
Kari Lee Fournier
Scripture tells us that there are six things that the Lord hates,
“These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Now, doesn’t that just encapsulate the Global Elite Machine that has run America and the world for decades? Their wicked deeds know no bounds...their hearts are hardened to even the most vile types of viciousness.
And yet...and yet...the Lord God Almighty currently appears to have brought about a sort of ‘pre-revealing’ period, prior to the seven-year Great Tribulation of His mighty wrath that we see on the very horizon. ‘Revelation,’ in terms of the book of Revelation, means ‘the revealing’...and there is no doubt that God has, for several years now, been tearing back the rotted carpeting globally on systemic evil everywhere, as the cockroaches involved scatter in frenzied desperation.
Of course, We the People always sensed that there was extreme corruption in America’s upper levels of government, but this recent exposure of the exact depth of evil being perpetrated—perpetrated even by those whom we once revered and trusted in some cases—has taken our breath away, in terms of the intensity of the malevolence involved.
And we also realize that the Deep State/Global Elite Machine consists of much more than politicians. Other parts of this vile Machine include many media outlets, corrupt corporations, big pharma, Hollywood, academia, the science world...virtually most all of America’s institutions, plus many of our governmental agencies.
These disgraceful institutions have done exactly what this Deep State Machine told them to do. They were the main players—along with the World Economic Forum (WEC), the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and Davos/Elite crowd—in Satan’s ongoing diabolical war. And this war currently has reached a long-awaited climax.
Satan’s war against Jesus Christ, against Christianity, always has taken major aim against the United States of America in particular because we are, as stated in our Pledge of Allegiance, “One Nation, Under God.” America is a Christian nation, no matter what Satan and his minions frantically try to drill into everyone each and every moment of the day.
Yet it’s so very apparent that these malignant monsters suddenly have reached a roadblock in the form of one billionaire Patriot and his army of brave soldiers who have, on Almighty God’s behalf, shattered—at least for a brief respite—this Global Elite Machine’s diabolical plan to depopulate America and the world, and then to robotize/trans-humanize the ‘lucky’ few whom they allow to remain on this earth.
Suddenly, President Donald J. Trump and the white hats are able to get around the massive election cheating/fraud that occurred in 2020’s Presidential election...also, the Republicans have retained the Congress and taken the Senate. And, just as suddenly, Trump’s court cases brought against him have disappeared simultaneously into the wind.
We also see Silicon Valley, which is owned lock stock and barrel by the Deep State Machine, bending the knee to Trump...and wars/battles worldwide are coming to an abrupt end, while world leaders defer to Trump on each and every one. Biden is nowhere to be found, while a mere comment by Trump is enough to enact policy in other countries immediately, such as where we witnessed Canada immediately agreeing to secure our northern border at the sheer snap of Trump’s finger.
Yes, a definite sea-change has just taken place—and in the span of a brief moment! As well, the governments leadership of many countries globally are in the process of falling, as revolutionaries take back their countries from self-serving Deep State leaders...this includes large-ticket countries like France, Germany, Italy, and Canada.
Even much of the corrupt media, and many in the Democratic Party, have admitted openly that they missed the boat regarding being in touch with We the People’s needs and desires. And speaking of media, it now appears that alternative media, such as podcasts and newly-formed media groups like Tucker Carlson Network, are the ones getting all of the views/customers. The main stream media has lost most of its credibility...even MSNBC and CNN recently said goodbye to approximately 40 percent of their news network viewership.
All of these sudden transformations are as astonishing it gets!
Now, we remember that Communism suffered a lethal blow during World War II. But then, sadly, the American government later on was taken over by Marxist/Communist-type officials at the very top levels. This started right after World War II. Operation Paperclip was a secret U. S. intelligence program, where more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U. S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.
This program was carried out mainly by special agents of the U. S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps. Many of these personnel were former members, and some even former leaders, of the Nazi Party!
At a certain point shortly thereafter, our federal government joined hands with the Deep State/Globalist Elite Machine worldwide, as various evil U. S. leaders agreed with the Globalist creed…a creed that desires to demote the United States down from its sole superpower status, and thus allow for the Globalist Elites to run the world.
And yet this Deep State Machine actually has been stopped dead in its tracks—torpedoed, if you will, at this very point in time. Most of us had no idea on these nefarious undertakings of our government in America...undertakings that started coming together in earnest right after Eisenhower, in his farewell address on January 17, 1961, warned of a ‘Military Industrial Complex’ that was getting out of control.
But now We the People are realizing, slowly but surely, that we’ve been lied to for decades. Some still remain in the dark, clutching onto the last vestige of credibility that remains of corrupt media...but so many are awake to reality on at least some level.
This awakening leads us to take a moment to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, all of the brave men and women who have put their careers/reputations—and sometimes their very lives—on the line to speak out in God’s truth. For example, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been sounding the bell vigorously on just how Satanic this Global Elite Machine is...even going so far as to, right before the recent Presidential election, declare that Kamala Harris is “an infernal monster who obeys Satan.”
And there have been many others who have left their regular lives/careers behind to courageously speak God’s truth, no matter the dire consequences...including Donald J. Trump, whose family also has been put through the ringer, to say the least...over and over and over again.
