Paul Cameron column

Dr. Paul Cameron was the first scientist to document the harmful health effects of second-hand tobacco smoke. He has published extensively on LGBT issues in refereed scientific journals. In 1978 he predicted that equal treatment of homosexuality and heterosexuality would strongly favor growing homosexuality and shrinking heterosexuality. His prediction is coming true.
Paul Cameron
February 1, 2025
In 1953, President Eisenhower led a religious resurgence, calling homosexuality “wickedness,” fired gays from federal posts, and ruled homosexuality . . .
Paul Cameron
November 21, 2024
The second of two large 2023 federal surveys of youth sexuality was released on November 13th. If what the student respondents claimed corresponds closely to . . .
Paul Cameron
November 16, 2024
Thinkers from both the right and left are worried about the declining birth rate. Reported homosexuality is rapidly increasing among U.S. youth – in 2023 a . . .
Paul Cameron
October 10, 2024
Treatment instead of imprisonment to curb illegal drug use is widely praised. Accordingly, new rehabilitation centers with handsome buildings and credentialed . . .
Paul Cameron
September 4, 2024
July 27 – Viktor Orban: Russia winning "soft power" by rejecting homosexuality
Western values, which were the essence of so-called “soft power” and . . .
Paul Cameron
July 4, 2024
Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery – New York Times (6/25/24). “Staff for Adm. Rachel Levine,” assistant secretary for the US . . .
Paul Cameron
June 6, 2024
Carl Olson contends we are under The Reign of Gay which “is proud, loud, and quite unwilling to tolerate dissent or discussion.” Gay clergy have certainly . . .
Paul Cameron
May 8, 2024
Before WWII the Nazis had a problem: homosexuality was on the rise and Germany’s birth rate had plummeted. Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS and the Nazi . . .
Paul Cameron
April 10, 2024
In March 2024, Gallup released its 2023 findings about adults who said they were LGBT. Table 1 summarizes LGBT growth over the last 85+ years. Gallup said the . . .
Paul Cameron
March 5, 2024
In 1976, Emmanuel Todd examined the Soviet Union’s growing infant mortality and was the first to predict that socialist nation's fall. In 1989, the Soviet . . .
Paul Cameron
February 8, 2024
Inventions profoundly change us. The horse, once ubiquitous, is now a pet – displaced by the car. Horse trips of 15 to 30 miles per day have been replaced by . . .
Paul Cameron
January 9, 2024
Made famous by Friends, Matthew Perry claimed to be ‘drug-free’ after 15 rehabs. Alas, he died at age 54 from a mixture of ketamine and other drugs. Perry . . .
Paul Cameron
December 15, 2023
Adults average 40 hours per week on smartphones and youth even more. The amount of novelty and deviance experienced astronomically exceeds that of our . . .
Paul Cameron
November 7, 2023
Our society believes that some mind-altering substances help make you "sane" (if prescribed), others make you happy (or less depressed), some may change the way . . .
Paul Cameron
October 11, 2023
The 2011-2012 National Inmate Survey of over 80,000 inmates drawn from US jails and prisons is part of a federal effort to reduce rapes in prison. While the . . .
Paul Cameron
September 5, 2023
Trans – a psychiatric cult for those disturbed enough to want to pretend they are the opposite sex – destroys a lot of breasts. Indeed, it destroys more . . .
Paul Cameron
August 8, 2023
Demonstrating that the thinking of those going trans is quite odd, Na Hwa-rin said that since seven years old he has wanted to be a girl. Although he had done . . .
Paul Cameron
July 6, 2023
In June, federal judges struck down state bans on trans for kids and Medicaid coverage for it as well. A massive Danish study reported "gender-affirming care" . . .
Paul Cameron
June 20, 2023
No child should be given any med or any surgery to change their body for trans when "a public statement" of their "sex change" would suffice!
A woman has . . .
Paul Cameron
June 4, 2023
If one “homosexual can pollute a government office” as per a 1950 US Congressional Committee, will society be degraded by accepting homosexuality? . . .
