Kari Lee Fournier
Almighty God vs. Satan: American Revolution #2—It’s here!
By Kari Lee Fournier
November 5, 2024

The shot heard around the World...Part 2!

Time to get out Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1837 poem, “Concord Hymn,” and reread its straightforward opening line in its entirety:

    “By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
    Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
    Here once the embattled farmers stood
    And fired the shot heard round the world.”

This well-renowned phrase refers so very resoundingly, so very emotionally, to the first shot fired in the American Revolution on April 19, 1775, at the start of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. And We the People well remember the events of that beyond-notorious date in time, that ground-breaking moment that marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War, and subsequently the creation of these precious United States of America!

This land and people of Almighty God of the Bible would forge ahead to adopt a Constitution steeped in Holy Bible verses, its Founding Documents equally so...and this country would one day become the largest superpower ever to inhabitate a land mass upon this earth.

Nonetheless, America presently finds itself in a state of war, of utter chaos. And this particular war, which is worldwide in scope, was not started with the firing of a musket. Rather, this global battle has evolved over decades of corruption...corruption that was allowed to seep into the very highest levels of the United States government.

You see, after World War II, Europe and Asia were tremendously crippled with widespread destruction, were reduced to rubble...and there also were immense civilian casualties. And we also remember that during that colossal war, the United States played the key role in terms of producing a massive amount of the Allied military equipment...rendering America the primary industrial power in this major confrontation.

Now fast-forward to five-star General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1961 speech warning that this Deep State Industrial Complex was getting out of hand. Also of note are Eisenhower’s subsequent 1963 memos to the U. S. Congress trying to reign in the power of this Military Industrial Complex.

President John F. Kennedy then carried this banner onward for President Eisenhower, even bravely stating: “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” And we all sadly remember how the CIA then murdered him, and simply blamed the killing on a lone assassin...telling us that any other theory was to be labeled a foolish ‘conspiracy theory.’

At present, Trump has taken up this banner once again. Hence, the two—although there probably are dozens more—assassination attempts on his life.

And at this stage, the Industrial behemoth has only gotten even more enlarged. This Deep State Complex acquired control of U. S. Homeland Security, our Justice System, and senior level law enforcement organizations, such as the CIA and the FBI.

Now, we must remember that this is not a conventional type of war being waged. Rather, it is an information war. For decades, the corrupt media put forth talking points from the Global Elite Machine that ran the world—that ran even to a certain point our great America, right up to its highest levels in government.

These media outlets—and also corrupt corporations, big pharma, Hollywood, academia, the science world, so many institutions—did exactly what this Deep State Machine told them to do. They were the main players—along with the World Economic Forum (WEC), the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and Davos/Elite crowd—in Satan’s ongoing diabolical war. And this war has reached a long-awaited climax right now.

Satan’s war against Jesus Christ, against Christianity, always has taken major aim against the United States of America in particular because we are, as stated in our Pledge of Allegiance, “One Nation, Under God.” America is a Christian nation, no matter what Satan and his minions frantically try to drill into everyone each and every moment of the day.

This worldwide information war currently is reaching critical mass, in terms of the number of We the People waking up in droves to Almighty God’s truth. Indeed, the Internet was a big part of the vile vermins’ demise, as its arrival meant that folks could break away from the Global Elite Machine’s corrupt main stream media...the silent majority could begin to discern the truth of just what actually has transpired in America and on planet earth these past many decades.

Now, part of the Globalist Elites’ plans on taking down America involved invading its borders, as former advisor to the U. S. Secretary of Defense Colonel Douglas Macgregor recently asserted. Macgregor, who served during the Trump administration, explained that these evil powerbrokers want to dilute our population and make it into “an homogenized, amorphous mass of nothing,” as that aligns with their philosophies of nihilism and atheism: https://x.com/i/status/1824892265636016408.

And we also saw yet another of the many efforts by the Globalists at destroying America—at actually destroying the entire world—during the Covid-19 epidemic. It turns out that the Covid virus was a bioweapon that traced back to Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Although Fauci vehemently denied before the U. S. Congress that he had been involved in Covid ‘gain-of-function’ research at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, Senator Rand Paul recently indicated how that was a clear case of “perjury”: https://www.foxnews.com/media/rand-paul-says-fauci-caught-lies-congress-coronavirus-research-dead-rights.

