Johnny D. Symon
The Devil's Kitchen, USA
By Johnny D. Symon
March 18, 2011

I guess that my scribbling history says it all. I have nothing but respect for those brave enough to read my thoughts on any given subject, always reminding myself that to have readers at all is a great privilege and indeed promotes an even greater sense of responsibility. I've no problem bearing in mind that my readers are en masse far smarter than myself, so it therefore came as no surprise that due to the content of my last scribblings, some would approach me with the question, do I believe the official account of 9/11. That question's a bombshell, if you excuse the pun, but I intend to answer it in the fullest way possible, for there's no short and simple reply.

During the so-called McCarthy witch-hunts, where many were accused of being communists and/or working against the American way, a great man named Norman Dodd had gathered conclusive evidence to this effect, yet the evidence was buried by the powers that be. Normal everyday folks, on and up to Hollywood starlets, were accused of being communist and working against the State. But Norman Dodd had discovered genuine traitors, some of whom informed him personally that they were acting out of directives from nothing less than the White House.

As Chief investigator for the 1954 Reese Committee, Mr Dodd was to investigate Tax-exempt Foundations, he soon received an invite from Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, to visit them in New York and discuss his Committees motives.

On arrival Rowan Gaither asked Norman the question, "Why is Congress interested in activities of Foundations such as ourselves? Our directives emanate from the White House. Would you like to know what the substance of those directives are?" then he presented the following, "We use our grant making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." Norman Dodd was devastated to hear this, then replied with, "Mr Gaither, you've just forced Congress to spend $150,000 of taxpayers money to find out what you've just told me!"

Gaither the treacherous coward did not then take up Mr Dodd's challenge to state publicly what he'd just told Norman privately. Not so surprising I suppose that Gaither declined to go public on it, since the US and Russia were deeply at odds during the cold war at that time and many innocent Americans were also at that time being falsely accused of treachery, so a dream such as that, of merging the United States with its greatest enemy, should have equated as some "loose-time for the noose-time."

Yet Gaither the Traitor slipped the knot to go on and help draft a Top Secret 1957 Report, entitled, "Deterrence and Survival in the Nuclear Age." Top Secret for the eyes of the President only, pretending to be concerned about Russia and the cold war. What hypocrisy, after telling Norman Dodd that he intended to alter life in the United States through merging it with the Soviet Union just 3 years earlier, and the Soviet threat, greater than ever before by 1957, we find Gaither the Traitor on the roster proposing a wide-reaching plan to thwart communist Russia's evil nuclear arms intentions.

Nevertheless the saying still goes, "If you want to find the answers, follow the dough!" With Gaither and his buddies who drafted the Top Secret Report, all you have to do is leaf your way to the end of the document and discover just who, or what, the Board represented, for the very entities they belonged to were to anticipate large windfalls should the President rubber stamp the Report. Of further interest, within the Report lay a plan to increase personal income tax on an incremental scale to pay the companies this Board represented.

Small wonder the 2-Party System is no longer trusted. So rapidly has the United States devolved from the Land of Milk and Honey into the Devil's Kitchen. Quite frankly though, it was all by design.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the primary target for destruction. They're the sole weapon against this plan of all out tyranny. Many times in the recent past I've told people in foreign lands that I've visited that, in my opinion, America's Constitution and Bill of Rights are more important to them than they are to Americans themselves, for the simple reason that they stand unique in history, and therefore serve hope to people of other oppressed nations, that they also could attain this form of treasure, the key to unlock and scatter tyranny from their soil. I sadly have to admit that the knowledge of America's vibrant protective force is appreciated less and less on its home soil.

"... the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party. By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd."

Who said dat ting? Who done said that we's jest cattle? Yo!

Well, the above was written in secret back in 1892 within a document we call the Bankers Manifesto. By now you should have begun to realize who those bankers were, and why therefore America is all but ruined, with a once free people standing on the threshold of slavery:

The 2-Party System are the pot and the kettle arguing in the Devil's Kitchen over who's the blackest one, or maybe it's the frying pan and the fire taking turns to be both in alternate fashion come election time. Either method gains the same result ... those 2 Parties are One and the Same, and to place your trust in either of those treacherous entities is to do exactly what the evil bankers had planned in their 1892 Manifesto ...

