Steve A. Stone
Dear Friends and Patriots,
You’ve heard the story of Vernon Jones, haven’t you? I hope you understand what his story is really about. He does. I’m sure he doesn’t think of his actions and statements as heroic, but that’s what they are. Everyone should take notice and maybe even learn a bit.
Vernon Jones is a Georgia state legislator from Lithonia, GA. The first act of bravery from him was two weeks ago when he publicly stated his intent to vote for Donald Trump in the November general election, stating, “It’s very simple to me. President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges, and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign.” Oh, did I forget to mention Rep. Jones is a lifelong Democrat? And, did I also forget to mention he’s a black Democrat? Those are facts. They shouldn’t be important facts, but today they’re all-important in some circles.
Vernon Jones said he was going to walk away from the Democrat plantation and assume his rightful place as a free American. The result was predictable. He was vilified in the press and among Democrats and black leadership. He was slandered in the most egregious ways. He was threatened. His family was threatened. He was ordered to get back in line. But Vernon Jones saw something in his actions others didn’t. He was not only regaining his political and social freedom, but assuming his rightful place as a truly independent American man.
I heard Rep. Jones’ interview last week on the Glenn Beck show. I was impressed by his passion. He was obviously angry with the treatment he had received from Democrats. Once he announced for President Trump he had to deal with the backlash. It seems the ferocity of that backlash was something he didn’t anticipate. It obviously depresses him. It more obviously enrages him. He had thought his reasoning for voting for President Trump was logical and understandable and failed to anticipate that his reasoning don’t matter. He’s a black Democrat. The Democratic Party believes it rightfully owns him. When he made his announcement, he was perceived much like a slave attempting to run away from his master’s plantation, and those masters are not amused. They had no intention to let him go, at least, not without significant punishment. When their attempts to cajole him back and once again put him in the traces he’d worn while plowing for the party failed, they unleashed all their hounds to track him down and tree him. And for a brief moment they succeeded. He sat in the tree for a bit, listening to the baying of the hounds below, but when he got angry, he vowed he would walk away, and there was nothing they could do to stop him.
Rep. Jones announced he would resign his office. He’d had enough. Later, once people rose up and supported his moves, he recanted and stated he’d stay on and fight against the party that had treated him in such a shoddy way. Those are marks of a brave man. Such things should be honored by all.
When I heard Rep. Jones on Beck’s show, I heard more bravery. He stated truths that Democrats are not allowed to utter. Some of those truths are rarely heard from anyone these days, even conservative Republicans. He said he was being attacked by the “white liberal press.” Well, that’s true. It’s also true he was attacked by the black liberal press, though not with the same degree of animosity and hyperbole. I’m okay with his characterization.
After making the statement above, he went off on a bit of a rant. He was incensed by the comments about his stance on LBGTQ issues. He stated he didn’t care at all what individuals believe or do. He said it isn’t about that. It’s about a mantle that he’s been expected to share that he believes shouldn’t. He related a story about a bill in the GA state legislature that was intended to grant special privileges to certain members of Georgia’s LBGTQ population. Jones had announced he wouldn’t support the bill, and then was apparently visited by a trans-sexual lobbyist for the bill. He stated the lobbyist told him, “We have the same interests here; this is a civil rights issue.” That comment angered him, and even when retelling it, you could hear that anger. He went on to explain that the lobbyist had made a choice and now wants the government to reward that choice. Meanwhile, Jones lives every day as a black man. He can’t wake up one day and decide not to be a black man – it’s just an unalterable fact of his birth. He reasoned the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was intended to affirm the rights of people based on factors that were facts of birth, not the result of a lifestyle choice. Meanwhile, he understands the LBGTQ community wants to share in all protections of the nation’s civil rights statutes. Rep. Jones contends his right to those protections is fully inherited, while those of the LBGTQ community wanted coverage based on their “personal choice” to be members of that community, not any condition or fact of birth. (In my words, the LBGTQ people want to claim civil rights protections for their choices and actions, not conditions of birth.) He was also angry that the black leadership in the country had abandoned their decades-old objections to such inclusions.
The final statements Rep. Jones made were very emphatic. “There is a war in America; a war against the heterosexual male.” Yes, he actually said that! He said he was raised to be a polite, caring heterosexual male, but today it’s not enough to have good manners, and it’s almost looked down on to be openly heterosexual. He stated the Democratic Party has become a haven for every oddball group in the country who feels put upon because they are what they are. Meanwhile, people Rep. Jones contends are “the real people of this country” are being systematically discriminated against.
Those were the statements of a truly brave man. And, he was 100% correct in what he said and the way he said it. His points are well thought out and on point. He is correct that there’s a concerted attempt to force him into silence and to get back in line. He’s correct that people who’ve made their livings by running the plantations and helping to keep the bleating herds of sheep in place are afraid of anyone with a voice who escapes. Their entire corrupt system is in jeopardy if too many people get too many similar ideas. He’s also correct on the purpose and intent of the 60s civil rights acts and the truth that coverage under those acts shouldn’t be a matter of individual choice or any behavior. And, he’s also correct on the current social status of the heterosexual male. As a black, openly heterosexual male, Mr. Jones is only one rung above the bottom, which is currently assigned to white heterosexual males, like the author of this essay.
Take some time and contact Rep. Vernon Jones. I’m certain he would appreciate hearing from you. He will need a lot of such support. He’s surrounded right now and the people around him aren’t saying many kind things about him. If he continues on his current path, I predict an interesting future for him. His whole presentation has become so anti-PC that he’s in danger of becoming something of a folk hero. If that happens, then I’m one who’ll continue to support him.
Having said all the above, I do want to offer one caution. We often see people rise up and throw off the shackles and traces of a system that prides itself on how well it controls its members. It’s rare for those people to remain in the public eye. The same press that can make Rep. Jones something of a renegade celebrity can also relegate him to the same closet where they hide others who came before him. It’s easy for them. They just act like he doesn’t exist. That could put him into the American media’s version of a gulag, where some truly great people are rendered nearly invisible and largely voiceless. If Rep. Jones is very, very careful, that might not happen. Now is the time he should find out who his real friends are and who they aren’t. If he looks hard, he’ll discover many people he used to have low regard for are in that new friends category, and if he allows them, they’ll reach out their hands and ensure he escapes the media’s gulag.
Today, I’m willing to stand up and hail Vernon Jones as a new American hero. He’s said he’s willing to stay on course. He’s chosen a very difficult path. I hope he can hew to it. At this point, even with lots of help and good advice, it’s still all up to him.
In Liberty,
Steve A. Stone
© Steve A. StoneThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.