Paul Cameron
German bishops ignore that human sexual desires are learned
(Proven by homosexuality's growth in U.S. teens)
By Paul Cameron
German Roman Catholic Bishops rocked Christendom with
To view the Bishops' statement as radical is to put it mildly. Why did the Didache or Barnabas the Apostle (ca. 74) warn 'thou shalt not corrupt boys' if sexual desire is fixed? Many Christian fathers warned that homosexuality was contagious and dangerous – a frightfully addictive vice. Did they wrongly assume homosexual sexual tastes would be hard to control once engaged in?
A case study in how children can be homosexually corrupted by instruction and media, is on-going among US high school students. Examine these key findings from www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs – surveys that include about 2 million High School students (Md age ~15) displayed in Tables 1 and 2. The differences between the Tables 'make sense' if kids 'ponder it, try it, try to decide' (Table 2) after the kinds of experiences they've had (Table 1). Human sexual preferences are a complex function of scripting (from what they see at home, in the media + school + odd events) and experiences (as being seduced, having a bad [or great] sexual experience, trying something, having been told about something, etc.).
There are 3 layers of evidence in Table 1: a national estimate (started in 2015) and data from 43 states and 21 large urban school districts (started in the early 1990s). These are students' responses to questions (about 32% didn't answer; 4% of kids this age aren't in school and more apt to be incarcerated, LGBT, and 'doing bad things'). The weight of 'either way, your choice' theme of Disney and the rest of the media, combined with the 'make all kids equally proud of their sexuality' that kids are being fed at school – is transforming ever more of US youth into LGBTs. This is a gigantic proof that sexual tastes are not 'fixed.' The dangerous dimming of heterosexuality and increase in homosexuality – which I predicted in 1978 would be the consequence of treating homosexuality and heterosexuality as equal1 – is all too evident in these Tables.
The proportion of kids who participated in homosexuality tended higher in the large cities (Table 1). This fits with LGBTs living more frequently in urban areas.

Identity is a different than 'what have you done?' It concerns a 'state of mind.' You can say you're a heterosexual (and maybe believe it), but if all you lust after, , or have sex with is members of your sex, you're an LGBT. And when it comes to something that just about everyone thought was 'crazy' 20 years ago – namely believing you ARE the opposite sex – that does seem to be 'all in your mind.' As dramatic the increase in homosexuality might be, transsexualism is astoundingly UP in Table 2. 2019 results are soon due. We soon will find out whether the LGBT-inspired transformation of the nation's youth continues at the same pace.

The German Bishops' "both" forms of "sexual predisposition" "cannot ... be changed..." does not fit this solid evidence of rapid adoption of homosexuality supplanting the otherwise adoption of heterosexuality by US teenagers. What is the motivation of these Bishops to encourage the LGBT cultists? Surely not to accelerate demographic decline or increase LGBs' choice of sexual partners?
That the Bishops would treat something as malleable as sexual taste as 'fixed' is stunning. True, once a person has engaged in one kind of sex for some time, taste 'ruts' form. Can those ruts be filled-in in some way? Certainly so for some, and more predictably for women. During WWII, perhaps the most successful program at changing homosexual taste was run by German commander Rudolf Hoss. He told gays coming into his camp that if they didn't stop it to such a degree that they convinced him they were done with it, they'd never get out." Hoss did not keep specific records of 'conversion,' but said by far the bulk were able to leave. His 'treatment' compares favorably with any other treatment for homosexuality (or drug use) – of course it occurred in a maximally motivating situation. We also know that female 'swingers' often develop bisexual desires – of course, they have already 'transgressed' exclusive heterosexuality by sharing their husbands in sex.
Today, with organized homosexuality and support for homosexuals from almost every quarter, people have to be self-motivated to want to abandon homosexuality. The cure rate of 'most who came for treatment' by Masters and Johnson in the 1960s-70s are no longer apt to be valid (if ever – clinical claims seldom match actual cure rates). As Hoss' 'experiment' proved – with sufficient motivation, even the most 'hooked' can often stop. From the records FRI's been keeping about famous 'therapeutic successes' since the 1980s, it appears that only a modest fraction of those coming for 'therapy' (where they walk in the door and can walk out at any time), end up breaking free of their LGB friends and sexual habits.
The US is in deep sexual trouble – its High School students are not only adopting homosexuality, but they are 'going gay.' Society can survive only a limited number of LGBTs before its roof collapses. Shame on these German Bishops for supporting the LGBT movement.
© Paul Cameron
January 25, 2020
German Roman Catholic Bishops rocked Christendom with
"the sexual preference of humans is expressed in puberty and assumes a hetero- or homosexual orientation. Both are normal forms of sexual predisposition that cannot or should not be changed by any specific socialization." (12/4/19)
To view the Bishops' statement as radical is to put it mildly. Why did the Didache or Barnabas the Apostle (ca. 74) warn 'thou shalt not corrupt boys' if sexual desire is fixed? Many Christian fathers warned that homosexuality was contagious and dangerous – a frightfully addictive vice. Did they wrongly assume homosexual sexual tastes would be hard to control once engaged in?
A case study in how children can be homosexually corrupted by instruction and media, is on-going among US high school students. Examine these key findings from www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs – surveys that include about 2 million High School students (Md age ~15) displayed in Tables 1 and 2. The differences between the Tables 'make sense' if kids 'ponder it, try it, try to decide' (Table 2) after the kinds of experiences they've had (Table 1). Human sexual preferences are a complex function of scripting (from what they see at home, in the media + school + odd events) and experiences (as being seduced, having a bad [or great] sexual experience, trying something, having been told about something, etc.).
There are 3 layers of evidence in Table 1: a national estimate (started in 2015) and data from 43 states and 21 large urban school districts (started in the early 1990s). These are students' responses to questions (about 32% didn't answer; 4% of kids this age aren't in school and more apt to be incarcerated, LGBT, and 'doing bad things'). The weight of 'either way, your choice' theme of Disney and the rest of the media, combined with the 'make all kids equally proud of their sexuality' that kids are being fed at school – is transforming ever more of US youth into LGBTs. This is a gigantic proof that sexual tastes are not 'fixed.' The dangerous dimming of heterosexuality and increase in homosexuality – which I predicted in 1978 would be the consequence of treating homosexuality and heterosexuality as equal1 – is all too evident in these Tables.
The proportion of kids who participated in homosexuality tended higher in the large cities (Table 1). This fits with LGBTs living more frequently in urban areas.

