Gina Miller
President Trump and the blessed reprieve
By Gina Miller
[Before I begin, to our Rush Limbaugh, let me join countless millions of others in expressing my heart-crushing sadness over hearing you tell us of your cancer diagnosis. It cannot be overstated how dearly you are loved and how fervently we are praying to the Lord for a healing miracle for you, as well as strength, comfort and peace for you and Kathryn. We need you, and we love you.]
Describing it as disgusting does not quite capture the evil, upside-down situation we've watched in our nation since before President Trump was elected. The Democrat power structure, which includes more than a few so-called "Republicans" like Mitt Romney, has incessantly accused President Trump of the very things done by members of the previous administration. Those of us with understanding and eyes to see know this.
We know, relatively speaking, that President Trump is perhaps the most innocent man in Washington, which makes this insane frenzy of false accusations against him even more outrageous. That these despotic lunatics have gone so far as to impeach him – over nothing! – is an unspeakable act of treachery like we haven't seen in our nation. Thankfully, the impeachment sham was ended on January 5th, although we know the communist subversives who've been running this not-so-silent coup will continue with another iteration of it.
It's infuriating and exhausting to watch the communists in the media and Congress boldly and proudly lie about President Trump and those of us who support him. No, he has not broken any laws or committed any impeachable offenses. Nor are those of us who support him ignorant, racist rubes, as the lying media would have you believe. It has been nightmarish watching these enemies of America try to undo the 2016 presidential election, although at the same time, it has been a great blessing.
Since 2010, I've written numerous columns warning of the dangers to our freedoms and the foundation of our representative Republic posed by the schemes of the communist Left. You can call them Democrats, "progressives," socialists, whatever you like, but I call them communists, and they stand against the goodness and freedom that the United States represents. Many times I have written that we should pray that God grants our nation an undeserved reprieve from the tyranny that is clearly headed our way. The Lord, in His great mercy, granted us that reprieve in causing Donald Trump to win the election, despite whatever election fraud schemes the Democrats may have tried.
Those of us who are Christians know there is nothing perfect in our lost and broken world, no perfect leader, but President Trump is a bright spot in the dark net of tyranny that is coalescing over the world. He is an answer to many prayers. He loves this nation and its people. He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises and is doing so quite well, considering the ridiculous opposition to him in Congress and the federal courts.
We may have disagreements on some policies, like a two-state "solution" in Israel. There can be no such thing. All that land belongs to Israel – forever. There is no such country as "Palestine," and there never will be, not in truth. We also may not approve of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which is an assault on our national sovereignty. Among a number of bad items in the over 2400-page agreement, it promotes the communist United Nations "climate change" schemes. It also imposes special protections for homosexual activists and gender rebels, at the expense of the true freedoms of others. Despite the very few policy disagreements, I firmly believe that President Trump is a great blessing, a reprieve on the road to tyranny, and I thank God for him.
With Donald Trump's presidency, God has caused the side of darkness to expose itself like never before in our nation. President Trump threatens the stranglehold on power of the entrenched "swamp" in Washington, and those people are manic in their hatred of this fact. The commies in positions of power and influence – who hate God and His people, who hate the United States and its God-blessed foundation, who hate real freedom, truth and reason – have cast off any pretense of objectivity. In their desperation to stop President Trump, they no longer care that they're showing everyone their true faces of despotism. At this point, anyone with just one eye even half-open should be able to easily see the demented, hate-drenched minds of the leftist power mongers in Washington, the media, Hollywood, academia and anywhere else they lie.
In our nation, the spiritual battle lines are now being made plain in the physical world, so everyone has yet another chance to choose right over wrong, freedom over despotism, heaven over hell. I have no doubt that the Lord, in His great patience with us, is causing the deranged people of the communist Left to be easily seen by all those who may not have previously paid much attention to politics and the cultural rot going on around them. As a famous comedian might say, here's your sign!
There is now no ambiguity on where leftists stand. They support legalized murder of babies, even after birth, calling it "choice." They support lawlessness in illegal immigration and dangerous "sanctuary" cities and states. They support militant sexual depravity being imposed on our school children and used as a weapon of lawfare to rob the freedoms and livelihoods of people of conscience who oppose its normalization in our society. They support economic policies of socialism/communism that would impoverish our nation and its citizens, destroy our health care and health insurance systems and more. And, of course, they want the God of all creation and His Son Jesus to be expelled from our nation.
President Trump is the blessed reprieve that we prayed to see, as our nation moves toward the inevitable last darkest days of the world. Here's a respite from the tyranny that is certainly headed our way, because once he is out of office, there will come a time when the satanically-inspired communists solidify their power, and it won't be taken from them until Jesus returns. Terrible policies like the "Green New Deal," and much worse, will become law, and our freedoms and prosperity will vanish.
So, let us continue to lift up President Trump and his family in our prayers, giving thanks for the time of his presidency that the Lord has given us, this blessed reprieve that, despite the incessant screeching and wailing of hell's harpies, has been such a wonderful, bigly winning treat.
