Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
Today, I refer you to a very long series of videos that are part of a body work that goes under the general title: THE FALL OF THE CABAL.
You've all had questions over time. You all wondered how things got the way they are, who all has been involved, why it's all happening, what mechanisms are used to further the various agendas we see playing out, what the ultimate game is, and what's to become of us. We've all had the same questions. THE FALL OF THE CABAL appears to me to be a concerted effort to address every aspect of these questions in a fairly systematic way.
There are two people behind the videos. They're two Dutch women, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. From what I can gather, the pair is living off the grid somewhere in Europe and communicate only through trusted intermediaries. I can tell you no more about them. Their work speaks for itself.
What you'll see in the videos is partly verifiable facts and partly conjecture. The more modern manifestations of the many plots afoot are verifiable, and the videos offer pointers to the source data. The ones that are more conjecture offer proofs, too, but there's often a sort of tag line offered: Do Your Own Research! To me, that indicates the authors believe in what they're presenting, but have scant absolute proof to offer. That doesn't make their assertions untrue, but it does mean those parts of their videos are a bit more in the realm of theory and legend, not provable facts. When you see those parts, you'll know.
What I just wrote should tell you that I buy into some of the video assertions and don't necessarily buy into others. Some should be viewed with skepticism, while others should be trusted. I leave it to the viewer's discretion. I'm only pointing to a great resource I've previewed on your behalf.
There are two main parts to the videos. The parent set is 10 videos that have the original name: THE FALL OF THE CABAL. There are either 24 or 25 more videos that go under the title: THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL. The original 10 are more historical in nature and are largely a group that includes almost every conspiracy theory ever conjured up that regards the New World Order and its long history. The SEQUEL is different. It goes down specific rabbit holes and pokes into various manifestations of the New World Order Cabal's activities. I mention 24 or 25 videos to that set. At the end of #24, there's a reference to #25, but I was never able to find that video. Maybe one of you can.
The entire body of work takes hours to view. I guarantee you'll find it intriguing. There are parts you may want to dismiss. All I can say about that is, stick with it and remember even those parts, because many times they contribute to something you'll see and hear later on.
My overall impression of the videos is positive. They're extremely well done. The photography, graphic presentations, sound, and editing are generally excellent. The material selection is comprehensive. The narration is superb. If they fit into any film category, I suppose they're documentaries. They're far better than average as documentaries. My recommendation to you is to treat them as fictions. Watch them as you do something you know is fiction. Remember what you were taught about fiction—the trick to understanding it and getting enjoyment is through the willful suspension of disbelief. Watch the videos with that in mind. Suspend your urge to disbelieve for a while. Just immerse yourself in the world that's being created for you and absorb it. Try and comprehend the mountain of new information and assemble it as you go along. Later, after you've viewed the entire body of the work, you can go back and make decisions regarding which parts seemed valid and true and which seemed more based on legend, suppositions, or even fantasy.
Know this above all else—many of the videos are very disturbing in their subject matter and their presentations. They portray realities you may have never thought about and won't easily accept. Don't turn away from them. Some of the most evil portrayals in the videos are things that are happening near all of us right now. They are things that we don't want to be true, but they are.
There is a main website where you can view all the videos. It's: www.fallcabal.com.
I'll admit that I had trouble with that site. I viewed half the videos with no problem, but then the site links stopped working for me. I won't speculate as to why. I'll offer alternative ways for you, in case you also run into difficulties. I found that if I Googled the main title and the part I was looking for I could usually find a copy that would work. Usually, it was on Rumble, BitChute, Reddit, or one of the other alternate video sites. You won't find them on YouTube.
Do as I ask. Take your time. Don't shrink from these videos. They're vital if you have doubts about the totality of the efforts of the organizations that collectively make up The Cabal. At the end, you should be a bit agitated. You should be a bit fearful. But, more than that, you should be a whole lot more knowledgeable and willing to stand up against the monstrous plots that are in play. You should be willing to say, "NO! I WILL NOT COMPLY!" You should have better ideas of how to protect yourself and your families. The videos will give you the foundation of knowledge you need to help you understand the world we find ourselves living in. It's not a world of our choosing. It's the world of their design; a world The Cabal's created. If we want to have our world, we have to wrest it from them. Once you view the videos, you'll have ideas of how to do that.
Get started.
In Liberty,
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.