Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I know, I'm imposing on you again. My apologies.
Tonight I want to share an incredible conversation with you. It's in the form of an interview with Italian Archbishop Vigano, who has staked out a singular position in the Catholic church hierarchy that's fascinating to learn about and to hear him explain.
In the video Archbishop Vigano makes it clear he's no fan of the current Pope. He does not refer to him by his chosen Papal name of Francis, but instead constantly refers to him by his family name. He also appears to be planting a stake in the ground regarding the so-called Modern Church and plainly indicates he believes it to be infested by evil at all levels. His dialogue is complex at times, but his meaning is clear. He understands The Great Reset and the coming New World Order. He describes how the government-to-be will be formed and how it will transition.
I won't tell you I agree with everything the Archbishop states. He's been in the top of the Roman Catholic church for decades, while I've been sitting here in Alabama. He's seen and heard things I'll never be privy to, but still, his perceptions are decidedly Catholic, and I am not. Don't let that bother you if you find yourself in disagreement over religious doctrinal issues. Those things are not the point of the video. They are real, but not the main issues under discussion.
The Archbishop and I agree on the genesis of the New World Order and the forces behind it. We agree on the state of the Roman church in the past 6 decades. We agree that the way out of this unholy mess is found on only one road that leads us directly to Jesus, and thence to God. So, what we agree on are the vitally important aspects of his dialog. I find him to be a convincing and dedicated man of God. He may be reviled by many in his own house, but I can find no fault with his perceptions, logic and deductions.
I recommend this video to you. Keep in mind it was done last year, so a few minor things have changed. But, overall, he gives us the right perspective of events of our day, what to make of them, and how to interpret all the moving parts of the vast global conspiracies at play.
One other point I wish to make. The point of view of the conversation is decidedly European. There's no focus on America, or Russia, or even China. To me, that orientation lends credibility to the Archbishop's arguments. He sees the same things we see, perhaps with even greater clarity. To my way of thinking, if he and I are looking at the same things and our perceptions are so remarkably alike, how can I be wrong? How can any of us be wrong.
The Archbishop admonishes us to resist. Pay close attention to his words in that regard. He very strongly implies to NOT resist when confronted by tyranny constitutes an immoral act. I think the Declaration of Independence makes almost that very same argument.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.