R.T. Neary column

R.T. Neary is director of ProLife Massachusetts. He is also a past president of the Massachusetts Citizens For Life.
R.T. Neary
December 7, 2023
In a world engulfed in turmoil, most notably now in such separate areas of the world as Russia and Israel, it was my distinct honor to meet with a group of . . .
R.T. Neary
September 18, 2023
The current governmental atmosphere in this country is seriously polluted. Worse still, it is signaling disaster.
The thin margin of victory by the GOP last . . .
R.T. Neary
July 27, 2023
Calling the term “reproductive health care” a mixed message, as some do, is not only too kind, but outright false. Health care never involves the . . .
R.T. Neary
January 19, 2023
“Follow the science” has been the mandate since 2019 in this once-united nation that is still officially named the United States of America.
“Experts . . .
R.T. Neary
December 7, 2022
My father’s much-delayed bonus as a World War I army veteran was used to pay for a visit by his five living children and their mother to his and her . . .
R.T. Neary
August 8, 2022
U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Warren:
Your political commentary and actions in . . .
R.T. Neary
May 31, 2022
Truth and God are One. Truth’s purity is simple- while still eternally vibrant.
The expression “tainted truth” is an oxymoron. All of the current . . .
R.T. Neary
January 18, 2022
How difficult it is at times to conclude that each and every human being is of equal value in creation. Were it not the plan of a Divine Creator, the concept . . .
R.T. Neary
October 18, 2021
The 101st Airborne is one of the U.S. Army’s divisions whose pride is based on adhering to this nation’s highest ideals. Those who ever served in its ranks . . .
R.T. Neary
August 22, 2021
Despite early summer bringing record 100-degree days to the northern states, the extensive rainfall which followed in June produced some beautiful shades of . . .
R.T. Neary
May 3, 2021
There was a time in our lives when spring’s appearance evoked in both our bodies and souls feelings and thoughts of total joy. Not so in the year 2021.
. . .
R.T. Neary
January 10, 2021
Essentially within the nature of humankind there is an innate quest for the truth. Only the cynic thinks otherwise.
Human beings are like cut diamonds: . . .
R.T. Neary
October 4, 2020
“In the name of God. Amen”
That is how the document started. Shortly after this, we read, “Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and advancement of . . .
R.T. Neary
August 2, 2020
Dear Representative Kennedy:
The celebration of Independence Day in this year 2020 almost seemed to be on a glide path—with only a momentary pause—rather . . .
R.T. Neary
May 11, 2020
There is absolutely no way in eternity (one is tempted to use the word Hades, but won’t) that Hillary and Bill Clinton would just fade away from the political . . .
R.T. Neary
April 19, 2020
2020 Reflections – Why not start with our natural surroundings?
Forecasts for a politically turbulent year 2020 have permeated every segment of our news . . .
R.T. Neary
January 5, 2020
America's Constitutional Republic is unique because of its two basic principles: the division of the governmental structure into three equal and distinct . . .
R.T. Neary
November 24, 2019
Uncle Tom and Aunt Mamie were two very influential people in my life. They helped mold patterns which still affect my thinking today. It's impossible to think . . .
R.T. Neary
October 11, 2019
While the media has been focusing on a single sentence of a communication from the president of this country to his counterpart in Ukraine, the activities . . .
R.T. Neary
July 7, 2019
The abundant suburban sprawl of new homes after WW II saw the small towns just outside of the City of Boston as being attractive for raising a family. Towns to . . .
R.T. Neary
February 10, 2019
With the year 2019 starting to unfurl there has been a flurry of attacks on even the most basic religious beliefs. Thou Shall Not Kill, handed to us by our . . .
R.T. Neary
January 21, 2019
February's meeting of the hierarchy in Rome – of necessity – must begin with a Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea MAXIMA culpa.
Immediately following the . . .
R.T. Neary
October 15, 2018
The sharp division in American society is not really in evidence until we come into contact with the products by media outlets. Yes, they produce products as . . .
R.T. Neary
August 20, 2018
The one undeniable truth in this great historic Land of the Pilgrims today is that we live by the lie.
Disseminating untruths is not only acceptable but . . .
R.T. Neary
May 21, 2018
My parents never forgot their Irish roots. Their callused hands have long-since disappeared from this earth, but their spirit still beats strongly – . . .
R.T. Neary
April 3, 2018
The concept of Truth – or Veritas, if you want to sound like another Harvard import from Johannesburg, Oklahoma, or Brooklyn – has dissolved into . . .
R.T. Neary
January 10, 2018
Reviled is too soft a word for the way this man was treated. He was excoriated for two decades in Boston. Even on his passing from this earthly existence the . . .
R.T. Neary
December 6, 2017
Gadsden, Alabama, is in no way linked to Wappingers Falls, N.Y., geographically, but there is now a stark historical parallel as we view a major battle raging . . .
R.T. Neary
October 12, 2017
Robert Swan Mueller III is a name which is familiar in these parts. His resume shows service as U.S. Attorney in Boston going back to 1982. Mueller built . . .
R.T. Neary
September 13, 2017
With over 100 Tall Ships having come and gone to announce the start of the summer season in June, an atmosphere of elegance and majesty was very much in vogue . . .
R.T. Neary
April 22, 2017
Horrific sarin gas deaths of babies among the Syrian family members caused universal consternation as it was reported the first week of April 2017.
The . . .
