Gina Miller
All that truly matters
By Gina Miller
April 5, 2020

Many of us have imagined how the communists (or whatever you want to call the enemies of God, truth, and freedom) might defeat the United States and destroy our liberty and economy. It's likely that few of us imagined the defeat would be self-imposed like this, or that the threat of a Chinese flu-like virus would be whipped up by leftist media-driven hysteria and panic to the point that our nation's leaders would despotically shut down our country in the name of so-called "safety."

From the start of this nightmarish ordeal, I have not trusted the reporting on the Chinese virus. I have doubted the numbers out of China and Italy and even California and New York. I've had many questions about how there are suddenly accurate diagnoses of this "novel" coronavirus (especially in communist and socialist countries) and instant assertions that all these people are unquestionably dying of it. I don't doubt that people have died of it, but most of the dead reportedly already had other grave health conditions. We don't know how many have truly died of the virus, rather than simply with the virus, or how much false reporting there is. There are many more questions than these surrounding the sketchy facts of this disease.

Regardless, we are now at the mercy of a response being imposed on us that is based on hysterical panic and fictional projection models, a one-size-fits-all approach that is emblematic of communist regimes, not a free republic of independent states. Rather than bravely pursue simple herd immunity, we are willing to destroy countless lives, businesses, life and retirement savings, and more for the elusive hope of "safety." Does anyone imagine we can wait this thing out "safe distancing" in our homes? That's nonsense! Our nation cannot sustain this shutdown!

And the despotism is getting worse by the day, with states setting up "snitch" hotlines and imposing criminal charges on businesses and individuals who disobey their Orwellian "safety" dictates, while they also free felons from prison to "protect" them! All this for a virus that, so far, seems to be deadly for a fraction of one percent of people who contract it, the majority of whom already have other serious health problems. Our nation's response is insane. It's national suicide. And the despots in power will not easily relinquish this unconstitutional control of the people they're achieving.

Added to this is the coming flood of fiat cash from the Fed and Washington that sets up the nation for potential hyperinflation. The economy and so much more are in serious danger of destruction, and who can say when this psycho shutdown will end? Whatever the outcome, our nation will not be what it was, and I have no doubt that very dark days are headed our way.

While some of us may believe this is all very avoidable, those of us who are Bible-believing-and-studying Christians know that it's not. Even though I have been extremely angry at this tyrannical response and the lunatic crushing of our freedoms and nation in the name of "safety," I still know that Jesus told us these kinds of things – and even worse – must come to pass before His return on the last day. God has shown immense grace, patience, and mercy to our nation, which is deeply drenched in the innocent blood of millions of murdered pre-born babies, and is drowning in sin, perverse rebellion, and spiritual corruption.

Some people say that all of this will end, and everything will go back to normal, and the economy and stock market will come roaring back. That would be excellent, but I'm not expecting it. Our nation is ripe for destruction, and we're starting to see how our freedom ends. We're starting to see things we have enjoyed all our lives possibly being stripped away without return. Yes, it's possible that we could lose so much more than we yet believe during this outrageous reordering of our system.

I said all that to say this: There is one thing that truly matters, only one. And it applies to every one of us in the world. We are all hopelessly lost and headed for eternal death, because of the sin we have committed against the God of all creation, to Whom we are fully accountable for breaking His law. Regardless of whether we believe this or not, it remains the truth. It's also true that we are powerless to redeem ourselves, to make up for our sin or to even stop sinning. It's impossible as we stand lost, because we are slaves to sin.

The good news is that there is a way we can be freed from the bondage of sin, saved from death and given eternal life. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to willingly take on human form, live a sinless life, and then give His life as a ransom for anyone who will believe in Him. Jesus, Who is God, has done the impossible. He has defeated death. It is because of our sin that we die physically, but since Jesus had no sin, death had no legal claim on Him, and the grave could not hold Him. He rose from the dead on the third day after He gave His life for us – VICTORIOUS!

Jesus repaired the bridge between God and man that Adam broke in the Garden. He stands today knocking on the door of our hearts with great kindness, patiently giving us chance after chance to turn to Him and be saved. All that truly matters in this world is that you believe in Jesus and be saved. He is the only way to God. There is no other.

Answers to every question you may have in this dark time are found in God's Word to us, the Bible, which is no ordinary book. It is alive and powerful. Ask God to open your understanding of it as you honestly seek Him, and He will. He gives life, peace, true knowledge and wisdom, comfort, and all good things that are.

© Gina Miller


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