Louie Verrecchio column
Louie Verrecchio is a traditional Catholic writer and speaker. He blogs at akaCatholic.com

Of patriarchs and pansies: The war against manliness
Louie Verrecchio
June 7, 2023

An assault against masculinity is well underway. Take a look around, its effects are obvious, going well beyond the drag queens and the fairies that litter the . . .

Dodgers Pride Night: Catholics strike out looking
Louie Verrecchio
May 25, 2023

On Monday, the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team announced that it has re-invited the homo-militant group known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – a . . .

Consensual sex with minors: Does Fr. Martin approve?
Louie Verrecchio
April 20, 2023

Does Fr. James Martin approve of lowering the age of consent? Does he support the effort to effectively normalize adults having sex with minors? Over the . . .

Leaked FBI Document on Catholics: More than meets the eye
Louie Verrecchio
February 13, 2023

The big Catholic news story of late concerns a leaked internal FBI document targeting traditional Catholics. The document, which originated in the FBI’s . . .

UK MP suspended for Holocaust, Inc., trademark violation
Louie Verrecchio
January 14, 2023

British Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen, recently dove headfirst into international hot water via the following tweet concerning the COVID vaccine:  . . .

The transhumanist threat: Real or imagined?
Louie Verrecchio
December 15, 2022

The Great Reset. Transhumanism. The New World Order. Prophesies warning about this terrifying triumvirate of totalitarianism abound, but what are we to make . . .

Donald J. Trump: A man on bended knee
Louie Verrecchio
November 7, 2022

In late 2016, then President-Elect Donald J. Trump was a man with a years-long reputation as a “vaccine skeptic.” He had also been a vocal critic of . . .

The Epoch Times defends WEF transhumanist agenda
Louie Verrecchio
October 31, 2021

Have you ever taken the time to consider what the “brave new world” that lies just ahead might look like if powerful globalists and technocrats have their . . .

The gender bending war against the creator
Louie Verrecchio
February 6, 2021

And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) “Oh, really?” respond the . . .

MISSING: The seasonal flu
Louie Verrecchio
January 22, 2021

[This article was originally published at www.OperationUnmask.us] Where did the seasonal flu go? According to the anti-science mavens of mandatory masking, . . .

What’s with conservative Catholic election fraud debunkers?
Louie Verrecchio
January 1, 2021

In January of 2019, the LA Rams faced the New Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship game. The winner would move on to the Super Bowl, the loser to a long off . . .

Election 2020: The outcome is certain
Louie Verrecchio
October 26, 2020

As I write, the mainstream media is reporting that polls show Joe Biden with a comfortable lead over Donald Trump in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election. . . .

Good vs evil: Nowhere left for Democrats to hide
Louie Verrecchio
October 20, 2020

Take a good look at the photograph above. What do you see? Most people, I suppose, would say that it appears to show a happy little family at Christmastime  . . .

FACT CHECK: RBG and the age of consent
Louie Verrecchio
September 29, 2020

It is an uncontested fact that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (may her name be blotted out!) championed abortion-on-demand, even going so far as to defend the eminently . . .

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “May her name be blotted out”
Louie Verrecchio
September 23, 2020

On September 18, 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Thus, were the doors opened wide for members of the conciliar church, both lay and clerical, to demonstrate . . .

Tens of thousands of unexpected deaths: CDC silent
Louie Verrecchio
September 17, 2020

On August 29, 2020, the New York Times published an article that should have become headline news the world over. To summarize: The vast majority of . . .

Fatima the movie: A review
Louie Verrecchio
September 10, 2020

Originally slated for release in 2017 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearances in Portugal, the movie simply named, Fatima, is finally . . .

Lockdown in Victoria: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you
Louie Verrecchio
September 7, 2020

If you haven’t been paying attention to the COVID lockdown restrictions being inflicted upon the citizens of Victoria, Australia (largest city, Melbourne), it . . .

How George Floyd “changed the world”
Louie Verrecchio
August 26, 2020

“One of the most important conversations I’ve had this entire campaign,” Joe Biden said in his DNC acceptance speech, “is with someone who is too young . . .

