Steve A. Stone
Originally written March 6, 2017
I assume most of you heard about the Washington Post article claiming Jeff Sessions lied to Congress in his confirmation hearing, and now Democrats are calling on him to resign. This is the latest edition in what will be a continuing parade of such “revelations.”
For those who don’t know: In his confirmation hearing Sessions was asked about reports of contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Recall that LTGen. Flynn had already been tripped up on that, and the Judiciary Committees wanted to know if Jeff had any similar contacts with the Russians. The obvious connotation had to do with the Trump campaign. Sessions stated he had no such contacts. The Washington Post documented two discussions Sessions had held with the Russian ambassador to our country, Sergey Kislyak. Sessions maintained those conversations regarded his duties as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and had no connection whatsoever with the campaign.
Here are excerpts from the article that actually bear out the facts Sessions states; that the orientation of the questions regarded connections between the campaign and Russians, not contacts in general:
At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign.
“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” he responded. He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”
Officials said Sessions did not consider the conversations relevant to the lawmakers’ questions and did not remember in detail what he discussed with Kislyak.
“There was absolutely nothing misleading about his answer,” said Sarah Isgur Flores, Sessions’s spokes-woman.
In January, Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) asked Sessions for answers to written questions. “Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?” Leahy wrote.
Sessions responded with one word: “No.”
We’re going to do another one of those tempest in a teapot things, folks. The Democrats have their hatchets and knives out and think they’re going to take Jeff’s scalp. They can’t succeed by themselves, but there is one thing the Democrats can always count on, and that’s weak-kneed Republicans who are well known for eating their own. Calls for investigations are already being recorded from legislators with (R) after their names. I heard one this morning on NPR, trying to sound like he was the voice of reason and responsibility as he called for an investigation into the matter.
This is one area where the Democrats have always excelled and Republicans have routinely failed. Democrats will routinely get in front of cameras and shout “Nothing to see here but another right-wing smear campaign against an honest member of our caucus.” They deny at high volume and drown out any allegations that come their way. Republicans are more famous for throwing anyone on their side of the aisle to the wolves and deny they ever knew them. They flee from any hint of controversy. Maybe it’s true they can’t separate church and state. When it comes to even a hint of scandal the holier than thou among the Republicans are as quick as the Democrats to point fingers and demand answers.
If there’s one honorable politician alive, I think Jeff Sessions is him. He was asked questions in the context of his knowledge and activities with and for the Trump campaign, not of how he discharged his duties as a Senator. But, we can all expect that point to be completely lost on most in the next few days. Sean Hannity will get it. Bill O’Reilly might. Rush and Mark Levin certainly will. But the alphabet soup of network and cable networks who are “not Fox” will all neglect to provide the context that’s obvious, even in the Washington Post report.
I am concerned. Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong, but he didn’t have to. The brushes are being dipped in the hot tar vat right now. The hate mongers among the Democratic Party and their sycophantic camp followers will be making a full-bore run at Sessions.
I do hope President Trump doesn’t linger in his own response to this. I don’t want to see another good person smeared and neutralized. Our country needs Jeff Sessions. We have to fight for him.
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.