Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
I’m having problems lately. I know it. I admit it. I struggle against it, but it overwhelms me at times. I’m in a quiet rage, and it’s wearing me down.
For years now, I’ve been shouting and pointing, much like some in the crowd at the Trump rally in Butler, PA. This entire nation has had a gun aimed at it for over a decade. I knew it. I said it. I wrote about it. I shouted about it. But, just like we saw in Butler, PA, all the warnings, pointing and shouting do no good. Donald Trump lost a part of his ear because no one who mattered seemed to pay heed. That was one shooter and one target. I’ve been shouting for over a decade about many would-be assassins and their 300 million targets. That would be all of us.
When I first read about Agenda 21, back in 2013, I realized what it was – a template for a worldwide utopian society ruled by a hidden, unelected authoritarian cabal. I realized something else as well – it couldn’t come to fruition as long as the United States of America was a strong and free nation. By that time, Agenda 21 was 20 years old. Even so, almost no one was aware of it. I used to tell people about it and they would stare at me as if I had sprouted horns. There was a standing bet I made with my friends – I could walk the downtown streets of Mobile on any given Saturday and ask random passersby if they knew of Agenda 21 and only 2 out of 100 would answer “Yes,” and … one would be lying.
Today, things are different, yet not different enough. Today, I tell people that awareness is growing and the number who know of Agenda 2030, the successor to Agenda 21, is perhaps as high as 8 out of 100. I have no statistical evidence of it, yet I believe it’s true.
We’re now more than halfway through 2024, which means in just over 5 years we’ll be in the target year of Agenda 2030. If you’ve perceived an increase in the tempo of turmoil in the world, it’s mostly due to the panic setting in among the New World Order elites and their sycophants. They’re behind on their timeline in many countries and are desperate to catch up. Not only that, but the lynchpin of the entire Agenda is the collapse of the United States, and it still hasn’t happened. One thing I’ll give the Biden administration – they’ve done far more than any other group in history to further the destruction of our nation. But they haven’t succeeded. On the national level, there’s been a hidden battle going on since 2010. It’s a struggle between one group of mega-wealthy elites who want to destroy the nation and another group of mega-wealthy elites who want to stay in the financial markets as long as possible to strip the wealth of the nation before they allow the first group to succeed. Our nation’s demise has been delayed due to the raw greed of a segment of the cabal that doesn’t know the meaning of “enough.” When will America fall? When there’s no substantial wealth to be gained from her existence.
I’m in a rage because I know what’s coming. It’s as plain to me as if it was scrawled in foot-high block letters on my living room wall. CHAOS! Not just chaos, though. The chaos that’s coming will be unprecedented and worldwide. There are no parallels to what we’re going to experience. And, yet, I don’t get the feeling most people are tuned in and have any awareness at all.
I’m not saying more people aren’t aware of something. If you listen closely you’ll hear a lot of caveats when people discuss the future. I hear them. “If we’re all alive by then …” or “If we still have a country …” or “If I survive the next couple of years …” Yes, there is an awareness, but there also seems to be a sense of resignation, if not outright acceptance. There’s a significant level of apathy. Nothing creates rage in me more than being faced with apathy when the stakes are as high as they are. We are talking about the future of western civilization, you understand? Even more…this is about the future of the entire planet.
The attempt on Trump’s life was both real and a perfect metaphor. There was nothing fake about it. Think of the national reaction if that shot had been successful. It may have tipped the nation into the precise kind of chaos needed to cause its downfall. The fact that the attempt failed gives me comfort, but only for a moment. I know, and so does President Trump, that there will be constant danger from many quarters between now and Inauguration Day, and every day after. Nothing can be taken for granted. The stakes are too high. That is, if you think the future of western civilization is important.
It's very easy to make statements that are taken as hyperbole. I hope you believe me when I state that I’m not. Nothing written here is hyperbolic at all. I don’t like hyperbole anymore than you do. Like you, I don’t like conspiracy theories. But, what I’m giving isn’t either.
