Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
This morning I woke up with a thought, “Go on the WEF website and see what’s there that people need to understand.” I got around to it sometime after 10 a.m. What brought that on? You tell me after you read what I gleaned.
I started out by looking at the World Economic Forum website’s main page, which declared the last 2022 meeting had established the “read-ahead” list for the January 2023 gathering. That seemed like a great place to catch up with the ongoing conversations.
Understand that when you go on a site like theirs the language is purposefully oblique and obscure. None of the topics are ever discussed directly, even though many people seem to be fooled into thinking they are. It’s a method of communication that was perfected many decades ago. It’s the language of politicians and diplomats, who sell their plans and programs by using purposefully vague diction. The truth is always in two things – written details and by observing how the language used translates to action. It’s when you take the time to connect those three facets of diplomacy that you begin to understand how average people are always fooled.
We have a natural tendency to want to trust others. We want to trust their vague assurances. We want to trust the processes, procedures, and regulatory impositions that are supposed to protect our interests. We even want to trust the outcomes, even though they are almost never as promised. Think of those things when you read the excerpts below. They comprise a very slick presentation that is purposefully deceptive. The language is purposefully vague. The planning you’ll find at linked sites and pages don’t actually tell you what’s going to happen. Everything paints rosy pictures and gives the impression the people involved actually do understand how everything in the future will work. They would have you believe they are the Masters of All Knowledge and can solve all problems on the planet if we just … trust them. But, of course that’s just not true. The same kinds of things have been said many times over thousands of years. Authoritarians are all the same. Their salesmanship has grown in sophistication, but the essence of the pitch is always the same. They sell us on utopia. They deliver slavery.
This is the link to the WEF web pages I studied most:
I encourage all to browse the website and look at as much as you can stand. If you do, pay attention to who is being referenced, and which companies are involved. You’ll be guaranteed a few surprises if you do.
The following are the themes identified and a few cherry-picked statements made for each of them. I’ll follow up later on with a few observations and thoughts.
Theme #1: Ukraine shines a light on importance of global cooperation
Davos 2022 began with a live address from Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, who called for help “as fast as possible” to equip Ukraine for victory and rebuild the country after the war. He also called for “maximum” sanctions and a “complete withdrawal from the Russian market.”
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger joined virtually for a conversation with Klaus Schwab, warning the conflict in Ukraine could permanently restructure the global order, including the US-China relationship.
“This is Europe’s moment,” added Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament. “Europe can become the global project for peace.”
“Global cooperation is the antidote to Russia’s blackmail,” said Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.
Theme #2: Three interconnected crises – climate, food, energy
Food insecurity is a problem not only for public health but also for geopolitics and security: “Hungry societies break down wherever you are in the world,” said CNN’s Julia Chatterley, who moderated the food security panel.
Countries must drastically scale up efforts: “It isn't just about words anymore – it is about action,” said Xie Zhenhua, China's Special Envoy for Climate Change. “Climate action, now, is critical.”
Collecting good data is essential, and stakeholders must collaborate on a common standard for ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) frameworks, said leaders during a session dedicated to ESG disclosures.
“The biggest part of the response comes from putting emphasis on clean energy, renewables, energy efficiency and, in the countries where they have nuclear capacity, increasing nuclear production,” said Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, during a session on the energy outlook.
Theme #3: Don't use the 'R' word (but it might be coming anyway)
Monday’s Global Economic Outlook panel at Davos 2022 opened with the question on everyone’s lips: are we heading for a global recession and, if so, how concerned should we be?
Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was cautious, noting the “horizon has darkened” since the IMF’s last forecasts, due to food and energy price shocks, stalled action on the climate crisis and the slump in digital money assets.
During Davos 2022, the Forum launched the Resilience Consortium, which brings together ministers, chief executives and heads of international organizations, to accelerate collective action across key resilience drivers for the global economy and develop a common resilience framework.
Theme #4: Preparing for the next pandemic requires ending health disparities
“Racism is not only when black people or brown people cannot breathe because of police violence,” said Winnie Byanyima, Undersecretary-General of the UN and Executive Director of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), during a session on racial equity on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.
“Racism is when black people, brown people, people of colour take their last breath because of policy violence, when they are denied life-saving, pandemic-ending medicines," she continued, "when they can’t access care or education because debt is choking them.”