DNC acceptance speech: Joe Biden the Light Bearer
Louie Verrecchio
August 24, 2020

Writing for Religion News Service, reporter Jack Jenkins observed: For years, pundits and political analysts have accused Democrats of having a “God . . .

Profile: The misery-loving leftist
Louie Verrecchio
May 26, 2020

Otherwise known as political liberals, misery-loving leftists are those who, for reasons we will examine below, give every indication of not-so-secretly . . .

The Constitutional Dubium
Louie Verrecchio
September 13, 2017

One of the big stories in the U.S. over the last week or so concerns the confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill for Circuit Court of Appeals judicial nominee Amy . . .

What are we to make of the "Benedict Option"?
Louie Verrecchio
May 4, 2017

The Benedict Option, a book written by Rod Dreher, Senior Editor and blogger at The American Conservative, seems to be getting a fair amount of attention, both . . .

Saul Alinsky's most famous disciple
Louie Verrecchio
February 20, 2017

A message from Pope Francis that was delivered to a regional World Meeting of Popular Movements that took place in the United States from February 16-18 is . . .

The last thing we need is another Scalia
Louie Verrecchio
January 26, 2017

On October 9, 2016, during the second of three presidential debates, the contrast between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was brought into sharper focus . . .

Truth or consequences
Louie Verrecchio
January 24, 2017

On Saturday, January 21, 2017, some half-a-million women marched on Washington, D.C., while countless others did the same in cities across the globe, "to show  . . .

LGBT Pride: Placing blame where it most belongs
Louie Verrecchio
June 18, 2016

As I write, it is June and yet another so-called "LGBT Pride Month" is upon us. Here in the United States, Bill Clinton was the first president to formally . . .

INTERVIEW: Investigative journalist Randy Engel
Louie Verrecchio
January 12, 2016

In recent months, I've had the sincere pleasure of speaking with Randy Engel – one of the nation's top investigative reporters and, as many readers of . . .

The environmentalist paradox
Louie Verrecchio
December 19, 2015

Rorate Caeli recently posted a thought provoking piece by Professor Roberto de Mattei about the laser light show desecration of St. Peter's Basilica that took . . .

EXPOSÉ: Baltimore in LEAD in parish gay activism
Louie Verrecchio
December 10, 2015

According to the infamous list of "gay friendly parishes" published by New Ways Ministry (NWM) – the Consumer Reports of "homo-catholicism" – the . . .

Money, sex and modernism
Louie Verrecchio
October 1, 2015

An article by Italian journalist Maurizio Blondet is making the rounds alleging that Pope Benedict XVI was blackmailed into abdication by forces allied with . . .

Annulment changes: Doctrines falling like dominoes
Louie Verrecchio
September 12, 2015

In response to the changes recently made to the annulment process by Pope Francis, I would suggest that we examine the matter a bit more closely and then take a . . .

If the pope were a liberal Jew
Louie Verrecchio
August 13, 2015

If the pope were a liberal Jew, what would his pontificate look like? I'm being facetious, of course, as everyone knows that the pope, by definition, is . . .

What on earth is Pope Francis doing?
Louie Verrecchio
July 16, 2015

From the laughable notion that recreating the Petrine Office in one's own image and likeness is a mark of "humility," to the dog-and-pony press conference that . . .

Where are the true Princes of Holy Church?
Louie Verrecchio
June 24, 2015

Having learned very well from his predecessor, Pope John Paul the Apologizer, Pope Francis, with zucchetto in hand, groveled before a gathering of Waldensian . . .

The single most important lesson from Laudato Si
Louie Verrecchio
June 21, 2015

In the opening paragraphs of Laudato Si we read: Both [environmental and social damage] are ultimately due to the same evil: the notion that there are no . . .

Pope Francis hates the Catholic faith
Louie Verrecchio
June 11, 2015

From the very earliest moments of his pontificate, hardly a week has passed without Pope Francis, at the very least, causing great confusion among many of the . . .

