Johnny D. Symon
A pasquinade of foolishness
By Johnny D. Symon
Having studied law myself, I felt this week the compelling urge to watch the Senate Judiciary's Committee's tête-à-tête with Elena Kagan. I say tête-à-tête because Senator Patrick Leahy's prompt for Kagan to make a vow left me in doubt as to whether that third party, God, was in fact present.
It was the form by which the vow was presented that I had trouble with. I asked myself at that moment the question, "Had King Solomon occupied Patrick Leahy's seat, how would he have opened the discourse?" For you see, Patrick Leahy's standard request, "Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give on this matter, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" to which Elena Kagan replied, "I do," was redundant, because it was based on an assumption, an assumption that Elena Kagan did indeed believe in God. King Solomon's faith could be backed up by his strong knowledge of God's ways and indeed His Commandments. Solomon's wisdom therefore was irrefutable.
I reckon that King Solomon would have opened the meeting through placing the horse before the cart, by asking Elena Kagan, "Do you believe in God? And if so, do you love Him?" Should the reply have been in the affirmative, Solomon would feel free to question Kagan's faith, and her love, for it's clearly written in the Bible that if you love God you'll keep His Commandments. The following question would have been as follows, "Do you believe that the penalty for murder is death?"
Basically Elena Kagan's vow was worthless, and it was prompted from an empty assumption. For me it was yet another example of taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain, the third Commandment, which clearly states, "For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain."
A further troubling factor concerning the vow was the clear absence of a Bible. Nowhere on Kagan's table could I see one.
Primarily Solomon, I believe, would question the content of someone's profession of faith, for the sixth Commandment states, "Thou shalt not murder," at this point Solomon may well have asked, "Do you believe in abortion?" And with the tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, wife, manservant, maidservant, ox, ass, nor anything that is thy neighbors," to this King Solomon might well have asked, "Do you believe in the Laws of Civil Forfeiture?"
For you see, the wisdom of Solomon can be likened to a statement by Elie Wiesel;
"There is a difference between a book of two
hundred pages from the very beginning,
and a book of two hundred pages which is
the result of an original eight hundred pages.
The six hundred are there. Only you don't see them."
That's the difference between King Solomon and The Judicial Committee. Solomon would have wrapped up the whole deal in under two minutes, and correctly gleaned the right answer, and therefore the correct decision.
And so it goes, for without Solomon this week's Judicial Committee thing with Kagan, to me was a waste of space and time, since it was enacted from an empty assumption. Nonetheless, on her closing words Elena Kagan made an assurance, a vow even, " ... I will do all I can to be a trustee of that inheritance." The inheritance being 'this country's historic commitment to the rule of law'.
Empty words indeed, shared, nay offered, by those who went before her. If we cast back two hundred years or so and study America's then "rule of law," and slide that package side by side with today's decomposition, it's readily clear that much has changed, irrespective of Elena Kagan's predecessors assurances and vows. Some ways through those two centuries certain folks have, in a judicial sense, blown their noses on the rule of law as if it were simply a handkerchief, making them and it a tissue of lies. Concertedly with those vow givers they've broken the third Commandment, and for them I've only pity.
You see, if I was asked to explain one common bond that holds Renewamerica.com together — its able operators, and its astounding columnists, — I'd say that together we strive not to take the Lord's name in vain. Furthermore, I have little doubt that most of them would readily and ably explain everything about their faith and love for God. Surely this formula should be the foundation of any Judicial Committee interview ... not about Church and State, rather God and State, of persons and their faithful essence, otherwise the vow is worthless, and the law becomes putty, a malleable victim of ongoing everyday national circumstance.
People that don't value valued judgment, those who ask through "assumption" and answer through it, are for me prime suspects ... I suspect their faith to be transparent ... for assumptions lead to disaster, they instead gather water from the well of their personal views, convinced that the well within them encapsulates the sweet waters of truth. How wrong can they be, for the only legal truth is to be had from the Commandments, and the Commandments were given by The God that changeth not (Malachi 3:6).
