Tom O'Toole column
Thomas Augustine O'Toole was born in Chicago and grew up in a devout Catholic family with five brothers and two sisters. He was the sports editor of Notre Dame's Scholastic magazine, where his story "Reflections on the Game" won the award for Best Sports Feature for the Indiana Collegiate Press Association.

Besides his work as a columnist for several suburban newspapers, Tom O'Toole is also a popular freelance writer for many Catholic magazines, including Columbia, The Catholic Faith, Queen of All Hearts, and Culture Wars.

His innovative writings on the connection between faith and sports ("Cathletics") has been praised by the Papal Nuncio, and his groundbreaking book Champions of Faith: Catholic Sports Heroes Tell Their Stories is one of the original volumes to be placed on the Vatican shelves where the Pontifical Council of Church and Sport meet. In 2006, Tom published a number of articles on the prestigious Catholic Exchange website, and started his blog Fighting Irish Thomas, which has been praised for its Catholic candor and humor.

Tom O'Toole lives in the Chicago area with his wife Jeanette. They have four children. He can be reached at

The fight for pro-life: Two election-time poems
Tom O'Toole
October 14, 2016

First, to my regular readers, I apologize for my inability to bring my writing to you lately, but the combination of working two jobs and the physical ailments . . .

A simple schism: Hesburgh's death "A New Beginning" for Notre Dame?
Tom O'Toole
April 20, 2015

Our mission is to serve the Lady that our university is named after, and to manifest the Faith She represents. -University of Notre Dame Athletic Director Jack . . .

"I can't breathe" revisited: my hoop hope for the Lady (and Mike Brey) Irish
Tom O'Toole
March 18, 2015

[From the archives, pro-life Renew readers should find this "basketball post," written in February, timely as ever.] As the cold Indiana calendar turns from . . .

Rudy, the Gipper, and the Hesburgh Heresy: reflections on the (immortal) soul
Tom O'Toole
March 4, 2015

"Dear Thomas: I really enjoyed reading your Scholastic article on the Michigan State well written it could have made the New Yorker, which isn't easy. . . .

Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh (1917-2015) dies, pray for his soul
Tom O'Toole
February 28, 2015

With a bit of heavenly irony no Hollywood screenwriter would dare to write, longtime Notre Dame president, Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, died yesterday, . . .

Charles E. Rice 1931-2015: a real Notre Dame man
Tom O'Toole
February 27, 2015

Notre Dame Professor Emeritus Charles E. Rice died Wednesday night at the age of 83. Besides being a brilliant law professor and a devoted husband and father of . . .

Voris, Vox Cantoris, and the Vatican: a prayer for the elephant in the room
Tom O'Toole
February 22, 2015

When Michael Voris speaks, orthodox Catholics usually listen, and as one of the "Voris chorus," I know that when two of his talks appear on the same topic in . . .

Campus Crossroads Project to transform Notre Dame into neo-Nazi nuthouse
Tom O'Toole
April 17, 2014

"At a time when some are questioning the future of the residential college campus, we believe the investment in these new facilities, which will house new . . .

The saints on sodomy: why the Church Fathers were harsh on homosexual sex
Tom O'Toole
March 24, 2014

"No sin in the world grips the soul as the accursed sodomy; this sin has always been detested by all those who live according to God...Deviant passion is close . . .

Fr. Miscamble, friendship, and the future of Notre Dame
Tom O'Toole
March 22, 2014

"Notre Dame's character as a Catholic academic community presupposes that no genuine search for the alien to the life of faith...There is, however, a . . .

Et tu, Matthew? Notre Dame's double fault in Matt Dooley's gay parade
Tom O'Toole
March 9, 2014

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are . . .

Kelly interview heavy on Te'o and Sullivan, thin on Lizzy
Tom O'Toole
March 6, 2014

I think that our university has been thorough on what they were charged to do. I think that in all of these situations you are always looking for improvements . . .

Michael Sam, Jason Collins and the gayification of professional sports
Tom O'Toole
March 5, 2014

He said in reply, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female' and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and . . .

