Gina Miller
Public schools: sexual perversion "good," Christian T-shirt "inappropriate"
By Gina Miller
The godless, communist Left has commandeered the public education system. This is not news to those of us who have paid attention to our society's steady crumble into immoral oblivion. The government-run public school system routinely cranks out undereducated kids while constantly clamoring for more money for "education." It's sickening and scary, because the kids are coming out of school today sorely deficient in basic reading and writing skills, and knowledge of history, math and science, but they are quite proficient in the tenets of leftist indoctrination, like belief in the hoax of man-made global warming, narcissistic "self-esteem," and the embrace of homosexuality as just another legitimate lifestyle.
It is also not news that in the schools, just as in society in general, there is a distinctly anti-Christian bigotry present. We see examples regularly, and another one has occurred in Florida. As reported on Monday at The Blaze:
Earlier this month, Summer Schreiner, a 15-year-old student at Clearlake Middle School in Cocoa, Fla., was told to change her pro-abstinence t-shirt after officials deemed it "inappropriate." The teen acquired the shirt, which read, "Don't drink and park... accidents cause kids," at a Christian conference she recently attended. But the message was apparently too offensive for education officials – so they took action.
"I got through lunch, and on my way back, the assistant principal tells me I need to go to the office and change my shirt," she told WOFL-TV. "I was pretty upset. I thought it was silly. It's not like I was wearing a curse word or something that was promoting violence."
Schreiner got the shirt at "The Silver Ring Thing," an abstinence conference that is held in cities across the nation. During the event, teens pledge to wait until they're married to have sex. In exchange for this promise, they get a silver ring.
With all the filth marketed to kids, from violent video games, to obscene "music," to Hollywood's teen sex films filled with witchcraft, vampirism and other devilish themes, a school in Florida decides a t-shirt from a Christian conference that promotes abstinence is "inappropriate." Yeah. Heaven forbid that school kids should be exposed to the message that sex is meant to be a sacred act reserved for the marriage union, rather than abused as just another soul-destroying, "free toy" to be played with anywhere, anytime with anyone.
As with the rest of the poisoned ideology of the communist Left, truth and reality are turned on their heads in our public schools. While Christianity is regarded as a dangerous, "inappropriate" thing, homosexuality and its various manifestations is considered something to be proudly celebrated.
Look at two states where the militant homosexual movement has waged an aggressive battle for admittance into the public school systems. Massachusetts and California are leading the dark way in forcing the acceptance of in-your-face homosexuality on kids as young as kindergarten-aged. Massachusetts is slightly ahead of California in that it has decreed that "transgenderism" is to be forced on the public schools to the point that boys who "feel like girls" must be allowed to go into the girls' bathrooms and locker rooms and even be permitted to play on girls' sports teams and vice versa for girls. There is also an effort there to abolish the distinctions between male and female.
This is utter insanity.
There is a gut-wrenching report by the pro-family watchdog group MassResistance that outlines the terrible details of this wicked campaign which was launched as result of state legislation back in 2011, the "transgender rights and hate crimes" law. I recommend you read it for a preview of what is coming to a state near you, if we don't stop it.
California is also at the tip of the homosexual spear, having passed state legislation mandating that homosexuality be infused into the public school curriculum and portrayed in a positive light. There is no opt-out for parents who want to shield their children from this immoral, unnatural and unhealthy indoctrination.
The Rescue Your Child website has a list of problems facing California school kids, and these problems are present all across the nation in varying degrees. As they write:
Because of bad laws, lack of pro-family laws, and politically-correct trends, here's what kids are guaranteed to receive in California public schools:
The list includes homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination without parental consent, including off-campus pro-homosexuality counseling; pro-abortion indoctrination, "confidential" abortion referrals and off-campus "counseling" without parental consent, condom and birth control pills indoctrination and distribution without parental consent, with "abstinence-only" education prohibited; anti-God, pro-evolution indoctrination, anti-Christian indoctrination, widespread rejection of religious and moral values; political correctness, dumbed-down academics, and anti-parent sentiments. The website offers solutions to these problems, which mainly include getting your kids the heck out of the festering cesspool of the government-run public schools.
In a world that "celebrates" perversity and castigates Christianity, it is no surprise that we see an eighth grade Christian girl's abstinence message t-shirt earning her a forced shirt change in the degenerate public school system in Florida, while it's perfectly fine for Little Johnny to don his "gay" apparel so that he looks like a girl in Massachusetts public schools.
And the school in Cocoa, Florida is not backing down on its refusal to let the girl wear her abstinence t-shirt, because they claim the shirt violates the school's policy that no clothing may bear a message that has "sexually explicit or oriented wording" or that "infringes on the rights of others." Her shirt did none of that, but it doesn't appear that these school officials are concerned with truth. The bottom line is that the message is rooted in Christian truth, and that is a grand offense in our degenerate culture today.