It all comes back to the Council
Louie Verrecchio
May 6, 2015

During oral arguments at the Supreme Court last week, Justice Samuel Alito asked Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr., who is arguing in support of so . . .

U.S. Bishops: More American than Catholic
Louie Verrecchio
April 9, 2015

R.R. Reno, Editor at First Things, recently penned a blog post, Duck and Cover Catholicism, reacting to the Indiana bishops' weak-kneed statement on their state . . .

Pledge allegiance to the LGBT movement, or else
Louie Verrecchio
April 2, 2015

"I pledge allegiance to the LGBT movement, and do so solemnly swear that I will never fail to uphold my duty to always and everywhere, in public and in private, . . .

Framing substance abuse within the confines of gay politics
Louie Verrecchio
February 3, 2015

On January 20th, Huffington Post published an article, The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think, by Johann Hari. As Mr . . .

The "conservative" dethronement of Christ
Louie Verrecchio
January 17, 2015

Charlie Hebdo, publisher of such vile images as God the Father being sodomized by Our Lord Jesus Christ, is part of His Mystical Body. This according to . . .

Sayonara Charlie
Louie Verrecchio
January 15, 2015

In the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France at the hands of faithful Muslims (otherwise known as terrorists), people the world over have been . . .

LGBT Warriors: Satan's little soldiers
Louie Verrecchio
January 6, 2015

A news story is making the rounds about the tragic death of a seventeen year old boy, Joshua Alcorn, who was struck by a tractor trailer and killed while taking . . .

Pope Francis and the LGBT playbook
Louie Verrecchio
December 12, 2014

About the Synod's treatment of homosexuality, Pope Francis offered in his recent interview with La Nacion: What we did talk about was of how a family with a . . .

The "diminished and distorted" Christ of Pope Francis
Louie Verrecchio
December 5, 2014

In a letter to the Bishops of France, Pope St. Pius X wrote of the Sillon, a socio-political movement that formally existed there from 1894-1910: Their . . .

Heschel's Humanum
Louie Verrecchio
November 27, 2014

I recently returned home from Portland, OR where I had the great pleasure of speaking at an event commemorating Pope St. Pius X, hosted by Fr. Jonathan Loop, . . .

Synodal Ebola: Dr. Weigel to the rescue
Louie Verrecchio
October 16, 2014

Below please find a recent National Review column by George Weigel, The Great Catholic Cave-In that Wasn't. It is precisely what one might expect of this . . .

The Synod's pseudosacral homopoetic prose
Louie Verrecchio
October 15, 2014

In addition to the outright abominations put forth in the Synod's already infamous Midterm Report, there are numerous flowery, and ultimately meaningless, . . .

To Cardinal George: So long, Judas
Louie Verrecchio
October 3, 2014

With the appointment of Blasé Cupich to the Archdiocese of Chicago, so-called "conservatives" are lamenting the departure of Cardinal Francis George as if he's . . .

Cardinal George pops out
Louie Verrecchio
September 9, 2014

A number of friends have been applauding a recent article by Cardinal Francis George entitled, "A tale of two churches;" echoing the review given by Fr. Z who . . .

Iraqi Christians: Embrace martyrdom with joy!
Louie Verrecchio
August 11, 2014

In his Angelus Address on Sunday, August 10th, Pope Francis decried the violence being leveled against Iraqi Christians saying: "The news reports coming from . . .

Top 10 secrets to happiness: Catholic version
Louie Verrecchio
August 6, 2014

In light of Pope Francis' well publicized "Top 10 Secrets to Happiness," I offer the following: 1. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." (Mt 6:33) These . . .

How many "Black Masses" will it take?
Louie Verrecchio
July 10, 2014

Less than two months after a satanic ritual that was set to take place at a Harvard extension school was cancelled, news of another "Black Mass" is making the . . .

Goodbye Fr. Wylie. Thank you, Pope Benedict.
Louie Verrecchio
June 18, 2014

A great deal of attention has been paid of late to the story of Fr. Justin Wylie, a priest of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, South Africa, who was . . .