Shembo no prince in Lizzy Seeberg scandal
Tom O'Toole
February 25, 2014

I didn't do anything. I'm pretty much, I'm the one who ended it and pretty much told the girl that we should stop, that we shouldn't be doing this and that's . . .

Give me liberty or give me Obamacare! Jindal soars in "The Silent War on Religious Liberty"
Tom O'Toole
February 16, 2014

America does not sustain and create faith. Faith created and sustains America. -Gov. Bobby Jindal, "The Silent War on Religious Liberty" The President is . . .

State of the Union: Obama speaks, Aquinas weeps...and 'David' leaps into action
Tom O'Toole
January 30, 2014

"You come against me with sword and spear and scimitar, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts." -1 Sm 17:45 After watching – yet . . .

Inspiring Lies: My (continuous) fight to save the Irish and Notre Dame
Tom O'Toole
November 1, 2013

It was Sunday morning, and while I was worshiping the Lord at the Latin Mass (one of the more inspiring moments of the week for the committed Catholic), my . . .

No homo, Roy? Humbled Hibbert consults 'Saint' Jason Collins in new gay NBA
Tom O'Toole
June 5, 2013

After Lebron James returned to MVP form and his World Champion Miami Heat finally sent the pesky Indiana Pacers packing Monday to return the Heat to the NBA . . .

Melinda's list: Selmys' forty ways to love a lesbian (and hate Michael Voris)
Tom O'Toole
April 7, 2013

"Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It . . .

Speaking about homosexuality? Melinda Selmys' 'queer' way to save gays
Tom O'Toole
April 6, 2013

In her article, "How to Speak About Homosexuality," (and subsequent follow-up, "What I Mean By Acceptance"), former gay-turned-committed-Catholic author Melinda . . .

Pope Francis, and Blessed Aloysius and Blessed Agnellus: how the saints chose Bergoglio for pope
Tom O'Toole
March 15, 2013

Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere . . .

Bye bye (Pope) Benedict, hello 'Gay Mafia': can the family save the papacy?
Tom O'Toole
March 3, 2013

"In order for such evil to be concealed and tolerated, it is necessary that the right people hold key positions, and that not only a homolobby, but a homoclique . . .

Bobby Jindal: the next St. Thomas More or another "stupid party-er"?
Tom O'Toole
February 26, 2013

When Bobby Jindal, Louisiana governor and recently elected leader of the Republican Governor's Association, recently reiterated that, "We must stop being the . . .

Manti Te'o, Lizzy Seeberg, Lennay Kekua pt II: fallout from the Katie Couric interview
Tom O'Toole
January 28, 2013

A day before the much ballyhooed Katie Couric-Manti Te'o "tell all" interview, I was flipping through the channels and caught a couple of foolhardy "Extra" . . .

Lizzy Seeberg or Manti Te'o's fake dead girlfriend: which ghost haunts Notre Dame the most?
Tom O'Toole
January 23, 2013

Noting the unusual amount of online chatter linking Manti Te'o, his hoax of a (dead) girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, and Lizzy Seeberg (and perhaps connecting . . .

Notre Dame vs. Alabama: how the Fighting Irish can win 13 in '13
Tom O'Toole
January 10, 2013

First off, I'd like to congratulate all the fine Irish players and pray-ers (especially the "Suffering Irish") for a memorable 12-1, 2012 Notre Dame . . .

Obama and The Hobbit: a Middle-earth view of the fiscal cliff and the moral pit
Tom O'Toole
January 1, 2013

After watching The Hobbit (Pt. I!) over the weekend, and concluding from the 119 previews (only a slight exaggeration) that preceded it, that Peter Jackson's . . .

Dick Durbin, Herod, and Pilate: my Feast of the Holy Innocents letter
Tom O'Toole
December 29, 2012

Senator Richard Durbin 309 Hart Senate Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2152 Fax: (202) 228-0400 Dear Senator Durbin, Today Catholics  . . .

