Paul Cameron
Women accelerating decline of West?
By Paul Cameron
March 6, 2022

The media’s campaign to grow LGBTs is working. Gallup’s 2021 survey put the proportion of LGBT adults at 7.1%—up from 1-2% in the 1980s and 3.5% in 2012. Homosexuality is rapidly supplanting heterosexuality among younger adults, with one of every 5 claiming to be LGBT (Table 1). The 2007 Hunter College [1] poll of a U.S. sample including 768 LGBs put homosexuals at 2.9% of all adults—largely validating the Gallup estimates.

Notice the approximate doubling of LGBTs and the decline in heterosexuals in over the 90 or so years covered by the Table. This is far too short a time for something biological to be afoot. The Cameron 1978 theory—that if treated as equally valid, homosexuality will increase because youth find it easier to acquire and it yields quicker pleasures—seems a plausible, at least partial, explanation. Over the past few years, in educational settings, the media, and law, LGBTs have become the "stars." They are so special that many states and countries now allow counseling to avoid becoming heterosexual, but not homosexual or trans! Incredibly, Western society has taken a pro-LGBT tilt, moving homosexuality above heterosexuality in social approval and even further accelerating its growth.

Something even stronger than social pressure toward adopting homosexuality has been unleashed—the recruitment efforts of ever more LGBTs. Making homosexuality "‘legal, special and visible," allows LGBTs to be highly aggressive in their recruitment efforts. This aggressivity has helped keep homosexuality alive in just about every modern society. Whether through seduction ("try it, you might like it'’), or rape (often of the underage), more and more youth have homosexual experience. Experience doesn’t guarantee homosexual tastes will be acquired, but the odds are good it will often enough to make it a viable strategy.

Women’s Role

Today, women are about twice as apt to meet with ‘mental health therapists’ whose profession called for the acceptance of homosexuality as well as helping to invent mental conditions requiring trans. Women vote more (U.S. women have cast more votes than men since 1980) and women more frequently say they believe in "global warming," in giving LGBTs special rights, and in liberalized abortion laws.

Women also put their beliefs about "what’s right" into action. The 1960 interracial marriage census showed white husbands and black wives being more common than black husbands and white wives. The liberal campaign in the 1960s for racial equality, which by 1967 featured Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (a movie about a white woman’s black fiancée) and the U.S. Supreme Court legalizing interracial marriage, was followed by women marrying blacks at a rate double that of men (~70% of black/white marriages today have white wives).

Have women been similarly affected by their greater support of LGBTs? Plausibly so. The Hunter College poll reported about equal numbers of male and female homosexuals. In Table 2, 14 years later, Gallup found 64% of non-heterosexuals are women (e.g., 9.5% of women and 5.4% of men in Table 2). Further, mothers much more frequently "diagnose" and push their child into becoming trans than fathers do.

In Table 2, fewer men claim to be any category other than "gay" as compared to women. Women show more flexibility of taste (though we don’t know with whom they had sex). The 2007 Hunter College poll asked about sex in the past year. It also reported that about two thirds of LGB women claimed to be bisexual—12% of whom reported sex only with females; in contrast, only about a third of LGB men claimed to be bisexual and 38% of these reported only sex with males in the prior 12 months—that is about 3 of 4 gays only had sex with men. Women claim to be more "flexible" in their tastes and show it in their sexual partners.

Trans feelings are expanding their reach. Thus, in Table 2, 0.1% of U.S. men call themselves "lesbian" and 0.4% of U.S. women call themselves "gay." The linguistic meanings of man and woman are loosening—with around 3% of the youngest generation saying they are not the sex they were born with.

Table 3 summarizes the claims of LGBT adults v all adults in the Gallup study. Homosexuals are not only "selling trans," they are "buying it by becoming trans themselves." The Hunter Collage survey reported 4.9% of LGBs were trans (but also reported that 24 [3.1%] of the 768 LGBs claimed to be trans). Further, “12.5% of LGBs” said “they had a close friend or family member who is transgender or transsexual” (p. 5).

Just 15 years ago, one of every 22 LGBs was a trans and one of every 8 was socially close to a trans. Now just about all LGBs are socially close with a trans, and perhaps as many as one of every 10 is trans. The "medical need" for surgeons and endocrinologists to mutilate bodies into trans is a big business. Counseling for those who have been mutilated to not notice they have been made freaks but instead to somehow "feel OK about the whole thing" is growing exponentially.

As LGBTs grow, the research is almost unanimous that there will be more STDs, more suicides, more substance abuse, and more mental problems. Most of these negatives are good for the incomes of the professionals pumping LGBTs (except teachers, who will have fewer pupils). Declining birthrates will continue. Those born before 1946 produced 3-5 children per woman; those born after 1990 have produced under 2, as expected with shrinkage of exclusively opposite-sex sexual desire.

When homosexuality is legalized, it grows. When touted, it grows faster. Trans is growing—largely due to so many professionals getting paid for promoting it. Fortunately, even talking with kids about trans might become illegal in Texas, Florida, and other states (Trump inveighed against it in his CPAC speech). But no U.S. politician is talking about making homosexuality illegal—yet. Hopefully, the polls showing its rapid surge will change that.

[1] Egan PJ, et al. Findings from the Hunter College Poll of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals. 2008.

© Paul Cameron


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Paul Cameron

Dr. Paul Cameron was the first scientist to document the harmful health effects of second-hand tobacco smoke. He has published extensively on LGBT issues in refereed scientific journals. In 1978 he predicted that equal treatment of homosexuality and heterosexuality would strongly favor growing homosexuality and shrinking heterosexuality. His prediction is coming true.


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