"the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism."

What kind of antagonism between Americans would most please the evil shadow government? The answer's quite simple really, for they said it themselves; anything that leaves them free to secretly build their New World Order, an order they clearly outline in the Manifesto as follows;

"When, through the process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world."

The military form part of that "strong arm of the government" as described above, but it must be pointed out that the military are there to protect the people and the Constitution, and NOT the tyrannical institutions. I well remember one prime example of so-called leadership pouring contempt on the military. It was Henry Kissin'-gerbil who said, "Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." With that kind of mindset it's easy to equate with the view of "principal men" that common people are dumb, stupid animals too.

But you know something? There's not one person in US Uniform who isn't worth 10 million Kissin'-gerbils, and not one common American who shouldn't expect Kissin'-gerbil to kiss their feet.

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race
is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to
men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill .."

... and why is this? Because the most unworthy cretins generally get the top jobs. Solomon also said that he saw fools on horseback and princes walking, and he said it for the same reason. The biggest fools in America are politicians.

Therefore, our evil plot-hatchers, the above inscribed "principal men" are more than pleased to see normal Americans bickering over gay rights, black rights, pollution, climate change, rising sea levels, Muslims against Christians and vice versa, Israel and Islam, New Testament Old Testament, etc, etc, and even that illusive butterfly, tax cuts, followed by healthcare reform, the price of gas, whether Obama has chosen a church in Washington DC or not, you name it, for those are the categories they wish to have cattle chewing the cud on in the open field.

It's clearly written that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. It doesn't say, when the righteous are in church the people rejoice, though Christians would rejoice at this of course. Nonetheless, the wisdom of this passage lays down the responsibility on leaders to be honest in all their authoritative endeavors for the peoples sake, and if they're evil and corrupt the people will be found mourning, whether or not that presidential freak attended church last Sunday. Though quite frankly he's better advised to stay at home, and not lie further in prayer.

They're important issues, sure, but all of them are as a result of the wicked machinations of psychopaths, who describe themselves as principal men, engaged in the forming of an Imperialist world, a New World Order. They've stolen ALL of Americas wealth, and wish to steal its sovereignty and the peoples liberty, and to remove the founding documents protecting a free people, but it ain't so easy to accomplish if we're watching with an educated eye on what they're doing.

Now we all know why Michele Bachmann changed her mind about the Patriot Act and voted its continuance just to see what's in it, Pelosi-style. Her about-turn was no more and no less than a reflex action to successful bribery. Therefore her action should be rewarded not with an earmark for the presidency, but for removal and replacement for 2012. In a political sense, Washington DC next election should be fashioned into a prime political example of Job 15:34 in action ...

"For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate,
and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery."

The tabernacles of bribery belonging to, and controlled by, the shadow government and its presidential parody show. There's barely a handful of well-meaning people who have entered the Federal government, not to be corrupted, defiled and bribed soon thereafter.

You see, any sensible voter who has gained an understanding of this truth would be resolved to vote for a third Party come 2012 and thus break the bankers formula for control. If every voter in America did just that the result would be no different, but the revealing of this fact would be enough to open the eyes of a blinded electorate, for I reckon with 100% of America's vote going independent-ward, the corrupted electronic voting system would spin Ron Paul no more than 25% of the electoral cake, leaving America's shadow government, yet again, with the frying pan or fire of their choice. That's how great a bunch of bovine-brained suckers we are. Maybe the Bankers Manifesto was correct in its view that we're all cattle of one common herd ... too stupid to hear the sounds of the slaughter house we're thoughtlessly grazing towards.

"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it's realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy."
— Ron Paul 7/10/03

Needless to say, Traitor Gaither did not earn the attention of those behind the communist witch-hunt deception, for the simple reason that if Gaither was telling the truth about where those directives hailed from, a communist conspiracy involving an active assault on America's sovereignty was really centered in the Oval Office as Gaither earnestly assured Mr Dodd, "We use our grant making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." An interesting plan in all respects, Imperialism in other words, and one curiously in line with a scenario Louis T McFadden warned about during his epic speech in the House of Representatives, January 24, 1934, when he said;

    "Mr. Chairman, if you, as one of the party in power, are thinking of remaking the world so that the old America we knew and loved is to be no more; if you are one of those who is countenancing the placing of this country under the British Crown and the pooling of all American resources with those of England and Soviet Russia; if you are one of those to whom a title of nobility appears to be more desirable than plain citizenship in the Republic founded by George Washington, I trust that you will some day descend from the Speaker's chair and let us know the reasons for your preference."

