
JR Dieckmann
The showdown that sinks the Obama ship
By JR Dieckmann
Obamacare passed the House on Sunday night by a vote of 219 to 212. Obama was becoming so desperate to get his healthcare proposal passed that he was telling his Democrat followers in Congress that the success of his presidency depends on passing this horrid legislation. I agree. If this healthcare legislation fails to become the law of the land (and it still might), what is left of this "president's" credibility and influence will be gone. He will have failed on his signature legislation and will become a lame duck for the rest of his time in office.
Conservatives will be emboldened and encouraged after a defeat of the socialist element in today's government, and will realize the power they hold in their hands. The rest of Obama's "transformation of the country" will go the same way as the healthcare bill — into the trashcan of history. That is, providing this healthcare bill is never implemented.
The House was not even going to vote on the bill as required by the Constitution if Pelosi didn't believe she had the votes to pass it. Instead, they planned to vote on a "reconciliation bill" and "deem" the healthcare bill passed without a vote. This violation, and others, would have been met immediately by constitutional legal challenges already prepared and ready to file with the Supreme Court, but public outrage at the tactic caused it to be withdrawn, and backroom dealings to bribe or buy off opposition Democrats made it unnecessary. Pelosi got the votes, by any means necessary.
Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who led Democratic lawmakers opposed to the Senate bill, sold his vote for a promise of an executive order banning tax money use for abortions, which can be revoked at any time. Does this mean no more federal grants to "Planned Parenthood" and other abortion clinics? Neither Obama, nor the Democrats, are going to deny their constituents an abortion on demand. Remember, Obama doesn't want his girls "punished with a child" if they make a mistake? Anyway, congressional legislation trumps executive orders. Stupak is a fool.
The reconciliation House bill (a "sidecar" bill) must also be approved by the Senate where it will be stalled and amended, and may not pass at all. Eventually it will be sent back to the House, where it will be met with strong resistance to the Senate changes and another fight to pass it. House Democrats are counting on getting their reconciliation bill passed, which was a condition for many who changed their vote from "no" to "yes." These Democrats are also likely to be left out in the cold with their political careers destroyed.
Pelosi says, "[We are] ...one day closer to passing historic legislation which will make progress — history, of course, but progress for the American people." Are not we all getting a little tired of hearing that woman say that what she is doing is "for the American people?" Who does she think she is, the mother of the country?
A victory for the American people, who by a wide margin oppose this bill, is not what this is. This is a victory for the Progressive socialists who now run the Democrat party. However, the fight is not won, nor will it be over. The court may put a "stay" on the law while it is being deliberated, and the various lawsuits are being settled. Republican hopefuls are promising to campaign on, and repeal of the law as soon as they take control of the Congress after the November elections.
We are going to go through this over and over again with Cap & Trade, Immigration Reform, Card Check, more stimulus spending, and yes, more conditions added to this healthcare bill. If not sold under the name of "healthcare," the framework of additional Marxist healthcare reform will be contained in a bill by another name.
This is only the beginning of the Marxist coup. Each time the domestic enemy will become more dishonest, devious, and misleading. It has already progressed to the point to where we cannot believe one word this administration says. We are tired of the lies.
Republicans in Congress must continue not just to say "no," but "hell no" to everything this administration proposes from this point on, and everything Pelosi tries to bring to the floor of the House. They must not be fooled again as they were with the Stimulus bill. Democrats must not be fooled by the lies told by Pelosi and Obama to get their votes for healthcare passage.
Cleaning up Washington corruption was something that Obama campaigned on heavily. Now it is the one thing that he counted on to get healthcare passed. Back room deals, bribes, special favors, entitlements for certain districts, arm-twisting and threats were all used to pass unpopular legislation.
While Minority Leader, John Boehner was speaking to the House on Sunday night, an uproar occurred in response to his remarks. The acting speaker, David Obey, made a call to order and insisted the members "respect the dignity of the House." I'm sorry to say, this people's house has no dignity. They destroyed what was left of that when they passed this illegal and unconstitutional bill against the will of the people.