Defiling the Master's Bride
Louie Verrecchio
June 10, 2014

Pentecost is often called "the birthday of the Church," and to the extent that we understand the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ present and active in . . .

The stench of an Irish rat
Louie Verrecchio
June 5, 2014

A gruesome story out of Tuam, Ireland, about the alleged mistreatment of children at a long-since closed Catholic institution for unwed mothers, is making . . .

Crowning Him with thorns all over again
Louie Verrecchio
May 17, 2014

In the year 1950, the American Jesuit theologian Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J. – the architect of the Declaration on Religious Freedom of Vatican II  . . .

The ecumenical treadmill to nowhere
Louie Verrecchio
May 13, 2014

The optimistic title to a recent Catholic News Service article states, "U.S. priest trusts Christian unity is possible." Highlighted therein is Philadelphia . . .

Another Francis effect: superficiality
Louie Verrecchio
April 1, 2014

Archbishop Wilton Gregory has recently come under fire for what critics have labeled his "extravagance" in planning the construction of a new $2.2 million . . .

Bowing before the source of post-conciliar authority
Louie Verrecchio
March 28, 2014

Earlier this month, an interview with Pope Francis appeared in yet another secular journal; the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera. Just like the Holy Father . . .

A rehab story
Louie Verrecchio
March 18, 2014

Once upon a time there was a man hopelessly addicted to drugs who was making a mess not just of his own life, but of the lives of countless others as well; . . .

A tale of two pontiffs
Louie Verrecchio
February 13, 2014

A year has now passed since Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world by announcing his intention to abdicate the Throne of St. Peter, and what have we learned? In . . .

How do you solve a problem like Francesco?
Louie Verrecchio
January 29, 2014

There's a reason we refer to life in the Church Militant as "mourning and weeping in this valley of tears." No one ever said it would be easy. Although this . . .

New Olympic event: coming out
Louie Verrecchio
January 18, 2014

When I was a kid, there were no "parental control" settings on our family's lone television set. No, the technology didn't exist back then, but even if it had, . . .

No good without the Catholic Church
Louie Verrecchio
January 16, 2014

A young Catholic friend (the product of Franciscan University of Steubenville) recently called my attention to a column that he found interesting by Fr. Robert . . .

There goes the neighborhood
Louie Verrecchio
December 20, 2013

Once upon a time, there was a neighborhood with a very large old house flanked on either side by smaller, newer dwellings. Pete, the owner of the big house, . . .

Cardinal Burke fires warning shots on behalf of tradition
Louie Verrecchio
December 17, 2013

In his recent interview with Raymond Arroyo of EWTN, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke fired two distinctive warning shots directly across the bow of the Good Ship . . .

Fired sportscaster ignites the conversation
Louie Verrecchio
November 20, 2013

"There is no quit. None whatsoever." So says Damian Goddard, the Canadian sports broadcaster and devout Catholic who lost his job simply for sending a Tweet . . .

Bishops: It's time to turn in your man cards
Louie Verrecchio
November 19, 2013

At the conclusion to their Fall Meeting in Baltimore last week, the Bishops of the United States issued a Special Message concerning the HHS mandate that is . . .

Have the wolves taken over?
Louie Verrecchio
November 11, 2013

At his Mass of Coronation, I mean, the inaugural of Pope Benedict XVI, the Holy Father said, "Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves."  . . .

Post-conciliar papacy back on track
Louie Verrecchio
October 28, 2013

In March of 1979, some five months into his papacy, Pope John Paul II issued his first Encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, setting forth the guiding principles that . . .

Portrait of a Restorationist
Louie Verrecchio
October 25, 2013

"Restorationism," broadly speaking, is a protestant movement that seeks to "restore" to Christianity a mythical non-denominational purity, such as it is . . .

Blueprint for the City of Man
Louie Verrecchio
October 23, 2013

Pope Francis continued his assault against the "Pelagians" of traditional Catholicism (Homily, 17 Oct. 2013), returning to a theme introduced shortly after his . . .