And Big Pharma also has its filthy fingers in this New World Order Globalist Agenda. We have seen firsthand how Big Pharma conspired with Fauci and those of his ilk to use the result of Fauci’s gain-of-function research, that result being Covid, to lock down America and the entire world—while at the same time shoveling huge amounts of dollars into their pockets from the sale of sometimes useless and sometimes deadly vaccinations to supposedly combat the virus.

Yes, these vaccines were sometimes deadly…European data recently released shows a 63,060 percent surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine. And then there was Dr. Peter McCullough’s recent claim: “This spike protein is a killer, and it rips through the hearts of men and women”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/health-post-covid19-with-dr-peter-mccullough/id1455651673?i=1000664308052.

Also of interest, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates already is warning that if there is not another world war, there will be another big pandemic: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/09/bill-gates-on-what-keeps-him-up-at-night-war-another-pandemic.html. However, We the People worldwide have experienced enough during the Deep State’s manmade Covid pandemic to ever believe that any future pandemic would be accidental in its origin.

And they know it! So this vicious Globalist Machine has decided to pivot from pandemics, for the time being, to their other dog and pony show, which is ‘climate change.’ In the following short video, we see Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director, caught on tape revealing that the network had chosen to make “climate change” the next pandemic, claiming people were fatigued with Covid. Interestingly, Chester also admitted that CNN previously had concentrated on helping to remove Trump from office: https://x.com/i/status/1843328206817927468.

Now, this Globalist Deep State Cabal also has its fingers in the stock market. They manipulate it to serve their agenda. Who knows what they may try with regard to crashing the U. S. economy, if all else fails?

One month ago, we saw that already the Dow Jones Industrial Average ‘yield curve’ had been inverted for a 789 day period, 89 days longer than the inversion period for the same measurement indicator immediately before the ‘Crash of 1929.’

And then there also was the tech stock crisis that arrived on August 5, 2024. Antitrust ruling against Google on that day ruled Google guilty of violations of U. S. Monopoly and Anti-Trust Laws. On that day, officials declared that the Nasdaq had never been as low as it was at that point, not even intraday!

Also on that day, Japan’s stock market suffered its worst losses in history. The Nikkei 225 stock index closed at 31,316.62 points, dropping by 4,568.02 points—or about 12.7 percent. This represented the largest single-day point drop in the index's history, surpassing the previous record set on October 20, 1987, when it fell by 3,836 points.

And finally, there also is speculation on the weather front, where credible sources like Colonel Douglas Macgregor are implying that the two recent hurricanes in Florida and North Carolina probably were a result of weather manipulation by the black hats. Indeed, yet another ability they have is the capability to wage weather warfare.

In the following video, Colonel Macgregor interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch, and Wigington explains, among other things, how geo-engineering may be used in hurricane and weather warfare: https://x.com/i/status/1843018301523554474.

But it gets better.

The following article similarly speculates on these two hurricanes possibly being manmade to a degree, and then the author also relates that Spring Pine, North Carolina is the primary worldwide producer of ultra-pure natural quartz, which is the substance that makes our modern high tech way of life possible. The article goes on to state that somewhere between 70 and 90 percent of all crucibles that are used to make silicon chips worldwide are made out of this natural quartz from Spruce Pine.

It doesn’t get any more riveting than that...simply more foul play by these nasty evildoers to get to this valuable resource?: https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=7398.

Lest some say that weather manipulation is yet another conspiracy theory, it’s interesting to note that world-renowned American physicist Micheo Kaku confirms that weather manipulation is here, and is getting better and better all of the time. Kaku explains on this short video how trillion-watt lasers and other things are used to manipulate weather: https://1a-1791.com/video/s8/2/f/1/E/1/f1E1t.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf.

Now, on the upcoming election situation, it’s remarkable to sit back and watch the methods that the Global white hat alliance are using to make sure that cheating/fraud does not occur, while simultaneously revealing to those not following politics very closely just exactly how the Globalist Elites have rigged the elections for quite some time now.

Of note, the CEO of Smartmatic has been indicted for bribery and money laundering. And this obviously has Dominion Voting Systems, which is owned by Smartmatic, hot under the collar, as Dominion recently issued a threatening tweet, warning Americans to stay silent about their alleged election fraud practices.

And on another related front, U. S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has issued a dire warning for Georgia, claiming that Dominion machines already are switching Trump votes to Kamala Harris. She insists that this mirrors the 2020 election, with ballots allegedly flipping Republican votes to Democrat votes repeatedly.)