If God does not change, then it stands to reason that His Laws and Judgments will not require overhauling with every circumstance in our ever darkening world. For ... The Law is perfect ...
"The law of the LORD is perfect , converting the soul: the
testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the
commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the
judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine
gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them
there is great reward."
— Psalm 19:7-11
"The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether," ... and there it all is in a simple nutshell; True and righteous altogether are the Lord's judgments, based solely on His own unchanging and perfect Legal System. So if, therefore, America's Legal System changes with the slightest breeze, we fine well know that its operators are gathering their inspiration from the darkest recesses of Hell's apsis.
Apart from my viewing of the entire Judicial Committee meet with Elena Kagan, I also read Joseph Farah's ed that backgrounded Barry White Houses Security Strategy 2010 document. That paper does indeed provide a strategy to rebuild Babel and form a One World Satanic government.
But if we peruse Curious George Bush's Security Strategy 2006, and before, the same plan is laid bare. For the faithful it's all a further sign of the fulfilling of Biblical Prophecy; The End of Days scenario; The wicked bearing rule, and concertedly moving toward a single Mark of The Beast State.
In actual fact, Barry, in that very document, is openly promoting the Mark of The Beast concept. It's all the way through the document. A Super State and a New World Order. Any country, peoples, or person, not conforming as a part of the whole, will be alienated and cast out. Innocents that commit the crime of not caring to take on the Mark of The Beast of a One World State. A people who possibly fit a description made by Tolkien when he wrote;
"All that is gold does not glitter;
not all who wander are lost."
A clear representation of Gog and Magog that ultimately will meet its end in terrifying form, outlined in, for example, Ezekiel 38:2 through chapter 39 and on. So if you care to have nightmares then read those passages, and consider why even the United States of America will be destroyed. Then read The National Security Strategy, all three of them, then be enlightened. The servants of the Beast and those leading the world to destruction, under the guise of construction of the Babel variety, are our very elected leaders.
Yes indeed, God and country is a thing of the past, the New World Order, a near future dream or nightmare, beckons our spiritless leaders on. The aftermath of spiritual rebellion is ably highlighted in reference to rebellious Hebrews in Leviticus 26. The subsequent fear that tormented those people as a result of their rebellion crosses over and applies to any nation that fears then rejects God. The sound of a falling leaf terrifies them. They fear that every shadow may contain an enemy.
A nation that deviates from faith becomes a nation of cowards, and cowards seek company and solace from fellow cowards elsewhere. Their laws change to accommodate their growing panoply of faithless acts, and God's Commandments recede from view to be replaced by a heartless pasquinade of foolishness.
© Johnny D. Symon
July 2, 2010
Having studied law myself, I felt this week the compelling urge to watch the Senate Judiciary's Committee's tête-à-tête with Elena Kagan. I say tête-à-tête because Senator Patrick Leahy's prompt for Kagan to make a vow left me in doubt as to whether that third party, God, was in fact present.
It was the form by which the vow was presented that I had trouble with. I asked myself at that moment the question, "Had King Solomon occupied Patrick Leahy's seat, how would he have opened the discourse?" For you see, Patrick Leahy's standard request, "Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give on this matter, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" to which Elena Kagan replied, "I do," was redundant, because it was based on an assumption, an assumption that Elena Kagan did indeed believe in God. King Solomon's faith could be backed up by his strong knowledge of God's ways and indeed His Commandments. Solomon's wisdom therefore was irrefutable.
I reckon that King Solomon would have opened the meeting through placing the horse before the cart, by asking Elena Kagan, "Do you believe in God? And if so, do you love Him?" Should the reply have been in the affirmative, Solomon would feel free to question Kagan's faith, and her love, for it's clearly written in the Bible that if you love God you'll keep His Commandments. The following question would have been as follows, "Do you believe that the penalty for murder is death?"
Basically Elena Kagan's vow was worthless, and it was prompted from an empty assumption. For me it was yet another example of taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain, the third Commandment, which clearly states, "For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain."
