Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
You all should know of Dr. Zelenko by now. He became world-famous for several reasons, mostly because he developed the COVID treatment protocol that includes hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin. Since then he's published the benefits of adding vitamin D3 and ivermectin. If Donald Trump had his way, Dr. Zelenko would have been the face of the fight against COVID instead of Anthony Fauci, but Trump did not have his way. When he attempted to fire Fauci, he discovered he couldn't – Fauci has lifetime tenure – one of the few bureaucrats known to have such a thing. So Dr. Zelenko continued to treat patients in his clinic and study all the data that became available on the disease and the effectiveness of the government-approved protocols.
Unfortunately for all of us, Dr. Zelenko died of cancer on June 30. He was originally diagnosed in 2018 with a rare form of cancer that has a 100% mortality rate. Despite the progression of his disease, he soldiered on in behalf of humanity.
The video linked below is an appeal he made to a rabbinical court in Israel. He was seeking assistance in making his case to the Israeli government, which had totally ignored his every appeal. The video was made sometime in the middle to latter part of 2021, before Omicron manifested. You'll hear a reference to the Delta strain, indicating it was rather recent, and you'll see a graphic that indicates the COVID death rate in Israel over time. If you look closely at the graphic, you'll see it doesn't go into 2022. I can't tell when it ends, but it seems to be in mid-2021.
Listen carefully to every assertion by Dr. Zelenko. He references the vaccines as a "death shot." Even then, he's not being overly dramatic. His statistics regarding mortality are accurate, even to this day. In my opinion, he under-dramatized what was going on, certainly when compared to what's gone on since.
You can continue to be a skeptic of all this, if you choose. You can continue to consider the Health Freedom movement the outgrowth of irrational conspiracy theories, if you choose. But you should never ignore data. The data clearly indicates the insanity of giving vaccines that do not prevent disease. The data clearly indicates those under age 20 are at such a minimal risk of contracting COVID that giving them shots is tantamount to criminality. The data clearly indicates the NIH treatment protocols are not designed to aid the ill, but to aid the corporations invested in the disease.
In my own humble opinion, there are at least four key factors to the entire COVID saga. One is that it is a psyop intended to gauge the effects of a concerted effort to instill fear into all the people of the earth. Second, it's been used as a means to enrich certain corporations while draining assets of people and other corporations. Third, it's been used as an excuse to impose totalitarian dictates on people whose freedom of choice has been denied. Fourth, it establishes the groundwork necessary to effectively kill half the population of the earth in a relatively short time.
Last week, I forwarded a video of the CEO of Pfizer in which he references the WEF goal of reducing the world's population by half by 2023. His statement, "I'm happy to report we are well on our way to meeting that goal," should make you stop in your tracks and understand that at least 60 percent of the planet has been duped. All I ask of any of you is to take an objective look at the data and trend lines. Then ask yourself if you are a victim or a potential survivor.
At least stop and think before acting any further. You may have gotten the vaccines and are happy with those decisions. You may have gotten the vaxx because you were forced to in order to keep your job. You may have gotten the jab because you couldn't do something you needed to do but couldn't until you could prove your status – which is coercion. Or, you may be in the minority of the population who...JUST SAID NO. Regardless of which bucket you fall into, you've survived the "plandemic" thus far. The question today is: What are you intending to do to improve your chances of surviving tomorrow? My recommendation is simple:
DO NOT COMPLY. They are actually trying to kill us, and making no secret of it.
Watch the video at the link below with that last statement in mind. Evidently, Dr. Zelenko had it figured out, too. I thank Mary Soukup for forwarding the video. She's like me – she just said NO, too.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.