
JR Dieckmann
The rush to socialism
By JR Dieckmann
John McCain didn't just lose the election, he butchered it. This had to be the worst run campaign ever in the history of the United States of America. McCain, so afraid of being seen as partisan, refused to use the most damaging issues against his opponent and instead, just kept repeating "I fought for you; I'll veto pork spending; I'll fix the economy — I know how to do it." Never once did he attempt to place blame on those who caused the mortgage meltdown and the resulting decline in the economy. Instead, he repeatedly blamed it on Wall Street executives.
Never did he challenge Obama to produce his birth, education, or health records. Never did he talk about any of Obama's life long association with anyone but William Ayres — which carried little weight with most American voters. McCain blew it by trying to appeal to Democrats more than conservatives, just as he has always done in the Senate. Without a conservative foundation, McCain had virtually no substance to campaign on. From the beginning he was the wrong choice to run as the Republican candidate, and he proved it by handing over the presidency to Barack Hussein Obama.
The fault is not McCain's alone. He is who he is and he wanted to be president. Much of the fault lies with the failed Republican leadership who did everything they could to see to it that one of their own "good ole boys" became the candidate. Primary scheduling, allowing for crossover voting, and lack of leadership in setting rules for state party procedures, were only some of the failures of this RNC leadership which has turned its back on the Republican conservative base voters. The Republican party did this to themselves and they deserve the consequences; we the people don't (except for those primary voters who voted for McCain).
In 2006, when Democrats took over the Congress, our calls went out for the Republican party to return to their conservative roots and stand up for the American morals and values that they once had. Those calls were ignored by party leaders and President Bush. Instead, they continued on their path to socialism and acceptance of liberal ideals in their quest to enlarge the party. Ronald Reagan didn't win by pretending to be like Democrats. He won by pulling Democrats over to his way of thinking. That lesson has been lost on the current Republican leadership.
Once again we are asking: Will the Republican party learn this important lesson this time? If they don't, they will go down to an even greater defeat again in the next election and the one after that. The Republican party has abandoned its foundation and will continue to collapse until that foundation of conservatism is reestablished.
We have been watching the country move to the left, so Republican leaders are thinking "we'd better move with them." No! Wrong answer! The country is moving to the left because we are allowing it to be dragged in that direction by anti-American influences from both domestic and foreign sources. This has been going on for a very long time and no one since Joseph McCarthy has lifted a finger to stop it.
Never before has our American way of life been threatened from within as it is now. The Republican leadership doesn't seem to understand what is happening. Liberalism is not the wave of the future, as the left would have us believe. It is a return to a pre American past where European socialism ruled, and future Americans fled to escape it.
And look what a free people built in a capitalist society — the greatest country on the face of the planet. The continued development of our nation is testimony to the success of limited government, personal liberty without government intrusion into our lives, individual accomplishment, and the right to keep what you earn. This nation could not have been built under socialistic rule. American conservatives want only to hold onto those things that have allowed us to enjoy the quality of life we have today. It is the Democrat socialists who want to change it, and in doing so will destroy the very fabric of the American dream.
For 230 years, conservative capitalists have worked hard to build our country into the envy of the entire world. Many have fought and died to keep America free for this progress to continue. Are we now going to just stand by and let the communists and socialists of the world step in and take over, changing our country to an old fashioned socialist society where individual freedom means nothing? It seems that is exactly what some voters in this country want to do. They like to call themselves "progressive," when, in fact, they are "regressive" and would destroy the progress this country has made in the world.
This is a war of ideology and it's about time the Republican party realized we are at war before it turns into a shooting war. Old fashioned socialism must be defeated, not compromised with, as George W. Bush and John McCain have been doing. This reality must be understood by those Republican members still left in Congress, and any future candidates who are considering entering the political arena. They are going to have to be willing to stand up and fight against those on the left who are intent on destroying the very foundation of our country. That is what conservatism is all about.
If McCain had won the election, nothing would change in the Republican party and the march to socialism in both major parties would continue. As bad as an Obama administration may be, it will hopefully be seen as a wakeup call to the Republican party, and a call to arms. Appeasement is not the answer to preserving our nation. The war has been brought to our soil and now is the time to stand up and fight for American freedom and values that will surely be taken away if the Republican party continues on the same path of appeasement. It's time for new leadership. The truth is, at the present time Republicans have no leadership.
This is the same call that went out in 2006, and the Republican party responded by giving us John McCain. Will they do the same again in 2010 and 2012? Considering the Marxist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat party, there is a very good chance that the tables will be turned over in the 2010 Congress. After two years of watching the socialist holding full power over the country, will Americans be finally ready to throw them out of the government and restore American values? Or will so many Americans have become dependent on big government that their lives depend on keeping them in power?
