R.T. Neary
Commonwealth culture warriors in 2016
By R.T. Neary
May 23, 2016

- a motley crew.

Spring Commencement exercises are a major event of the education industry in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Happiness reigns supreme.

Money flows through the hotel, dining, banking and transportation fields and numerous other enterprises. Student and parent indebtedness is covered by capes, gowns and squared-off ill-fitting caps. Egos are massaged by carefully-crafted words, and the liberalism of recent decades is now more securely entitled as being Progressive.

John Forbes Kerry once again was prominent in leading the phalanx of speakers as the main recipient of awards at Northeastern University in Boston on May 6th. On stage he was relaxed and smug. A year ago the nation's Secretary of State reigned over the graduation exercises of Jesuit Boston College with its influence over the Catholic demographics of this area.

At Northeastern Kerry mentioned climate change as first among "the world's most pressing problems," as he relished the opportunity to disseminate his wisdom to an audience of 25,000, and according to the Boston Globe graduates from 80 different countries.

In a reference to their backgrounds, Kerry could not resist adding what surely contained some subliminal meaning. The second most powerful man on the U.S. political scene slyly grinned as he looked over the N.U. graduates' faces, "In other words, you're Donald Trump's worst nightmare."

The impact of "The Donald" during this 2016 nomination campaign seems all-encompassing. U. S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a week later, after addressing the diploma recipients at Bridgewater State College was the object of questions by reporters about her "twitter war" with Trump. He questioned her journey from Oklahoma to Harvard Law professor and then election to the U.S. Senate from her adopted state of Massachusetts.. The now presumptive GOP Presidential nominee attacked the veracity of her 1/32nd Cherokee lineage, and in his blunt style labeled her as a "fraud."

The Culture War, which Pat Buchanan was highly criticized for mentioning at the 1992 Republican Convention, is even more in evidence in 2016 – and more exacerbated. Never before has the crude nature of the "entertainment world" been more widespread. "News outlets" spew verbal excrement into our homes, and even the privacy of a public lavatory has been removed from the citizenry – and the nation's children. Barack Hussein Obama , who once asserted he was not an emperor, is issuing Executive Orders in this newly declared "trans war" to force compliance.

One can't help but reflect on the words of Pat Buchanan at that '92 GOP Convention, that "there's a religious war going on in this country. It's a Culture War for the soul of America." Secularism is now acknowledged as the leading "religion" in this once-hallowed Commonwealth. A new "Transgender flag" has joined the stars and stripes in flying over the Boston City Hall, and Mayor Marty Walsh has made it clear that it is going to stay.

Power always prevails over principle at Catholic colleges these days and Boston College selected Ernest Moniz for top honors. He is President Obama's Secretary of Energy and Moniz was John Kerry's counterpart in fashioning the controversial nuclear weapons pact with Iran. During these negotiations on our TV screens we watched crowds in Teheran shouting "Death To America." A Fall River native, little is known by the average American about this man with the noticeable granny hairstyle.

Sadly, with the transparent internal moral decline of the country, increasingly it becomes evident what drives the man currently holding the Oval Office. His troubling lack of concern for the Nazi-era harvesting of baby body parts by an organization founded by Margaret Sanger and funded by our tax dollars – as well as the ruthless executions by ISIS in the name of God – are indicative of a narcissism sorely devoid of basic human compassion. In a very troubled world and a nation much more divided by him, the 2016 Commencement addresses should be full of petitions to Almighty God for His leadership and guidance toward another Great Awakening.. They are far from.

Jesuit Boston College, which the resident scribes like to call "The Heights" may best exemplify the height of today's Pharisaical hypocrisy. There is a glowing tree lit up in the once forested land called Chestnut Hill. A resident and parishioner of St Ignacious Church on their Commonwealth Avenue grounds is one Eleanor McCullen, the lead plaintiff in the June 2014 McCullen v Coakley 9-0 Supreme Court decision which eliminated the restrictive "buffer zones" in front of the mis-named Planned Parenthood and other facilities which abort the lives of pre-born human beings.