Corporations are taking immediate steps to end disparities. During Davos, Pfizer, a Strategic Partner of the World Economic Forum, launched “An Accord for a Healthier World,” offering all of its patent-protected medicines and vaccines (including the COVID-19 vaccine) on a not-for-profit basis to 45 lower-income countries.
“Investing in health systems and regional bodies like Africa CDC and African Medicines Agency must be a key priority,” said Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. “We have to act in the full expectation that there will be another pandemic.” (This sentence was followed by a photo of Bill Gates, shaking hands with Paul Kugame.)
Theme #5: Gender, inequality and Jobs of Tomorrow
The pandemic shone a bright light on the disparities between formal and informal workforces – and the fact that our economic system is “structured…on the shoulders of women,” who take on the majority of unpaid or underpaid care work and informal work, as Gabriela Bucher, Executive Director of Oxfam International, during a session called A Generation of Lost Progress: Achieving Gender Equality.
CEOs and ministers held the first meeting of the Jobs Consortium at Davos 2022, to champion productive employment, growth in the jobs of tomorrow, new standards in the workplace and better wages for all – with a focus on social, green and tech jobs.
In addition, the Reskilling Revolution marked two years of progress, benefiting over 100 million workers in the journey to provide 1 billion people with better education, skills and economic opportunity by 2030.
Theme #6: 'Our future is digital'
“Our future is digital. If you’re not part of it, you’re out of it,” Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Achim Steiner, told the Forum’s Meet the Leader Podcast.
“Given the pervasiveness of digital technology in our society, in our lives, in our work, I think it's inevitable to have stronger regulatory regimes around all facets of technology. If anything, I think the responsibility of stakeholders like ourselves or businesses like us is to both anticipate and adapt to regulation versus ignore it or expect not to have regulation,” said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in a wide-ranging conversation with Klaus Schwab at Davos.
At Davos 2022, leaders from the space technology sector called for increased cybersecurity around space-based services as well as regulatory frameworks and collaboration of all stakeholders. Back on Earth, 18 leading oil and gas stakeholders launched the Cyber Resilience Pledge, in which they commit to collaborate and take collective action on cyber resilience.
A synopsis of the 9 major topics addressed at the WEF Davos 2022 gathering is found at: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/05/the-story-of-davos-2022
Theme #1: Ukraine shines a light on importance of global cooperation
The Russians have accepted the role of scapegoat. The war in the Ukraine is a diversion. When you listen to the conversations it’s all “Russia – BAD! Ukraine GOOD!” and “The world needs to come together and fix this.” Emphasis is always on unity and acting in concert. This is how a manufactured international “crisis” is used to promote the WEF globalist agenda. “We” is every country except Russia. Except that Russia is a major player, too.
The entire thing victimizes average Ukrainians and Russians, but if you know the history of the region you know the welfare of average people has almost never been a concern of their nations’ leadership. It’s a region that has historically held life as a very cheap commodity. Everyone who dies there is cannon fodder. Meanwhile the war serves as a great excuse for the next two themes you read about.
Theme #2: Three interconnected crises – climate, food, energy
This “theme” is almost laughable if you’ve paid attention. All three are manufactured mechanisms to control 99.9% of the population of the planet. The “climate crisis” was created as a pretext for the need for a global order. The food crisis is totally manufactured. The war in the Ukraine is part of it, but so are Bill Gates’ purchases of agricultural land in the US, the attempts now underway to shut down farms in The Netherlands over nitrogen emissions, and the disruption of world-wide supply chains. If the normal market systems were allowed to work as before there would be no food crisis anywhere.
The same goes for energy. The US was the major energy producer in the world before the Biden administration shut it down. That set the stage for the war in the Ukraine to further exacerbate energy shortages in Europe. If energy policies had not been changed and the war had not been created in Europe, there would be no energy crisis. Everything the WEF speakers said with regard to this theme are distortions or outright lies.
Think about China’s comments, then consider the truth that China is the #1 polluter of the planet today. China still has emerging nation status in the international community (as does India, the #2 polluter), which exempts them from any international efforts to impose environmental controls.
The three manufactured crises serve the interests of globalists, but no one else. Notice how ESG is brought into the conversation? Everything is about control. It only gets worse from here.