That will all depend on the ratio of voters who pay taxes, versus voters who stand there with their hands out, a group which the Democrats hope to increase as fast as possible with Obama leading the charge. The Republican party needs to coalesce around a solid conservative ideology and make it the centerpiece of their platform. It is the only ideology that will allow our country to continue to grow as a free and prosperous nation.
Voting should be restricted to those who pay taxes, or else those with their hands out will vote for more and more handouts from whichever party offers more entitlements and other unconstitutional services. This only encourages more government dependents who vote for more handouts, and a promise of socialism becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. It's already gone too far and is driving our country into bankruptcy.
The backward ideology of socialism must be recognized, exposed, confronted, and destroyed if our nation is to survive and remain free. Voters must be taught that voting for handouts and government dependence will not only cost them their freedom, but will ultimately result in tragedy for them when the money runs out and government can no longer provide for them. With the national debt and growing deficit spending by Congress, it is becoming clear that we have nearly reached that point now.
If you think that the government is going to pay your mortgage and put gas in your car, you'd better think again. The government doesn't have any money, only debts. And it is we taxpayers who have been put into debt by irresponsible politicians who make the kind of promises we just saw in Barack Obama's campaign — promises that cannot be kept because there is no money for them. What money the government takes in is already spent many times over. We the taxpayers have had enough of the theft of our earnings by government and are ready to revolt against it. In other words, we are mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore.
If you voted to get blood from a turnip, you're going to be very disappointed. That turnip is dying in the ground and we have socialist Democrats to thank for it. It's time to take personal responsibility for your life and start providing for yourself. You're going to be needing it very soon. Taxpayers will not carry you on their backs forever in spite of what Obama is telling you. Stop depending on us to pay your bills because we are not going to be doing it much longer. It's simple economics — we simply can't afford it. Democrats are making it increasingly difficult for us to pay our own bills now. We feel no obligation to pay yours as well.
The golden goose will be butchered by Obama and his socialist comrades and very soon will lay no more golden eggs. Those of us who pay the bills are tired of having our money stolen by "spread the wealth" socialists, and we're not going to stand for it much longer. I have no problem with a minimal government funded safety net for those who truly need it through no fault of their own, but I have a big problem with half of the country paying the way for the other half. The free ride on the backs of the wage earners is just about over.
The time is close at hand to pay the piper as we may realize during the next administration. No one, and no government can continue to live on borrowed money and irresponsible spending forever. Our national credit is just about used up and then there will be no more money to pay for unconstitutional, Democrat socialist programs. If you depend on government to pay your way, you had better start making other plans now.
© JR Dieckmann
November 10, 2008
John McCain didn't just lose the election, he butchered it. This had to be the worst run campaign ever in the history of the United States of America. McCain, so afraid of being seen as partisan, refused to use the most damaging issues against his opponent and instead, just kept repeating "I fought for you; I'll veto pork spending; I'll fix the economy — I know how to do it." Never once did he attempt to place blame on those who caused the mortgage meltdown and the resulting decline in the economy. Instead, he repeatedly blamed it on Wall Street executives.
Never did he challenge Obama to produce his birth, education, or health records. Never did he talk about any of Obama's life long association with anyone but William Ayres — which carried little weight with most American voters. McCain blew it by trying to appeal to Democrats more than conservatives, just as he has always done in the Senate. Without a conservative foundation, McCain had virtually no substance to campaign on. From the beginning he was the wrong choice to run as the Republican candidate, and he proved it by handing over the presidency to Barack Hussein Obama.
The fault is not McCain's alone. He is who he is and he wanted to be president. Much of the fault lies with the failed Republican leadership who did everything they could to see to it that one of their own "good ole boys" became the candidate. Primary scheduling, allowing for crossover voting, and lack of leadership in setting rules for state party procedures, were only some of the failures of this RNC leadership which has turned its back on the Republican conservative base voters. The Republican party did this to themselves and they deserve the consequences; we the people don't (except for those primary voters who voted for McCain).
In 2006, when Democrats took over the Congress, our calls went out for the Republican party to return to their conservative roots and stand up for the American morals and values that they once had. Those calls were ignored by party leaders and President Bush. Instead, they continued on their path to socialism and acceptance of liberal ideals in their quest to enlarge the party. Ronald Reagan didn't win by pretending to be like Democrats. He won by pulling Democrats over to his way of thinking. That lesson has been lost on the current Republican leadership.
Once again we are asking: Will the Republican party learn this important lesson this time? If they don't, they will go down to an even greater defeat again in the next election and the one after that. The Republican party has abandoned its foundation and will continue to collapse until that foundation of conservatism is reestablished.
We have been watching the country move to the left, so Republican leaders are thinking "we'd better move with them." No! Wrong answer! The country is moving to the left because we are allowing it to be dragged in that direction by anti-American influences from both domestic and foreign sources. This has been going on for a very long time and no one since Joseph McCarthy has lifted a finger to stop it.