Paul Cameron
May 7, 2023
In 1950, North Carolina Sen. Clyde Hoey's U.S. Senate Committee, in line with traditional Judeo-Christian thought, concluded that homosexuals were disturbed and . . .
Paul Cameron
April 14, 2023
Kids used to be "money in the bank." In 1900, most U.S. children worked, often earning a third of families’ income (their wages automatically belonged to the . . .
Paul Cameron
March 11, 2023
Family Research Report (3/2/23)
1. Introduction
2. New Census Data
3. Accounting for the Rise of LGBT Claims
4. Liberal Ideology and LGBT Go Hand-in . . .
Paul Cameron
February 19, 2023
Whyte, writing in the Wall St J 1/27/23, said the FDA’s new policy will “subject all blood donors to the same set of questions, regardless of their gender . . .
Paul Cameron
February 5, 2023
The notion that "what works" to cure disease, build sewer systems, raise animals, etc., is "empirical science" has typified the West for hundreds of years. . . .
Paul Cameron
January 14, 2023
The psychiatric professions have testified in numerous courts from the mid-1970s forward, that those who engage in homosexuality are mentally normal and make an . . .
Paul Cameron
December 19, 2022
The adult Sunday School class was a-twitter.
Almost the whole class played softball – with their kids in the stands cheering. Class participation in the . . .
Paul Cameron
December 1, 2022
In an otherwise excellent critique of Christian leaders (e.g., Timothy Dalrymple, Walter Kim) abandoning Christian values to endorse the Marriage Equality Act, . . .
Paul Cameron
November 22, 2022
Because children are its future, who raises them is among society’s most important issues. Tradition claims those with homosexual desires are more apt to . . .
Paul Cameron
October 12, 2022
Because children are its future, who raises them is among society’s most important issues. Tradition claims those with homosexual desires are more apt to . . .
Paul Cameron
September 14, 2022
After testing the "just cleaned" home of gays who had gotten monkeypox during their travels, the CDC warned: “Persons living in or visiting the home of . . .
Paul Cameron
August 18, 2022
In Colorado, at least two women have come down with monkeypox, and it was "casually" transmitted! Casually? Yes, possibly by bug bites, sitting in contaminated . . .
Paul Cameron
August 7, 2022
PRIDE, a summer-long homosexual bacchanalia, is spreading Monkeypox. Though the CDC and the World Health Organization have issued warnings about monkeypox, and . . .
Paul Cameron
June 20, 2022
Analysis of 2,633 consecutive Google News stories about ‘child sexual abuse’ suggests every institution that works with kids – from the Federal Government . . .
Paul Cameron
June 5, 2022
The media is all over the Southern Baptists for sexual sins, particularly child molestation, by its clergy. You’d think the Southern Baptists were especially . . .
Paul Cameron
May 20, 2022
Kiev has an LGBT pride parade and gay rights, Moscow has neither. Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church said: “In order to enter the club of . . .
Paul Cameron
April 4, 2022
Christianity warned that homosexual activity should be outlawed because homosexuals recruited (especially kids). In 1950, mental health professionals told . . .
Paul Cameron
March 14, 2022
Why are 3-4% of US HS girls and 2-3% of boys calling themselves a sex other than they were born? And the 2-4% figure may be too low, a recent study in one metro . . .
Paul Cameron
March 6, 2022
The media’s campaign to grow LGBTs is working. Gallup’s 2021 survey put the proportion of LGBT adults at 7.1%—up from 1-2% in the 1980s and 3.5% in 2012. . . .
Paul Cameron
February 10, 2022
Children’s genitals get attention. Religiously, a fair number of Muslim, some Jewish, and a few Christian (mainly Northern African-Middle East) parents want . . .
Paul Cameron
January 15, 2022
By supporting near-limitless abortion and deeming homosexuality and transsexualism normal, Mental Health Philosophy [MHP] depresses the number of children. . . .
Paul Cameron
December 10, 2021
Religion says there is more to existence than what is sensed, namely a hereafter in which your fate depends on how well you follow God’s commands. Although . . .