Corruption is nothing new in Congress. It has become expected and an accepted practice on Capitol Hill ever since the voters started electing dishonest song-and-dance politicians instead of statesmen to represent them. This must stop, because it results in bad laws being passed that most Americans do not want. We're seeing one now.
What special deals and bribes were used to convince Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, John Bocciere of Ohio, Bart Gordon of Tennessee, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza of California, and Allen Boyd and Suzanne Kosmas of Florida, to switch their votes from no to yes on Friday? It is still the same bill that it was on Thursday when they opposed it.
We know Dennis Kucinich sold his vote for a ride on Air Force 1. Bart Gordon sold his vote for the promise of a job as NASA Administrator. Luis Gutierrez sold out his Catholic beliefs for a promise from Obama to pursue legalization of illegal aliens who have invaded our country.
Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza of California have switched their vote from no to yes on the bill. Well, actually they are not voting for the healthcare bill. They are voting to have the irrigation water turned back on in their Central California districts, which was shut off last year by the Obama Administration to "save the Delta smelt fish."
This move, which has destroyed California farming and put tens of thousands out of work, is now being used by Obama and Pelosi to control our food supply and buy votes for his Marxist agenda.
I cannot fault Costa and Cardoza for wanting to restore the water supply to the farms in their district, but this is just another example of the tyranny being imposed on our society by that man in the White House. These two congressmen are condemning the whole country to government run healthcare in exchange for special favors in their district, which they should be fighting for with other legislation of their own.
All of these people are now voting for a bill that they oppose, in exchange for selfish special favors, bribes, and kickbacks, but we may have to suffer for their corruption. It is the same corruption that got the votes in the Senate of Ben Nelson, Bill Nelson, Mary Landrieu, and Blanche Lincoln who opposed the bill, but voted for the kickbacks and bribes.
Federal laws must be made to apply to everyone and every state equally. If bills in Congress cannot do that, then they have no business being considered in the U.S. Congress and are to be left up to the states.
Our representatives must vote on the merits of the legislation itself, and only on the merits of the legislation. Because of this corrupt process, we are being strapped with laws like this healthcare bill that will raise our taxes; destroy our healthcare system; bankrupt the economy; usurp our freedom and liberty; and put private employers out of business — costing us even more jobs than we are already losing under this Congress and president — who caused this recession in the first place.
Any lawmaker who opposed this healthcare bill, or any other legislation based on its merits, then changes his or her vote when given a special deal or caves into threats from the DNC, is not worthy of holding that office. They have compromised their honesty, dignity, and integrity and allowed the tyrants to force ill-conceived laws on the public that we do not want. This leads to citizen unrest and anger at the lawmakers, and can only result in violence and eventual overthrow of the government if not corrected by either recall or elections.
Obama may be the best thing that has happened to this country in that he has awakened the American people to the Marxism and corruption that has been infecting our government, unchecked for decades. He has shone a light on just how far from our founding principles our nation has been dragged by the left, and the voters are now seeing it. I can't wait until November.
Civil protests have always been a tool of the left while the right just sat on their hands and for the most part, ignored them. With little or no resistance from protesters on the right, the left felt safe in installing their century old Progressivism a little at a time.
The outbreak of "tea party" protesters must have come as quite a shock to the left and caught them off guard. As Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto famously stated, "We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve."
Obama and Pelosi are advancing conservatism in America. As they continue to push their socialism and force Marxist healthcare reform down our throats, they are showing all Americans exactly who they are, and the people don't like it. The angrier the people get, the further they move to the right to get away from these un-American people. Many are realizing that they are actually Conservatives and didn't know it before.
Even if this healthcare bill had failed, the Progressive left has shown their cards to the American people and exposed their Marxist plan to take over the country. This stain is not going to wash off of the Democrat party for a long, long time. They are going to have a lot of work to do to restore their reputation and credibility with the American people — something Republicans are now working hard at doing for their party after their brush with corruption and socialism during the Bush years.
Obama wants an "historic event" under his administration. It looks like he is getting it — but I doubt that it's going to turn out in his favor. In any case, I believe Obama's boat has been sunk over this fight and he will never be able to recover from the stain he has put on the presidency. Obama won't have to worry about being reelected, he needs to worry about being impeached.