R.T. Neary
March 13, 2017
Very few lives have gone in as many directions as did the historical figure who was called from this earthly existence in Katy, Texas, on February 18, 2017
. . .
R.T. Neary
January 9, 2017
FDR, and his New Deal programs such as the CCC, WPA ,NRA, NLRB and the FDIC could have been the incubator of alphabet government, back in the 1930s but in the . . .
R.T. Neary
October 18, 2016
"To thine own self be true and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst then not be false to any man."
End of discussion? Not quite . . .
R.T. Neary
June 13, 2016
Sidewalk counseling could be likened in some ways to working on a production line. It is repetitive. However, real human beings are intrinsically involved, . . .
R.T. Neary
May 23, 2016
- a motley crew.
Spring Commencement exercises are a major event of the education industry in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Happiness reigns supreme. . . .
R.T. Neary
March 10, 2016
The recent announcement of the suspension of the Carson For President campaign naturally greeted supporters with an array of emotions. They are full of . . .
R.T. Neary
January 12, 2016
"ISIS," "Fitness" and "Francis" were 3 single-word titles of books at the very front of the Current Readings shelf in a Boston-area Town Library on the eve . . .
R.T. Neary
October 30, 2015
The Presidential sweepstakes has been dominated in 2015 by Hillary Clinton, the nation's yet-to-be-crowned first Empress.
The challenge for the dominant . . .
R.T. Neary
October 12, 2015
The silence from church pulpits regarding the harvesting and sale of baby parts in this country has a recent historical parallel. This inaction provides us with . . .
R.T. Neary
September 2, 2015
The country's First Family's annual late-summer vacation on Martha's Vineyard was consuming a great deal of the local media's interest. Yet, the serenity . . .
R.T. Neary
June 15, 2015
A century ago, when Irish immigrants left their homeland to board ships that transported them across the Atlantic to these shores, there was one strong . . .
R.T. Neary
February 9, 2015
The U. S. Supreme Court has agreed to hold hearings in April, which are being conducted to resolve contrary decisions in several lower courts. The hearings are . . .
R.T. Neary
January 5, 2015
New Year's Day 2014 brought a nor'easter to the New England eastern shore with blizzard snows and chilling cold. Sights of plows, blowers and shovels were very . . .
R.T. Neary
August 3, 2014
Below the headline on Page 1 of the June 27, 2014 Boston Globe, the day after the U.S. Supreme Court's announcement of their 9–0 vote upholding the . . .
R.T. Neary
May 22, 2014
The omni-present Veritas motto on Harvard University's campus may never have been tainted more than by the scheduling of a Satanic "black mass" for May 12, 2014 . . .
R.T. Neary
February 9, 2014
Eleanor McCullen is a living saint. Her commitment to the sanctity of human life is responsible for over 100 children being able to breathe the same air we do . . .
R.T. Neary
November 16, 2013
Faith in God was the all-pervasive force in the lives of the early settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The family was the clearly identifiable . . .
R.T. Neary
October 23, 2013
Planned Parenthood is the perfect example of a living lie. The organization derives millions of dollars annually, not from planning parenthood, but by assisting . . .
R.T. Neary
October 8, 2013
Bernard Francis Law was a graduate of Harvard University. On the surface, that would seem to be a formula for success in the Boston area
The implied rule, . . .
R.T. Neary
September 23, 2013
Boston had a vibrant culture in the early 1960s. Camelot was the ruling order from the city through Hyannisport to Washington, D. C. – and worldwide. . . .
R.T. Neary
September 19, 2013
On the flagship ARBELLA in his famous sermon, "A 'Modell' Of Christian Charity, "John Winthrop in the year 1630 drew wisdom from the Hebrew writings in . . .
R.T. Neary
May 29, 2013
Observing the sorrow of a grandchild after his cherished stuffed animal got an unintended ride to the local landfill soon led me to observe an event that . . .
R.T. Neary
October 27, 2012
The billionaire business tycoon with the hair sweep sometimes resembling an exotic bird is titillating the public with a pre-election October surprise that has . . .
R.T. Neary
July 7, 2012
One need not be a constitutional scholar to perceive the convoluted attempt at legal argumentation in Chief Justice John Robert's decision upholding Obamacare.
. . .
R.T. Neary
April 29, 2012
The authenticity of the birth certificate of one Barack Hussein Obama II has developed into a divisive issue — with all sides of the argument being right. . . .
R.T. Neary
December 26, 2011
(Originally published Dec. 17, 2007)
Dear Mitt:
Many of us from Massachusetts will be headed down to Washington, D.C. this January to join over 100,00 . . .
R.T. Neary
November 14, 2011
The Boston Globe's long-standing animus for the core mission of Roman Catholicism has become even more transparent. It is clearly evident in the spin the paper . . .
R.T. Neary
December 3, 2010
Bernard L. Madoff is a household name in banking circles. He's a Ponzi-style pyramid schemer who bilked investors out of billions. Now serving 150 years in a . . .
R.T. Neary
August 4, 2010
The Caritas Christi Health Care System, an entity within the Archdiocese of Boston, has not only stonewalled inquiries into a controversial sale, but is . . .
R.T. Neary
June 14, 2010
Elena Kagan certainly brings a great deal to the table during the upcoming Senate hearings, but she intends to keep her real persona totally under wraps.
. . .
R.T. Neary
May 24, 2010
Ms Elena Kagan
Office of the Solicitor General
950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D. C. 20530-0001
Dear Ms Kagan:
As a citizen of this nation, I . . .
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