Never before has our American way of life been threatened from within as it is now. The Republican leadership doesn't seem to understand what is happening. Liberalism is not the wave of the future, as the left would have us believe. It is a return to a pre American past where European socialism ruled, and future Americans fled to escape it.
And look what a free people built in a capitalist society — the greatest country on the face of the planet. The continued development of our nation is testimony to the success of limited government, personal liberty without government intrusion into our lives, individual accomplishment, and the right to keep what you earn. This nation could not have been built under socialistic rule. American conservatives want only to hold onto those things that have allowed us to enjoy the quality of life we have today. It is the Democrat socialists who want to change it, and in doing so will destroy the very fabric of the American dream.
For 230 years, conservative capitalists have worked hard to build our country into the envy of the entire world. Many have fought and died to keep America free for this progress to continue. Are we now going to just stand by and let the communists and socialists of the world step in and take over, changing our country to an old fashioned socialist society where individual freedom means nothing? It seems that is exactly what some voters in this country want to do. They like to call themselves "progressive," when, in fact, they are "regressive" and would destroy the progress this country has made in the world.
This is a war of ideology and it's about time the Republican party realized we are at war before it turns into a shooting war. Old fashioned socialism must be defeated, not compromised with, as George W. Bush and John McCain have been doing. This reality must be understood by those Republican members still left in Congress, and any future candidates who are considering entering the political arena. They are going to have to be willing to stand up and fight against those on the left who are intent on destroying the very foundation of our country. That is what conservatism is all about.
If McCain had won the election, nothing would change in the Republican party and the march to socialism in both major parties would continue. As bad as an Obama administration may be, it will hopefully be seen as a wakeup call to the Republican party, and a call to arms. Appeasement is not the answer to preserving our nation. The war has been brought to our soil and now is the time to stand up and fight for American freedom and values that will surely be taken away if the Republican party continues on the same path of appeasement. It's time for new leadership. The truth is, at the present time Republicans have no leadership.
This is the same call that went out in 2006, and the Republican party responded by giving us John McCain. Will they do the same again in 2010 and 2012? Considering the Marxist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat party, there is a very good chance that the tables will be turned over in the 2010 Congress. After two years of watching the socialist holding full power over the country, will Americans be finally ready to throw them out of the government and restore American values? Or will so many Americans have become dependent on big government that their lives depend on keeping them in power?
That will all depend on the ratio of voters who pay taxes, versus voters who stand there with their hands out, a group which the Democrats hope to increase as fast as possible with Obama leading the charge. The Republican party needs to coalesce around a solid conservative ideology and make it the centerpiece of their platform. It is the only ideology that will allow our country to continue to grow as a free and prosperous nation.
Voting should be restricted to those who pay taxes, or else those with their hands out will vote for more and more handouts from whichever party offers more entitlements and other unconstitutional services. This only encourages more government dependents who vote for more handouts, and a promise of socialism becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. It's already gone too far and is driving our country into bankruptcy.
The backward ideology of socialism must be recognized, exposed, confronted, and destroyed if our nation is to survive and remain free. Voters must be taught that voting for handouts and government dependence will not only cost them their freedom, but will ultimately result in tragedy for them when the money runs out and government can no longer provide for them. With the national debt and growing deficit spending by Congress, it is becoming clear that we have nearly reached that point now.
If you think that the government is going to pay your mortgage and put gas in your car, you'd better think again. The government doesn't have any money, only debts. And it is we taxpayers who have been put into debt by irresponsible politicians who make the kind of promises we just saw in Barack Obama's campaign — promises that cannot be kept because there is no money for them. What money the government takes in is already spent many times over. We the taxpayers have had enough of the theft of our earnings by government and are ready to revolt against it. In other words, we are mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore.
If you voted to get blood from a turnip, you're going to be very disappointed. That turnip is dying in the ground and we have socialist Democrats to thank for it. It's time to take personal responsibility for your life and start providing for yourself. You're going to be needing it very soon. Taxpayers will not carry you on their backs forever in spite of what Obama is telling you. Stop depending on us to pay your bills because we are not going to be doing it much longer. It's simple economics — we simply can't afford it. Democrats are making it increasingly difficult for us to pay our own bills now. We feel no obligation to pay yours as well.
The golden goose will be butchered by Obama and his socialist comrades and very soon will lay no more golden eggs. Those of us who pay the bills are tired of having our money stolen by "spread the wealth" socialists, and we're not going to stand for it much longer. I have no problem with a minimal government funded safety net for those who truly need it through no fault of their own, but I have a big problem with half of the country paying the way for the other half. The free ride on the backs of the wage earners is just about over.
The time is close at hand to pay the piper as we may realize during the next administration. No one, and no government can continue to live on borrowed money and irresponsible spending forever. Our national credit is just about used up and then there will be no more money to pay for unconstitutional, Democrat socialist programs. If you depend on government to pay your way, you had better start making other plans now.
© JR Dieckmann
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