Pete Riehm
When the government is lawless, the people turn to an outlaw
By Pete Riehm
June 18, 2024

The entire Biden Campaign strategy is to scare voters that the orange bogeyman is worse than Biden since Joe Biden cannot hope to win running on his abilities, competence, or record. After almost a decade, the "orange man bad" dogma has grown ineffective and tedious, so Democrats took their demagoguery to a new level with several groundless, frivolous prosecutions of Donald Trump. Under legal siege in Florida, Georgia, New York, and Washington, Trump has been politically persecuted more than anyone else in American history, but Democrats only needed one of these schemes to deliver a conviction. Their only goal was to smear President Trump as a “convicted felon,” and that alone, they figured, should dissuade voters.

Surprise! This election interference tactic known as “lawfare” has backfired spectacularly! “Lawfare” is the tactic to remove your opponent from competition by either imprisoning him or hamstringing him with some legal baggage that he cannot carry or that makes him unacceptable to average Americans. It’s a staple in banana republics. In short, Democrats just want to kneecap Trump so he can’t run.

To Democrats’ chagrin and shock, voters are rallying to the beleaguered Trump; they have created a political martyr. Average Americans can relate to Trump’s travails with a ruthless, unfair government because they clearly see and painfully feel the double standard. American citizens are hounded by the government to obey every law and regulation, but watch illegal immigrants richly rewarded for breaking the law and then given every advantage with American taxpayer dollars.

Americans know our government is patently unfair and now they see the indisputable evidence that federal law enforcement and the judicial system are hopelessly corrupt. The brutal and unequal application of the law is abhorrent to Americans, so they are aghast watching the ridiculous Soviet-style show trials for Trump.

Democrats are flummoxed! How can this be?! Trump is a “convicted felon!” Voters should drop him like a bad habit, but instead Trump has maintained, if not increased, his national lead over Biden since the sham felony verdict.

Stunned Democrats as usual are blaming Americans as duped or dumb. They insist Trump supporters must be a cult. At Biden’s recent Hollywood fundraiser, Jimmy Kimmel quipped that “America might need an exorcism.” Beyond simply loathing average folks, Democrats just cannot grasp how utterly disconnected they are from working Americans, mostly because Dems think we are backward and stupid.

Trump is authentic and that resonates with average Americans. Democrats are insincere and constantly try to twist Trump’s words, but their manipulations are immature and transparent. Press and pundits recently dumped on Trump for supposedly saying Milwaukee is an awful city; they howled that he is besmirching a great American city and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker even accused the flag-kissing Trump of not loving America. Trump simply observed the fact that Milwaukee has a crime problem like any other Democrat-run city. His point was we should clean up the crime, so law-abiding citizens can enjoy their great American city.

This dichotomy between Trump’s and Booker’s remarks highlights the Democrats’ inability to connect with Americans. If you love something, you want it to be better, so you will correct errors and problems to improve the thing you love, be it a child or a city. Like failing to discipline a child, if you let a city rot in crime and filth, you don’t love that city – you hate it.

The stark difference between Biden and Trump was more magnified this past week when Biden was in Hollywood hob-knobbing with the country’s biggest celebrities, Trump participated in a roundtable at a black church in Detroit. Which one is the man of the people?

Biden and Democrats have growing relatability problems, but the biggest problem they ignore is the collapse of the federal government’s credibility. The federal government has lied about the border, crime, COVID, the economy, inflation, Ukraine, and much more. Americans see this and no longer trust the government, so when the government lies about Trump it falls flat.

Biden and his Democrat henchmen have weaponized the power of the federal government to persecute Trump; their unethical assaults are brazen and tenuous, so Americans have rightly concluded the DOJ, FBI, and White House are lawless. Therefore, when a lawless government labels you an outlaw, it is a badge of honor. It is sure sign that the outlaw is standing up against injustice and tyranny, so Americans have found their champion.

Playing the establishment card is a losing hand when the establishment is corrupt. Even rank and file Democrats are tired of the unfair nonsense as Biden hemorrhages minority support. Democrat Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco in California summed it up when he declared he is tired of putting felons in jail while politicians ignore the rule of law, so it’s time to put a felon in the White House – he endorsed Trump. Average Americans are following suit.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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