The Newtown Massacre: A pilgrim's prayers for Adam Lanza's victims
Tom O'Toole
December 16, 2012

It was an unseasonably warm and sunny day, and I was off to supplement (or supplant) my meagre Catholic writer's earnings for the month by working as a . . .

George Gipp's no angel...but was he a saint?
Tom O'Toole
December 14, 2012

I might steal your diamonds, but I'll bring you back some gold. — Greg Allman, from his hit "I'm no Angel" The joy that's always felt on Notre Dame's . . .

Notre Dame vs. Alabama 'and' Obama: what the Irish need to succeed
Tom O'Toole
December 13, 2012

It's Christmastime on Our Lady's campus, and as darkness descends on the Notre Dame students preparing for finals and winter break, they are once again . . .

Our Lady of Guadalupe: a revelation wrapped in a mystery inside a miracle
Tom O'Toole
December 12, 2012

I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. — Winston Churchill, in . . .

Joe "Pa-thetic"? A new statue for the Paterno legend
Tom O'Toole
August 5, 2012

"They exhibited a striking lack of empathy for Sandusky's victims. — from the investigation by former FBI director, Louis Freeh, involving the cover-up of . . .

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, Chicago style: by "George," I think Rahm's wrong!
Tom O'Toole
August 3, 2012

"Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago values. They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents. This would be a bad investment. — Chicago mayor, Rahm . . .

Sugar and 'Rice' and everything's not 'vice': why Romney needs Bobby Jindal
Tom O'Toole
July 19, 2012

"In my view there is an easy, universal barometer we can use to evaluate all cultures: how do they treat their most vulnerable members...those whom Jesus so . . .

The Euteneuer trial: why I believe Doe
Tom O'Toole
July 8, 2012

"[We will] vigorously defend [ourselves] against...the false accusations [of complicity with Euteneuer]...To the extent Father Euteneuer has already admitted to . . .

The Fighting Irish vs. Obama/Sebelius: Notre Dame "Game On"
Tom O'Toole
June 13, 2012

"We do not seek to impose our religious views on others; we simply ask that Government not impose its values on the University when these values conflict with . . .

Hitler, Stalin...and Obama? The Jenky and Jenkins hi-jinks
Tom O'Toole
May 7, 2012

Reprinted on Spero News. "Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any . . .

The Santorum forum pt XIII: RIP for RIC(k)?
Tom O'Toole
April 12, 2012

Thank you for your support, for your encouragement, and for your prayers for our family, especially Bella...Suspending my campaign for President of the United . . .

The Santorum forum pt XII: A Santorum-Obama 'contraception debate' I'd like to see
Tom O'Toole
March 31, 2012

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds and with engaging personalities. The most successful approach to the . . .

The Santorum forum pt X: 'Rick Rocks' the 'Heights' but where's the 'Hail Mary'?
Tom O'Toole
March 27, 2012

A liberal, a moderate and a conservative walk into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hello, Mitt!" — a joke from a Santorum campaign ad Romney is running . . .

Holy (Saint) Toledo! Praying for Super Tuesday
Tom O'Toole
March 6, 2012

However great the horror of death, it can be overcome by the power of love in imitation of that love by which he, who is our life, willed to suffer death for . . .

The Santorum forum pt VIII: Rick's Arizona and Michigan primary saints
Tom O'Toole
February 26, 2012

Reprinted on Spero News. "Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using the great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality... -Rick Santorum, . . .

Mormons, contraception, and Santorum: will Rick be 'pierced' by Macfarlane's 'sword'?
Tom O'Toole
February 23, 2012

"John Lanning was a bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, [and] the director of public relations for LDS...Lanning's job was simple: foster . . .

Parable of the "prodigal papa": Michael D. O'Brien's "The Father's Tale"
Tom O'Toole
February 18, 2012

"To enter into the domain into which this book takes its readers is to find oneself in the precincts of Holiness...The scrim that lies between ordinariness and . . .

The Santorum forum pt VII: can Rick's conservatism stop Obama's contraceptive-ism?
Tom O'Toole
February 2, 2012

[H]usband and wife become in a way one heart and one soul...marriage is a love that is total...[M]arriage must of necessity retain its intrinsic relationship to . . .