Could it be possible that Trump and the white hat alliance simply is replaying—now, for all of the world to see—exactly what happened in 2020? Who knows...but there do seem to be a lot of similarities between 2020 and 2024 already....

And then there’s also our great source Derek Johnson—a loyal Patriot and army veteran who has been superb in explaining that America currently is in a ‘Military Occupancy,’ outlined in the Law of War Manual signed on June 12, 2015. Johnson has met with Trump on several occasions, and has stated that the Space Force, which was created under Trump and is concentrated on Cyber warfare, is in charge of everything associated with the Military at the present time.

Could it be that Space Force has captured all of the election fraud in the past recent elections...for a later HUGE (channeling Trump here)—reveal? Only time will tell....

Nevertheless, the white hats do seem to be making a lot of headway with regard to ‘capturing’ the bad guys. For example, we recently saw Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitting that both the FBI and White House pressured him to censor Americans for thought crimes during the 2020 Presidential election. Hmm...could it be that Zuckerberg signed a plea deal with the white hats? Sure looks like a possibility.

And it was hilarious to watch Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sitting right next to President Trump—looking like a deer caught in the headlights—at the recent Al Smith dinner. Right before things got going, Trump even seemed quite chummy with Schumer. Sure looks like Schumer may have signed a plea deal, and also may be working with the white hats: https://x.com/i/status/1847087790384623619.

Moreover, General Keith Kellogg, former National Security Advisor to Vice President Trump, has been dropping major truth bombs these days. General Kellogg appears to be ‘this-close’ to the upper levels of command in the Global Military White Hat Alliance, and it’s worth noting that he has been with Trump, behind the scenes, since Trump’s ride down the escalator.

At any rate, General Kellogg’s latest red pill involved ‘Vice President’ Harris, whom he labeled as “a fraud.” He also stated that former White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly “is complicit in this fraud [of taking down Trump] and has lied to the American people. In addition, General Kellogg goes on to label former National Security John Bolton and Harris liars: https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/113/363/311/851/456/362/original/2764c396ac54ec1a.jpg.

Kash Patel, presently a close advisor to President Trump—and formerly a Counterterrorism Advisor on the National Security Council and also Chief of Staff to the Acting Secretary of Defense—recently explained that the reason that some in the Military hate Trump is because Trump is taking down the Military Industrial Complex, and reinstituting Civilian command of the U. S. Military and Department of Defense in accordance with the U. S. Constitution: https://1a-1791.com/video/s8/2/D/_/w/a/D_wau.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf.

Now, the Global White Hat Alliance—which is made up of U. S. loyal Military, the Pentagon and Space Force, and also certain Asian elders and benevolent European nobility—currently is following through on this takedown behind the scenes by cleaning up the self-serving black hats scattered amidst our U. S. Military. Over 240 Commanders have been relieved of duty since June, 2017: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/navy-fires-co-xo-naval-repair-japan/.

Trump and his MAGA supporters even have former Democratic leader Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. openly supporting Trump’s rhetoric on the Military Industrial Complex. RFK, Jr. also is openly supporting the Republican Party, after being a staunch Democrat for all of his life, including making a recent run for the Presidency as a Democrat. RFK, Jr. actually has remarked that the Democratic Party “has become the party of endless global wars, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money.”

This Global White Hat Alliance no doubt also is aiding in the efforts of other countries to take this Global Elite Cabal out of their upper levels of government. Other countries involved in this struggle would include countries like Russia, who is cutting off the Cabal in Ukraine, and countries like Israel, who is decimating the wicked ones in Gaza—while also neutering Iran and all of their proxies.

Additionally, this great Military force is absolutely decimating the child/human traffickers. Recently, law enforcement stated that a Disney employee and over 150 others, including illegal immigrants, were arrested in a major undercover human trafficking operation that also rescued four potential victims. This Operation, dubbed “Operation Autumn Sweep,” was a five-day, multi-agency investigation that led to 157 arrests!: https://x.com/i/status/1847010203306545468.

Of course, these vile deviants, who care not one whit for humanity, do surprisingly believe in something called ‘karmic reciprocity,’ whereby bad karma will follow them if they do not show We the People beforehand how they plan on harming us.

Here is a small video clip of a segment that South Park aired in 2021. It shows how the Global Elites traffic children in order to get their adrenochrome, which is a certain type of blood that is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. Curiously, it seems to implicate, among other famous figures, former President Obama: https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/52740.