So spoke a great and incorruptible patriot. Wow, he even described the US as a Republic! What a rare commodity that is. I appreciated the part above, where he said, "If you are one of those to whom a title of nobility appears to be more desirable .. in the Republic founded by George Washington," for one simple reason, that I began to imagine he was talking to "Sir" Alan Greenspan, Knight of England, leastwise I wish he'd come back to state this to Greenspawn and others of his wretched ilk.

Back to the experiences of Norman Dodd, and another Tax-exempt Foundation, namely the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, that offered him the use of their official library to one of his researchers for the duration of 2 weeks, during which time the Board's Minute Books, from the Foundation's inception could be studied.

Mr Dodd accepted their offer and duly dispatched a lawyer named Katherine Casey, a firm skeptic who strongly supported the entire charitable foundation system. Mr Dodd instructed Katherine to spot read the Minute Books, and outlined vital time periods for her to scrutinize, as to study nigh on 50 years of Minutes in a fortnight was impossible for one investigator. She returned at the end of the fortnight a changed person, devastated with what she had found, for during it's opening year the Board discussed the question, "Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?" at years end their official noted down conclusion was, "No more effective means is known."

The following year saw a second question brought before the Board, namely, "How do we involve the United States in a war?" They soon found the answer, which was, "We must control the State Department." To this they further discussed the question, "How do we do that?" and the answer was resoundingly brought forth as "We must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country."

When investigator Katherine Casey reached the Minute Books of the period of WW1, she found logged a communication from the Board directly to president Woodrot Wilson, insisting that he personally sees to it that "the war does not end too quickly." A dire command that old Woodrot no doubt took to his miniscule brain and worthless heart.

Furthermore, Katherine Casey suffered through yet another grim revelation in the Minute Books logged shortly after WW1, "To prevent a reversion to life as it was before the war we must control Education in the US." Katherine discovered later that to do so they connected up with the Rockefeller Foundation where, as co-conspirators, their plan was ably hatched and executed, whereon the dumbing down of America and the re-writing of its history earnestly began.

William Butler Yeats offered some helpful advice concerning education, or lack of it as outlined above, when he said,

"Education is not the filling of a pail,

but the lighting of a fire."

And that's exactly what the Illuminatis most fear ... an educated peoples with the fire of knowledge in their hearts, lighting the way back down the road to national recovery, and that very flame would soon consume the deadwood that's blocking America's lifeblood from flowing. The deadwood, the tinder that hides from an enlightened torch behind the Federal Reserve criminal Cabal system.

The knowledge of that hidden inner darkness of an evil shadow government, with its highly corruptive and bribe-ridden nature eventually destroyed Katherine Casey, and she finally lost her mind, to become yet another casualty in the war against America's established liberty.

Subsequently the Reese Committee was dissolved, and justice took a back seat. The Warren Commission met the same fate, on and up through the Franklin sex, child-prostitution and drugs scandals, and ultimately the 9/11 Commission. Some of those commissioners went on record stating that the whole thing was a whitewash, as indeed it was, but history is my witness yet again when I say, so what's new?

Well, let's not forget what Louis T McFadden said back in January 1934 ...

" .. if you are one of those who is countenancing the placing of this country under the British Crown and the pooling of all American resources with those of England and Soviet Russia .."

That was a new idea, or at least new to the general public. Yet the knowledge of something newest of all in our day and age would not have surprised our old and trusted friend Louis T McFadden, to discover a US "cock a snook" President defying Constitutional requirements and boasting of having a father who was a British sovereign from a British Colony in Africa.

