Kari Lee Fournier column
Kari Lee Fournier is a Christian conservative freelance writer. Recently retired after 38 years with her City Water Utility, Kari likes to say that she's still in the water business – although her work now involves the 'Living Water,' represented by the Holy Spirit, which is freely given by Jesus Christ to those who believe that He is their Savior who died and rose again for their sins. In her writings, she primarily attempts to relay the message of the Holy Bible in a simple way, so that those who read her work can immediately apply the Bible's teachings to their own personal life's journeys and trials. Kari's columns have appeared in the Faith Perspectives section of Gannett Company newspapers throughout northeastern Wisconsin.
Contact Kari at wolfgang4234@hotmail.com.
Contact Kari at wolfgang4234@hotmail.com.
Kari Lee Fournier
January 23, 2025
Just when we think that this epic war on good versus evil has reached a crescendo, yet another event startles us into the stark realization that Almighty God of . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 23, 2024
Scripture tells us that there are six things that the Lord hates,
“These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 27, 2024
“A politician is a hog grateful to whoever is rattling the stick inside the swill bucket. It is time to take the swill bucket away.” These sage words were . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 5, 2024
The shot heard around the World...Part 2!
Time to get out Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1837 poem, “Concord Hymn,” and reread its straightforward opening line . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
July 27, 2024
The shot heard around the World...resounding right through to the very rafters of Heaven itself!
Another move in this game of 5D chess...this one an apparent . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 29, 2024
“But God draws the mighty away with His power; He rises up, but no man is sure of life. He gives them security, and they rely on it; Yet His eyes are on . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 22, 2023
“He sees, He is not silent, and He is Coming Soon”…Pastor Jonathan Brentner sums up the current state of America and the entire globe very well indeed…. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 22, 2023
"Pumpkins and Pilgrims" against a backdrop of Satan’s never-ending, wicked debauchery. The two just don’t go comfortably together, and thus we scratch our . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
October 15, 2023
“We are steamrolling toward global conflict, and most global leaders do not even seem interested in talking about peace at this stage. So the unthinkable is . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 2, 2023
As youngsters in kindergarten, our lifetime of labor begins quite ideally. We trudge off to the safety and security of the local schoolroom, and begin our . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
August 5, 2023
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:-4-5).
We . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
May 30, 2023
Most of us are shocked by the amount and depth of all-pervasive evil that Almighty God has chosen to reveal to us in these, the latter days.
Satan was, of . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 7, 2023
“Now it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 4, 2023
You sense it. You feel it. We all do.
Normal is never coming back. A few years ago, the election was stolen from one Mr. Donald J. Trump—during the . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 13, 2023
Demons in Davos
“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 24, 2022
"So this is Christmas"…the lyrics of John Winston Lennon’s song come back vividly in our mind’s eye at the mere mention of the title. Yet Lennon, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 22, 2022
Pull up a chair, if you've a mind to...there's hot chocolate steaming on the stove, so grab a cup o', and settle on in....
. . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 9, 2022
“Then they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have made the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed” (Ezekiel 33:2 . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 19, 2022
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
July 28, 2022
“May God have mercy for my enemies, because I won’t.” This quote by George S. Patton, Jr. still reverberates in our eardrums, lo these many years later. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 9, 2022
“Overcoming unprecedented darkness requires reliance on a Power higher than ours. Always advance in faith toward the enemy.”
The above is a quote from . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 15, 2022
The final chapter. It’s here.
The elite Global Cabal/Deep State is desperately hanging on for dear life. They have tried spreading diseases, lockdowns, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 11, 2022
The elite Global Cabal/Deep State currently is cornered. And out of desperation, they are trying to start World War III. But it won’t work.
. . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 15, 2022
If you know, you know.
Either you are doing your own research on credible outlets other than main stream media, in terms of the vast swelling of chaotic . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
January 6, 2022
The hands on the grandfather clock now read five minutes to midnight. Yes, the hour is that late. It’s late in terms of Bible prophecy, and with regard to . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 7, 2021
There’s a ‘big and yet little’ word in God’s Holy Bible that marks a transition in time…a transition that Believers in Christ—Believers that Christ . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 18, 2021
“Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all” . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
October 10, 2021
The point of no return. It’s here.
Those who pay attention to world events noticed that several days ago, social media and tech outlets were down in over . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 23, 2021
It has begun. There is nothing that can stop the truth from coming out. Critical mass has been reached. And the ending will not be for everyone.
Now, let . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
August 6, 2021
Your patience has run out. The only thing that will catch your interest is President Donald J. Trump on the Emergency Broadcast System, guns a-blazin’. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
July 13, 2021
And just like that, he is back.
Suddenly, President Trump has reappeared back on the public scene, as we begin this final phase of the great war of good . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 21, 2021
The criminal Global Cabal/Deep State will stop at nothing—and they are most definitely in a state of desperation right now.
Do you feel it? Do you sense . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 1, 2021
If you know, you know.
Indeed, there is so much going on in America and in the world that points to a massive, global war between Almighty God and Lucifer. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
May 5, 2021
As we wait on tenterhooks for the final shoe to drop, for the hammer to come down, we hear a rustling noise, as though someone, something, has moved into . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 16, 2021
Who among us has not noticed all of the worldwide events that point to the fact that evil is in the process of going down big-time, and that President Trump . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 4, 2021
When, oh when, will Trump and his loyal generals and military lower the boom? Why won’t it happen right now? Why hasn’t it happened already?
. . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 1, 2021
The familiar scene opens to the gathering of ominous storm clouds. Darkness descends for three hours, above the hill where Jesus of Nazareth, nailed to the . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 24, 2021
At this fragile point in time, we are finally realizing that patience is the order of the day. We set aside our frustration, and turn to complete trust in the . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 17, 2021
As another St. Patrick’s Day descends upon us, we all find our own unique ways of incorporating the vibrant color green into our day. Everyone has some Irish . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 15, 2021
There comes a point in one’s waiting—waiting with fervent anticipation for the other shoe to drop—when we can feel that things are different. It’s a . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 3, 2021
You see it. You feel it. It’s as plain as the nose on your face: There is no going back, in terms of back to whatever it was that we all considered to be . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 19, 2021
Time for an update on all of the crazy goings-on in the world this day. Let’s try to decipher things once again, as we anxiously await having righteousness . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 9, 2021
How much longer will we have to wait for justice to be served in America? That, of course, is the million dollar question on the minds of all Believers in . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 1, 2021
We wake up to a Country gone mad…to a World gone mad…just like it has been for the past several years. Those who follow Bible Prophecy are not surprised. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
January 19, 2021
Patience. A virtue that is not easily learned. Tick tock…can the clock move any slower?!
We are now at the final scene in this worldwide drama that . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
January 14, 2021
Does it seem like the entire world, especially America, is frozen into a very surreal moment right now? Are you finding it difficult to know who you can trust? . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
January 5, 2021
Now what?! We who are Believers in Christ—that Jesus Christ was the son of God Who died for our sins and rose again—we are champing at the bit for the rest . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 31, 2020
What will happen next, and when? Christmas is over, and still, the two sides, good versus evil, stand facing one another—neither one in retreat.
We wonder . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 21, 2020
You know the feeling…the one where you are waiting, breath in check, for the next shoe to drop.
It is increasingly beginning to look like all hell is about . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 15, 2020
It has begun.
It has begun as we who are Believers in Christ, Believers that Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins and rose again, continue to . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 8, 2020
The election faceoff has now reached a fever pitch. All of the players on the chessboard are in place, and we see true evil lining up against the truth of God . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 26, 2020
As we await our blessed Thanksgiving celebration, with all of the usual frenzied preparation and plans…as we eagerly anticipate a table full of roast turkey, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 16, 2020
An Election stalemate—so now what? What are we, as Believers in Christ, to think? Has God ‘dropped the ball,’ and decided to stop supporting President . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 1, 2020
Suddenly, the world has changed. It seems surreal, and this transformation happened overnight. A pandemic comes onto the world scene, and license is given to . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
July 27, 2020
Bible prophecy told us that a ‘Great Storm’ on Earth was coming, but the swiftness and fierceness with which it has attacked has taken us all by surprise. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 26, 2020
The Holy Bible is the only book that foretells the future. Of those expert theologians who study both the Bible and the ancient Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
April 8, 2020
As the Easter holiday descends upon us, in all of its glory, we sometimes relegate the familiar narrative to that of a compelling folk story. But we do so at . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 19, 2019
"'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 26, 2019
Another Thanksgiving descends upon us, with all of the usual frenzied preparation and plans for the oh-so-anticipated and aromatic feast. There is nothing like . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
October 24, 2019
"You Christians are always talking on End Times," people admonish us.
But that's just not so. Instead, what we're actually speaking on is the Rapture of God . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 30, 2019
Fireworks and parades and ice cream cones and picnics...all a celebration of our Independence Day...won by so much blood and treasure. So many brave souls, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 20, 2019
The Holy Bible is the only book that foretells the future. Many expert theologians who study the Bible and the ancient Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek languages . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 26, 2018
"Hark! The herald angels sing,
'Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!'"
These vibrant lines from . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 20, 2018
The flurry of another Christmas season descends upon us, with all of the fast-paced frenzy that we've come to expect this time of year. And, yet, we who have . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 30, 2018
"My family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed by vicious and false additional accusations," stated a visibly angry and shaken Judge Brett . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 11, 2018
Life is struggle. Plain and simple. If you've just gotten out of some sort of problem, you can bet that another one is right around the corner.
And . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
February 8, 2018
Most of us remember the Christmas story in which a Grinch's heart grew three sizes in one day, all the result of seeing how the townspeople deep down in their . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
August 30, 2017
As youngsters in kindergarten, our lifetime of labor begins quite ideally. We trudge off to the safety and security of the local schoolroom, and begin our early . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
May 26, 2017
As we all eagerly look forward to the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, we also pause for reflection on those brave souls in the armed forces who gave their lives, . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 22, 2017
As another terrorist attack unfolds, this time in London, and our country's crime and evil continue unabated, we ask ourselves how to remain above the fray. . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
November 22, 2016
We've all had the experience of watching someone go through difficult times, thinking to ourselves "Wow, that's rough...sure glad it's not me." Once again, we . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
June 7, 2016
While it's too bad that these days one finds it necessary to defend their belief in Jesus Christ, it's a sad fact nonetheless. It's cool to talk about the . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
March 15, 2016
(Originally published March 30, 2013, in the Green Bay Press-Gazette)
The familiar scene opens to the gathering of ominous storm clouds. Darkness descends . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
December 9, 2015
One of the most controversial topics of late concerns the existence of God. Are we created and planned by God, or are we simply a vapor that exists for a time . . .
Kari Lee Fournier
September 30, 2015
(Originally published January 29, 2015, in the Green Bay Press-Gazette)
The idea of enjoying heaven on earth seems like quite a reach, given the troubles we . . .
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.