Nonetheless, most of the other corrupt media outlets only believe in lying and deceit, as they are owned by the Global Elite Machine/Deep State Cabal. A Cabal that currently is scrambling to remain relevant, since We the People are onto their filthy schemes to depopulate humanity worldwide, and then, via transhumanism and robotics, to control the remaining 500 million or so of the ‘lucky ones who are allowed to live.’

Yes, many now understand that the worldwide population has been controlled by this Global Elite Machine for quite some time, mainly via a corrupt media. And those who are awake are flocking to our Almighty God-backed President Trump, who draws up to hundreds of thousands in crowds.

Many no longer believe the lies of the media that told us Trump is a monster. As Aldous Huxley so wisely asserted: “The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human.” But now, this twisted media propaganda no longer works.

And the Federal Agencies have shown their deceitful hand, as well...as have the big corporations, big pharma, the big banks/bankers, academia, and Hollywood. All are in shock, desperate, and circling the drain. Yes, when legacy news networks, the single greatest mind-control weapon for over 75 years, loses more than half of their audience in just two years, that’s a shift in human consciousness that cannot be understated.

And speaking of the corrupt media, Tucker Carlson, who now owns his own network entitled Tucker Carlson Network, recently interviewed former President Nixon White House staffer Geoff Shepard, who says that all of the Watergate burglars were connected to the CIA; that Bob Woodward, the reporter who broke the story, was an intelligence officer who became a journalist mere months before breaking the Watergate scandal; and that ‘Deep Throat,’ the anonymous man who leaked the Watergate scandal to Woodward, was revealed to be Deputy Director of the FBI Mark Felt.


Looks like Nixon wasn’t towing the line, in terms of following the dictates of the Global Cabal. And that he, and his Vice President Spiro Agnew, then paid the heavy price. No wonder Nixon started taping everything...probably as proof of the corruption. But sadly those tapes did not save him from their clutches in the end.

The white hat alliance also gained back control of Twitter, via the benevolence of Elon Musk—the richest businessman/investor in the world. Musk is very driven to expose this dastardly Elite Machine, and also to restore freedom of speech in America. Recently, Mr. Musk spoke to a crowd in Pennsylvania, telling them that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are puppets who are dependent upon their teleprompters to function. He further claimed that they have numerous puppet masters, all of whom were clients of Jeffrey Epstein!: https://x.com/i/status/1847038876252020922.

Moreover, Musk also recently told Tucker Carlson that the Deep State is terrified of a Trump win, as Trump promises to release the Epstein Island list: https://rumble.com/v5huf10-were-releasing-the-list-baby.html.

Yes, it does appear that many in the Elite government, big corporation, and Hollywood crowd are in full panic mode after President Trump now labeled the Cabal as “enemies from within,” and suggested that they could be treated as enemy combatants, facing potential Military tribunals and imprisonment. Here, you can hear the fear in Joe Scarborough’s voice...he is the co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe: https://x.com/i/status/1848492937589543176.

Now, it’s no secret that Mahlik Obama is at extreme odds with his half-brother Barack...and Mahlik also has been busy spilling the beans. Mahlik even has even declared that Barack Obama is “still running the country,” behind the scenes, and that he would have “a big role to play” if Kamala Harris wins the election: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/malik-obama-says-half-brother-%20barack-is-still-running-the-country-and-warns-he-would-have-a-big-role-to-%20play-in-harris-presidency/ar-AA1ruzin.

But most do not need this insight from Mahlik Obama, as it is so very apparent that Joe Biden does not have the mental acuity to hang onto the U. S. nuclear codes. But although Barack Obama tried his best to retain his control of America—on behalf of the Global Elite Machine—the tide now has turned.

At this point in time, the real power behind America is our beloved and brave Military. The Founding Fathers established the Military before they established any entity, in order to prevent this type of tyranny that we currently are seeing over We the People. And it’s that exact Military that retired army veteran Derek Johnson says currently is involved in a White Hat Alliance Military cleanup operation that is set with the task of annihilating the entire Global Deep State Cabal.

Johnson explains that President Donald J. Trump is still, at this very moment, Commander-in-Chief of the United States, via a ‘Continuity of Government’ 7-year plan! Johnson also has provided on his channel on Telegram, which is https://t.me/s/rattletrap1776, the following blueprints of this current White Hat Military Operation: https://thedocuments.info/.

And Johnson actually points to proof of the Continuity of Government currently taking place that is right on the White House’s website!: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/09/07/press-release-notice-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-foreign-interference-in-or-undermining-public-confidence-in-united-states-elections/.