Not "conservative" just mistaken
Louie Verrecchio
October 21, 2013

According to a recent article penned for Catholic Online, Deal Hudson no longer wants to be called "a conservative Catholic." The reason? Media outlets are . . .

Serving the poor
Louie Verrecchio
October 17, 2013

I think it's safe to say that Pope Francis has made the so-called "preferential option for the poor" one of the overriding themes, if not the centerpiece, of . . .

Speaking of solemn nonsense
Louie Verrecchio
October 10, 2013

If you wondering why Pope Francis considers the work of actively seeking converts (otherwise known as proselytism) solemn nonsense, the General Audience on . . .

Game on
Louie Verrecchio
October 3, 2013

Having absorbed the bitter reality of yet another revealing papal interview, one that somehow managed to offend Catholic sensibilities even more than the last, . . .

Is Pope Francis a modernist?
Louie Verrecchio
September 26, 2013

I have little doubt that the title to this column pretty much guarantees that the majority of Cotton Candy Catholics won't even bother to read it. You see, for . . .

Pope Francis and Islam: Following papal precedent
Louie Verrecchio
September 19, 2013

According to a report in Vatican Insider, Pope Francis has sent a personal message to the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque, Ahmed Al Tayyeb. According to a . . .

Another response to Eugenio Scalfari
Louie Verrecchio
September 14, 2013

As most readers know, Pope Francis recently sent a letter to journalist Eugenio Scalfari in response to questions he had posed in articles that were published . . .

Pontifex Humilis Maximus
Louie Verrecchio
September 5, 2013

Pope Francis' down-to-earth style has been stirring debate from the moment he stood on the balcony at St. Peter's, bowed his head, and asked the faithful for . . .

Scrupulosity projected
Louie Verrecchio
August 27, 2013

Scrupulosity: A condition wherein an individual tends toward an obsessive conviction that they are guilty of a given sin even after receiving valid absolution . . .

The Catholic institutional collapse
Louie Verrecchio
August 23, 2013

Dr. Ralph Martin's recent article in the theological journal Nova etVetera, The Post-Christendom Sacramental Crisis: The Wisdom of Thomas Aquinas, has garnered . . .

The thread from which Summorum Pontificum hangs
Louie Verrecchio
August 8, 2013

On August 6th, Andrea Tornielli of "Vatican Insider" published an interview with Fr. Alessandro Apollonio, the Procurator General of the Franciscan Friars of . . .

Malaysian Muslims welcome Papal Nuncio
Louie Verrecchio
July 16, 2013

According to Catholic World News, Muslim activists have petitioned the Malaysian government to expel Archbishop Joseph Marino, the recently arrived and first . . .

Revolting against the king
Louie Verrecchio
July 4, 2013

As I write, on this the eve of the Fourth of July, which here in the United States is known and celebrated as Independence Day, freedom and revolution are well . . .

Ecumenism Today: An ecclesial identity crisis
Louie Verrecchio
June 14, 2013

Pope Francis welcomed recently appointed Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to the Holy See today for their first face-to-face encounter.  . . .

Let freedom ring? Let Jesus reign!
Louie Verrecchio
June 5, 2013

Flipping around the radio dial a few weeks ago, I made a 90 second pit stop on Mark Levin's program, about as long as I can stand most conservative talking . . .

Kermit Gosnell and the death penalty
Louie Verrecchio
May 18, 2013

Imagine the scene in the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives as the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee calls the meeting to order with three decisive . . .

Shaded perceptions of the rose-colored kind
Louie Verrecchio
May 8, 2013

The first step in solving any problem is admitting that you have one. In his 1988 Apostolic Letter marking the 25th anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, . . .

Mass of Christian Burial: Ecclesial crisis on display
Louie Verrecchio
April 24, 2013

Make no mistake about it: The Church in our day is in the midst of a terrible, and in many ways unprecedented, crisis of faith. This objective reality, however, . . .

Timid men
Louie Verrecchio
April 17, 2013

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." – Thomas Jefferson A recent video by Fr. Robert Barron, "Gay Marriage and . . .