Eleanor has saved well over 100 children from the death-dealing weapons of Planned Parenthoods' abortionists, and is the godmother of many of those. They still come back to visit her at the 1055 Commonwealth Ave locale in Boston , the site of so many "saves."

There's a Godly message for those clerical scribes at "The Heights": "Come further down to 1055 Commonwealth Avenue, and join in the real work called for in the Book you claim to honor. And at the next Commencement , you can be honest with those receiving diplomas. You may find there's a living saint named Eleanor to be honored – and she's right under your collective noses.

Notre Dame, once again duplicated their "generation of vipers" status by honoring VP Joe Biden and again disgracing their name after giving the highest honors and acclaim to the most pro-abortion, and outright anti-Christian individual ever to hold the Presidency – one Barack Hussein Obama. After trying to wreck the work of the Little Sisters Of The Poor, he's now aimed at increasing the opportunities for sexual attacks on children in lavatories. In an attempt to make all moral issues equal, N.D. also gave their Laetare Medal to lavish tax spender ex-House Speaker John Boehner

After Georgetown University's hosting of Planned Parenthood's CEO Cecile Richards, even the announcement that Jesuit Loyola Marymount University would be featuring former President William Jefferson Clinton was actually no surprise. Irrespective of his background, in terms of "power People," his ranking is unquestioned. Another Roman Catholic college coup, as regards award recipients.

There was a day when the Weddings section was the most honored section of the Boston Globe. So, it was somewhat odd to see tucked amid 10 stories in their People page a 6-inch column including a photo of a knot tying which was actually quite revealing of vast sociological change. Among the 10 stories on the Names page was one about Tom Brady in a "slick new commercial" for a Beautyrest mattress, and Lady Gaga's mother being accorded Mothers' Day honors by PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays).

The noteworthy piece featured Boston City Councillor Matt O'Malley's garden ceremony and exchange of marriage vows not officiated by any Father or Monsignor Healy, but by Maura Healy, Massachusetts Attorney General. O'Malley represents Boston's most prestigious, heavily Roman Catholic district with elegant churches, and Healy is the openly lesbian successor to defeated gubernatorial aspirant Martha Coakley. Healy is labeled as a future Democrat star, having won handily with the backing and funding of all the largest abortion and LGBTQ groups nationally.

Almost immediately, Healy focused her sights on Coakley's opponent, Gov. Charlie Baker for 2018, and it figures to be a stirring of the entire alphabet soup. The LGBTQ hold on the media/political structure in the land of the Pilgrims will be on full display. Baker's homosexual brother is married to another male, but Healy will surely have a much greater arsenal, including the support of homosexual Senate President Robert Rosenthal and his husband.

Abortion has been the glue which holds the Democrat Party together and gives it tremendous strength. That power was first publicly asserted ironically in the same 1992 – at the Democrat Convention – when Gov. Robert Casey, stalwart Right To Life Governor of PA. was prevented from speaking to the delegates because of his Pro Life views. Pat Buchanan, who had a history of being an advisor in 3 Presidencies, in referring to the Culture War had his finger on the real pulse of the nation – across party lines.

TMRTLQ groups should be filing for minority protection under the laws LGBTQ's have been using so successfully. Traditional Marriage and the Right To Life are queer positions to assert today in the workplace and elsewhere. It's more than another irony that one Mark Tushnet, in those almost daily Harvard Law professor quotes, in May publicly asserted that "the Culture Wars are over, they lost, we won..." He added that those of us on the other side had "to live with it."

The 2016 Presidential nominating process clearly illustrates the lack of democracy in the so-called Democratic Party. Bill Clinton has been successfully getting commitments for Lady Hillary from an array of old-time party loyalists. He has also played the role of her attack dog against Bernie Sanders. With the army of "Superdelegates" representing the party's "House of Lords" being fully behind Hillary Clinton by more than 10-1, the title Democrat(ic) is ludicrous.