My silent soul for Santorum
Tom O'Toole
January 25, 2012

(Article by Jeanette O'Toole, Tom's wife) "Let me repeat in the clearest words in my disposal. There is no stopping abortion without an ocean of grace from . . .

Rick Santorum and Joe Paterno: two tragic American tales
Tom O'Toole
January 24, 2012

"I said many, many times that one of the reasons Joe was hanging on to that position is because if he left, he'd die...I knew Joe very well, and it was a very . . .

Santorum forum pt VI: the truth and the South Carolina showdown
Tom O'Toole
January 19, 2012

Reprinted on Spero News. "I beat Governor Romney very clearly [in polls] head to head. It's not just about coalescing around a conservative, but coalescing . . .

The Santorum forum pt V: a 'Rocky' hope for New Hampshire?
Tom O'Toole
January 8, 2012

"In the days of doubts, in the days of oppressive reflections concerning the destiny of my native land, you alone are my strength and staff, O great, mighty, . . .

The Santorum forum pt IV: why "brave-hearts" must speak out
Tom O'Toole
January 3, 2012

For Zion's sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, Until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a . . .

The Santorum forum pt III: Rick's Holy Innocents' day miracle
Tom O'Toole
December 31, 2011

Father, the Holy Innocents offered you praise by the death they suffered for Christ. May our lives bear witness to the faith we profess with our lips. We . . .

The Santorum forum pt II: Wendy Jensen, volunteer angel
Tom O'Toole
December 28, 2011

"How sweet can a person be? She had a little body, but the heart of a lion." -Rick Santorum, on the death of Wendy Jensen, his most dedicated volunteer  . . .

Rick Santorum: champion of faith (and family)
Tom O'Toole
December 24, 2011

"Family is the bedrock of society. Unless we protect it with the institution of marriage, our country will fall." -Senator Rick Santorum "Many voters like . . .

Was Holtz hoodwinked? My Christmas letter to Lou
Tom O'Toole
December 19, 2011

Dear Tom, Thank you very much for your letter. I really appreciated the article you sent. It is easy to see why you are successful, because you pay great . . .

Shake down the "blunders": South Florida Bulls "Skip" by 16th ranked Irish 23-20
Tom O'Toole
September 6, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "Cheer, Cheer for old Notre Dame Wake up the echoes cheering her name, Send the volley cheer on high, Shake down the thunder from . . .

"An Apocalypse" now? Can Michael O'Brien's Father Elijah stop the Antichrist?
Tom O'Toole
August 17, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "I guarantee you that once you take up this book you will not put it down until the end of the world. Here is a meaty page-turner . . .

Notre Dame reforms part II: the two legacies of Lizzy Seeberg
Tom O'Toole
August 12, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. With greater privilege comes a greater duty to serve. — Lizzy Seeberg On the statue [of Lizzy at ND] idea — powerful, . . .

Corapi corrupted part VI: stepping up to the "Brad-minded" Lutheran "Ashley-bashing"
Tom O'Toole
August 2, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. I am "anonymous" from 7-10-11. Your response was well written but singularly focused. As with attacking Father Corapi, you spent . . .

Corapi corrupted part V: an Orthodox Catholic schools a modern Lutheran
Tom O'Toole
July 24, 2011

"It's sad to see the Roman Catholics feed on each other like this. How unsavory! As a Lutheran, I find it more important to look for the positive Christian . . .

Jenny and the CCD teacher: our Sacred Heart reunion
Tom O'Toole
July 20, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to . . .

Corapi corrupted part IV: "The Black Sheep Dog" and the "new" Luther
Tom O'Toole
July 10, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "I have never had promiscuous or even inappropriate relations with her...I never paid anyone off to remain silent...I resigned . . .

Corapi corrupted part III: SOLT sheds light on The Black Sheep Dog's demons
Tom O'Toole
July 8, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "Fighting Irish Thomas seems to be the only one covering this story. The Register in this week's issue covers it and they are about  . . .