The Council's use of phenomenology
Louie Verrecchio
April 11, 2013

Recently, I've been reading about the phenomenological method employed by the Council Fathers of Vatican II, as elucidated by Dr. Paul Zarowny in a review of . . .

An inheritance stolen
Louie Verrecchio
March 25, 2013

On February 10, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his intention to renounce the papacy due to his waning strength in the face of a world "subject to so many . . .

A new pontificate dawning
Louie Verrecchio
March 21, 2013

"Habemus Papam." Ever since those words were spoken by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran on March 13th, the media has been abuzz with stories and prognostications . . .

Worshiping at the altar of human dignity
Louie Verrecchio
March 7, 2013

Our first parents, endowed with every good gift and living in friendship with the benevolent Creator, yielded to the temptation to assert an autonomy that was . . .

Gender-bending child abuse
Louie Verrecchio
February 28, 2013

On February 26, 2013, the Denver Post ran an article that contained the following: Colorado parents of transgender 1st-grader file complaint over restroom . . .

Spiritual warfare and the pope's resignation
Louie Verrecchio
February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI has tendered his resignation effective 28 February, 2013. In making this stunning announcement before the College of Cardinals, the Holy . . .

Fr. Ratzinger's vision and the Pontificate of Paul VI
Louie Verrecchio
January 24, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI (more accurately, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) is often quoted as saying that he envisions a day when there will be a "smaller, more faithful Church. . . .

Catholicism clarified
Louie Verrecchio
January 17, 2013

Through his extremely popular "Catholicism" video series, Fr. Robert Barron is imparting a wealth of information and insight on the Catholic faith and the . . .

A "New Pentecost" dawning?
Louie Verrecchio
January 11, 2013

A peculiar thing happened on the way to the present day from Pentecost; the Church suddenly stopped calling the Jews to conversion. Sure, if we're honest, we . . .

Are traditionalists guilty of heresy?
Louie Verrecchio
December 20, 2012

The Year of Faith is in full swing, a year during which the Holy Father is encouraging the faithful to undertake an exploration of the Council documents with . . .

How the west was really won
Louie Verrecchio
December 12, 2012

On December 9, 1531, a poor and humble man from a remote village, some fourteen miles outside of present-day Mexico City, had a miraculous encounter with a . . .

A trifecta of dishonesty
Louie Verrecchio
November 30, 2012

In the words of Billy Joel's 1979 hit ballad, Honesty, "Honesty is such a lonely word; everyone is so untrue." How much more true do those words ring today, . . .

Election 2012: A Church gone astray
Louie Verrecchio
November 15, 2012

In the days following last week's U.S. presidential election, a staggering amount of analysis has been focused on Republican messaging, demographics and core . . .

The Church of Martha Martha
Louie Verrecchio
November 2, 2012

Much is said these days about the "new evangelization," so much so that one wonders what on earth was so wrong with the original. Well, if you ask Belgian . . .

Celebrating Vatican II
Louie Verrecchio
October 16, 2012

In response to the Holy Father's wishes for this Year of Faith, plans are being made in parishes and dioceses all over the world to "celebrate" Vatican II in . . .

Respect for Islam a disservice to peace
Louie Verrecchio
September 21, 2012

Following the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, most news . . .

The prickly Catholic vote
Louie Verrecchio
September 14, 2012

In the days immediately following Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, the Catholic blogosphere was all abuzz with excitement, but it was . . .

The American homosexualist movement
Louie Verrecchio
September 6, 2012

Please forgive me for waxing apocalyptic, but lately I've been thinking an awful lot about the end times prophecy that speaks of how those who refuse to worship . . .

Cardinal Dolan: Bewildering no more
Louie Verrecchio
August 28, 2012

In light of the now well-publicized Al Smith Dinner, a number of Catholic commentators, me included, were moved to question Cardinal Dolan's resolve relative to . . .

What is social justice?
Louie Verrecchio
August 23, 2012

According to the Compendium issued by the Holy See in 2004, "the primary and fundamental" core principles of Catholic social doctrine are "the dignity of the . . .

