Toby Westerman column

Mr. Toby Westerman is editor and publisher of International News Analysis Today ( Since 1996, Westerman has used English and foreign language materials to bring to public attention general trends and specific events that pose dangers to the American public but are either ignored or superficially treated by the centralized media.
Westerman has been a leader in establishing the connection between the neo-communist movement and militant fundamentalist Islam.
Westerman's work has included bringing to the attention of the general public the activities of the "Wasp Network," a Cuban espionage ring operating in Florida, whose activities included spying on pro-democracy Cuban exiles and U.S. military personnel. Westerman's writing exposed the Chinese-Cuban alliance, including Beijing's sophisticated electronic surveillance base on the island, and he has explored pro-Marxist activities near the U.S. border and within the U.S. itself.
His latest work is Lies, Terror, and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction.
Westerman has been a leader in establishing the connection between the neo-communist movement and militant fundamentalist Islam.
Westerman's work has included bringing to the attention of the general public the activities of the "Wasp Network," a Cuban espionage ring operating in Florida, whose activities included spying on pro-democracy Cuban exiles and U.S. military personnel. Westerman's writing exposed the Chinese-Cuban alliance, including Beijing's sophisticated electronic surveillance base on the island, and he has explored pro-Marxist activities near the U.S. border and within the U.S. itself.
His latest work is Lies, Terror, and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction.
Toby Westerman
October 30, 2019
In America there is some awareness of the military threat posed by Russia and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). There have been warnings from the U.S. . . .
Toby Westerman
May 22, 2019
Revolutionary violence has joined starvation, death, and the presence of foreign troops as part of everyday life for the people of oil-rich Venezuela. "21st . . .
Toby Westerman
July 2, 2018
Tucker Carlson hosts one of the most informative news/commentary shows on television. His recent segments on China provide valuable insights into the very real . . .
Toby Westerman
January 30, 2018
An article entitled "The New Era of Global Stability" recently appearing in the Wall Street Journal, first published by the Hudson Institute, argues that a "new . . .
Toby Westerman
January 10, 2018
Red Famine, the latest book by Soviet/Russian expert Anne Applebaum, skillfully combines the hard facts and numbers of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's terror . . .
Toby Westerman
October 19, 2017
The New York Times is nothing if not consistent. The so-called "newspaper of record" has spent decades giving support to the propaganda efforts of Moscow and . . .
Toby Westerman
August 6, 2017
The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China are "working against" the interests of the . . .
Toby Westerman
May 24, 2017
The strains of the stirring martial music have faded away, so to the rumbling of tanks, personnel carriers and the well-timed clacking of boots on Red Square to . . .
Toby Westerman
April 26, 2017
Putin's Russia is on the move. Despite the embarrassment of America's recent attack on two Syrian airbases, Moscow continues its military alliance with the . . .
Toby Westerman
November 22, 2016
With the appointment of the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael T. Flynn, to the post of President-elect Donald Trump's national . . .
Toby Westerman
October 14, 2016
The anniversary of the sixteenth century battle has passed, but America could – and must – learn a vital lesson from the famous battle of . . .
Toby Westerman
April 29, 2016
Although there are predictions of the coming collapse of the Putin government, remarks by an influential Russian government official on an official Russian news . . .
Toby Westerman
March 2, 2016
The Russian press is gloating over the decline of U.S. naval power and growing strength of Russian naval forces in the Pacific.
In an article on the . . .
Toby Westerman
February 9, 2016
While generally acknowledging some of Russian President Vladimir Putin's more negative traits – the assassination of opponents, the tendency to invade . . .
Toby Westerman
January 4, 2016
Russian president Vladimir Putin is enjoying unexpected popularity among the American political and governmental elite. Sharing the love with Putin is not only . . .
Toby Westerman
December 16, 2015
During the Cold War, the controversial CIA counterintelligence expert James Angleton compared dealing with the Soviet Union and its spies to finding oneself in . . .
Toby Westerman
November 24, 2015
A recent article on a popular German news site describes an Islamic seven-stage plan which is intended to lead to Islamic world domination. Supposedly we are in . . .