"Notre Dame reforms" part I: the Lizzy Seeberg scandal and Mary's Immaculate Heart
Tom O'Toole
July 5, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "He took my cell phone...grabbed my face and started kissing me...he pulled down my tank top and touched my breasts...tears ran down . . .

Corapi corrupted part II: the curious court case and the lie of "lying down"
Tom O'Toole
July 2, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "It's almost always wrong for a cleric to sue a congregant. It's especially wrong when a priest sues someone who is making sexual . . .

Corapi corrupted: the parable of the lost "sheepdog"
Tom O'Toole
June 23, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. For twenty years I was called "father" [I'm] "The Black Sheep Dog." — John Corapi, from his June 17th "Black Sheep Dog" . . .

A "trusting sycamore" and a barking "Irish rover": enough to save the fall of Kelly and Floyd?
Tom O'Toole
June 20, 2011

The Catholic college...should be a community of students and teachers centered on Christ...The marrow of a Catholic college is not a system of thought, but a . . .

Book 'em, bishop; is Fr. Corapi santa cruz-in' for a bruisin'?
Tom O'Toole
April 5, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "Statement of Santa Cruz Media, Inc. Relative to Fr. Corapi's Suspension [email newsletter, 3-25-11 (and currently posted on . . .

"No greater love": a friend's statement for an Euteneuer victim
Tom O'Toole
April 4, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no . . .

WWKD (What would Knute do?) "Upon this Rockne" revisited
Tom O'Toole
April 2, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. "Can he [the patriot] hate it enough to change it, and yet love it enough to think it worth changing? Can he look up at its colossal . . .

You are Knute -- and upon this Rockne I will build "The Irish"
Tom O'Toole
March 31, 2011

Reprinted from Fighting Irish Thomas, 3-31-07. Reprinted on Spero News. The date was 3-31-31. While there was, on that same date, an earthquake in . . .

"The greatest" of falls? Was Corapi complicit in the Euteneuer scandal?
Tom O'Toole
March 27, 2011

On Ash Wednesday I learned that a former employee sent a three-page letter to several bishops accusing me of everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual . . .

The victim's salvation
Tom O'Toole
March 18, 2011

The following poem is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of its characters to actual persons is entirely coincidental. "When an evil spirit comes out of a . . .

Beyond the "grave": A father's (and mother's) statement about Euteneuer and their gravely harmed daughter
Tom O'Toole
February 21, 2011

Reprinted on Spero News. You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed. All the day I am an object of . . .

The penitent priest and the Catholic crackpot: the "Saving Father Euteneuer" update
Tom O'Toole
February 3, 2011

I take full responsibility for my own poor judgment, my weakness and my sinful conduct that resulted...[in] one particularly complex situation...[that] led me . . .

Of Aquinas, Augustine, and Euteneuer: reflections on Fr. Tom on the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
Tom O'Toole
January 29, 2011

Please also see ... Euteneuer update. Please also see ... Demonic Abortion review. Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word . . .

The Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas: my Father Euteneuer update
Tom O'Toole
January 18, 2011

Almighty and eternal God, behold, I approach the Sacrament of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus one who is sick to the physician of life.. . . .

Will Father Thomas Euteneuer's "Demonic Abortion" end abortion or Euteneuer?
Tom O'Toole
January 14, 2011

"It is proper for the noblest hearts to discover the most urgent need of their epoch and to consecrate themselves to it." — Father Lacordaire, a famous . . .

Declan, Notre Dame roll cold 'Canes 33-17; will Irish look to heaven in 2011?
Tom O'Toole
January 6, 2011

"Clearly we are gaining confidence...we've beaten some good football teams late in the year." — Notre Dame Head Coach Brian Kelly, after the Irish's Sun . . .

The book of Bobby: "Leadership" makes "Jindal 2012" worth the lobby
Tom O'Toole
December 30, 2010

"That encounter with President Obama served as a reminder to me of why Americans are so frustrated with Washington: the feds focus on the wrong things. . . .

