finances are ruinous. Our people have been purposely fractured into 1,000 micro-interest groups that demand everyone bow down to their demands. We have seen our cities burned and people murdered, and we've watched as our police have been vilified and de-funded. Respect for the rule of law has ebbed. Respect for our military is ebbing. We have no borders. We know there are many thousands of people among us who pose a real threat to our internal security. In many ways our nation is as weak as it's ever been. We are rapidly becoming a paper tiger. There are solutions, but I personally see very few people stepping forward with any of them. You would say you're one of them, but from my vantage point I don't share that opinion. Instead, I see only more of the same old shuck and jive. You are a member of the criminal class that is Congress. I see you as mainstreamed there. You're in the middle of the pack, and maybe you feel you're in your comfort zone. My challenge to you is to leave that warm nest and learn how to be a warrior for truth and responsible government. Join with the handful of others who are trying to turn things around. You have chances in the coming days. I challenge you to take them, head-on.
Who am I to say all these things? I'm just that guy who stands on the streets of Mobile during Mardi Gras – the one who's shouting, "Throw me something, Mister!" What is it I want you to throw me? An assurance that you're up to the task of helping to save this dying nation. I wish it was up to me. I know what I'd do. Because it's not up to me, I'm left with appealing to you. Do you hear me? Do you think I'm serious? Do you think I'm alone? If you hear me, think I'm serious, and that I'm not alone, then the rest is now up to you. We're all in this together. I'm trying to do what I can. That's all I ask of you. That's all I've ever asked of any member of Congress.
In Liberty,
Steve Stone
Grand Bay
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