Paul Cameron
HIV, as a blood borne virus, initially infected LGBTs and drug shooters. Today, except for ~70,000 innocents (blood recipients, health care workers), LGBTs constitute the bulk (~700,000) of the 1,300,000 diagnosed with AIDS. Will LGBTs more frequently be involved in the transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus?
Ideally everyone does 'whatever is necessary' to protect others, but some don't. Carelessness, selfishness, and deliberate infection appear in almost every major epidemic. Dr. Marc Siegel recently interviewed a number of travelers at D.C.'s Dulles airport.[1] He said many (some of whom were going back to China) concealed their travel history – especially if it included China. Why? – to keep from getting quarantined – they 'wanted to get home.' Numerous reports of people wanting "to go about their daily lives" even though they knew they were infected are appearing (e.g., the Vermont health care professional who decided to attend a meeting rather than self-quarantine).
In the early 1980s, FRI ran a random survey of US adults about sexual deliberate infection. Since the coronavirus (or parts of it) is in feces (commonly encountered in LGBT sex), many prostitutes are bisexual, and many sexually transmitted diseases are driven by LGBTs, might findings from our survey[2] pertain to what so far appears to be an airborne germ?
Of the 3,697 adults who answered "When you knew you had a contagious disease, how often have you had sex to infect others?" 58 (1.6% – 1.7% of the men [1.5% of 1,340 straights; 6% of 89 gays]; & 1.5% of the women [1.3% of 2,197 straights; 7% of 71 lesbians] said 'yes.' Asked: "About how many people have you managed to infect with such a disease?" men claimed 72 (8 [11%] by 5 gays); woman 123 (52 [42%] by 5 lesbians).Enough respondents admitted to deliberate infection to raise concerns. Given this is what adults admitted, reality is likely worse.
LGBTs report more sexual partners, and more frequently engage in anti-social behavior (e.g., criminality, driving under the influence, child molestation). A larger proportion of the LGBTs in our survey claimed to have succeeded in actually infecting others. So if fecal transmission is possible, LGBTs will not only have more opportunities to infect others, but are more likely to exploit them.
[1] Tucker Carlson TV show 2/24;
[2] Sexual orientation and sexually transmitted disease. Cameron P et al; Nebraska Med J, 1985;70;8;292-9
© Paul CameronThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.