Don't gyp "The Gipper": A Christmas wish for George Gipp and Declan Sullivan
Tom O'Toole
December 24, 2010

"I've got to go, Rock. It's all right, I'm not afraid. But sometime when the team is up against it...and the breaks are beating the boys...tell them to win just . . .

The "alma" (still) "matters": Declan, Notre Dame defeat USC 20-16
Tom O'Toole
December 1, 2010

One month ago, when Notre Dame undergrad Declan Sullivan fell to his death filming a football practice when a fierce wind flung his youthful frame from the far . . .

The Pilgrim's Regress: Rembert's disordered "Weak-land" revisited
Tom O'Toole
September 5, 2010

Originally published in Culture Wars, May 2010, Vol. 29, No. 6 "...All readers will be moved by this honest, riveting, and exceedingly well-written story of . . .

Swaying from Our Lady? Is Manti's "domed" Mormon mission doomed?
Tom O'Toole
August 31, 2010

"There is, however, another angle. For many people, Notre Dame symbolized more than just 'the Catholic thing.' It symbolized the need — in a culture of . . .

"The End" is near...for Christian civilization and/or Catholic not-for-profits
Tom O'Toole
August 18, 2010

"If gay marriage becomes law, it is the end...of Christian civilization" — future pro-life saint, Father Paul Marx, founder of Human Life International.  . . .

Of "Rice" and (real) men: what [the hell] happened to Notre Dame?
Tom O'Toole
August 11, 2010

"The University is where the Church does its thinking" — former president of Notre Dame, Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh. "The Catholic university today must be a . . .

"Fail" to the "Chief," now fear the "Queer": My "Easter" letter to the U of "I"
Tom O'Toole
July 18, 2010

"The abandonment of truth by universities of whatever type affects the culture. As relativism and agnosticism filter into that culture from the universities, . . .

"Theophilos": Michael O'Brien's latest novel ... and miracle
Tom O'Toole
July 2, 2010

"Many well-grounded complaints have been made about religious literature on the score that it tends to minimize the importance and dignity of life here and now . . .

"Playin' for Our Lady?" My reply to Coach Kelly
Tom O'Toole
June 24, 2010

"The priority for our players is to recognize they are at the University of Notre Dame to play for Our Lady" — new head football coach of Notre Dame, Brian . . .

Beating Obama and BP: My "beaded" letter for Bobby Jindal
Tom O'Toole
June 19, 2010

"I live in Louisiana and Gov. Jindal is WONDERFUL...during Ike and Katrina, the poor man did not sleep for days...we have seen pictures of him leaving mass with . . .

The lives (and faces) of Mother Teresa and Helen Thomas: the good, the mad, and the ugly
Tom O'Toole
June 17, 2010

"Joy is the net by which you capture souls." "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." — Mother Teresa "I used to censor I wake . . .

Clinton favors under the table? Rounding up the usual "Sestaks"
Tom O'Toole
June 2, 2010

As President Obama finally arrived and conquered the shores of Louisiana Friday, trying to sound regal while stealing some of the better oil spill ideas of Gov. . . .

Golfing in the Gulf? Obama fund-raised while Jindal "berm-ed"
Tom O'Toole
May 28, 2010

Switching back and forth between CNN and Fox News last night, I found that when it came to the Gulf Oil Spill, the two usually contrary channels agreed on two . . .

Is God gay? George's "sash-y" Pentecost protest sermon
Tom O'Toole
May 20, 2010

"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super intelligent gay man who understood human problems" — Elton John. "Have you not read that from the beginning the . . .

Good Knight, sweet Ralph: McInerny's mysterious last words
Tom O'Toole
May 8, 2010

"Your Days are Numbered" — The threatening words left on an anonymous note to Professor Roger Knight and several of his colleagues. Sham Rock, Ralph . . .

By George, I think he's busted: the taking of Pfleger 1-2-3
Tom O'Toole
May 1, 2010

First, it was Father Jenkins openly defying the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (of which Chicago's Cardinal Francis George is president) by letting . . .