Toby Westerman
November 13, 2015
Americans praise the bravery and sacrifice of those who have and are defending the nation. Left unsung, and even regarded with suspicion, are the members of . . .
Toby Westerman
September 30, 2015
The fumbling of U.S. policy in the Near East has made Putin's intervention into Syria a necessity. Putin would rather work through Western surrogates to save . . .
Toby Westerman
August 25, 2015
In early August, several media outlets reported on what seemed to be a comical, if not downright weird, occurrence: a contest encouraged by the Communist Party . . .
Toby Westerman
June 23, 2015
Recent large scale NATO maneuvers – the largest since the "end" of the Cold War – are meant to demonstrate to Russia that the NATO alliance can and . . .
Toby Westerman
June 11, 2015
There is a transatlantic attack on the system of local policing in the United States. Liberal politicians in the United States are now joined by liberal British . . .
Toby Westerman
May 23, 2015
In 1960, Sam Cooke released a hit song which began with the words "Don't know much about history." Beginning in 1990, Kenneth C. Davis began a popular series of . . .
Toby Westerman
March 30, 2015
Relax, there will be no revival of the Cold War. "The new generation doesn't believe in a new Cold War," according to an article in the online version of The . . .
Toby Westerman
March 18, 2015
The media have been alive with reports that Russian president Vladimir Putin was ready to use atomic weapons if the West forcefully intervened to prevent Moscow . . .
Toby Westerman
February 28, 2015
It looked like Murder Incorporated was back in business in Moscow as a car swept passed a leading political opponent of Russian president Vladimir Putin and . . .
Toby Westerman
January 27, 2015
Before the advent of modern sensing devices, miners would use canaries to warn of the presence of the colorless, odorless gases which might build up inside . . .
Toby Westerman
December 16, 2014
The assault on Christmas continues and appears to be gaining ground. "Happy Holidays" and other vapid greetings have all but replaced Merry Christmas. . . .
Toby Westerman
November 13, 2014
There are reports that Russian tanks are again rumbling into Ukraine. Separatists in eastern Ukraine are looking for other cities and regions to join them. The . . .
Toby Westerman
October 30, 2014
The nation is justifiably alarmed at the appearance of Ebola in the U.S., especially in the nation's most crowded city. ISIS, a band of vicious, land-grabbing . . .
Toby Westerman
August 29, 2014
The invasion of southeastern Ukraine is the latest indicator of how Russian president Vladimir Putin regards the "reset" of relations with the United States, . . .
Toby Westerman
August 23, 2014
As the Obama administrations draws down our forces to pre-WWII levels, and even front-line military officers are dismissed when in action against the enemy, . . .
Toby Westerman
August 7, 2014
The Associated Press recently published a detailed exposé on a U.S. anti-Communist effort in the tropical gulag of Cuba. The AP appeared horrified that the . . .
Toby Westerman
July 10, 2014
Dinesh D'Souza states in his book, America, Imagine A World Without Her, and in the film of the same title, that U.S. is in a decline caused by conscious public . . .
Toby Westerman
July 2, 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky to the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov.
. . .
Toby Westerman
April 21, 2014
Russia's ability to exert its will in Crimea and threaten eastern Ukraine did not arise accidentally, but by design. Russia's successful use of threats, . . .
Toby Westerman
March 11, 2014
America owes a debt of thanks to Russian president Vladimir Putin. Before his Stalinesque invasion of Ukrainian territory, few seemed concerned about Russia's . . .
Toby Westerman
November 20, 2013
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Americans have comforted themselves with the knowledge that the United States was the world's only . . .
Toby Westerman
October 25, 2013
This year is the 96th anniversary of the Russian revolution, one of the most earthshaking events in human history. The terms "history" and "96th anniversary" . . .
Toby Westerman
October 8, 2013
The Communist Party in Russia has reportedly dealt the ruling United Russia party a serious blow in one of the regions of the Russian Federation by winning . . .
Toby Westerman
July 23, 2013
For years this column has argued that there is a solid alliance between Russia and China, and that this alliance constitutes a direct military challenge to the . . .
Toby Westerman
June 20, 2013
A potentially disastrous foreign policy situation for the U.S. has arisen: Communist China now appears to have all but purchased the Central American
nation . . .