A further troubling factor concerning the vow was the clear absence of a Bible. Nowhere on Kagan's table could I see one.
Primarily Solomon, I believe, would question the content of someone's profession of faith, for the sixth Commandment states, "Thou shalt not murder," at this point Solomon may well have asked, "Do you believe in abortion?" And with the tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, wife, manservant, maidservant, ox, ass, nor anything that is thy neighbors," to this King Solomon might well have asked, "Do you believe in the Laws of Civil Forfeiture?"
For you see, the wisdom of Solomon can be likened to a statement by Elie Wiesel;
"There is a difference between a book of two
hundred pages from the very beginning,
and a book of two hundred pages which is
the result of an original eight hundred pages.
The six hundred are there. Only you don't see them."
That's the difference between King Solomon and The Judicial Committee. Solomon would have wrapped up the whole deal in under two minutes, and correctly gleaned the right answer, and therefore the correct decision.
And so it goes, for without Solomon this week's Judicial Committee thing with Kagan, to me was a waste of space and time, since it was enacted from an empty assumption. Nonetheless, on her closing words Elena Kagan made an assurance, a vow even, " ... I will do all I can to be a trustee of that inheritance." The inheritance being 'this country's historic commitment to the rule of law'.

You see, if I was asked to explain one common bond that holds Renewamerica.com together — its able operators, and its astounding columnists, — I'd say that together we strive not to take the Lord's name in vain. Furthermore, I have little doubt that most of them would readily and ably explain everything about their faith and love for God. Surely this formula should be the foundation of any Judicial Committee interview ... not about Church and State, rather God and State, of persons and their faithful essence, otherwise the vow is worthless, and the law becomes putty, a malleable victim of ongoing everyday national circumstance.
People that don't value valued judgment, those who ask through "assumption" and answer through it, are for me prime suspects ... I suspect their faith to be transparent ... for assumptions lead to disaster, they instead gather water from the well of their personal views, convinced that the well within them encapsulates the sweet waters of truth. How wrong can they be, for the only legal truth is to be had from the Commandments, and the Commandments were given by The God that changeth not (Malachi 3:6).
If God does not change, then it stands to reason that His Laws and Judgments will not require overhauling with every circumstance in our ever darkening world. For ... The Law is perfect ...
"The law of the LORD is perfect , converting the soul: the
testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the
commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the
judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine
gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them
there is great reward."
— Psalm 19:7-11
"The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether," ... and there it all is in a simple nutshell; True and righteous altogether are the Lord's judgments, based solely on His own unchanging and perfect Legal System. So if, therefore, America's Legal System changes with the slightest breeze, we fine well know that its operators are gathering their inspiration from the darkest recesses of Hell's apsis.
Apart from my viewing of the entire Judicial Committee meet with Elena Kagan, I also read Joseph Farah's ed that backgrounded Barry White Houses Security Strategy 2010 document. That paper does indeed provide a strategy to rebuild Babel and form a One World Satanic government.

In actual fact, Barry, in that very document, is openly promoting the Mark of The Beast concept. It's all the way through the document. A Super State and a New World Order. Any country, peoples, or person, not conforming as a part of the whole, will be alienated and cast out. Innocents that commit the crime of not caring to take on the Mark of The Beast of a One World State. A people who possibly fit a description made by Tolkien when he wrote;
"All that is gold does not glitter;
not all who wander are lost."
A clear representation of Gog and Magog that ultimately will meet its end in terrifying form, outlined in, for example, Ezekiel 38:2 through chapter 39 and on. So if you care to have nightmares then read those passages, and consider why even the United States of America will be destroyed. Then read The National Security Strategy, all three of them, then be enlightened. The servants of the Beast and those leading the world to destruction, under the guise of construction of the Babel variety, are our very elected leaders.

A nation that deviates from faith becomes a nation of cowards, and cowards seek company and solace from fellow cowards elsewhere. Their laws change to accommodate their growing panoply of faithless acts, and God's Commandments recede from view to be replaced by a heartless pasquinade of foolishness.
© Johnny D. Symon
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