What an apt British term "cock a snook" is to describe the behavior of the runt of the Oval Office. Small wonder he views the Constitution and Bill of Rights as something to trample on, though again it's nothing new. Bush 43 described the Constitution as "just a goddamn piece of paper!" And Bush 41 told a reporter that if the American people ever discovered what they'd been up to they'd be lynched!I don't believe he said it through guilty conscience though, just as a matter of fact, for you see, a true conscience steers one toward righteous acts and away from acts of concealed tyranny involving the Satanic concept of a New World Order, which I refer to as a Return to Babel in direct defiance of a powerful judgment that dispersed and confounded the world's population, leading them to seek out and build diverse and unique nations of their own. A nation such as Katanga, in the Congo, which served as a prime example of a well run African nation, that withstood the scourge of growing communism in that region, until that is, the UN sent in their "peace-keeping" troops who then began to commit genocide on an innocent and peaceful people. Subsequently the UN achieved success as Katanga fell also into the grip of communism.

It's clearly written that nation shall rise against nation. A New World Order contradicts that prophecy, and if any US President promotes such a thing then he lied on oath and deserves to be lynched. My choice however is more novel, for I prefer the garotte.

If Presidents make their oath and enter their watch knowing full well that they've already made an oath to a previous master, and that master directs them to orchestrate a New World Order plan, that requires a pogrom against a large percentage of the world's population, those Presidents, past and present still alive, together with their closest accomplices, should be stripped naked in a public place to be slowly garotted to death. For it's clearly written that treason requires the death penalty, so what better way to end a century of tyranny, ransacking, and destruction of sovereignty, than to dispatch the still living culprits, including the bankers, to the hell they so richly deserve in the most undignified way possible, showing them off to the world's public for the human effluent they are.

I opened this ed promising several folks that I would air my personal views on 9/11. For the most part I already have. The 2-Party System is by design an orchestrated attempt at blinding the people, while America's hidden government shuts down the Nation forever. They've said it themselves, as we've already seen. I believe 9/11 to be part of that process, though I confess that I remained firmly and consciously ignorant of that period until 2004 and the March 11 bombings in Madrid, Spain, and indeed the London bombings, and several more besides.

I sat back and awaited the 9/11 Commission's Report, then reached out to other sources, expert in their field, who contested the Commission's findings, and the Commission fell short while the experts convinced me that further research was necessary. In reality I find the fabric of 9/11 to be increasingly transparent, and the official account no less than further proof that America is governed by those who view the common people as simply beasts of the field, with no sense of understanding, whereas I myself regard people as people.

I'm not fooled by any process of division. Barriers and boundaries between people of a nation are artificial, as is the transparent curtain dividing Americans and the manipulating Wizard.

Of 9/11 I choose scientific evidence over lying political rhetoric, for after all, true scientists offer tangible research, whereas "true" Washington politicians are known to be in the employ of hostile forces. That's no secret. And those hostile forces are again to be revealed as one continues to follow the money.

Next September sees a decade that supports a lie and covers a great crime against humanity. Normal Americans, young and old, wishing to travel are having their genitals fondled in public by perfect strangers. And truth be known, it's not because they're suspected of being terrorists, it's because a lesson was learned during the time of the Third Reich and the reign of Adolf Hitler, who is reputed to be the son of a Rothschild, that to enslave a people you have first to de-humanize them; remove their sense of right to privacy and to even own property, their right to enjoy the privacy or intimacy of concealing their naked body in public.

The march toward Imperialism, League of Nations, or New World Order, that entails a vast reduction in the world's populace, of which is even inscribed on the Georgia Stones, presenting a figure of just half a billion remaining people on planet earth, belongs only in the minds of Satanic psychopaths. As each orchestrated tragedy unfolds, Presidents past and present, pop up in the media to state that this is yet another golden opportunity, and a real chance, to build our New World Order.

Suffice to say, the tragic events of 9/11 were soon met with that very statement. Do I believe the official account? No I don't. And anyone else who has studied this subject in depth, if they're honest with themselves and faithful to the teachings of their Maker, would reject the official account also.

What a grave and treacherous time we all live in. When the prophet Isaiah exclaimed, "Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near," the inference was that at some time darkness would befall the people, making it nigh on impossible to seek out and find Him, for the darkness would be so great.

I believe America to be on the brink of total darkness. The end of days leads to the darkest of nights, and the people yearn for a new dawn, a new age. Our leaders are following the lords of darkness, and the people are in mourning. Both main political parties are the Devil's handiwork. Combined they are a vile and poisonous recipe for destruction simmering in the Devil's Kitchen, USA.

© Johnny D. Symon


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