Ralph's "Knights" in shining armor: can McInerny's "murders" save Notre Dame?
Tom O'Toole
April 28, 2010

"It's been a while since I saw a priest here in a Roman Collar. Except Fr. Hesburgh, but he's not on campus much since his retirement." "So you're at Notre . . .

Defeating the Modernists: my pro-life letter to the Vatican
Tom O'Toole
March 7, 2010

Pro-life leader, Randall Terry, in conjunction with the group Vanguard of St. Catherine of Sienna, is heading to Rome, March 10, for a week of meetings with a . . .

The Terry pro-life divide? Amidst controversy and criticism, Randall to the "rescue"
Tom O'Toole
March 1, 2010

Although I suppose I've come to expect a certain backlash whenever I write about the very visible (as opposed to "virtual") prolific antics of pro-life . . .

Pro-life hero series, #2 Emmett Grayson: A "Child of the Wind" becomes a man of "The Word"
Tom O'Toole
February 18, 2010

"I don't love her, I don't hate her — for her, I don't feel very much at all But blood that we both shared and spilled Keeps turning up like writing on the . . .

Pro-life hero series, #1 Randall Terry (aka Lifeman!) A real (pro) life superhero
Tom O'Toole
February 2, 2010

Joseph: [desperately] Look at all those woman entering the abortion clinic! Mary: [pleadingly, as she fingers her rosary] Oh Joseph! Who will save them?  . . .

Can Woods be(come) good? The lie of the Tiger
Tom O'Toole
December 22, 2009

"I feel cheated!" my wife Jeanette lamented (no pun intended) as the Tiger Woods saga snowballed from a minor traffic accident into a major infidelity scandal. . . .

Roeder was wrong: condemning Tiller's killer
Tom O'Toole
June 1, 2009

It was wrong — ironic and wrong on so many levels. Dr. George Tiller, the hardcore abortion doctor who killed so many babies (and a few women) worshiping in a . . .

Saving Notre Dame: Looking back at Jenkins, Barack--and "the crying baby"
Tom O'Toole
May 25, 2009

In my last of a series of reflections on Barack Obama's Notre Dame appearance, I will focus on the speech itself and Fr. Jenkins' words (and lies) leading up to . . .

Saving Notre Dame: Looking back at the CNN charade
Tom O'Toole
May 23, 2009

Having had time now to look back at the events leading up to, as well as President Barack Obama's actual appearance (or shall we say "performance") at the . . .

Saving Notre Dame: Promises from Our Lady of Fatima
Tom O'Toole
May 13, 2009

Do you want to offer yourselves to God, to endure all the sufferings He may allow, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and as a . . .

Saving Notre Dame: My dialogue with D'Arcy
Tom O'Toole
May 12, 2009

Bishop D'Arcy Fort Wayne Chancery 1103 S. Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Dear Bishop D'Arcy, First, I'd like to congratulate you for speaking . . .

Saving Notre Dame: "Hopeful" on Obama?
Tom O'Toole
May 2, 2009

Dear Mr. President, Congratulations on your first 100 days. While we don't always see eye-to-eye on the issues (for example, I believe pro-choice people . . .

Saving Notre Dame: The "Keyes" to sending the lyin' McBrien flyin'
Tom O'Toole
April 15, 2009

Recently on FOX News I saw Kathleen Donahue, Notre Dame student and head of Notre Dame Right to Life, fend off questions about Obama's upcoming visit. And, . . .

The blood of the young patriots
Tom O'Toole
April 12, 2009

In remembrance of abortion's helpless victims, I am sharing my poem "The Blood of the Young Patriots," written shortly after 9-11, for your Easter consideration . . .

Saving Notre Dame: "Terry" on! Our leader needs a fighter
Tom O'Toole
April 9, 2009

"What's the matter with you guys? You're all Irish and you're not fighting!" — Notre Dame halfback Pete Vaughan's 1909 halftime speech vs. Michigan; also . . .