Paul Cameron
November 4, 2021
Some Mexicans repaired the neighbor’s roof. I asked their boss how he liked the US. He replied it was great for making money, but as you rushed from job to . . .
Paul Cameron
September 23, 2021
Will our youth become ‘woke’ and turn against empiricism in favor of protecting ‘special people’s’ feelings? This threat is in large part a . . .
Paul Cameron
August 3, 2021
This Fall, Virginia will eliminate father-daughter dances to make sure trans feel OK. Fathers and daughters have been around a long time, and transgenders are . . .
Paul Cameron
July 5, 2021
American kids are going trans with a vengeance: about 2% of High School boys and 6% of HS girls in 2017; and in 2020, ~3% of the collegiate men and ~4% of . . .
Paul Cameron
May 16, 2021
In the 1950s and 1960s, as news of sex changes raged, many gays wanted it. Clients pay, and if they don’t like what they’re being told, they often quit. As . . .
Paul Cameron
April 8, 2021
Kids (and some parents) are going LGBT – proving again that sexuality is learned. Gallup’s latest? In 2020, 5.6% of U.S. adults identified as LGBT – up . . .
Paul Cameron
February 6, 2021
Do those who do good and those who do ill hate each other? So contends Proverbs 29:27, indicating that even in an ancient agrarian society, people grouped into . . .
Paul Cameron
November 23, 2020
Family Research Institute polled 200 adults in Colorado Nov 13-20: Almost all Democrats said Biden honestly won while most Republicans said Trump actually won. . . .
Paul Cameron
October 29, 2020
The media made the US gay who got surgery + hormones to externally resemble a woman in 1952 a sensation. ‘Christine’ Jorgensen became an evangelist for the . . .
Paul Cameron
September 30, 2020
The CDC just published its 2019 iteration of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System—a nationwide survey of US high school students that has been run . . .
Paul Cameron
August 18, 2020
In 1860 slaves were 13% of the US population, and in 2020 blacks made up 13% of the population. In 1860, 90% of blacks were slaves, most owned by whites (Native . . .
Paul Cameron
July 5, 2020
Christianity follows Moses in positing a conflict between a generative, lifeward – as opposed to a destructive, deathward – force influencing . . .
Paul Cameron
May 20, 2020
LGBTs possibly introduced HIV into the West, but they certainly spread it. Even though HIV is quite difficult to catch, LGBTs managed to drive it to every . . .
Paul Cameron
March 6, 2020
HIV, as a blood borne virus, initially infected LGBTs and drug shooters. Today, except for ~70,000 innocents (blood recipients, health care workers), LGBTs . . .
Paul Cameron
January 25, 2020
German Roman Catholic Bishops rocked Christendom with "the sexual preference of humans is expressed in puberty and assumes a hetero- or homosexual orientation. . . .
Paul Cameron
December 21, 2019
The major, long-term problem of the West is demographic decline. Instead of women averaging 2.1 children apiece, in almost every country, the Total Fertility . . .
Paul Cameron
October 8, 2019
If sexual desire, like the preference for a favorite flavor of ice cream, is primarily learned, then a large new study of the genetics of sexual behavior may . . .
Paul Cameron
September 20, 2019
In 1987, the gays in Boston, assuming homosexuality is learned, . . .
Paul Cameron
June 23, 2019
Do Southern Baptists have a child molestation problem? It all depends on what is considered 'normal.' I and my colleagues examined all cases when searching for . . .
Paul Cameron
May 30, 2019
CDC surveys over the past three decades indicate that the prevalence of LGBT high school students has at least doubled, maybe trebled. Why is this happening? . . .
Paul Cameron
May 17, 2019
Professional mental health and psychological associations have long recommended placing children with homosexuals. Yet the empirical evidence . . .
Paul Cameron
March 11, 2019
How times have changed. Fathers of the Church joined ancient philosophers in considering men with homosexual desires more apt to seduce boys. Today, these . . .
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