JR Dieckmann column

JR Dieckmann is Editor, Publisher, Writer, and Webmaster of GreatAmericanJournal.com. He also works as an electrician in Los Angeles, Ca. He has been writing and publishing articles on the web since 2000. Permission for reprints and reposts of his articles are freely granted and approved by the author, provided credit is given to the writer and linked to the original source at GreatAmericanJournal.com. JR can be contacted at www.greatamericanjournal.com/contact.htm
JR Dieckmann
January 24, 2011
The conflict between liberals and conservatives in America is an ideological one. When our Founders came to this continent, they created a country where all men . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 10, 2011
Partisan political attacks are all a part of the game, I suppose, but it has become much worse over the past couple of years since the nation has had to deal . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 3, 2011
I have seen many articles since November 3 that make the point that this election was not a win for the Republican Party, but rather a win for the people. The . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 20, 2010
"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand." — Milton Friedman
Obama and the . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 29, 2010
The problem we face is not a lack of good ideas to fix the economy, create jobs, and solve the problems facing our nation. The problem is that the current . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 1, 2010
There can be little doubt that the election this year will be a referendum on public rejection of Obama's socialist, economic policies. The people who, because . . .
JR Dieckmann
October 25, 2010
First with Nascar's "Drive for Diversity" program, created in 2004, and now with the introduction of EC-15 biofuel in Nascar racing, the organization seems to . . .
JR Dieckmann
October 11, 2010
Once there was contentment in the land of America as people worked and prospered under the Bush. Everyone had work who wanted it, and profits were made in . . .
JR Dieckmann
September 13, 2010
This most recent statement from the community organizer in the White House is just typical of the stream of lies and distortions that have been flowing from . . .
JR Dieckmann
September 1, 2010
The time has come to question if Islam is protected under our First Amendment rights to freedom of religion. Yes, everyone in America has the right to freedom . . .
JR Dieckmann
August 24, 2010
In an ABC radio newsbreak a few days ago, the reporter reported briefly on the Pew survey that shows 18% think Obama is a Muslim. They then attempted to explain . . .
JR Dieckmann
August 17, 2010
Where is our military when we need them? They are on the other side of the planet trying to win the hearts and minds of a people who hate us, and engaged in a . . .
JR Dieckmann
August 16, 2010
Just as he did with the Arizona immigration law when he said that Arizona's 1070 "provides for racial profiling," the Babbler in Chief has missed the target . . .
JR Dieckmann
July 7, 2010
On July 4th, King Barack sent the following email to his subjects:
This Fourth of July
The Fourth of July is especially dear to my family. For us, it is . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 28, 2010
While the media have been focusing on the damage from the oil spill to the Gulf waters and coastline, they have been ignoring what could be an issue of far . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 21, 2010
What is wrong with Obama? Did he actually go down to the gulf and try to suck up oil with a straw after saying he couldn't do it? You might think so by the way . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 6, 2010
"After 12 years in power and $960 billion in oil earnings, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is down to stealing private swimming pools to bring the good life to . . .
JR Dieckmann
May 31, 2010
Last summer during an interview, Joe Sestak let it slip that he was offered a "high level position in the Obama administration" in exchange for dropping out of . . .
JR Dieckmann
May 24, 2010
The Arizona immigration law has really brought to the public attention which side of legal immigration, and the Constitution, our public leaders are on. While . . .
JR Dieckmann
May 12, 2010
And God said, "Let there be a firmament between the waters to separate water from water." So God made the firmament and separated the water under the firmament . . .
JR Dieckmann
May 3, 2010
Maybe it's just me, but I find the devastating explosion of a BP oil rig, and resulting oil spill, in the Gulf of Mexico at this particular time somewhat . . .
JR Dieckmann
April 12, 2010
Rarely does a day go by that we don't see the community organizer in front of a camera pretending to be an authority on something. His mindless and childish . . .
JR Dieckmann
March 22, 2010
Obamacare passed the House on Sunday night by a vote of 219 to 212. Obama was becoming so desperate to get his healthcare proposal passed that he was telling . . .
JR Dieckmann
March 12, 2010
This recession isn't going to end as long as Obama is in office. The recession is an essential part of the "Progressive" plan to transform the foundation of the . . .
JR Dieckmann
March 1, 2010
Sabotage surely seems like a possibility in Toyota's unexpected acceleration problem. It would be hard to deny that there is plenty of motive for such a . . .
JR Dieckmann
February 16, 2010
One of the victims of Obama's miniscule cuts to his multi-trillion dollar budget is NASA's Constellation program. NASA had big plans to go back to the moon and . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 31, 2010
A people can remain free and self governing only for as long as they are educated and informed, and are willing to accept personal responsibility for their own . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 17, 2010
"Never let a crisis go to waste. It's an opportunity to do things you couldn't ordinarily do" — Rahm Emanuel.