On the GOP side, Donald Trump's rise has been a result of his media savvy and "vulgarian" demeanor. It has set media outlets vying with each other for his appearances and given his campaign millions of dollars worth of free infomercials.

Reading the Boston Globe, NY Times, or Washington Post's spin on political/religious/social issues is a perfect exercise for sharpening one's critical thinking skills. They do not report about, but are really part and parcel of the so-called Establishment. It is also one and the same – political party-wise. Power prevails, money is the chief fuel – and the concept of self-governance is illusory, at its very best. We live in a media-ocracy, and talent is not the requirement to ascend the latter of success. Thinking the media's way is your survival ticket, without regard to truth as being objective. Relativism prevails.

Red Sox hero Curt Schilling's recent newsworthiness best illustrates the price to pay for not being politically correct. His much-publicized firing as a sports commentator by ESPN was not for on-air words, but rather some rather harsh "Twitter" words about the current "Trans war." This is the conflict within which President Obama has clearly established himself the Commander-in-Chief with tax-dollar penalties for schools. Yes, ISIS is not on his mind – but withholding education dollars for pc as well as just plain p "violations" in school lavatories.

Curt is one of this area's real heroes for his role in the 2004 come-from-behind effort which broke the 86-year drought in the Red Sox being able to fly the baseball World's Champion banner. With his "bloody sock" pitching performance as the red blood seeped to the surface from a surgically-repaired tendon in his ankle, Curt Schilling is a true legend.

Curt Schilling is a hero off the baseball diamond. He has been fighting a personal battle with cancer, with the stamina and courage displayed far exceeding what he demonstrated on the pitching mound to turn a series around. The man has character – so conspicuously absent in contemporary society. Unknown to most, the Medfield resident is always front and center for a bevy of charitable events for a host of causes. A devout Christian, he is magnanimous beyond the pale – but he refuses to bow before the pc gods .

The height of insult, although Curt would shuck it off, was a special re-run ESPN documentary on those great 2004 games and comeback from 3 games down – to go on and beat the vaunted NY Yankees'. The Red Sox went on to beat the Cardinals 4-0 in the World Series to finally break "The Curse of the Bambino." Surprise: ESPN didn't include "The bloody sock game," and their spokesman attributed it to the need for editing the exact amount of time that segment would take.

One can't help but recall that the legendary "Splendid Splinter" Ted Williams made annual visits to a Catholic orphanage in Providence to help with annual festival fundraising. A forewarning that any notice of it to the press that he despised would end the visits. He showed up unannounced several times.

With the entire year 2016 main focus now on the nominating conventions and then to the determination of a new resident of the Oval office, everyone should be waiting to see if that famous other shoe is yet to fall The Comey Caucus has yet to be held. Its potential for adding a plethora of new ingredients to this year's mix is enormous.

As our imaginations become challenged, real life needs to be treated as a parody at times. One bit of real news was that officially Harriet Tubman will now appear on the $20.00 bill. The heroine, who personally assisted over 300 slaves to freedom through the Underground Railway which ran up through these northern states is receiving a deserved honor.

Amid the debate over whether Harriet Tubman should replace Andrew Jackson whose life was not on the same moral plane, was a proposal that she could be put on the back of the same bill. Concurrently the issue of transgenderism and its allied "bathroom bill" was occupying much of the media's time, as well.

Massachusetts Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III has been out front in Washington pushing specifically for the rights of the "Transgendered Community." So, now with the rejection of the idea to create a new $25 bill for Harriet Tubman to settle the issue, what was broached should not be allowed to die. JPK III has the media power to accomplish it.

The Treasury Department should accept the idea for a new $25 denomination with Bruce Jenner on one side and Caitlin Jenner on the other. It would certainly be a big hit, and the story will fill in the gap until the Comey Caucus news cycle starts.

© R.T. Neary


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