Identity is a different than 'what have you done?' It concerns a 'state of mind.' You can say you're a heterosexual (and maybe believe it), but if all you lust after, , or have sex with is members of your sex, you're an LGBT. And when it comes to something that just about everyone thought was 'crazy' 20 years ago – namely believing you ARE the opposite sex – that does seem to be 'all in your mind.' As dramatic the increase in homosexuality might be, transsexualism is astoundingly UP in Table 2. 2019 results are soon due. We soon will find out whether the LGBT-inspired transformation of the nation's youth continues at the same pace.

The German Bishops' "both" forms of "sexual predisposition" "cannot ... be changed..." does not fit this solid evidence of rapid adoption of homosexuality supplanting the otherwise adoption of heterosexuality by US teenagers. What is the motivation of these Bishops to encourage the LGBT cultists? Surely not to accelerate demographic decline or increase LGBs' choice of sexual partners?
That the Bishops would treat something as malleable as sexual taste as 'fixed' is stunning. True, once a person has engaged in one kind of sex for some time, taste 'ruts' form. Can those ruts be filled-in in some way? Certainly so for some, and more predictably for women. During WWII, perhaps the most successful program at changing homosexual taste was run by German commander Rudolf Hoss. He told gays coming into his camp that if they didn't stop it to such a degree that they convinced him they were done with it, they'd never get out." Hoss did not keep specific records of 'conversion,' but said by far the bulk were able to leave. His 'treatment' compares favorably with any other treatment for homosexuality (or drug use) – of course it occurred in a maximally motivating situation. We also know that female 'swingers' often develop bisexual desires – of course, they have already 'transgressed' exclusive heterosexuality by sharing their husbands in sex.
Today, with organized homosexuality and support for homosexuals from almost every quarter, people have to be self-motivated to want to abandon homosexuality. The cure rate of 'most who came for treatment' by Masters and Johnson in the 1960s-70s are no longer apt to be valid (if ever – clinical claims seldom match actual cure rates). As Hoss' 'experiment' proved – with sufficient motivation, even the most 'hooked' can often stop. From the records FRI's been keeping about famous 'therapeutic successes' since the 1980s, it appears that only a modest fraction of those coming for 'therapy' (where they walk in the door and can walk out at any time), end up breaking free of their LGB friends and sexual habits.
The US is in deep sexual trouble – its High School students are not only adopting homosexuality, but they are 'going gay.' Society can survive only a limited number of LGBTs before its roof collapses. Shame on these German Bishops for supporting the LGBT movement.
© Paul Cameron
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