© Gina Miller
February 26, 2013
The godless, communist Left has commandeered the public education system. This is not news to those of us who have paid attention to our society's steady crumble into immoral oblivion. The government-run public school system routinely cranks out undereducated kids while constantly clamoring for more money for "education." It's sickening and scary, because the kids are coming out of school today sorely deficient in basic reading and writing skills, and knowledge of history, math and science, but they are quite proficient in the tenets of leftist indoctrination, like belief in the hoax of man-made global warming, narcissistic "self-esteem," and the embrace of homosexuality as just another legitimate lifestyle.
It is also not news that in the schools, just as in society in general, there is a distinctly anti-Christian bigotry present. We see examples regularly, and another one has occurred in Florida. As reported on Monday at The Blaze:
Earlier this month, Summer Schreiner, a 15-year-old student at Clearlake Middle School in Cocoa, Fla., was told to change her pro-abstinence t-shirt after officials deemed it "inappropriate." The teen acquired the shirt, which read, "Don't drink and park... accidents cause kids," at a Christian conference she recently attended. But the message was apparently too offensive for education officials – so they took action.
"I got through lunch, and on my way back, the assistant principal tells me I need to go to the office and change my shirt," she told WOFL-TV. "I was pretty upset. I thought it was silly. It's not like I was wearing a curse word or something that was promoting violence."
Schreiner got the shirt at "The Silver Ring Thing," an abstinence conference that is held in cities across the nation. During the event, teens pledge to wait until they're married to have sex. In exchange for this promise, they get a silver ring.
With all the filth marketed to kids, from violent video games, to obscene "music," to Hollywood's teen sex films filled with witchcraft, vampirism and other devilish themes, a school in Florida decides a t-shirt from a Christian conference that promotes abstinence is "inappropriate." Yeah. Heaven forbid that school kids should be exposed to the message that sex is meant to be a sacred act reserved for the marriage union, rather than abused as just another soul-destroying, "free toy" to be played with anywhere, anytime with anyone.
As with the rest of the poisoned ideology of the communist Left, truth and reality are turned on their heads in our public schools. While Christianity is regarded as a dangerous, "inappropriate" thing, homosexuality and its various manifestations is considered something to be proudly celebrated.
Look at two states where the militant homosexual movement has waged an aggressive battle for admittance into the public school systems. Massachusetts and California are leading the dark way in forcing the acceptance of in-your-face homosexuality on kids as young as kindergarten-aged. Massachusetts is slightly ahead of California in that it has decreed that "transgenderism" is to be forced on the public schools to the point that boys who "feel like girls" must be allowed to go into the girls' bathrooms and locker rooms and even be permitted to play on girls' sports teams and vice versa for girls. There is also an effort there to abolish the distinctions between male and female.
This is utter insanity.
There is a gut-wrenching report by the pro-family watchdog group MassResistance that outlines the terrible details of this wicked campaign which was launched as result of state legislation back in 2011, the "transgender rights and hate crimes" law. I recommend you read it for a preview of what is coming to a state near you, if we don't stop it.
California is also at the tip of the homosexual spear, having passed state legislation mandating that homosexuality be infused into the public school curriculum and portrayed in a positive light. There is no opt-out for parents who want to shield their children from this immoral, unnatural and unhealthy indoctrination.
The Rescue Your Child website has a list of problems facing California school kids, and these problems are present all across the nation in varying degrees. As they write:
Because of bad laws, lack of pro-family laws, and politically-correct trends, here's what kids are guaranteed to receive in California public schools:
The list includes homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination without parental consent, including off-campus pro-homosexuality counseling; pro-abortion indoctrination, "confidential" abortion referrals and off-campus "counseling" without parental consent, condom and birth control pills indoctrination and distribution without parental consent, with "abstinence-only" education prohibited; anti-God, pro-evolution indoctrination, anti-Christian indoctrination, widespread rejection of religious and moral values; political correctness, dumbed-down academics, and anti-parent sentiments. The website offers solutions to these problems, which mainly include getting your kids the heck out of the festering cesspool of the government-run public schools.
In a world that "celebrates" perversity and castigates Christianity, it is no surprise that we see an eighth grade Christian girl's abstinence message t-shirt earning her a forced shirt change in the degenerate public school system in Florida, while it's perfectly fine for Little Johnny to don his "gay" apparel so that he looks like a girl in Massachusetts public schools.
And the school in Cocoa, Florida is not backing down on its refusal to let the girl wear her abstinence t-shirt, because they claim the shirt violates the school's policy that no clothing may bear a message that has "sexually explicit or oriented wording" or that "infringes on the rights of others." Her shirt did none of that, but it doesn't appear that these school officials are concerned with truth. The bottom line is that the message is rooted in Christian truth, and that is a grand offense in our degenerate culture today.
© Gina Miller
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