Cardinal Dolan's endgame
Louie Verrecchio
August 12, 2012

My most recent column, "In Defense of Cardinal Dolan," generated quite a bit of feedback. Some readers were convinced that it reflected a sense of false hope . . .

In defense of Cardinal Dolan
Louie Verrecchio
August 7, 2012

Chances are you've already caught wind of the firestorm that is brewing around the annual Al Smith Dinner. For those unfamiliar, the entire controversy is based . . .

In search of conciliar clarity
Louie Verrecchio
July 26, 2012

As a writer and speaker who frequently addresses topics related to the Second Vatican Council, I read with great interest Archbishop Gerhard Muller's recent . . .

Unhappy anniversaries
Louie Verrecchio
July 21, 2012

Unbeknownst to many, July 21, 2012 marks the 45th anniversary of an event that has severely and negatively impacted the life of every single Catholic on the . . .

Liberation theology: two prefects, two views
Louie Verrecchio
July 12, 2012

If you're not familiar with "liberation theology," chances are you'll be hearing more about it in the weeks and months ahead as Archbishop Gerhard Mueller, the . . .

Patron saints of the Constitution?
Louie Verrecchio
June 28, 2012

Saints Thomas More and John Fisher are being invoked with increasing regularity these days as models of inspiration in the battle to protect religious liberty . . .

Gut check for freedom
Louie Verrecchio
June 13, 2012

On June 21st, dioceses across the United States will kick-off the "Fortnight for Freedom" during which "a great national campaign of teaching and witness for . . .

Vegan quits day job at slaughterhouse
Louie Verrecchio
June 6, 2012

LifeSite News recently reported that "the Democratic Party is already losing seats to Republicans, as a growing number of elected officials are changing parties . . .

The oldest trick in the Good Book
Louie Verrecchio
June 1, 2012

The cover of Newsweek recently hailed Barack Obama as "the first gay president" after he formally announced his support for same-sex "marriage," and this just . . .

Bullying: A pseudo crisis of convenience
Louie Verrecchio
May 16, 2012

According to the late "humanist" sex-educator, Dr. Sol Gordon, "The traditional family, with all its supposed attributes, enslaved woman; it reduced her to a . . .

SSPX: An insider interview
Louie Verrecchio
April 22, 2012

In an effort to dispel some of the misinformation surrounding the negotiations between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X, it is with pleasure that I . . .

Is SSPX homecoming imminent?
Louie Verrecchio
April 11, 2012

The doctrinal discussions between the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Holy See — which commenced in 2009 to study such matters as the concept of . . .

Lift high the Cross!
Louie Verrecchio
April 3, 2012

Holy Week is upon us. Our Lenten journey through the desert of earthly detachment and repentance is not as yet complete, but we have arrived at a moment in time . . .

The church's mission: apostolic or political?
Louie Verrecchio
March 15, 2012

In a recent column at CatholicCulture.org, Phil Lawler criticized the bishops of the United States for issuing statements on "too many debatable political . . .

George Weigel's mission impossible
Louie Verrecchio
March 8, 2012

Even if you don't agree with him, you have to admire George Weigel's moxie. It can't be easy serving as the spokesperson for a "conservative" Catholic . . .

The social Kingship of Christ
Louie Verrecchio
February 28, 2012

In the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Lent in the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass, Jesus proclaims, "The Kingdom of God is at hand," but what does that mean? . . .

History lessons embarrassing yet valuable
Louie Verrecchio
February 16, 2012

When asked to comment on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' rejection of the so-called HHS "accommodation," White House Press Secretary, Jay . . .

Catholic news in brief
Louie Verrecchio
February 11, 2012

With so many items of Catholic interest in the news these days, why focus on just one? Here are three that caught my eye. Hope and Changing Scripture When . . .

Just imagine...
Louie Verrecchio
February 3, 2012

Humor me for a moment and just imagine if the following purely fictional (at least as of this writing) HHS press release was issued: Affordable Care Act . . .