© JR Dieckmann
March 22, 2010
Obamacare passed the House on Sunday night by a vote of 219 to 212. Obama was becoming so desperate to get his healthcare proposal passed that he was telling his Democrat followers in Congress that the success of his presidency depends on passing this horrid legislation. I agree. If this healthcare legislation fails to become the law of the land (and it still might), what is left of this "president's" credibility and influence will be gone. He will have failed on his signature legislation and will become a lame duck for the rest of his time in office.
Conservatives will be emboldened and encouraged after a defeat of the socialist element in today's government, and will realize the power they hold in their hands. The rest of Obama's "transformation of the country" will go the same way as the healthcare bill — into the trashcan of history. That is, providing this healthcare bill is never implemented.
The House was not even going to vote on the bill as required by the Constitution if Pelosi didn't believe she had the votes to pass it. Instead, they planned to vote on a "reconciliation bill" and "deem" the healthcare bill passed without a vote. This violation, and others, would have been met immediately by constitutional legal challenges already prepared and ready to file with the Supreme Court, but public outrage at the tactic caused it to be withdrawn, and backroom dealings to bribe or buy off opposition Democrats made it unnecessary. Pelosi got the votes, by any means necessary.
Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who led Democratic lawmakers opposed to the Senate bill, sold his vote for a promise of an executive order banning tax money use for abortions, which can be revoked at any time. Does this mean no more federal grants to "Planned Parenthood" and other abortion clinics? Neither Obama, nor the Democrats, are going to deny their constituents an abortion on demand. Remember, Obama doesn't want his girls "punished with a child" if they make a mistake? Anyway, congressional legislation trumps executive orders. Stupak is a fool.
The reconciliation House bill (a "sidecar" bill) must also be approved by the Senate where it will be stalled and amended, and may not pass at all. Eventually it will be sent back to the House, where it will be met with strong resistance to the Senate changes and another fight to pass it. House Democrats are counting on getting their reconciliation bill passed, which was a condition for many who changed their vote from "no" to "yes." These Democrats are also likely to be left out in the cold with their political careers destroyed.
Pelosi says, "[We are] ...one day closer to passing historic legislation which will make progress — history, of course, but progress for the American people." Are not we all getting a little tired of hearing that woman say that what she is doing is "for the American people?" Who does she think she is, the mother of the country?
A victory for the American people, who by a wide margin oppose this bill, is not what this is. This is a victory for the Progressive socialists who now run the Democrat party. However, the fight is not won, nor will it be over. The court may put a "stay" on the law while it is being deliberated, and the various lawsuits are being settled. Republican hopefuls are promising to campaign on, and repeal of the law as soon as they take control of the Congress after the November elections.
We are going to go through this over and over again with Cap & Trade, Immigration Reform, Card Check, more stimulus spending, and yes, more conditions added to this healthcare bill. If not sold under the name of "healthcare," the framework of additional Marxist healthcare reform will be contained in a bill by another name.
This is only the beginning of the Marxist coup. Each time the domestic enemy will become more dishonest, devious, and misleading. It has already progressed to the point to where we cannot believe one word this administration says. We are tired of the lies.
Republicans in Congress must continue not just to say "no," but "hell no" to everything this administration proposes from this point on, and everything Pelosi tries to bring to the floor of the House. They must not be fooled again as they were with the Stimulus bill. Democrats must not be fooled by the lies told by Pelosi and Obama to get their votes for healthcare passage.
Cleaning up Washington corruption was something that Obama campaigned on heavily. Now it is the one thing that he counted on to get healthcare passed. Back room deals, bribes, special favors, entitlements for certain districts, arm-twisting and threats were all used to pass unpopular legislation.
While Minority Leader, John Boehner was speaking to the House on Sunday night, an uproar occurred in response to his remarks. The acting speaker, David Obey, made a call to order and insisted the members "respect the dignity of the House." I'm sorry to say, this people's house has no dignity. They destroyed what was left of that when they passed this illegal and unconstitutional bill against the will of the people.
Corruption is nothing new in Congress. It has become expected and an accepted practice on Capitol Hill ever since the voters started electing dishonest song-and-dance politicians instead of statesmen to represent them. This must stop, because it results in bad laws being passed that most Americans do not want. We're seeing one now.
