R.T. Neary
Candidate Hillary – She is just not on stage yet
By R.T. Neary
October 11, 2019

While the media has been focusing on a single sentence of a communication from the president of this country to his counterpart in Ukraine, the activities of former VP Joe Biden give us only the façade on a much larger contemporary stage.

The oft-quoted so-called pundits are self-deluded. With a little over a year to the Nov. 3, 2020 Presidential election, they are still wearing blinders. Maybe some of us can be whistleblowers and wake them up to something right under their collective noses.

Wellesley College taught Hillary Clinton that you can maneuver through any set of rules much easier than following them. She became the first student commencement speaker by following those techniques which she picked up from her mother, rather than from classes which led to her degree.

People were made for manipulation not cooperation in the Rodham playbook, as she demonstrated in attempting to embarrass the Bay State's U.S. Senator Edward M. Brooke who was on stage with her. He was somewhat surprised but handled it with aplomb.

An African-American, the first ever to attain such a high political level in this Commonwealth and the darling of the guilt-ridden Bay State elitists, Sen. Brooke was not going to be outdone as the main speaker by a degree recipient. In subsequent years, however, the country would learn that Hillary thought he should accept this as a fact.

The alliance that this woman made with Arkansas native William Jefferson Clinton is a classic example of the development of one of the most powerful and influential business enterprises in the world.

Its business is politics, and the profits it has reaped have been enormous.

Boston's Axis of Evil, after now being deprived of the tremendous influence they enjoyed under Harvard Law grad Barack Obama, is under full-steam to re-gain the power lost with the election of business tycoon Donald Trump to the nation's highest office, Medford-born and bred Michael Bloomberg spent 5 million dollars in just one series of ads to test the waters for a Presidential run. Apparently, it did not return the results he anticipated at that point in the election cycle. So now he is in the wings again.

Although worth about 50 billion dollars, the media had referred to the Harvard-educated business tycoon as a "millionaire philanthropist." That is one label that they can never apply to either of the Clintons, dollar amount notwithstanding.

Hillary Clinton is a psychological study unparalleled because of the enormous power she has attained. This power is still tremendously understated. Bill Clinton, although cagey and slick as ever, is aware that now he is just her prop. He plays his role well. The mainstreams (MSM), as expected, cooperated with him in brushing aside his multiple plane trips to the Jeffrey Epstein island resort.

In reality, Hillary has one tremendous inferiority complex and any honest study reveals it. From her facial makeover with those Botox cheeks to the tailored pantsuits, she is totally artificial She has never recovered mentally from the shock of losing the 2016 presidential race to Donald Trump.

Were it not for the political and material gains Hillary has made with their stealthy moves, the marriage to Bill has long since become insignificant. Watching the two of them act out genuine affection for one another on camera is nauseating. Any fool could read their minds. Yet, it has been so well-rehearsed that Hollywood moguls have been envious of it. Long-time friend Harvey Weinstein is one such.

Hillary's ego had been so inflated by her election to the U.S. Senate from N.Y. and further assent to U.S. Secretary of State, all boundaries seemed to be open to challenge by her. In fact, at the Women's World Summit on April 22, 2015, she stated that "Laws have to be changed and backed up with resources and political will, and deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed."

Combining this with her "basket of deplorables" label for opponents gives insight into who she would want us to believe she is Obviously those to whom she was referring to in 2016 did not agree and she never ascended to the top position in this still great country.

With over a score of 2020 Presidential nomination aspirants, the party can still use the label Democratic. The new aspirants, however, are so far on the Left of the political spectrum that they are a far cry from the post-WW II views of a Harry Truman or the New Frontiers of John F. Kennedy. In reality, a new wave has hit the beach already.

The Clintons know former VP Joe Biden like the back of your hand. A salty-mouthed pseudo-tough originally from Scranton, Pa., his family moved to Delaware where his father succeeded as a used car salesman. Biden rose in politics through the local Democrat ranks. He always seemed to have the attributes necessary to cope with the political situation at hand. Serendipity, rather than great talent, worked well for Joe.

Not very bright, as his law school record and student rankings indicate, he had what Barack Hussein Obama needed as a VP running mate, and they were elected for 2 terms. The man has suffered real tragedy in his life, having lost his wife and daughter in a tragic auto crash with a tractor trailer in 1972. Son Beau was also injured but survived only to die of brain cancer in May of 2015.

The other surviving Biden son, Hunter, is of highly questionable moral fabric. A lawyer and venture capitalist, he made enormous monetary gains as a result of a trip with his VP father to China on Air Force II. A lucrative deal by him with China for over a billion and a half dollars ensued. Joe Biden said he never discussed it with his son on either of the 16-hour trips.

What became even more newsworthy, however, was Hunter's election to the Board of Directors of Burisma, a notoriously corrupt energy company in Ukraine. Although Hunter had no background in natural gas or energy, this position on the Board paid him over 50 thousand dollars a month. He could not even speak the language of Ukraine.

Although having been well-known by the MSM for many months, this clear example of influence-peddling only reached the front page when it was mentioned in the now famous communication from President Trump to Ukraine's leader.

The absolute irony is that this transparent trading off the Biden name by Hunter, son of the former Vice President of the United States, has become the basis for the call and action to impeach President Donald Trump.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the N.Y. transplant to Vermont, is no threat to gain the 2020 Democratic nomination. Although the case could be made that he only lost the 2016 nomination to Hillary Clinton because of the impetus given to her by the "superdelegates" she unfairly gained on the campaign trail, other factors are now present.