The Earthquake in Haiti has presented this . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 10, 2010
In August of 2008, I wrote about The Senate Mentality of John McCain, who was then the Republican candidate for president. In response to this article, I found . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 4, 2010
The synthetic president, Obama, never passes up an opportunity to blame President Bush for the failures of the Obama administration. Whether it's the recession, . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 20, 2009
Every member of Congress has sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. I'm pretty sure they have now replaced that oath with a new oath to protect . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 13, 2009
In less than one year, we are seeing our country go from a nation of laws to a nation of men. Obama, a community organizer, with his regime in Congress, is the . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 7, 2009
When congress was established by the Constitution in 1776, it was expected that responsible and honorable men would be elected to serve their country in the . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 24, 2009
"I don't think it will be offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him." — Barack Obama
When questioned later on being . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 16, 2009
The Obama Administration is developing a new socialist constitution for America to replace the original Constitution written by our Founders. Every single one . . .
JR Dieckmann
October 18, 2009
In his weekly radio address this week, the Obama child again accused health insurance companies of "dishonest and misleading advertising" because they disagree . . .
JR Dieckmann
October 4, 2009
Had enough of this nation's obsession with health lately? Are you tired of seeing actors playing sick people on TV constantly complaining about their aches and . . .
JR Dieckmann
September 28, 2009
In light of disclosure of Iran's latest secret nuclear facility, Obama again repeated his call for "a world without nuclear weapons" at the U.N. G-20 summit . . .
JR Dieckmann
September 21, 2009
Am I a racist? I never thought so. But lately, those on the left have been redefining racism, just as they have been redefining our Constitution and American . . .
JR Dieckmann
August 31, 2009
When a driver is too much of a risk for the insurance companies to accept, we have a plan called "assigned risk" where the insurance commission assigns the . . .
JR Dieckmann
August 19, 2009
I think most Americans don't want any more "help" from this government. How about giving the free market a chance while we still have some of it left? Obama and . . .
JR Dieckmann
July 4, 2009
For 232 years, Americans have celebrated our freedom and independence from oppressive rule and restrictive control over our lives on the 4th of July. I now fear . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 24, 2009
There is a rapidly growing cancer in the nation's capitol, a disease called progressive socialism which comes from repeated exposure to Marxism and Communism, . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 22, 2009
Again last week, Obama had shown that he just can't stay away from the cameras and instant gratification of a live audience or forum. Of course his work in the . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 3, 2009
Obama announced on Friday, the creation of a new "Cyber-security Czar" to oversee Internet security. We all can agree that Internet security is important to . . .
JR Dieckmann
June 1, 2009
So, I hear North Korea claims to have tested another quasi-nuke while launching a half dozen Flash Gordon rockets over the past week or two. How does America . . .
JR Dieckmann
May 19, 2009
The United States was founded on the constitutional principles of freedom and liberty, limited government, low taxes, and personal responsibility. These things . . .
JR Dieckmann
April 19, 2009
The recent DHS report entitled: "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" has nothing . . .
JR Dieckmann
March 22, 2009
As President Ronald Reagan famously said: "Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem." This was never more evident than in the . . .
JR Dieckmann
March 1, 2009
Like all dishonest politicians, Barack Obama consistently talks out of both sides of his mouth as he attempts to pander to both the left and the right. What he . . .
JR Dieckmann
February 22, 2009
Hundreds of billions of dollars are now set to flow into left wing liberal and environmental programs from the Government Stingallus (sting-all-us) Bill. But . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 28, 2009
The Democrats' answer to government overspending and overextended credit is more overspending and overextended credit. Obama now wants another trillion dollars . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 18, 2009
After wrestling with this decision for two years now, I have resigned from the Republican party. The party no longer represents my values and I see no hope for . . .
JR Dieckmann
January 4, 2009
Palestinians in Gaza voted for Hamas, and now they are getting exactly what they voted for: A terrorist regime, provoking war with Israel, suicide bombers, . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 29, 2008
In a world view increasingly dominated by Islamic and socialist propaganda, reaction to the latest Israeli-Hamas conflict would be almost funny if it weren't so . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 15, 2008
Obama's public works "stimulus package" is a huge slab of pork. It assures that plenty of federal funds will be available to state union workers for funding . . .
JR Dieckmann
December 9, 2008
It seems that everyone today is asking why there is no media coverage of the many legal challenges to Obama's eligibility to become president, based upon many . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 29, 2008
During the Soviet Empire, communists employed the tactics of public perception to control the thinking of the Russian people with propaganda distributed through . . .
JR Dieckmann
November 10, 2008
John McCain didn't just lose the election, he butchered it. This had to be the worst run campaign ever in the history of the United States of America. McCain, . . .
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