What special deals and bribes were used to convince Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, John Bocciere of Ohio, Bart Gordon of Tennessee, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza of California, and Allen Boyd and Suzanne Kosmas of Florida, to switch their votes from no to yes on Friday? It is still the same bill that it was on Thursday when they opposed it.
We know Dennis Kucinich sold his vote for a ride on Air Force 1. Bart Gordon sold his vote for the promise of a job as NASA Administrator. Luis Gutierrez sold out his Catholic beliefs for a promise from Obama to pursue legalization of illegal aliens who have invaded our country.
Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza of California have switched their vote from no to yes on the bill. Well, actually they are not voting for the healthcare bill. They are voting to have the irrigation water turned back on in their Central California districts, which was shut off last year by the Obama Administration to "save the Delta smelt fish."
This move, which has destroyed California farming and put tens of thousands out of work, is now being used by Obama and Pelosi to control our food supply and buy votes for his Marxist agenda.
I cannot fault Costa and Cardoza for wanting to restore the water supply to the farms in their district, but this is just another example of the tyranny being imposed on our society by that man in the White House. These two congressmen are condemning the whole country to government run healthcare in exchange for special favors in their district, which they should be fighting for with other legislation of their own.
All of these people are now voting for a bill that they oppose, in exchange for selfish special favors, bribes, and kickbacks, but we may have to suffer for their corruption. It is the same corruption that got the votes in the Senate of Ben Nelson, Bill Nelson, Mary Landrieu, and Blanche Lincoln who opposed the bill, but voted for the kickbacks and bribes.
Federal laws must be made to apply to everyone and every state equally. If bills in Congress cannot do that, then they have no business being considered in the U.S. Congress and are to be left up to the states.
Our representatives must vote on the merits of the legislation itself, and only on the merits of the legislation. Because of this corrupt process, we are being strapped with laws like this healthcare bill that will raise our taxes; destroy our healthcare system; bankrupt the economy; usurp our freedom and liberty; and put private employers out of business — costing us even more jobs than we are already losing under this Congress and president — who caused this recession in the first place.
Any lawmaker who opposed this healthcare bill, or any other legislation based on its merits, then changes his or her vote when given a special deal or caves into threats from the DNC, is not worthy of holding that office. They have compromised their honesty, dignity, and integrity and allowed the tyrants to force ill-conceived laws on the public that we do not want. This leads to citizen unrest and anger at the lawmakers, and can only result in violence and eventual overthrow of the government if not corrected by either recall or elections.
Obama may be the best thing that has happened to this country in that he has awakened the American people to the Marxism and corruption that has been infecting our government, unchecked for decades. He has shone a light on just how far from our founding principles our nation has been dragged by the left, and the voters are now seeing it. I can't wait until November.
Civil protests have always been a tool of the left while the right just sat on their hands and for the most part, ignored them. With little or no resistance from protesters on the right, the left felt safe in installing their century old Progressivism a little at a time.
The outbreak of "tea party" protesters must have come as quite a shock to the left and caught them off guard. As Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto famously stated, "We have awakened a sleeping giant and have instilled in him a terrible resolve."
Obama and Pelosi are advancing conservatism in America. As they continue to push their socialism and force Marxist healthcare reform down our throats, they are showing all Americans exactly who they are, and the people don't like it. The angrier the people get, the further they move to the right to get away from these un-American people. Many are realizing that they are actually Conservatives and didn't know it before.
Even if this healthcare bill had failed, the Progressive left has shown their cards to the American people and exposed their Marxist plan to take over the country. This stain is not going to wash off of the Democrat party for a long, long time. They are going to have a lot of work to do to restore their reputation and credibility with the American people — something Republicans are now working hard at doing for their party after their brush with corruption and socialism during the Bush years.
Obama wants an "historic event" under his administration. It looks like he is getting it — but I doubt that it's going to turn out in his favor. In any case, I believe Obama's boat has been sunk over this fight and he will never be able to recover from the stain he has put on the presidency. Obama won't have to worry about being reelected, he needs to worry about being impeached.
© JR Dieckmann
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