Nevertheless, everything in America and the world currently appears to be experiencing an abrupt cataclysmic change. We know that the seven-year Great Tribulation period of God’s wrath looks to be on the horizon...but this downward slide into the evil abyss for many decades now has been suspended, at least for a brief period of time.
Has the Lord God decided to show every human being the stark contrast between good and evil...to show just who represents/stands for either side...and to give everyone one last chance to choose their respective side? Is the Lord bringing about these clarifying circumstances right before Jesus Christ raptures His Believers in Christ—Believers that He, Jesus Christ, is the Son of God Who died for our sins and then rose again—up to Heaven...before all Hell breaks loose on the non-Believers left upon this earth?
Only time will tell. But something epic is underway...that’s for certain.
And another likelihood, as we all watch these events unfold in real-time, is that we currently are in the latter days that were foretold in Bible prophecy...as we know that everything that had to occur prior to the advent of the rapture has taken place. Yes, the hourglass of time indeed does read a quarter to midnight!
Now once again, as witting and unwitting followers of Satan always do, they have tried very hard to ditch Almighty God and His Holy Bible in every sector of life...at which point they always try to become gods themselves...to play the role of Almighty God like Satan tried to way back during that time in Heaven. They feverishly endeavor to actually be God, or to mimic Him as best their feeble efforts/minds will allow them to pursue that foolish course of action.
Yet we all remember how the Tower of Babel incident worked out for these same types of miscreants who crazily also tried to go against the Lord Himself. The current group of evildoers put forth this false type of godliness that the Bible told us would come about in these latter days, yet they cannot sustain any true type of goodness/purity, as their motives stem from selfishness and greed.
Which is why they always end up destroying those around them, and then eventually each other.
So, what are we Believers in Christ to do with our frustration and anger toward these immoral imbeciles? We’ve tried so very hard to get them to listen...to get them to turn from their self-sabotaging ways...but all to no avail.
Well, for an answer to that somewhat challenging question, let’s take a look at another similar situation that’s noted in Psalm 73, where Asaph, a head of ministry under King David, lamented on how the wicked people around him really seemed to prosper in life, while he struggled through trials. Asaph simply could not understand how the evil ones could be allowed to fare so well, while he—who so loved and followed the Lord—in fact found himself being chastened from time to time.
Asaph even came to the point of being envious of the wicked, since they seemed to have such nice lives, even though they regularly engaged in sin. At a certain point in this story, Asaph is trying to understand this seemingly unfair state of affairs, and then he concludes that it simply is “too painful” for him to consider this situation.
But then...but then...God brings Asaph into His sanctuary, into the House of the Lord, where Asaph is shown their end...he is shown the end of these wicked ones’ lives...the fact that they will perish. Psalms 73:18-20 tells us what Asaph saw, as he declares the following:
“Surely You set them in slippery places;
You cast them down to destruction.
Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment!
They are utterly consumed with terrors.
As a dream when one awakes,
So, Lord, when You awake,
You shall despise their image.”
And then, after seeing this, Asaph’s “heart was grieved” for them. Asaph also observes how, even though he had been unappreciative: God is continually with him, God holds him by his right hand, God guides him with His counsel, and God afterward receives him to glory.
So, we see that even a high-level person in ministry can stumble when looking in envy upon others. Thus, we all just need to trust in God’s plan for our lives. And we must pray for even the most vile of Satanists...that their hearts would melt for Christ, that they would turn from their wicked ways.
Yes, folks will get away with sin for a while, but not forever. The Bible tells us that sin brings pleasure, but only for a season. Judgment day and the Great White Throne Judgment will come one day, with God’s righteous judgment. No matter what a situation may look like, God’s Justice always prevails, and we can rest peacefully in that knowledge.
However, with our remaining time on this earth, Believers always must endeavor to keep on standing for God’s Holy World, for His Holy Light, amidst this darkness that sadly has befallen every corner of this globe. Despite this astonishing turnaround today, where we see, finally, God’s justice—and His power and His peace—prevailing on so many different levels...despite this brief interval in time, the wicked clusters of those who would spew their vulgar venom yet remain scattered throughout the world.
Indeed, as Psalm 37:12 counsels us: “The wicked plot against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth.”
And yet...and yet...we who have experienced firsthand, up close and personal, the Lord’s forgiving grace...His patience, and his gentle and compassionate Hand upon our shoulder...we know that these evil ones do not, deep down, know true inner peace.
“But the wicked are like the troubled sea,
When it cannot rest,
Whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
‘There is no peace,’
Says my God, ‘for the wicked’” (Isaiah 57:20-21).
And thus we Believers in Christ continue to press on, to shine our little light as best we can, in a tireless effort to honor our Lord’s promise...to honor His loving, gracious, and forgiving heart because: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Hell is nothing to joke about; neither is it to be looked upon cavalierly nor with condescension. The late, great Baptist preacher Charles H. Spurgeon so wisely cautions us on this conviction: “Never let us speak of the doom of the wicked harshly, flippantly, or without Holy grief: The loss of Heaven and the endurance of Hell must always be themes for tears.”
Therefore, let us unite in our heartfelt struggle to meet Satan’s wiles head on, knowing that Almighty God’s Power and Peace indeed will prevail in the end...and also knowing that while Satan and his minions definitely won’t be taking a break for this blessed Christmas holiday...neither will our All-Powerful and Glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
© Kari Lee FournierThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.