I love history. The more I learn of history the more I learn from it. The very same can be said about The Holy Bible. One understanding I have has to do with the aftermath of great societal collapses. I naturally think of the Roman Empire. When it finally collapsed the world was plunged into a chaotic state that lasted hundreds of years. The proponents of Agenda 2030 will tell us we don’t have to worry about a repeat of that experience. After all, when Rome collapsed no one had a plan – no one had thought about a post-Roman world. But, the Masters of the World who are behind Agenda 2030 – they have all the answers. They know what we need, and they know how to get from “here” to “there.” They have already built their world governance structure. It’s waiting for the day when it has all the power of the world ceded to it. There are a few pesky details to deal with, but those are understood and the planning to achieve ultimate success is ongoing and evolutionary.
Thinking about it only feeds my rage.
Where was my father’s generation when western societies began to exchange patriotism and spiritualism for materialism? Why did they allow that to happen? Where was my generation when it was apparent that Marxists were taking over the colleges and universities everywhere? Why did we accept it? Why didn’t we demand more? Where have the generations since been while the schools were turned into indoctrination laboratories and the kids were taught that everything that came before them was wrong and evil. Where have we all been while the media and government have been feeding us BS sandwiches every day for the past 60 years, while telling us it was pastrami on rye?
I’m in a rage because I’m well into my 73rd year and know my truly useful days ae behind me. I can see the chaos coming, yet I know I’m unable to do anything about it. When the chaos comes, and it will, I’ll do whatever I can, but I know it will not be nearly enough. My spirit is much more than willing, but … you know.
Do you understand the difference between a patriot in 1776 and one in 2024? The original patriots, those who were led by the people we refer to as our Founding Fathers – they were willing to sacrifice everything. Many did. Not only did many die while helping this nation become real, many others lost everything they owned. How many patriots today are willing to sacrifice all, including life, family, careers, and property to ensure this nation survives? Think about that. How many people do you really trust to be that kind of patriot?
The election is upon us. Rather than dwell on the more likely negative scenarios, why don’t we project a completely positive one and see where it leads? Let’s imagine from here to Election Day goes without any major turmoil. Just political rhetoric. Harsh words only. Trump is elected on 5 November. What do you suppose happens next? My thought … the chaos ensues. The election of Donald Trump is almost sure to be the catalyst for a level of chaos that will make 2020 seem like a “mostly peaceful” year. Why do I think so? It’s the plan! The plan doesn’t call for the chaos to end, either. No, as long as Trump is in office, unless he knows exactly how to end it – the chaos will be a daily fixture of our lives. Why else are so many millions of unknown people among us today? Okay, I know, I said “completely positive” above, but the truth is … there is no such thing.
Think of another scenario, one where the Democratic Party candidate wins. It doesn’t matter how, just think if the Democrat is declared the winner on 6 November. What happens then? I expect the exact same scenario as I described in the paragraph above. The country descends in to chaos. In the very beginning the people in the streets who will wreak havoc will be the exact same people who would show up after a Trump victory. They may carry American flags, wear MAGA hats, or wear Trump T-shirts, but they’ll be the same professional anarchists who would run riot if Trump wins. The media will immediately declare the chaos as a product of a MAGA movement unwilling to accept their failure. How do I know that? It’s in their plan. You just have to understand their true goal. CHAOS IS THE GOAL. It’s not a by-product of any event – it’s the objective!
Very few of you have paid any attention to all my prior warnings. I suspect very few will pay any heed to this one. Yes, knowing the futility of my undertaking is what feeds my rage – nothing I do, say, or write will make a difference. Que sera’, sera’ – what will be, will be.
There’s a part of me that says, “Why bother? After all, our government isn’t anything like it used to be. It’s an authoritarian monstrosity that considers the average people of the country to be enemies of the state. Maybe it needs to die.” Even that admission enrages me. A patriot fights for principles. A patriot doesn’t quit. A patriot never loses their love of country. A patriot always wants their country to be great. Doesn’t it enrage you to know that the United States government considers you to be its enemy?
I predict a new Dark Age is almost upon us. That’s a prediction, not a prophesy. I could be wrong. I pray I am.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.