Saving Notre Dame: Mary Ann Glendon, Our Lady's "secret weapon"?
Tom O'Toole
April 6, 2009

"Magna est veritas et prevalebit." (Truth is great and it will prevail.) — The motto on Notre Dame's Laetare . . .

Saving Notre Dame: My letter to Pope Benedict
Tom O'Toole
April 2, 2009

"But don't you think people who hate Notre Dame can't accept this notion that so many Notre Dame players and fans say that praying to God helps the team to play . . .

Saving Notre Dame: the impact of youth and Rockne
Tom O'Toole
March 31, 2009

"In the past generation, it was Buffalo Bill. For this generation, it was Knute Rockne. The boy had a great respect for Rockne, and Rockne for the boy. Each . . .

Saving Notre Dame: A call to (prayerful) arms
Tom O'Toole
March 30, 2009

While taking an English course to attain my teaching certification at Elmhurst College (a local liberal arts school), I got into a debate with my professor. It . . .

The P.O.P.E. project: Prevent Obama from Proclaiming Evil (at Notre Dame)
Tom O'Toole
March 27, 2009

"Presidents from both parties have come to [give the commencement address] at Notre Dame ... we're delighted that President Obama is continuing that tradition." . . .

Barack at Notre Dame? Our Lady strikes back!
Tom O'Toole
March 20, 2009

When it comes to evil prophecies (i.e. Obama elected president, AND today's news that the spineless president of my Christian alma mater has indeed secured . . .

"Steeling" souls and "Cardinal" sins: Obama, pro-life's "Super-Foe"
Tom O'Toole
February 1, 2009

With strong believers on both sides of the ball in today's big football game (although I'm personally pullin' for that back-from-the-dead former Arena Leaguer . . .

Renew America is now Renew America Together? I smell a "RAT"
Tom O'Toole
January 16, 2009

About a week ago when I was surfing the Net about the upcoming "Big Event" (the Inauguration of the Obama-nation), I stumbled across the news that President . . .

Blagojevich's black friend Roland: a "Burris" in Obama's side?
Tom O'Toole
January 8, 2009

Largely due to a technicality, the United States Senate on Tuesday refused to admit Roland Burris, former Illinois State Comptroller and the ridiculous pick of . . .

Saving the day in His Holy Name: St. Genevieve gets a reprieve
Tom O'Toole
January 3, 2009

When she died last summer at the age of 87, it's doubtful my mother-in-law, Genevieve Ohlin, had even heard of her holy namesake, St. Genevieve of Paris. First . . .

Palin's pro-life failin'? What a long, strange "Tripp" it's been
Tom O'Toole
December 31, 2008

Reading the announcement yesterday of the Dec. 27th birth of Sarah Palin's 18-year-old unwed daughter Bristol's baby, it dredged up memories of the many . . .

The Holy Family vs. the Holy Innocents: A Christmas season reflection
Tom O'Toole
December 29, 2008

In the Catholic Church, each day's liturgy brings a different celebration or commemoration, either from the life of Christ or that of a saint or martyr who . . .

ND victory(s): Jimmy "Santa" Claus-en leads Irish over Hawaii, but does the Weis-man take down Obama?
Tom O'Toole
December 27, 2008

Certainly, Notre Dame's decisive 49-21 Hawaiian Bowl victory over the host Hawaii Warriors accomplished volumes just on the Fightin' Irish football surface. . . .

A poet for the know-it-all: the "poop" on Alexander's black but not so beautiful verse
Tom O'Toole
December 23, 2008

While it's fair to say I'm not the most qualified to judge President-elect Obama's choices for the Interior (I was never much for decorating) or the Treasury  . . .

The "Claus" clause
Tom O'Toole
December 21, 2008

Having just turned five years old, I was a little young (at least back then) to question the "holiday" law-of-the-land. Of course five-year-olds believed in . . .

We have a Warren for your address!
Tom O'Toole
December 20, 2008

On the surface, something about Barack Obama picking Rick Warren to give his inauguration invocation seemed fishy. I mean, Warren was the man responsible for . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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