Theme #3: Don't use the 'R' word (but it might be coming anyway)
This is another manufactured reality. The speakers seem hesitant to talk about recession, but they’re the very ones who are promoting it. The COVID scam was used in truly nefarious ways to shut down normal commerce. The shutdown of the US energy sector has worldwide ramifications in driving up costs. The perturbation of the food supply and logistics of transportation were and are purposefully intended to drive up costs. The recession is world-wide, along with accompanying inflation. It’s all pretext for more regulatory controls and wealth distribution. Wait for it.
Theme #4: Preparing for the next pandemic requires ending health disparities
Do you find the wording of the theme a bit odd? How exactly are “health” disparities ended? Ah, yes! By ending disparities in wealth, status, and pretty much everything else. Diseases do discriminate. Diseases of minorities and the poor are generally not the same diseases suffered by European white people and the affluent. But, isn’t that true when you compare almost any difference between groups of people, no matter how you choose to group them? The conversations for this theme almost scream “wokeness!” It uses disease as a segue to discuss race, economics, and social class. It’s not that those aren’t genuine conversations and concerns, but not in the ways presented at the Forum. Then, we learn of Pfizer’s “generous” offer to supply the world with vaccines “at cost.” Yeah, right. Pfizer has a bridge it wants to sell us, too – at cost, of course. This is another aspect of a manufactured crisis being used to steal from us. This time it may be to kill us, too – at cost.
Theme #5: Gender, inequality and Jobs of Tomorrow
There were some very odd conversations going on in this theme. The discussions centered on “informal work” and “care,” with the assertion that most women in the world are occupied doing one of those instead of being “productive.” They define informal work as anything done to support the home and family. “Care” includes tending children and caring for elderly and physically or mentally compromised family members.
What’s their answer to these “concerns?” They propose that a system can be devised to “unburden” women so they can more fully participate in productive endeavors. The thought seems to be toward forcing people to use various kinds of communal day-care. Child day care. Elderly day care. Day care for people with life-compromising infirmities of any kind. Concentration of people who require “care” will free up more women to be productive.
Understand what they’re saying, because what they aren’t saying is the new proposed systems aren’t going to be voluntary. The plans to make mankind safer, better off, and more productive don’t include anyone making choices. If you want to be happy in the future you have to invest all your trust in the powers-to-be. Everything they’re planning is for us! You get that, don’t you?
Theme #6: 'Our future is digital'
There are “givens” about this conversation that should cause all of us to pause. The Forum discusses the future of the digital world as if it’s a natural evolution that everyone eagerly anticipates. They hint at the control features coming, but don’t explicitly state much. They do emphatically state the need for new regulations. They make statements regarding ethical codes, but not the basis for the ethics (be certain that traditional Judeo-Christian ethics won’t be considered).
When you study the bar chart and consider the true implications you need to understand the intent to recreate the world as a cyber-prison. Look at all the categories considered and think about how they translate to reality. They’re making a statement that almost everything you do in life can be made “virtual.” Most of us won’t need to go anywhere again. Almost everything can be done by using digital interfaces. All bills can be paid directly from your accounts. All shopping can be done. Most jobs can be done from home. AI robots will do most manual labor. Our relationships don’t need to be in person – just visit with friends and family via a virtual interface. You don’t have to travel anymore – your virtual 3D interface will be the same as being there, minus some obnoxious smells and the stresses of actual travel. In other words – we will stay home for most of our lives and live better for doing so (or so they will tell us).
You won’t need much space, either. You won’t need a car or garage for it. You won’t need big closets for clothes, since you’ll no longer need to leave home. You won’t need a big kitchen because you can order all your food as you need it. You won’t need shelves for books or knick-knacks. Books will all be available on-line and who needs knick-knacks when you can see pictures of the best of anything just by clicking on your interface? What do you really need – a place to sit, a place to lie down, a place to eat, and a fully capable digital interface. What’s that – 300 square feet? That’s the future! That’s OUR future! It’s all being planned for us – in Davos. All we have to do is … wait for it.
Do you get it yet? Do you understand the future that’s being planned for all of us in Davos? Are you concerned? Are you willing to stand and shout your concerns? Or, will you just sit at home and hope it all goes away?
Tick-tock, my friends. Tick-Tock.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.