Bernie is actually a member of the Socialist Party, and the bulk of his ideas are completely unworkable monetarily. Not even mentioning his high 6-figure income and a second vacation home worth more than most voter's first and only residence, Bernie Sanders flies first-class to some Democrat event – while the MSM looks the other way.

Bernie Sanders has no chance of ever being elected President of the United States.

Race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnic derivation, and even skin shade are among the characteristics we are being asked to ponder when choosing a favorite now to hold political office.

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have claimed African-American backgrounds, although only the latter qualifies by bloodlines.

Booker, however, was raised and educated in a higher-level economic setting with the finest of educational opportunities. Minority ethnic residents were in single digits among his townspeople. The Kamala Harris upbringing and background was not one of depravation, either. While her father's background was in Jamaica, they were plantation owners themselves. Her mother was from a higher-level family in India.

With reparations as one of the issues discussed by the Democrat candidates, it would be impossible to delineate any depravation that either of these have ever experienced.

Both of them, in reality, have their sights set on the Vice Presidential slot as have most of the others on stage.

Elizabeth Warren's ambitions are as wide as they are deep. They always have been.

The only daughter of an Oklahoman family, she had 3 older brothers, each of whom performed military service. She mentions that fact in certain patriotic settings. Her own greatest accomplishment in youth was to be a member of her school's debate team. There is no evidence she ever accomplished her goal to be the most proficient debater on the team or to be outstanding at it.

Married in her teens and divorced in her 20s, she became a school teacher. Her long-time claim to have been denied re-appointment to her classroom position when her pregnancy became evident has been de-bunked years ago. The MSM has simply been protecting her on this tale.

The most important distortion in her background by far Is the one which enabled her to take a special inroad and gain status as a law school professor. As a female she had the diversity door opened, but her ascendancy as high as the Harvard Law School faculty was based on alleged Cherokee Indian blood lines. This fabrication is the ONLY REASON Liz Warren is a presidential candidate.

Her heritage has long been contested in conservative media, but Harvard, as they did with questions about the Indonesian citizenship of Barack Obama ( Barry Soetoro), has sealed these records. Warren, however, is surely the one native American they enumerate as being on the faculty.

In conjunction with Axis partner, the Boston Globe, Warren participated in a genetic test which backfired. Conducted by a favorable geneticist, she turned out to have approximately 1024th native America DNA. Even this absolute minimum would have been from a strain found in people from Mexico or South America – not the Cherokee tribe.

The amount of so-called native American bloodline, it turned out, was less than most residents of this Commonwealth had. Many Massachusetts voters feel insulted by the deception used to ascend to the level she has – and now being their U.S. Senator. It mainly goes unheard.

The Warren arm-waving stage performances are only exceeded by "Beto" O'Roarke, who has made a complete fool of himself by adding skate-boarding and antics all the way to filming his haircuts and dental work in an attempt to attract attention. Enough said of his foolishness as the nation faces some of its foremost challenges on the world stage. One has to view all of this from a foreign cultural perspective to really put it in focus.

"Mayor Pete" Buttigieg, the only openly homosexual candidate, as expected has been winning the support of almost the entire alphabet soup of Leftist groups. Assured of this well-financed element, Pete has selectively started to quote the Bible in support of his positions in favor of homosexuality, abortion and a host of so-called social issues.

Having departed from Catholicism to the Episcopal Church and marrying, he thought it better to keep his husband in the background for now, after some comments by Chasen to media inquiries. Still in his 30s, Buttigieg is avoiding a couple of South Bend scandals and is intent on keeping himself in the national limelight without anything to detract from the image he desires to project.

A long-time South Bend abortionist was found to have 2246 fetal body remains in bags on his property after he died this year. As one could expect, the MSM let Mayor Pete absolve himself of any guilt for his long-time support of this abortionist doctor's activities.

The Clinton machine's game plan has been obvious through this summer and fall season. Divide and conquer is now underway, as each of the aspirants tries to get some traction.

Gaffe-prone Joe Biden is beyond minor trip-ups with accent now on the astounding monetary gains made by trading off his role as Vice President of this nation. The dollar amounts and blatant moves go far beyond what one would ever have expected from someone holding that office. As cynical as it sounds, even the Clintons waited until leaving office to start amassing their millions in actual cash.

Bernie Sander's age coupled with real health problems has finished him, although usurpation by others of some of his Leftist positions had already finished him anyway.

All of the females on stage including Liz Warren will soon feel the Clinton machine power. As Michelle Malkin says of Hillary, she is all in favor of "women's equality," but "some are more equal than others."

Hillary Clinton tells us more first-hand – with the comment about her 2016 defeat that women who voted for President Donald Trump had "been brainwashed by their husbands."

The Clinton machine will treat Elizabeth Warren with kid gloves, until they gradually release their minions to do some dirty work. The voting public will then start to be affected more and more by snippets of news releases plus a few calls by key people for Hillary to consider entering the 2020 race.

Following that will come some skewed favorable polling, a technique used by the Clintons for years.

The Clinton political machine has no fear of being deprived of the Democrat Party nomination by any of the array of announced seekers. John Forbes Kerry is the only other potentially strong former high office holder having anything on a par with Hillary.

Hillary Rodham Clinton still feels cheated out of the role of President of the United States of America. The popular vote she won in 2016 is mentioned often by her, and it is far from a casual utterance.

How long before you make your 2020 run official, Hillary?

© R.T. Neary


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