In terms of other proof on the government websites, Johnson also posted on Truth Social that the State.gov domain has been suspended, and that it has had no updates from December 21, 2020 through the present! He also messaged that it’s curious that Joe Biden’s National Security Strategy is on the WhiteHouse.gov website, and yet not on the Defense.gov website where it’s supposed to be!

Additionally, Derek Johnson recently posted that it’s odd that the Official State.gov website for ‘Presidential Archives of Travel’ currently is suspended...that the website shows that the last President to travel abroad was President Trump!

And right on cue, why don’t we take a look at the size of President Trump’s recent motorcade in Howell, Michigan? Does this not look like it’s a bit massive for a ‘former’ President?: https://t.me/newstreasonupdates/19139.

Now, while Satan has been busy at the helm trying to take down Trump and the Global White Hat Alliance, it sure does seem like Almighty God of the Bible is backing Trump, at least right now...that our Lord is working through Trump and his faithful supporters to push back the evil Machine, at least for a brief respite.

Indeed, Satan has worked his treacherous way through so many of America’s institutions, so many businesses and organizations...much more than many Believers in Christ—Believers that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Who died for our sins and rose again—understood to be the case. It truly is overwhelming in scope!

Consider one recent example of the Devil’s wiles...one of many/many out there in the world aimed at getting children to follow his ways. This involves a controversial new update in Fortnite, a popular game among children, that now gives players the option to “sell their soul” to a demonic figure: https://x.com/i/status/1845933028423458921.

But we know that Donald J. Trump is the one candidate running for President who will follow Almighty God of the Bible. Trump says that he wants to preserve religious freedom in the U. S., especially those persecuted religions like Christianity and Judaism. Trump also recently named Dr. Ben Carson, Trump’s former U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as his National Faith Chairman who will protect religious freedom in America: https://truthpress.com/news/trump-announces-a-role-for-dr-ben-carson-in-his-administration/?utm_source=truthpress.beehiiv.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=lab-leak-2-0&_bhlid=1527719077a26c8b8f53da62704c80c72605e361.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris recently had police escort Christians out of their own church after they questioned her about statements claiming that Jesus Christ and Christians don’t belong at her rallies. When someone is this open about telling you who they are, believe them.

Now, Donald J. Trump did not come out of the life and lifestyle that he had, did not become President and fight the Deep State tooth and nail all four years of his tenure—and then continue fighting them to this day—simply to take a deal and walk away.

He’s in it for the long haul, and up next on his agenda is the Presidential election, which currently is upon us. As a result, the clowns are on countdown with all of their mind games that they have played on innocent people for many decades.

However, Trump will not let these evil reprobates off easy, especially those who committed treason against the United States of America. Remember that after Trump’s second assassination attempt, when at his first speaking event that followed, he played the opera song, “Nessun Dorma,” a song played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears—when all of the traitors and Deep State actors are executed!

Truly, this is not the time to be sitting on the fence...not when our very country is at stake...not when the evil ones are so very bold and devious in their scheming to promote Satanism, and to destroy both Christianity and all who follow Jesus Christ! Matthew 12:30 warns us: “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” There is no such thing as a neutral position.

Satan and his debaucherous intentions are barreling toward us like a 100 mile-per-hour freight train, head on! And the Devil uses the government and the state to try to imprison We the People, to try to control every aspect of our lives if we will allow them to.

Now, the following encapsulates just how massive and ugly this Global Elite Machine is at this point in time...how it enslaves everything in its sphere. This piece is taken from an article entitled ‘The Regime’s Wars Are Built on Lies” written by Karen Kwiatkowski:“...we are seeing the true face of unabashed state power. It is a multi-headed monster with a voracious hunger for our life and liberty, and the life and liberty of others. Instead of fighting for the good, all the evidence shows us the state fights only for the goods and more power.

“...the net effect of a war mentality—led and driven by the state, not the people—strengthens the state by seizing and controlling the collective intellect. It literally drains the productivity from our economy, the humanity from our souls and the blood from our bodies. There is one caveat for Americans to bear in mind as we the people seek real peace, liberty, and prosperity: When we gaze directly at the true face of the state—as we increasingly must—a sullen beast stares back at us, inhuman and amoral, seeing only its enemy, and its property.” https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/09/karen-kwiatkowski/the-regimes-wars-are-built-on-lies/?utm_campaign=Weekly%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz – VyhxsRpHv4ND04L8ZXLZ1Y-n1OrSG7Fm4nRgBx5kMN31tOHWBKPOganQkDOXcKRz5wxgUbSt-bU_ptSos39QeOMDWA&_hsmi=323578472&utm_content=323578472&utm_source=hs_email

Now, these wicked creatures who follow Satan are not in any way free and joyful. Rather, they are shackled/bound and full of pain. Don’t let their outward smiles lead you astray. The Devil always demands his due, demands his evil way in the end. And that evil way always leads to death and destruction. It’s what Satan does.