Toby Westerman
January 28, 2013
In his second term as Russian president, Vladimir Putin has made the rebuilding of Russian military forces, including its nuclear striking capabilities, a top . . .
Toby Westerman
January 3, 2013
The most under reported, but potentially explosive story of 2013, is shaping up to be the rise of the "Soft Power" tactic currently being implemented by the . . .
Toby Westerman
November 15, 2012
America has made a choice in the November 2012 elections, and the security of the nation will suffer for it. There is no honest debate as to what lies before an . . .
Toby Westerman
October 16, 2012
The online English language version of the state controlled Russian news agency RIA Novosti recently published an "exclusive interview" with Lt. Gen. (ret.) . . .
Toby Westerman
October 9, 2012
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declared that the Obama administration's "Reset" in relations with Russia "cannot last forever," and must be followed by . . .
Toby Westerman
September 25, 2012
In a sinister twist, the so-called Mainstream Media are attempting to move the nation's attention away from the anti-U.S. rage of Muslim mobs, the flag burnings . . .
Toby Westerman
September 19, 2012
A tidal wave of horrific mages of mobs storming our embassies have flooded all media, from TV sets to mobile devices. The numbing truth, however, is that these . . .
Toby Westerman
September 6, 2012
Moscow wasted no time in expressing through its cooperative media its displeasure at both Republican nominee Mitt Romney and the Republican Party for advocating . . .
Toby Westerman
April 22, 2012
Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's description of Russia as America's "number one geopolitical foe" runs afoul of both the Obama administration's . . .
Toby Westerman
February 14, 2012
The world is justifiably concerned about a nuclear capable Iran, but the Islamic Republic's prime ally, the Russian Federation, is putting into active service a . . .
Toby Westerman
January 11, 2012
China's intelligence operations are the "core arena" for achieving the superpower status which the Communist elite in Beijing so passionately desires. Central . . .
Toby Westerman
November 1, 2011
Recent news of a Cuban national arrested apparently acting in sympathy with Al-Qaeda and earlier reports of Cubans working with Al-Qaeda operatives in the . . .
Toby Westerman
September 9, 2011
The Communist Cuban dictatorship is draining hundreds of millions of dollars from America's already financially strapped Medicare program and using the money to . . .
Toby Westerman
August 11, 2011
While the battle over the budget is vital to the nation, other events and developments which are essential to the survival of the United States are . . .
Toby Westerman
July 19, 2011
The trial of Casey Anthony, the budget, and the Republican primaries dominate the "news" and the chatter of the leading talk shows. Iran and Islamic . . .
Toby Westerman
June 23, 2011
Twenty years ago the Soviet union, correctly termed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan as the evil empire, collapsed as the world rejoiced. At that moment, America . . .
Toby Westerman
May 28, 2011
Cadillac, a division of General Motors, was once synonymous with financial achievement and success in the world. Cadillac was as American as apple pie, if at . . .
Toby Westerman
May 19, 2011
In the debate over how spending cuts will be inflicted upon the U.S. military, little is heard about the China threat, less about Russia, and nothing about the . . .
Toby Westerman
April 15, 2011
A new threat is arising in the Near East, one that cooperates with Islamic fundamentalist terror, but goes far beyond it. The regime of Syrian president Bashar . . .
Toby Westerman
March 29, 2011
Muammar Gaddafi is a secular Socialist leader facing open rebellion led by a faction or factions committed to militant Islam. The clash in Libya between the . . .
Toby Westerman
March 8, 2011
Four decades ago the U.S. national media misinformed the American public about the events taking place in a place called South Vietnam. The result was America's . . .
Toby Westerman
December 14, 2010
Cyber attacks penetrating U.S. hyper-sensitive security points, espionage activity directed at the United States at unprecedented levels, and ideological rivals . . .
Toby Westerman
November 11, 2010
U.S. Secretary Hilary Clinton has recently called upon Communist China to be a "responsible player" in regional and global affairs. Clinton's hopes, however, . . .
Toby Westerman
October 26, 2010
Russia, led by its "spyocracy," and China, dominated by the Communist Party, are engaged in an alliance which aids Marxist governments and movements around the . . .