© Gina Miller
February 7, 2020
[Before I begin, to our Rush Limbaugh, let me join countless millions of others in expressing my heart-crushing sadness over hearing you tell us of your cancer diagnosis. It cannot be overstated how dearly you are loved and how fervently we are praying to the Lord for a healing miracle for you, as well as strength, comfort and peace for you and Kathryn. We need you, and we love you.]
Describing it as disgusting does not quite capture the evil, upside-down situation we've watched in our nation since before President Trump was elected. The Democrat power structure, which includes more than a few so-called "Republicans" like Mitt Romney, has incessantly accused President Trump of the very things done by members of the previous administration. Those of us with understanding and eyes to see know this.
We know, relatively speaking, that President Trump is perhaps the most innocent man in Washington, which makes this insane frenzy of false accusations against him even more outrageous. That these despotic lunatics have gone so far as to impeach him – over nothing! – is an unspeakable act of treachery like we haven't seen in our nation. Thankfully, the impeachment sham was ended on January 5th, although we know the communist subversives who've been running this not-so-silent coup will continue with another iteration of it.
It's infuriating and exhausting to watch the communists in the media and Congress boldly and proudly lie about President Trump and those of us who support him. No, he has not broken any laws or committed any impeachable offenses. Nor are those of us who support him ignorant, racist rubes, as the lying media would have you believe. It has been nightmarish watching these enemies of America try to undo the 2016 presidential election, although at the same time, it has been a great blessing.
Since 2010, I've written numerous columns warning of the dangers to our freedoms and the foundation of our representative Republic posed by the schemes of the communist Left. You can call them Democrats, "progressives," socialists, whatever you like, but I call them communists, and they stand against the goodness and freedom that the United States represents. Many times I have written that we should pray that God grants our nation an undeserved reprieve from the tyranny that is clearly headed our way. The Lord, in His great mercy, granted us that reprieve in causing Donald Trump to win the election, despite whatever election fraud schemes the Democrats may have tried.
Those of us who are Christians know there is nothing perfect in our lost and broken world, no perfect leader, but President Trump is a bright spot in the dark net of tyranny that is coalescing over the world. He is an answer to many prayers. He loves this nation and its people. He is trying to fulfill his campaign promises and is doing so quite well, considering the ridiculous opposition to him in Congress and the federal courts.
We may have disagreements on some policies, like a two-state "solution" in Israel. There can be no such thing. All that land belongs to Israel – forever. There is no such country as "Palestine," and there never will be, not in truth. We also may not approve of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which is an assault on our national sovereignty. Among a number of bad items in the over 2400-page agreement, it promotes the communist United Nations "climate change" schemes. It also imposes special protections for homosexual activists and gender rebels, at the expense of the true freedoms of others. Despite the very few policy disagreements, I firmly believe that President Trump is a great blessing, a reprieve on the road to tyranny, and I thank God for him.
With Donald Trump's presidency, God has caused the side of darkness to expose itself like never before in our nation. President Trump threatens the stranglehold on power of the entrenched "swamp" in Washington, and those people are manic in their hatred of this fact. The commies in positions of power and influence – who hate God and His people, who hate the United States and its God-blessed foundation, who hate real freedom, truth and reason – have cast off any pretense of objectivity. In their desperation to stop President Trump, they no longer care that they're showing everyone their true faces of despotism. At this point, anyone with just one eye even half-open should be able to easily see the demented, hate-drenched minds of the leftist power mongers in Washington, the media, Hollywood, academia and anywhere else they lie.
In our nation, the spiritual battle lines are now being made plain in the physical world, so everyone has yet another chance to choose right over wrong, freedom over despotism, heaven over hell. I have no doubt that the Lord, in His great patience with us, is causing the deranged people of the communist Left to be easily seen by all those who may not have previously paid much attention to politics and the cultural rot going on around them. As a famous comedian might say, here's your sign!
There is now no ambiguity on where leftists stand. They support legalized murder of babies, even after birth, calling it "choice." They support lawlessness in illegal immigration and dangerous "sanctuary" cities and states. They support militant sexual depravity being imposed on our school children and used as a weapon of lawfare to rob the freedoms and livelihoods of people of conscience who oppose its normalization in our society. They support economic policies of socialism/communism that would impoverish our nation and its citizens, destroy our health care and health insurance systems and more. And, of course, they want the God of all creation and His Son Jesus to be expelled from our nation.
President Trump is the blessed reprieve that we prayed to see, as our nation moves toward the inevitable last darkest days of the world. Here's a respite from the tyranny that is certainly headed our way, because once he is out of office, there will come a time when the satanically-inspired communists solidify their power, and it won't be taken from them until Jesus returns. Terrible policies like the "Green New Deal," and much worse, will become law, and our freedoms and prosperity will vanish.
So, let us continue to lift up President Trump and his family in our prayers, giving thanks for the time of his presidency that the Lord has given us, this blessed reprieve that, despite the incessant screeching and wailing of hell's harpies, has been such a wonderful, bigly winning treat.
© Gina Miller
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