Nonetheless, these followers of Satan will not give up power without fighting to the death. Satan demands this if they willfully agree to follow him. And their efforts include continuing to sabotage our elections, and whatever it takes to accomplish this evil end. That said, Trump’s team has put them on notice this time...telling them right out in the open that it will not be tolerated this time...that he and his team “have it all,” in terms of proof of their past election cheating.

We also recently saw Trump talking about the upcoming election in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures. Trump, in response to Joe Biden’s warning that the upcoming Election Day will not be peaceful, declares that he (Trump) would use the Military against “the enemy within,” which he described as the greatest threat that the country faces, even greater than any foreign adversary: https://x.com/i/status/1845479931792293918.

Trump and his white hats also have deployed numerous lawyers to carefully maintain the rightful legal aspects that must be followed during elections. The dishonest ones are being watched very/very closely, and they know it!

We truly are living in Biblically-epic times. We are, in all reality, actually in the midst of American Revolution #2...a treacherous fight to the very end, where We the People—we Believers in Christ—are endeavoring to bring America back to its Biblical roots...back to Almighty God’s Holy Word, His Holy Bible upon which America was originally founded, originally set forth based upon His principles and directives.

But now how do we maintain emotional stability in this current battle for the soul of the nation? “All that the best men can do is to persevere in doing their duty to their country and leave the consequences to Him who made it their duty...being neither elated by success, however great, nor discouraged by disappointment, however frequent and mortifying.” This sage pearl of wisdom was uttered by none other than John Jay, Founding Father, first ever Supreme Court Justice, and contributor to the Federalist Papers.

Make no mistake about it: Our Lord of the Bible is in charge. He has the ultimate say. And Luke 8:17 provides us the comfort that we need when obsessing on just how long God will strive with the wicked ones...on just how long they will be allowed to spread their vitriol and deceit: “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”

At some point, all will be revealed. Actually, it’s astonishing to see what the Lord already has revealed these past several years. Satan’s tentacles have spread far and wide on this earth, even down to the immoral tunnels he had built for child/human trafficking and slavery. Tunnels that are being blown up by Almighty God’s Soldiers of Christ....

Thus, we Believers in Christ must simply continue to stay ‘this-close’ to our Sweet Lord and Savior, Who will show us what our mission is in this marathon storm...and we remain steadfast in trusting and obeying Him, in continuing to carry out our specific/personal assignment, and in spreading the Gospel message of ‘Jesus and the Cross’ as far and wide as we can.

Fellow Believer and country singer/songwriter John Rich also provides the proper perspective on how to weather this turbulent tempest that has been unleashed upon us in full force: “Noah was in the flood...but he had a boat. Daniel was in the lion's den...but God shut their jaws. Jonah was in the belly of the whale...but he was spit out. The Lord doesn't pull His people out of hard times, but He always/always gives them a way to survive it. Stay close to Him.”

Truly, Proverbs 24:16 makes this point as straightforwardly as possible: “For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.”

Yes, my fellow Believers in Christ, it would seem that Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Shadow Presidency’ is about to come to an abrupt and untimely end....

© Kari Lee Fournier


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Kari Lee Fournier

Kari Lee Fournier is a Christian conservative freelance writer. Recently retired after 38 years with her City Water Utility, Kari likes to say that she's still in the water business – although her work now involves the 'Living Water,' represented by the Holy Spirit, which is freely given by Jesus Christ to those who believe that He is their Savior who died and rose again for their sins. In her writings, she primarily attempts to relay the message of the Holy Bible in a simple way, so that those who read her work can immediately apply the Bible's teachings to their own personal life's journeys and trials. Kari's columns have appeared in the Faith Perspectives section of Gannett Company newspapers throughout northeastern Wisconsin.

Contact Kari at wolfgang4234@hotmail.com.


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Financial and moral bankruptcy

Linda Kimball
The fallacious left vs. right dichotomy, and the war to the death between forces of good and forces of evil

Pete Riehm
Malicious intent or mediocre ignorance
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Chris Adamo
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