Toby Westerman
October 5, 2010
For several years, Russia, China, and Cuba have been operating their spies against the United States (and other Western nations) at Cold War levels. U.S. . . .
Toby Westerman
September 8, 2010
The four-decade long attempt to cultivate China as a capitalist friend has failed miserably. Recent advances in its military, space, and cyber technology are . . .
Toby Westerman
August 11, 2010
The U.S. media is performing a "disservice" to the American people in the coverage of recent espionage incidents and its portrayal of spying in general, . . .
Toby Westerman
August 3, 2010
Past is prologue, and it is difficult to sell an idea as virtuous if it has resulted in the merciless deaths of millions of innocent victims. Such virtue makes . . .
Toby Westerman
July 31, 2010
Should Russia be considered a victim of Soviet-era totalitarianism — or is the present Russian elite working to advance a neo-communist revival? A highly . . .
Toby Westerman
June 30, 2010
California governor, and former film superhero, Arnold Schwarzenegger has pledged to lead a trade mission to Russia and assist "in any way possible" Russia's . . .
Toby Westerman
June 17, 2010
Marxism is alive and on the propaganda march as seen in the defense of Communist Cuba and Venezuela by movie director Oliver Stone and former Minnesota governor . . .
Toby Westerman
May 12, 2010
Not all terrorists are equal. Some act alone or in connection with a small band of murderers, as did Faisal Shahzad, the would-be New York Times Square bomber.
. . .
Toby Westerman
February 22, 2010
A sophisticated and almost completely unreported propaganda campaign, directed primarily against the U.S., is obscuring Moscow's role in advancing the cause of . . .
Toby Westerman
January 13, 2010
A silent holocaust of Christian martyrs is taking place around the world. While individual instances of murder and mayhem are sometimes reported, the general . . .
Toby Westerman
December 23, 2009
Construction of a Russian missile submarine carrying the name of Saint Nicholas, a revered religious figure in both Western and Eastern Christianity — the . . .
Toby Westerman
December 10, 2009
Venezuela's Marxist leader, Hugo Chavez, is receiving "thousands" of reliable, accurate, and very portable Russian ground-to-air missiles as part of a military . . .
Toby Westerman
December 9, 2009
Americans may wonder how the freedom-loving "shining city on a hill" of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan produced a presidential administration which is . . .
Toby Westerman
December 2, 2009
The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 appeared to be the end of Communism as a world movement. Twenty years . . .
Toby Westerman
November 24, 2009
The current trip of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mamud Ahmadinejad, to Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil demonstrates the great importance . . .
Toby Westerman
November 12, 2009
The celebrations are now over. Leaders from 28 nations — President Obama sent Hillary Clinton — commemorated the fall of the Berlin wall, which initiated . . .
Toby Westerman
October 29, 2009
While the President of the United States is equivocating over troop support in Afghanistan and reducing defense spending at home, Russian President Dmitry . . .
Toby Westerman
October 26, 2009
There is the very real danger that a Communist tyranny could be coming to America. The key elements already are beginning to come into place: an attempt to . . .
Toby Westerman
October 15, 2009
The disgraceful betrayal of America's armed forces which occurred during the war in Vietnam is being repeated again in Afghanistan. Today's military allergic . . .
Toby Westerman
September 30, 2009
America is about to be forced into a dangerous game of catch and release with deadly spies, threatening both national security and the morale of the U.S. . . .
Toby Westerman
September 23, 2009
Hugo Chavez, the dictator/president of Venezuela, was described as a "little guy" by a top ranked nationally known cable news program host. Unfortunately for . . .
Toby Westerman
September 17, 2009
Venezuela's Marxist president-dictator Hugo Chavez addressed an influential university in Moscow stating that America's influence in the world is "dying," and . . .
Toby Westerman
September 9, 2009
Events were not supposed to have turned out this way: Stalin is making a comeback in Russia, the Chinese Communist Party controls capitalism in China, Venezuela . . .
Toby Westerman
August 27, 2009
The United States is at war in Latin America — or more properly — nations and guerrilla armies are at war with the United States. Although under attack, and . . .
Toby Westerman
August 12, 2009
America's most sensitive military secrets will be sought even more aggressively by one of the most effective spy services in the world — Cuban intelligence. . . .
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