Who are we: Americans or Catholics?
Louie Verrecchio
February 2, 2012

The big Catholic news item in the United States these days centers around the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate requiring nearly all . . .

Was John Courtney Murray right? A Postscript
Louie Verrecchio
January 25, 2012

After initially intending to complete this series in three parts, it appears that it may be useful totie up any remaining loose ends with an overview of the . . .

The ADL hypocrisy machine
Louie Verrecchio
January 13, 2012

As reported by ABC News, while fielding questions at a campaign event in Windham, NH on January 5th, Rick Santorum was challenged to defend his faith by a voter . . .

L.A.'s latest scandal reveals much
Louie Verrecchio
January 11, 2012

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the largest diocese in the United States, rang in the New Year with some disturbing news: Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala had . . .

Was John Courtney Murray right? (Part 3)
Louie Verrecchio
January 10, 2012

At the conclusion to Part 2, we weighed certain of Murray's arguments in favor of an historically nuanced understanding of the traditional teaching on religious . . .

Was John Courtney Murray right? (Part 2)
Louie Verrecchio
January 8, 2012

Having presented an overview of traditional Church teaching in Part 1, we resume our examination of religious liberty in Part 2 with a look at the John Courtney . . .

Was John Courtney Murray right? (Part 1)
Louie Verrecchio
January 7, 2012

In this 3 part series of articles, we will examine what many Catholics and non-Catholics alike recognize as one of the most profoundly important issues of our . . .

The revised Roman Missal: a Mass of potential
Louie Verrecchio
December 15, 2011

After years of discussion, preparation and anticipation, the new English translation of the Roman Missal — Third Edition was officially implemented in the . . .

The Rosary: A weapon of Mass instruction -- Part 5
Louie Verrecchio
December 8, 2011

We conclude our reflection on the mysteries of the rosary with an examination of The Luminous Mysteries 1. The Baptism of the Lord Then Jesus came from . . .

The Rosary: A weapon of Mass instruction -- Part 4
Louie Verrecchio
November 4, 2011

We continue our reflection on the mysteries of the rosary as a means of entering more deeply into the sacred mysteries made present in Holy Mass with an . . .

Shining the light of truth on anti-Semitism
Louie Verrecchio
October 25, 2011

Anti-Semitism must be exposed by the light of truth so it can be soundly defeated — the operative phrase here being the light of truth, and by this I mean . . .

Needed: Political leaders that serve Christ the King
Louie Verrecchio
October 22, 2011

I recently came across a perennially timely quote by William Penn — the colonial American proponent of democracy and religious freedom who founded . . .

The Rosary: A weapon of Mass instruction -- Part 2
Louie Verrecchio
October 21, 2011

The Joyful Mysteries continued... 3. The Nativity of the Lord And it came to pass that when they were there, Mary's days were accomplished that she should . . .

The Rosary: A weapon of Mass instruction -- Part 3
Louie Verrecchio
October 20, 2011

We continue our reflection on the mysteries of the rosary as a means of entering more deeply into sacred mysteries made present in Holy Mass with an examination . . .

Expressing human dignity via the death penalty
Louie Verrecchio
October 13, 2011

Catholic News Service recently published a story under the rather dogmatic sounding title, "Dead wrong: Catholics must no longer support capital punishment."  . . .

The Rosary: A weapon of Mass instruction -- Part 1
Louie Verrecchio
October 7, 2011

A number of saints have described the rosary as an effective weapon for helping Christians prevail in the spiritual battle that ever rages in our midst. In fact . . .

Turning SSPX defiance into good
Louie Verrecchio
September 23, 2011

Shortly after the first of many meetings between the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in October of 2009, I . . .

The liturgical impact of homosexuality in the priesthood
Louie Verrecchio
August 22, 2011

As debate surrounding the recently published John Jay Report (Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010) . . .

Taking the USCCB bull by the horns
Louie Verrecchio
August 19, 2011

Most reasonable people would agree that tossing a set of car keys to a drunkard is irresponsible even if the inebriated party manages to slur out a solemn . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

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FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Steve A. Stone
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